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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Magic is all one type again? Disappointing. Carrying units gives a boost? Okay, so just in case early game pegs weren't good enough they can now fight well while carrying your lord to the finish. Just what they needed. Learning skills through leveling up sounds cool. I wonder how transferring skills will work then? FE10's capacity system wouldn't really work here.
  2. It's debatable. I just tend to say there is no Cain/Able duo in FE3 and that the archetype didn't really show up until Kaga left, but that's a discussion for a different topic. Have we seen anyone else with any buttons to lose? I suppose should could find a use for them patching up wounds.
  3. Cecil(le) from FE3/12 is arguably the first. Maybe the no shoulder armor thing is actually practical- she knows enemies will use them as a target and she uses that to her advantage! Now I just have to figure out the practical use for all those buttons Liz has...
  4. So, again, all "Marth" having a female voice actor means is that this character won't sound like the Super Smash Bros. Marth. It doesn't necessarily say anything about the character beyond that.
  5. All having a female voice actor really tells us is that the "Marth" in this will sound different from the Marth in Brawl.
  6. Battle Monk could be like the Warrior Monks of Japan's history.
  7. Isn't that just the old rescue mechanic? That's what it sounds like.
  8. Oh, hey. Inne's name in Japan is Phineas. Also, did anyone notice how ridiculous that mounted crit is around 5:25? That horse needs to learn that it's in combat, not Looney Tunes.
  9. Have they explicitly confirmed support convos? I know supports are confirmed, but, well, those have been in every game since FE4. I would assume convos will be back, but who knows what might happen with those in here. For instance, I could see them going more the FE10 route for the in-battle support mechanics.
  10. http://serenesforest.net/general/designer4_2.html No mention of just how long it was. However, it says that Akaneia was barely civilized as of the events of FE4/5, so I would guess it was thousands of years. I'm thinking early Mesopotamian civilization-ish compared to Jugdral's medieval setting, which would indeed be thousands of years unless Akaneia's technology got way, way better very, very quickly.
  11. People here are attributing storing items to him, but if he doesn't have to be deployed then doesn't that show that storing items is unrelated to him? 1/10. Retrieving items isn't worth a deployment slot.
  12. It would be interesting to see where Jugdral is at this point. Didn't FE4/5 take place thousands of years before FE1/2/3? That would probably put their technology level beyond ours, assuming they progressed at the same speed as humans did in real life.
  13. So with the discussion of the value of Battle Cleric, is anyone worried about whether or not it will be worth using both magic and swords with MU?
  14. How do people not notice Callum in that armor? Also, I find it ironic that Frederick means peaceful ruler given Prussia's kings, but I doubt that's where Fred's name comes from. I'm guessing they wanted a medieval knight sounding name and that fit, rather than set him up as a ruler.
  15. I was talking about the armor knights being impractical. Marth didn't wear pants 20 years ago. He has for quite a while now. Compared to wearing a giant metal shellfish that could literally weight a ton, that's not bad anyways. I mean, how hard would it be to stand in that armor and not fall over sideways, let alone move and fight?
  16. To be honest, I feel like the continents have changed too much based on the one overlap I've seen. How much has Europe's coast changed since the Romans? This game probably doesn't take place *that* long after FE11/12 anyways. Armor knights are seriously messed up in this game. I mean, Liz wearing buttons could be passed of as her being quite the individual, but that's just ridiculously impractical to be standard in battle and I find it rather displeasing aesthetically, too. Also, I don't know if this has been mentioned, but what are those circular chart things on the branched promotion page? I don't know enough kanji to figure it out. Some sort of growth chart maybe?
  17. If Liz wants to be a viable axe user, she needs like a 75% STR growth at least. I mean, that would only give her 21 STR at max level, which is not too great compared to most FE games, especially when it would be a pain to get her there.
  18. A flying healer would be the ultimate utility unit, though. Especially if we could put skills like charisma on it.
  19. Also Elincia. Given that that is Queen_Elincia. I would also like avoid to actually help units' durability again, although I wouldn't want it to reach the levels of GBA characters never getting hit.
  20. I enjoy being happy -> I like drugs? When did they say everything would be handed to you? I think the idea is that you would be in what is your ideal vision of life. I think this is assuming we don't end up in a situation like The Matrix Also, I feel like a lot of people would at first choose reality, but if it is really as bad as I'm imagining people would either die or decide to abandon it because it sucked so much.
  21. Well, you know maybe this masked person is trying to make people think he/she's Marth and that's why he/she is dressed up as him and is wearing a mask? The form to me also implies that it's a female, but, well, there are plenty of examples of Japanese characters that look like girls and are actually full grown men.
  22. The implication is that you're happy in these "dreams" and not in the reality, right? In that case, I choose the dream. All anyone really wants is what, in the end, makes them happy. The only reason to choose otherwise is because you don't believe you would be happy in the dream. Or to make people on the internet think something of you when you know you will never actually be in that situation. Anyways, as long as the dream really is better than reality, yeah I'd choose that.
  23. Glen: Would have been awesome if you hadn't already done, like, every single thing there was to do besides repeat the ruins by the time he joined. If Valter hadn't killed him... :/ That said, not too great once he does join, even if there was much stuff left to be great at doing. 3.5/10 Hayden: Bad stats, crappy availability, lacks 1-2 range. 2/10 Valter: We killed you like 8 chapters ago so obviously my units are way better than you now, and there's still almost nothing left to do. 1/10, because I also hate you for story reasons. Fado: 5 MOV no availability .5/10 Lyon: Why would I ever do anything after I get you? I've played every chapter in the game and done the tower and ruins three times each. I guess I could try and get a skirmish on that one map that was unused during the main game? Oh, and then you'll die anyways because you have 0 AS. Fun fun! 0/10
  24. Um, the two have similar hair and both wear similar clothing. There's a significant difference between "similar" and "exactly." For instance, looking at Marth's OA from FE12, the tiaras are different, the cape wraps around his neck differently, the broach is different, below the waste and the shirt-thing is entirely different, and the body type is different. That comment about lack of breasts could be explained by her being flat chested, which seems entirely possible to me based on that picture. Also notice the hips. And the fingers. And the legs. Given Etzel and Lucius, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a girl, though. I know the character design *could* have changed, but that is hardly conclusive. Also, what is up with their shoes and what Krom is wearing below his belt in general?
  25. "Marth's" hair is purple in that picture. What exactly is there that makes people think this is not a new continent entirely? A person who resembles Marth with a mask and a portion of the map that sorta fits part of Archanea?
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