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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I'm not sure how to answer this. I think MU will be more important to the plot here, but since this isn't a remake IS won't have to write in new chapters devoted to MU that weren't in the game to begin with. I don't think MU will have its own side-story like FE12, but I suspect it will play a bigger role in the main story so a lot chapters could possibly be considered "MU's."
  2. Did you read the first post? Is this just classical music, or does more modern music for orchestra/symphony/etc. also count?
  3. In the GBA era, there isn't a generator. There's a set order for the RNG, which is why certain prologue hits/misses/criticals happen the same way so often. The variation comes from how you move the units and certain menu selections, I think, as well as of course doing different things.
  4. Meh combat for sure. He's a thief, but then most of the time using thief isn't the most efficient way of the getting the loot, which also oftentimes isn't worth going out of your way to get. 6/10
  5. In general I'd like to see fewer characters who are, well, better characters. That would come to be an issue gameplay wise, though. What effect would killing units off have? You would also lose a lot of replayability if you only had, say, 12 characters because you'd use basically all of them every time.
  6. You say that like there's any reasonable way to get her to Ranger before, like, chapter 11 at the earliest.
  7. 1/10. Ross level combat at base, getting like 10 EXP a turn on average if she's lucky, and not even really good if you manage to train her up. I mean, I'd take 10/0 Franz over 10/1 Neimi any day, and Franz will be hitting level 10 like six chapters before Neimi hits level 10 at best.
  8. It was never settled so much as people realized that there was no way to make any headway. You say this like trying to do things to make yourself happier is bad. Certainly people tend to go just a wee bit overboard, but, well, it is the internet.
  9. 6/10 Rather helpful when he first shows up, but trolololol 20% SPD growth and not being too impressive elsewhere means he's probably not a longterm team member. Still, he's good at the beginning, and that's more than a lot of this game's units who join early seem to have to say. Also, Ross beating Gill by a full point makes me a little sad...
  10. Huh, me too. Does that make us siblings?
  11. Well, FE6 enemies are much better than FE8's and FE6's weapons have much lower accuracy to begin with. Axelock is bad in FE6, but not so much in games after that.
  12. 2/10. Absolutely terrible start, but at least all you need him to do is hit things to get a bunch of experience, and he has his handy hatchet to do that. Of course, he has that whole 4 MOV problem for a while, and he never gets above 6 MOV. Given his starting level, too, he'll probably never be on par with the rest of your team. But at least he can reach the point of being thoroughly meh, which is more than quite a few of this game's early joiners can hope for in any sort of efficiency run.
  13. Wait, so we have had suggestions to make armors move as fast as regular infantry and for mounted units to only move as fast as regular infantry... If we're doing this, why bother having anything other than regular infantry? At least only have ordinary foot units would make more sense than Gilliam moving as fast as a galloping horse. Also, yes not all variety is good, but would you care to explain how having some units on horses and some not is bad? The problem is with how they're balanced. If you look to quite a few RTS games, cavalry are quite balanced. The problem is that in FE cavalry are just faster infantry. If they play a different but still helpful role, they'll be more balanced.
  14. Vanessa is one of those many units we get in the beginning of this game that will never have good combat in any sort of efficient run. Good news for her? She flies and has great aid. I don't think flying is as helpful in this game as it is in some, so I'm going with a 7.5/10.
  15. Have you watched commercials lately? They're all becoming ridiculous with the intention of being funny while not actually telling you anything about the product.
  16. That wouldn't have the same effect. If you increase the might by 3 all around, then you have archers doing 3-6 more damage a round. If you have some sort of DEF penetrating ability, they would be more effective against more heavily armored foes and could potentially become very powerful later in the game when you see enemies with DEF getting up into the 20's or even 30 if this game continues the trend of having super high difficulties.
  17. Things only matter in certain playstyles/skill levels. If you really don't care about movement, then GK is better. Personally, I'd take paladin every time, but that's because of how I play.
  18. I thought the crossbow was overall less effective a weapon (my understanding is that it's slower and has a worse range, which I would guess would also translate into less power, but I'm certainly no expert) but required almost no training when compared with a regular bow. It doesn't change the fact that bows were very powerful. It would be nice if archers in FE represented that. What if bows had some sort of DEF-penetrating ability or something? Obviously it would need to be balanced some way, but what do people think of that? I would be happy enough to see more FE10 Shinon-esque archers, but if they're going to give us a growth archer, giving them an ability like that could be nice.
  19. Erm, he heads (IIRC) the Laguz Emancipation Army. So he'd be joining the GMs. Also, I would take Tormod over Soren any day in the GMs. While Tormod's MAG could be better, his durability, SPD, and Celerity are really nice compared to Soren's.
  20. Efficiency wouldn't be the absolute minimum. Otherwise things couldn't be more or less efficient than other things. There's a difference between efficient use of turns (and money, EXP, etc.) and the most efficient use of turns (or money, EXP, etc.)
  21. I think a lot of people look at ~5 as neutral, so a character like Wil is overall detrimental. Athos helps some, and helping some>>>>>sucking a lot. If Noble Lady of Caelin was the last chapter of the game, I'd probably give Wil somewhere around a 5.
  22. 3D character portraits/battle animations seem likely if it uses the top/bottom split like the DS games.
  23. Because it's a game and so enemy units get stronger with yours. Well, sort of, yours tend to get stronger, but that's beside the point. What if they all showed up in the Prologue? There's a balance between fun and logic in video games.
  24. Gilliam's personal DEF base is 0. Generic knights in FE8 have 9 base DEF, too. Except that's at level 1, not level 4.
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