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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. You know, if you did take CHARACTER'S contributions (as opposed to units') into account, there would have been some interesting things to see. Fin, Marcus, Ike, Titania, etc. would have a lot to their names between their two (or arguably three for Fin) games in which they're awesome. I'm sure there would be some hilarity with Archanea characters, too. Existing in five (and arguably even six) games is just ridiculous. I won't lie, compared to the detail you put into Sigurd's, Seth's review sounded kinda lame... but being number one deserves a wall of praise, I guess. Just a little sad to see Seth sort of skipped over for Sigurd when the fight was really pretty close, it seemed.
  2. It's a sequel. The story, especially when character development is taken into account, is massively better than FE11's.
  3. Early flier, and with help from LHM she can be a competent combatant. 9/10
  4. It would probably be because the people in America who would have any clue who Nobunaga was probably aren't all that interested in Pokemon. Not that there are all that many to begin with.
  5. Ah, Lyn. Well, to start off with, there's her AMAZING durability. What makes it so amazing? Well, she's got the second worst HP and DEF bases in the entire game! Nils has 2 less HP than her at base and Lucius has 1 less DEF. Mind you, Nils also has 3 more DEF and Lucius has 2 more HP. So, yeah. Good start, right? Her subpar growths in those areas don't help. Also, unlike the other units with such poor durability, she's swordlocked, so no ranged attacks (until promotion) and she also WTD against a huge number of enemies. These others are either mages or utility units. Her offense really isn't too great either. She has the lowest base STR in the game, bar Serra/Nils/Ninian, on top of using the weakest weapon type that is made weaker by constant WTD. Her STR growth isn't especially good, either. She DOES have Lyn Mode to get stuff, but I would argue Kent, Sain, and Florina are better with a lot of the resources, including EXP. That's not to say she doesn't get anything out of it, it's just that she's overshadowed really from the beginning. Luckily for her, she's got the Mani Katti. That's 45 chances for her to hit armors and cavs for a ton of damage, and on each one she has a pretty good shot at OHKOing them thanks to its crit. The problem is... 45 attacks isn't a whole lot, although I guess there is Hammerne. When does hammerne show up? Anyways, that's especially true when we've got Marcus and potentially pally Kent/Sain running around with offense that's just as good against those enemies as well as +3 MOV and hugely better durability and 1-2 range and better offense against... all of the other enemies. Then you've got plenty of units doing at least as well as she is in every area except cav/knight offense. All in all, I give the Mani Katti a 6/10.
  6. But, while Soren looks like a dark mage, he never uses magic that also looks like dark magic. Even if dark magic as a weapon type isn't back, it seems likely that she specializes in it. It might be something like how Merric/Linde had Excalibur/Aura.
  7. But other games' plots weren't written with the intent of story-important choices being made.
  8. Well, she also certainly appeared to focus on dark magic, based on her appearance.
  9. Crimea is clearly a peninsula ruled by a Khan.
  10. No, that's not true. Do steel weapons not exist period just because there isn't a steel weapon type?
  11. Except that killing the kitten and doing nasty things to its skull doesn't help you. At first, the situation looks pretty hopeless for Crimea. Why not join with the winners? The GMs are mercenaries to begin with. Loyalty isn't something mercenaries are known for. The choice is between standing up for what you believe in and protecting your own hide, not being decent or a psychopathic kitten-torturer. Now, this IS a video game, so going with the honorable decision seems more obvious... perhaps the paths could have something to do with difficulty? You could go for something not particularly moral, but it makes the game easier, or you could be the honorable type and get a harder game.
  12. FE3 has a shortened version of FE1 as well as a sequel, which was remade with FE12. FE4 is Genealogy of the Holy War, with the two generations and was the first game with a skill system. FE4 definitely has units that use both magic and weapons. FE5 continued with the skill system and units that use both Magic and swords (Olwen and Eyrios). Gonzales in FE6 is a playable brigand with garbage hit rates but certain other things that make up for it. Edit: Oh, and Marty in FE5 is also a playable brigand.
  13. Honestly, the first firearms were less effective than other weapons. They just took almost no training to use.
  14. In the newer games, I'm pretty sure hatched Pokemon come out at level 1 instead of level 5. To explain all those level 2-4 wild ones.
  15. Rebecca really, really sucks. She has, like, the worst offense on your team to start out with, bar Serra (and really not by that much...) and, unlike everyone else, can only even apply this terrible offense once a turn. "Oh, but once you train her up-" Then she still sucks. For one thing, the amount of effort that it takes to train her up would only be worthwhile if she turned into a flying ORKO monster that never dies. But she doesn't. Not even close. No, she has acceptable offense after that absurd amount of EXP you have to get her via her crappy once a turn 10 ATK. Acceptable offense, and still only once a turn. Compared to the horde of mounted/flying units you can have running ahead of her and ORKOing enemies on EP thanks to javelins/handaxes. Even if you don't have a bunch of 8 MOV monsters running ahead of her, you've still got all of your other units doing like five times as much as she is. Now that you've trained her up, she's still only contributing more than, like, Karla, Wallace, Nino, and maybe Wil, depending on his SPD. And given what we poured into Rebecca, you could justify dumping EXP into Nino, too, making Nino better than a trained Rebecca. All Rebecca has going for her is existing in a few chapters for free. I mean, she can accomplish something them, right? 1.1/10
  16. I think the point is that it WOULD impact the overall arc of the story. The story would change completely depending on the choice(s) you made. For instance, as said above, one of the routes makes the story about Krom trying to win over the heart of a princess while the other sparks a conflict between nations. If you chose A, B would never happen because Krom would never have done anything to incite the conflict, while if you chose B, A would never happen because he never would have met the princess. As much as I would like this, I don't think IS could pull it off very well. I mean, people always talk about how short FE8 is at 22 chapters. Overall, you've got 28 main story chapters plus one skirmish map you never see during the main game and you have the Ruins and Tower. Now if you've got two completely separate stories as well as the likely inclusion of Tower/Ruin like features? Because, quite frankly, it seems far more likely that IS would go the route of having the same content total as one game rather than having multiple full length games packed into one. After all, that's what seems to happen in almost every single game with branching paths.
  17. You never discussed Feena, in either FE3 or FE12. Was that intentional?
  18. Or paid DLC that really adds to the game and is worth the money. $10-$15 for a 10-15 chapter add-on that functions as a short sequel/prequel/etc? That sounds worthwhile to me.
  19. People want bows to be better, so they're discussing how to do that. Some people think nerfing 1-2 range weapons should be done to help makes bows better; others don't. It doesn't seem to have gone much of anywhere, though...
  20. That's not what happened. You said that Ragnell was the best 1-2 range weapon. He said that Wishblade was pretty great, too. Then you said that Ragnell was better because of its availability. He said that, by that logic. other weapons are better. Then, frustrated, you basically said "I'm right, you're wrong." The one argument you offered (that you would use Ragnell, if given the choice, over Hand Axes, Javelins, or Tempest Blades) falls back into the realm where Wishblade is really not much worse, because, if given the choice, Wishblade would not be far behind Ragnell. In fact, depending on the situation, I might choose Wishblade over Ragnell. If you want me to analyze the whole 3-11 to 4-E-3 thing and show how it actually supports the Wishblade or is really just cut off at a completely arbitrary place, I can. The problem with debating online is that no one is ever willing to concede. It's about winning the argument, not actually coming to a conclusion of which side is better/correct.
  21. Really? So Ike alone with Ragnell can kill more than Ike with a generic 1-2 range sword, Titania, Haar, Sothe, etc etc using 1-2 range weapons? Somehow I doubt that.
  22. The enemies can sure be frustrating near the beginning. Later on, difficulty always peters out in FE, but that's really just another problem I think FE should fix. What about skills? Formations? Weapon diversity? There's more to what makes a unit good than its ATK, DEF, and AVO. Obviously I disagree about the whole "perfect a solution as you can get" based on us saying what we're saying. And for the enemy density? So what? That doesn't change the fact that i don't like how they're going about making the game difficult. It makes it more manageable, but manageability was never something I had a problem with. Can you make something objectively not fun? Anyways, obviously the AI wouldn't be perfect so that that would be avoided. I suspect it could be given certain restrictions, and a reset AI option would probably be included.
  23. It doesn't bother me if enemies are tough to kill. It doesn't bother me if they're stronger than your units. It just depends on HOW they're stronger than your units. Enemy cavaliers being Abel with 5-10 extra level ups and an absurd forge isn't fun. That, across all games, just feels fake to me. There are plenty of other ways even of making enemy units stronger than yours, and plenty of ways beyond that to make the game difficult. Also, regarding the whole gnome in a cartridge thing, I heard IBM has made a computer chip that can learn. So maybe one day we will have brilliant AI that learns how to counter your strategies.
  24. Enemy specific things can be fun and challenging, I agree. My problem is having enemy archers be Gordin+.
  25. It wouldn't surprise me if Seth was pretty far back, though. I mean, FE8 is very easy, and to a lot of people, that makes him not so great a unit.
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