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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. So what do you guys think is going on at ~1:30 with the guy transforming?
  2. Marisa is basically a trainee but with fourteen fewer levels to stop sucking so much. AKA she doesn't even get good if you use the tower, and she doesn't even have the chance if you don't. 1/10.
  3. It would be fairly simple to do so via Nightmare, although then you would have problems with promotions.
  4. Honestly, I've never been too impressed by Tethys compared to certain other dancers. 7/10
  5. My sister had a roommate last semester. We were concerned her roommate would bludgeon her in her sleep. I have never wished that roommate a happy birthday. Potentially violent insane people don't deserve birthdays.
  6. I think Gerik is generally overrated. Why? Well, basically, movement. Mind you, I'm not going to call him bad, but when you have higher movement units, it's harder for Hero Gerik to do stuff and Ranger Gerik doesn't have 1-2 range or the damage axes can do. Also, he joins fairly late. The later a unit joins, the easier it is for their role to be replicated unless they do something unique. I don't mean to say Gerik isn't contributing because other units exist, but his contributions aren't as significant. 6.5/10.
  7. At some point I went into painstaking detail to explain to a group of people why Amelia is one of the worst units in Fire Emblem history. As the poster above me pointed out, I don't need to do that. So I'm giving her a 0/10 and letting you guys all imagine her awesome base parameters being put into use.
  8. I think I gave Vanessa a 7.5 or something. Tana really isn't going to be going anywhere combat-wise either, and has lost out most notably on chapter 7 flying utility. What's left I can't give her full credit for, either, since she does it no better than Vanessa. 6/10.
  9. The katakan is レー、rather than it being 'ei,' not that that technically changed the pronunciation. In other news: ITT people treat their opinion as fact.
  10. Narazumono basically means "bandit," I believe... So I would venture he's a generic enemy.
  11. I think so. Even if we figure out things like what exactly the Big Bang was (or what there was instead of it,) it just seems to me there's no way for humans to truly understand how the very tiny (like electrons) and the absolutely massive (like dimensions we don't exist in) work unless we were to fuse ourselves with super computers or something.
  12. Isn't it actually Erureen, rather than Erurein? If they were going for something like Elerian, I would expect Ererien, or some such thing. Of course, I don't think the team needs to stay *that* close to the kana.
  13. Huh, that suggests Roberto rather than Robert. Unless I'm mistaken, Robert would be ロバート. At least, that's what I've heard.
  14. I liked SD's ingame art, but the official art? Not so much.
  15. At first I read that as NOT a possible name, and I was like "Um, Malicia is also not English." But then I reread it. I like Santos more than Samto, myself. I like Malice more, but knowing what Maris means I would also accept that (like I could do otherwise...) Is there anything in the script about whether or not Marisu (oh, hey, Mary-Sue could also work) is pseudonym? I personally find Sheema more aesthetically pleasing. Anyways, isn't it Indian in origin? I have seen both Shiva and Siva, so I think both would correct as far as romanizing the Indian name... assuming that's what IS went for. In my mind, Rody and Roddy are pronounced differently. I like the idea of him being Roderick, but Rody could still be short for Roderick. I like Yumina and Yubello, myself. This has a lot of options, I remember. I think Elren is closer to the kana pronunciation, but I personally like Ellerian (so it's not pronouned een at the end) or Erelian more than something like Elrean. I also like Elren. Basically, I don't want is name to end "een." I would still like something like Malesia, myself, but, well, it's THIS name again.... I like Warren. Also, Paris was originally a dude.
  16. Very similar to Kyle functionally, so I'm also giving him a 7.5/10. I sort of want to take off a point because I don't like how so far he's going to be doing way better than Kyle, who I like more as a unit, but then as a character I like Forde much more than Kyle, so I guess I'll leave it at.
  17. That's what I was thinking. I mean, two lords- one with just a sword (which is a Falchion, no less) and the other with swords and magic as well as overworld map... I forget, has anything been said about monsters in this game yet?
  18. I'd say he's the better one between him and Forde. He does not have *that* much trouble doubling while dealing more damage a hit and having better durability. Having partial WTC as well as a horse and solid availability is nice, as well. Since I gave Franz a 9, I think I'll give Kyle a 7.5/10.
  19. 7.5/10. He's solid all around, but I wouldn't mind a horsey before promotion and his availability could be better.
  20. Joshua is very helpful when he first joins and for a few chapters from there. He's not exactly spectacular after that, but I give him a 6/10.
  21. But what makes something "sensible?" That's not technical- that's entirely subjective as long as they name is pronounceable. Also, you say that you try to go with what the creators wanted... except the times where you don't like what they did so you change it. I know with the case of Belf you did it with the general approval of the community, but I could see Vergil being pushed through even if Belf had won. The technical parts let you get to reasonable names, but there is no objective way to determine whether or not a name is "good" beyond things like Asseray which would be openly mocked. But then it could also be ironic. Unless I'm mistaken, Malliesia wouldn't be particularly unfitting for any interpretation of her character. It's the idea that your opinion is so right that other people shouldn't have the option even in the privacy of their own home to have characters called what you don't think they should be called. Specifically, I mean the outburst when Malicia was chosen after it lost the poll here.
  22. You also have less plot-significant versions of this happening in other FE games, like with Ninian and the Fire Dragons or Kurth and Dheg.
  23. And why does that make their opinions more valuable? The only time people got all that upset was with Malicia/Malliesia/Melissa/Masdohpocdhs when they didn't follow the poll results. There hasn't been much resistance to Vergil, and that's a case where, IIRC, the poll decided against Belf. I don't see how that's relevant. People are familiar with names already and there's no way to change that. It also goes to show that people won't just silently accept a name they don't like because they didn't have a say. What age kids are we talking about here, and is the FE fandom really that petty? Fair answer, but I disagree. Ignoring other people's opinions hasn't accomplished much in this project's (and some of NoA's) history. I think that, if they were open enough, people really wouldn't get upset if their name choice didn't get picked because there would be a bunch of polls about names and one of your preferences out of dozens wouldn't bother people much. I never meant to call into question technical abilities- my question was why what one person thinks of how "good" a name is should matter more than a dozen other people's opinions combined. Whether or not it fits the character is pretty ambiguous, last I heard. I know this is a joke, but that's the kind of attitude that really bothers me.
  24. As opposed to taking a poll and then choosing the option that got fewer votes? Except that has happened. Thus you have multiple rounds of polls so things like second picks get taken into account. It's not like everyone will cry when that one name they wanted doesn't get picked. People have had years to get over the name changes, and certain ones (Caeda...) are still widely unused. So it's okay that African children are starving to death as long as we don't let them know it's possible to not be starving to death? Extreme example, I know, but not letting people know there's a better alternative doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Besides, it's a little late for them to make certain decisions private. What makes their opinions so much more valuable than the other fans'? In the end, I think everyone is... It's just people could be happier.
  25. What I notice is missing here is, well, reasoning in general. It's obvious the different sides don't agree, and just saying the same thing over and over again probably won't change that. WHY should the translation team, rather than polls, choose names? It seems to me that something that is being done for the sake of entertaining many people then the translation team should do what will make that group happiest, yet there have been cases where they ask people what they want and when public opinion doesn't match theirs, they ignore it. What makes anyone think that a random group of video game enthusiasts alone know what those people will like more than those people themselves? I have seen, from some people, this idea of "my pleasure is more important than everyone else's." I don't like the change to Malicia, but if I was shown that the majority of fans wanted that to be the name, I wouldn't complain about it. Last I saw, though, the change was made in spite of the one poll they'd done. That alone is enough to upset me. In the end, the names don't matter *that* much and people will use it anyway because having it in English is good enough. But why should it stop at good enough?
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