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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. The first person to complete Lunatic in this community, who was also one of the first to ever complete the game outside of Japan, got something like AAB or maybe AAA. Rankings in this game don't mean much unless it's your first or second fire emblem, I'm guessing.
  2. Rather than erase caps, make them like the absolute limit a human can possibly reach. And so they'd be pretty much the same across the board, with things like armor, horses, etc. affecting it some. But your whole army shouldn't be as good as people possibly can be. Have caps at like 40 in tier two, with people rarely breaking 30.
  3. And yet I'd much rather have Colm running around grabbing chests than one of my combat units/healers. Torches and torch staves require use every few turns, while Colm's vision doesn't. It's really not much, especially considering that he won't usually be near the front lines, but it's probably worthwhile at least in 6 and 11(?) Eirika. Rofl@second part, though. Edit: And I discover there's a new page...
  4. Okay, so, having gone on vacation, done a play, and gotten a new computer, I'm back! So, Colm's next? Thief reviews are so boring... Colm So, Colm here's our only thief for most of the game. What does that mean? Well, ignoring the less important items like vulneraries and basic equipment from chests, he gets us a ridiculous amount of stuff. Unique/rare weapons, promotion items, stat boosters, the stuff hidden in the desert, and tons of gold. The number of turns he saves with that alone is amazing- he funds your army, gets them some nice equipment for free, allows you to promote people earlier and without paying, and boosts their performance. Plus he's got FOW vision! 3: chests 6: FoW 8: Lots of yummy treasure. 9B: Chests! 11A: Chests 11B: FoW, I think... 14: Lots o' treasure! 15: Silver Card, Warp, etc. 16: Chests. 19: Chests and FoW. 20/Endgame: Some chests, but at this point, who cares? But, oh wait, there's torches and keys you can slap on a cavalier/peg, and there ya go, he's largely replaced as far as chests go AND this person does it better. He's still got stealing and desert stuff, though. Now, combat-wise he's not AWFUL, comparable to Eirika, except without being forced or having a horse on promotion or the rapier. If you want to use him for combat, it's not hard, but it won't ever help with turns. Supports. Well, he's got a hilariously fast one with Neimi, but when she scores a 3... Besides that, he's got really slow supports (~40 turns per support level) with a healer, a mounted guy, an absolutely awful unit, and someone who joins in for the last quarter of the game. 7.5/10 Balancing Ah, yes. Utility units. No matter what you do, they're good. I'll just say 0% growths since it means he at least needs a bodyguard sometimes and has no combat value at all. Makes him more likely to be replaced, as well.
  5. Since when? People very rarely spout stuff about him now, and I haven't seen anyone "practically forcing others to use "General/Hero Sedgar"" in a LONG time. Stats are the only thing going for him? Sure, in SD. But, that's all most people CAN have going for them, considering it's a remake of a 20 year old game that was really a pretty pure remake. And in FE12, the whole Wolfguard story is pretty interesting. Again, this is the first time I've seen any talk of how great he is in MONTHS, besides mentioning him in playlogs briefly. And then I read your last sentence...
  6. That was supposed to be sarcastic. I was saying that she really isn't that great on NM. She no longer has exceptional offense for the entire game and her durability issues stand out more. No longer is everyone 2-3RKOd.
  7. Sure you can bend the bow, but is it going to snap back or just stay in place? I've never spent much time attempting to bend iron, but I've found that metals seem to stay where you bent them to. And of course it's theoretically possible, but do you really think Rolf can bend a bar of iron, if they even found a way to make an iron bow in the FE world. Stringing a wooden bow was immensely difficult, let alone a metal one.
  8. How do they even make those bows? I mean, weren't bows made exclusively of wood until we figured out things like plastic?
  9. I personally enjoy the fact that he can launch is mass at that speed and not even move the enemy the most.
  10. Maybe we'll get them in the localized version? I mean, considering Wolf's ending, I'd expect he'd get SOMETHING. The whole Wolfguard, too. And there's the weird stuff with recruiting those four at the end.
  11. All of them? Well, almost. I wouldn't mind some of FE2's weird stuff (like equipment) not coming back, but pretty much everything else.
  12. Well, don't worry about promoting past level 15. Your units probably won't reach 20/20, anyways, and the EXP gain formula counts promoted units level as the displayed level+15. So a level one promoted unit gets more EXP than a level 17 unpromoted one.
  13. Played the second game? It improved in a TON of areas. Sure, some things were downgraded, thanks to the PSP, but it was, IMO, overall better. As for the move to the PSP, they simply cannot afford the PS3. It's too small a target audience. And the third one takes place at the same time as the original. Agree with Skies of Arcadia
  14. And yet again: lollinde. Although I still do prefer serious.
  15. Maria's pretty awful, but Minerva's decent for a while. Not good in the long run, but you may as well keep her around for a little bit.
  16. Oh. I heard that one of ones that was DS in JP was getting a 3DS release elsewhere. If Japan's getting it, too, then us getting FE 3DS right now is even more unlikely.
  17. Best: Skasahar (or however you choose to spell it) Worst: Hmm... There's Erk, Carrion, and DORK-ASS. Well, at least Carrion can have some pretty cool connotations. I'll go with Dorcas, because at least Erk get's used to comic effect. "EEEEEEK! EEEEEEEEEEK! ERK!" See, is Serra still screaming, or is she calling him over?
  18. But the 3DS can play DS1 games, so at least it shouldn't suffer FE5's fate. And, I doubt this, but it's possible: Maybe we're getting a 3DS version. I know NA's getting a 3DS version of a Prof. Layton. Maybe this is getting the same? It would explain the delay.
  19. Because Sheeda's still totally completely amazing on Normal/H1-2. She shouldn't get a 10.
  20. That's what I was referring to. But I see what you mean now.
  21. But the paladin class growths are still better than his old growths, aren't they?
  22. At least Excalibur having no explanation doesn't leave us with a clear exception. How could Miloah use it and not be an exception to the rule that it can only be used by girls, which he isn't.
  23. Ewan can go Mage Knight if you want movement. Amelia is arguably incapable of going Paladin because, uh, good luck getting her there.
  24. The first one is the exact Romaji (Japanese with Roman characters) and it's pronounced "Joh-fu-reh." Interesting they didn't do Jofuri. Anyways, the "u" can be removed when it's changed to English, giving you "Joh-freh." The leap to "Jah-free" makes sense. Saying he failed it is wrong.
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