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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Path Bonuses are banned, yes. But if you use the Dragon Herb to make up for people being stat screwed I might be willing to look the other way. I'll take "Has an inferior localized name" and hope it's Tsubaki.
  2. Charlotte attacks Xander on a Horse with the Pike-Ruin Club.
  3. So I actually made a team for this if anyone wants to play a match. Might be useful just to test things out at any rate.
  4. In the weapon list, the Mini Bow is listed as lowering your avoid, lowering your effective speed, and being unable to double, when it does none of these things. Brynhildr gives a Skill% chance to half the enemy's magic stat during damage calculation, it doesn't inflict Seal Magic on the enemy.
  5. What does Keaton getting A+ with Arthur have anything to do with using Shelter on Keaton? Anyone with Shelter can use it on Keaton.
  6. Between Silas, Jakob, Arthur, Peri, Gunter, and Xander, there are enough potential Shelter-bots just given units' base class sets without having to go out of your way to get someone to A Rank with someone who already has access to Shelter.
  7. Corrin to go Cavalier/Wyvern/Ninja for more move/flight/1-2 range.
  8. Update on my progress: ~Fantina's Mismagius was total bullshit like usual. A Pokemon that out-speeds everything, 2HKOs everything at worst with Shadow Ball, is difficult to even 2HKO cause your best option is Bite/Feint Attack with no STAB, and spams Confuse Ray which means a reset if you miss the coinflip chance to hit Mismagius instead of yourself more than once is sure fun to fight, yep. ~Went out of my way to get the Razor Fang just past Veilstone City cause it's nighttime and Gligar could evolve. My freshly evolved Gliscor walled Maylene so hard it was hilarious.
  9. I can't post screenshots cause I'm playing on the actual cartridge. Progress: 4 Pokemon (and lolBidoof) 2 Gym Badges 1 death by hax crit Immense rage at trying to find a Gligar and all of them having a -Attack nature Immense joy at the Gligar I ended up using having a perfect strength IV
  10. Lord Grima, Nina can't be obtained because Niles hasn't been given to me. You can either give me Niles so I can get Nina or give me a kid that I have access to if you'd like. EDIT: This wasn't posted in the thread, but PKL's given me Hero!Laslow as the final 1st gen unit, so Niles can't be chosen anymore.
  11. School's over for the next month so I have some free time to play video games. Revelations may kind of suck, but it's fun to mess around in, plus I haven't beaten it on Lunatic yet, so why not a PMU? Rules: - Ten 1st gen units (including Corrin). - Up to 5 child units. - If you give me children, make sure I have one of the parents. - Please specify how I'm supposed to get children or classes with Partner/Friendship Seal - You may still pick a unit after deciding Corrin's class, boon, bane and looks. - Corrin can be given any class except Strategist because I got Strategist!Corrin in my last PMU. - Lunatic Classic, no grinding. - I can have up to 2 Dread Fighters, 2 Dark Fliers, 1 Lodestar, 1 Great Lord, and 1 Witch. - If you give me children, make sure I have one of the parents. - Azura cannot be picked as a unit and will stay as a Songstress. - Levant and joshcja are banned from giving me units. 1st Gen Units: 1. Swordmaster!Odin (Raven pls) 2. Berseker!Kagero (S Arthur) 3. Great Lord!Camilla 4. Malig Knight!Corn (+Magic/-Luck) 5. Wyvern Lord!Hinata (S Corn) 6. Great Master!Saizo (S Sakura) 7. Master of Arms!Silas (S Hana) 8. Sorcerer!Orochi (S Odin) 9. Mechanist!Shura 10. Hero!Laslow 2nd Gen Units: 1. Dread Fighter!Soleil 2. Master of Arms!Gaius 3. Lodestar!Hisame 4. Witch!Ophelia
  12. [spoiler=YOU'RE TOO LATE GRADIVUS] Also, we've determined that 10 Pokemon is too much, so we're each getting 8 instead. But if you want to draw more Pokemon, please feel free to do so.
  13. Horace has informed me that his next pick is Mothim. [spoiler=Forget Starly, this is the true best birb of Sinnoh!]
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