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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Cool I used to watch the reruns of Ducktales and Darkwing Duck on WB every day when I was little, nice to see that a new generation will be able to see a great show.
  2. Good for you, glad to see good things happen to people who work hard.
  3. Wow that's really cool I am amazed any Ike Amiibos have come through because I preordered one months ago and it is still backordered and I am beginning to think it won't come. Here's hoping.
  4. Youtube commenters are terrible and I tend to avoid reading comments on there. Some of the worst comments I have seen are on the Black Veil Brides videos, I mean it is like the devil himself is commenting on those videos and I would not be surprised if a few people have committed suicide because of the hate in those comments. They leave H.I.M. fans alone for some reason though.
  5. So I have been listening to a lot of music and wondering about what other people like and why. My top favorite bands would have to be these, 1) H.IM. I love their song The Path because it seems like they are singing about how I feel about my life 2) Simple Plan I used to really love this band when I was going through hell in my life and their song Welcome to my Life used to be my theme song 3) Black Veil Brides them may not sound the best but I love their lyrics and their new song Good by Agony really makes me think about my life 4) Sick Puppies I love this band has grown up and how they change their songs the older they get 5) Dropkick Murphys I started listening to this band when my mom's coworker who is named Murphy caused my mom nothing but trouble and made it so that my mom had to work weekends and found out that they are awesome and that bagpipes and electric guitar sound great and that I like the old ballads So what are your favorites and why? And please don't insult someone's choices in music if you don't like a band that is your choice and that's fine but I want this topic to be about what people like and not start a fight about which band is better.
  6. I love the Wolf Laguz so any part where I have them is one I like and Micaiah is fairly easy to train especially after you get Laura you can use sacrifice and then heal staff and level them both up until Micaiah is leveled up enough to use as a fighter.
  7. I was iffy about this game but after getting the demo I'm sold. I am going to preorder it next weekend so I can have the MM pin on my MM bag and have this game in my collection. It reminds me a bit of Nostalgia for the DS which I liked a lot and I love the idea of a steam punk mixed with folk stories game and this might make my mom play a video game for the first time. I am looking forward to this game.
  8. I think it would be NoA but who know if we are ever going to see this game be a reality because a new FE is coming before SMTXFE and they told us about this game over 2 years ago and no news other then them claiming it is on schedule last E3. I'm still hoping for this game but I am trying to be realistic about it and you would think this being FE's 25th they would be releasing more info by now.
  9. Why I don't date most of the guys in my town are like this.
  10. I have never had a bf so I don't care about this stupid holiday and I will ether be at home with my dog who if anyone asks I will say is my valentine or helping my mom with her work and thinking how dumb people can be. I never have really liked this holiday and while yes I would like to meet someone nice some day I don't mind being single, but this time of year really stinks because every one thinks you should be with some one.
  11. I would love more Xenoblade Amiibos Rhyn would be the one I would really want but I don't how I would want him posed. As to FE I would love a Seth one and Hector Seth on horse back with a lance in his hand and Hector swinging his ax around but the only way I could see those happening is if SMTXFE is going to come out which is not too likely sadly.
  12. #490 so I'm Manaphy. Cool I guess.
  13. Keep trying because their severs keep crashing from over use, and maybe try another email if it does not work after a day or two.
  14. Thanks every one looks like I will be getting Lost Worlds tomorrow and I really like the looks of the DLC for it which is what made me decide to get it, plus most of the Sonic games you guys mentioned are ether not available in my area of don't have coins but I will keep my eyes out for some of them because they sound good.
  15. It depends on how old the characters are, if Link and Zelda are teenagers than I think they should find people from the fan base. If they are adults then I really don't know, Link and Zelda are so iconic that it would have to be just the right people playing the parts. I really liked the guy who played the lead in Legend of the Seeker, but I don't know how well he would play Link, as to Zelda I really don't know who I could see play that role. Then you have to think of characters like Impa and Ganondolf because they are the two most known characters besides Link and Zelda and you know they will be in the show.
  16. So I just got an email from Gamestop saying my Ike amiibo was delayed and backordered. Anyone else have this happen and does this mean I won't be getting it and should be checking every store in my area next weekend for one? Or did I just get this email because when I ordered Ike they said it would come out on the 1st and now it is not coming out until the 13th? They did not say my order was canceled so is there still hope? I will not cancel my order and wait and see what happens, but should I have a back up plan? I can't go to any store the weekend Ike comes out, which is why I ordered him online and I managed to get lucky and find Marth at my local Target I just want all the FE amiibos and I tried to plan ahead.
  17. I finally started playing this game after I bought the eshop version, and while Lyn mode is very dumb I look at it as a bonus for Dorcus so that when you get him in EM he will be ripping through enemies like butter. I am used to having to unlock hard mode but I do find it annoying and I wish did not have to unlock Hector's mode, but since this was the first FE in the west them made it so you have to play the tutorial and can't skip it sadly.
  18. So I am thinking about getting one of the Sonic games for Wii U this weekend because they both look good to me and I am short 70 coins to getting what I want from Club Nintendo. Which one is the best?
  19. I meant that veterans should not be made to play the easy mode.
  20. You are right on some things, but I would like being able to choose a harder difficulty from the start in all games because I have found some games to be a little too easy (looking at you ALBW) on the first play through. I do find the NES Zelda games to be hard and I think that they are making the games a bit easier to play and I think that all games should have the player choose a difficulty setting at the start and make it so veterans to the series have to play on easy mode to unlock a mode that is made for their level.
  21. well when I get on I will be redeeming my coins for Kid Icarus uprising because I have not been able to get it. I wish I had a few more coins for that MM bag, but I have all the games with coins I want.
  22. I would have to say Lyn and Erika because while you start with them they always end up being out classed by the other lords in the games and while I love FE games for making strong female characters I really like, they have yet to make a female lord I actually think is really a great unit.
  23. I think I will get this so I can finally play Metroid because this is a great deal.
  24. She is not my favorite character of the game by a long shot, but I do end up with her being good to use in the end game because I always make sure she is since you have to take her in to the tower anyway. I think of her as a decent unit that needs more character development and whose story was a little too obvious.
  25. Thanks. I was just wondering, I don't use hacks and I have a very slow laptop which I can't use for gaming and I share the computer at home, so computer gaming is out. Looks like I really need to learn Japanese, so I can play the originals.
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