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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well the only thing of note I have gotten from this banner is another B!Ike, I just want Grima. I gave up on getting Vector since after two weeks he won't come. I am just hoping H!Jakob is not on the legendary banner because other wise I will be very unhappy because I won't have orbs. Being F2P and having a string of banners that I want units from that won't come means I am out of orbs. I have not gotten anyone I have been trying for since the Christmas banner. The only good thing I can say is at least Grima will be in the regular pool so if I don't get him now I should get him some time.
  2. OK so I have ended up with 6 spare Sorens and 2 spare Boeys since I have been pulling green a lot. What units benefit from watersweep or earth boost? I don't want send home fodder if I have someone who could use it, but being F2P means normally don't surplus fodder, this is the first time I have had more then two of one unit at one time.
  3. Well I was pity broken on the new banner by B!Ike and have gotten nothing but fodder. I hope I can get Grima since I have given up on getting Vector. I have not been having that good a luck this week in RL as well as in Heroes, I hope things get a bit better for me soon.
  4. No I love Grima's Heroes art, it is much better then C!Robin's and if I manage to pull him he going directly to my main team.
  5. I am looking forward to this one in the hopes I get free CC fodder with the extra copies, and if they make him a bow armor that would make up for me not getting H!Jakob and would make my weekend a lot better then it looks right now. I don't think they will make him an armor, but I really want him to be just so I can finally have all four colors on my armor team. I can't wait for the datamine to happen.
  6. I wonder if the 500 orbs for 1m points in TT is true? If it was I would play nonstop for that many orbs. I bet that person was joking, since it makes no sense for IS to give someone that many orbs. That player must have a lot of free time because even with lunatic 7 every run that would take a lot of time and stamina pots.
  7. Well I am on track for getting to 70k today, maxed HM on C!Chrom, Xander, Camus and brave Lyn and I will max out BK very soon as well so I have plenty of feathers for evil Takumi promoting this weekend. I am just shooting for all rewards and I don't care about my rank. After I get all rewards I can focus on the GHB quests since I have only done the ones for the blessings because of TT.
  8. Well I beat SA 7 with the help of youtube, using F2P 4* units, it was pretty simple once I watched the video once and then did it myself.
  9. I never have liked KFC it is too pricey. My family goes to Church's since it cost about $10 less for the family meal and the chicken tastes better to me. Of course I am in the US, so it does not really effect me, but yeah I would say go to another fried chicken place it will probably cost less and taste better.
  10. My inner goth girl is coming out again after studying Grima more, plus first male dragon in Heroes(M!Corrin does not count since he does not transform). I really hope Grima comes home quickly.
  11. Dragon armor?! count me in big time, I love Grima's Heroes design. Hardin is really cool as well a DC lance armor would be great for me. Celica is OK but I won't pull for her. At least these will be in the general pool so I should get them at some point. I think I will quit on the LA banner now and hope Vector comes home on a legendary banner since Grima and Hardin both are calling to me to make my armor emblem team even better. So Takumi is the GHB? That is Ok, hopefully that means that I can get free CC for some of my other bow units.
  12. Free pull was 3*Odin and I am done with that banner since I have everyone on it with good natures even if I need to promote them to 5*. Did two pulls for Vector but no luck just fodder. I will hold off on anymore pulls until I see the trailer for the new banner, which I hope is FE 5 since I want Leif in Heroes and I would only do a few pulls.
  13. That is what I want as well. I would love a playable Anri and Altina would be great as well. I am hoping for a colorless legendary hero this time with H!Jakob on the banner as well so I can just pull colorless and have two units I want in that color.
  14. I did two votes for Hector and two for C!Tharja since I would be happy with either of those, my armor emblem team is my favorite so any new unit for it will make me happy. I still think Ike will win, but I can hope for an armor unit. I figure we might get the results on Friday, maybe.
  15. Well I tried again for Vector, no luck but I did get my first 4* the Rachel +atk-def so I can work with it. I will wait and see what the new banner is before I try for Vector again.
  16. Did hard and lunatic with armor emblem team of CIRobin, C!Chrom, H!Henry and BK, but had to use a video strat for infernal that was Subaki, Fjorm, Virion and Narcian and included spur atk 3 and hone atk 1 SS usage. This BHB was not too bad once I figured out who needed a boost to atk.
  17. As someone who wishes a lot of times that my mom had raised me by herself instead of staying with and marrying my dad because he is an emotional abuser, I don't think having both parents in a kid's life is always the best thing in the world. I agree with what Lord Raven said as well, practicing safe sex is the best option. I have health problems so I decided long ago not to have a kid because there is a risk I could give my problems to a kid. I have never been in a relationship, since I have not met anyone who would date me, but if I did start dating I would go on the pill very quickly just to be safe. It would take a very very special person for me to marry, after seeing my parents marriage it has made me not want to do it.
  18. I like the tower, but I ended up with so many badges before the SS refinery was put in Heroes that I have close 2k of each color even with using them for SS refinements and promoting units. I still use the tower for training units I will keep, but for fodder I use the shards and crystals so I can save time and stamina for units I need SP on.
  19. That is what I do for fodder. Of course I always run out of feathers before I run out of crystals. It is so much easier to do that then grind fodder units in the training tower.
  20. I voted for Hector again, but I may split my votes and give the other two to Tharja just to be different. Honestly the armors are the two on this ballot I want so if either of them win I will be happy. I have enough blessings to make several decent teams for the new event, so I don't need L!Ike. I will take who I get, but I am hoping for an upset here just to see the salt.
  21. Man I have been going slow on this TT I just reached 31k today. I want to get the boots so I can switch to my armor emblem team when I train Eliwood. 9k to go before that can happen and Camus and Xander both maxed HM yesterday but I don't feel like trading them out since they provide the buffs to V!Lilina.
  22. Jakob, since Felicia got an upgrade he should get one too, plus I like him better:p regular Roy, he was my first 5* and made my early game go well I wish I could have a reason to use him again. The Askr trio need an upgrade since they are all pretty weak they should get a big weapon boost Odin, one if not the worst unit in Heroes he needs some type of upgrade so that he can be used if needed/wanted That is just off the top of my head, but I know there are some others I would like to see boosted as well.
  23. Free pull was 4* Nowi, I have her at 5* and now I have 3 4*s of her sitting in my barracks until I figure out what to do with them. I am about to the point with Heroes that I will only spend orbs on seasonal and legendary banners since I tend to have better luck on the seasonal banners with getting 5*s I want.
  24. I have been having issues with the server all day on and off, It has been driving me crazy. I really hope they fix it soon and I would be happy if there were some apology orbs. Of course I really wish they would give everyone a free Vector as an apology, but I know that won't happen. I will be voting for Hector because DC is one of the skills I want most.
  25. I don't know if I even want to vote this time, the only one of those I want at all is Hector and I would rather have Vector. I really don't want L!Ike since I have other good reds, C!Tharja I would like better if her art was a little less over the top but as a unit she is good so I would not mind her, and ax Azura is of no appeal to me since Air Azura would be the one I want. So the results for me give me a 50/50 chance of getting someone I would use. I predict L!Ike will win, but I will only use him in the legendary mode and for nothing else. I think I will go Hector since he gives DC and I don't have any version of him.
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