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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. I voted for Elincia and i'm kind of ticked she isn't on there but for me two of my favorites made it on the top 10 (Eirika and Micaiah). I like a lot of the female characters on the top 20 there except for Nino, Nowi, and Lucina. For the guys I don't really care who wins because the ones I dislike aren't going to win like Corrin/Ephraim/Takumi/Hector/Henry. I don't really care for Ike or Roy much but they're their own character with distinct look hence I'm okay with them winning. I just don't like the idea of the female side being represented with the Marth expy.
  2. I'd be far more annoyed with Lucina winning the female side than Tharja or Camilla.
  3. On NM yeah but in HM Jill is still training in 3-6.
  4. I've noticed that it's the one map they could use to reach level 20 and possible a 3rd unit to 15+.
  5. Sothe slows down by part 4 because because everyone starts focusing on Jill and the second character they're raising, but I wonder if he can keep up if he was the focus of the babying going on in part 3.
  6. Not sure about the classic mages. Calill, I like her design/character and she's good as a unit, Lute is a close second though. Miriel mainly because I like her witchy hat + hair combination + outfit (as a sage).
  7. Micaiah and Laura don't even need to share the Physic because they get access to two of them on 3-12, but I agree with the score you gave her. I find Micaiah to be one of the most underrated units, especially among the lords, none of the other lords can stay useful without investment other than Micaiah.
  8. I think Calill is the only sage in this game that is good enough or better than Sanaki for endgame, at least in hard mode. Ilyana/Soren are stuck with a 35% speed growth and are forever squishy, the others don't get to use Rexflame, or in Tormod's case he comes too late.
  9. Your Edward must be really fast to beat that myrm on his own.
  10. Yes and here's what I do, for example. 1. Micaiah chips the Myrmidon that's next to the ledge, Meg kills him. 2. Sothe ascends the ledge. 3. Ilyana chips the other Myrmidon, Aran kills him. 4. Leon, Edward, and Nolan chip the lower fighter. 5. Volug kills the other fighter. 6. The lower fighter is trapped between Volug, Meg, Nolan, and Aran so he dies on one of them in ep. 7. The mage targets Volug. Turn 2-6 -> They (Meg/Nolan) climb the ledge on turn 2 and I have Sothe go down to go steal the Seal. Volug gets rid of the guy with the hand axe. The rest of the people climb the ledge with Laura/Micaiah being priority because I have them on healing duty.
  11. Done on turn 1. Turn 2 climb the ledge. Turn 3 milk the experience from the other ledge until the end of the map. Her movement issues are more apparent on other maps though I agree with that.
  12. Sothe/Volug/Tauroneo are already forced set deployment everyone is just self-improving. Have you ever used Meg? You questioned if she can reach Fiona's level by the time she gets there so I'm just answering back that I believe she can with the only doubt being 1-6-2. Btw the 1-5 area is cleared on turn 1 by Sothe, anyone else can climb that ledge by turn 2 including Meg, it's all about positioning I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that she's getting there last.
  13. So many favorites and so few slots :(
  14. I think that depends if you're 2 turning 1-6-2 or not because 1-4 and 1-5 have a lot of experience and easy to lure boss kills.
  15. The point is that they aren't terrible because they're easily salvageable. Her movement is about the only thing I find reasonable against her and even I find it exaggerated as an argument against her because enemies are always accessible in every map in Part 1 save for 1-6-1 and even there the majority of the exp is in the Mid area because the only one that can get safely to the left side is either Sothe or a dropped Tauro.. The other unit doesn't have to be active to be a support-bot so this is an irrelevant argument, besides there's Laura who doesn't care about who she supports. Meg's heaven affinity is not the best but it helps her own hit rates. Her promotion is easily achievable in Normal Mode, and definitely possible in hard mode. There's a big performance difference between someone like Lyre/Fiona and Meg, which is why I agree with the others that she's underrated. She's not actually "pretty bad" she's more like a mediocre unit just like Aran.
  16. Today I voted for Lyn...not my favorite lord but I'd rather she wins than Ike/Lucina.
  17. Oh dear...I'm too busy trying to keep Lyn from being beaten from the Awakening waifus sorry but good luck!
  18. What happens if the fire boy beats both Ike and Hector?
  19. Not much of a difference here other than -5 skill. It's strange because a few pages ago I made a statement that Boyd was similar to Ike but I was told that he's more similar to Brom, but they're not that similar other than they both don't initially double. However Meg and Aran have very similar bases and both are in the same boat for a while like some of the other unpromoted DB units. The only one getting mauled by every enemy is Fiona, Meg's durability is like everyone elses. Other than the 12spd tiger that 1 rounds her which can be easily dealt with via bexp. She doesn't belong in the same tier as Fiona because she's much closer to units like Aran than Fiona.
  20. I really like that Eirika is in the top 10 I didn't expect her to place that high since she's kind of underrated.
  21. I ran into a similar problem with 2-3 when I did an all-girl pt.
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