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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. Caps? Isn't that what Nino fans use to argue that she's better than Pent?
  2. I love that you gave Astrid a higher speed base than the other CRK it will make up for being bow locked.
  3. I prefer Pegasus Riders but I like both. Palla & Caeda laugh at Haar because they're better than him.
  4. If Leo is this good in HM what's he doing way down there in the 3s? He seems more like a 5/6 by what i'm reading.
  5. There's Leonardo and Laura? She's really good with healing and can put laguz or Ike to sleep, Leo's turnaround in part 3 he's more helpful.
  6. I'm doing an all-girl playthrough on HM and she seems rather good lol none of the other girls can take hits. Granted I am playing at a slower pace and more defensively than I am used to, although I raised the question because at that point I had just gotten to Fiona and I noticed a massive difference in their performance.
  7. @DLuna when you said that Edward has one of the highest opportunity cost you mentioned that Fiona and Meg has more than him. With Fiona I understand because she'll need a forge/shielding/stat boosts and then she has to watch out for enemy crits. I'm curious what makes Meg's opportunity cost the second highest though, she really doesn't seem that different to anyone else since everyone else (save Sothe/Volug) is more or less the same durability in they can only take 1 hit at most for all through part 1 until they grow out of it.
  8. I was honestly going to rank Stefan a 1 but I was afraid people would get upset I ranked him lower than Fiona, but to me Fiona is a much better unit because I can either raise her to become one or she can contribute as a supporting role and he can't.
  9. Naesala: 8.5 He is useful but probably the least stellar royal? He is stuck with S strike although that's not really a bad thing it just means that the other royals are stronger. Skrimir: 7.5 Skrimir is a great replacement for Volug as Micaiah's pet, if Volug didn't keep up. He is really good and hits enemies hard, but he's also really slow. He's screwed over like the rest of the non-royals because he doesn't have the permanent transform option that royals have, so he makes a less stellar option for endgame. Tibarn: 10 9.5 Tibarn is really attractive, I find him to be the best looking male in the game hehe. He is probably the most outstanding royal along with Nailah, although Nailah contributed for a longer while so she's probably better. Depends how you look at it, but they're the top 2 in my opinion. Pelleas: 2 He would have been way better if he joined back in Part 3, but he's screwed over by availability. In 4-2 he joins two turns instead of joining at base so unlike the rest of the characters that join at base (like Elincia/Lucia) I don't have the option to give him skills like paragon or resolve. Then there's the fact that he has trouble hitting enemies.. His potential for endgame is minimal to boot. Stefan: 3 He is a substitute character for endgame but that's pretty much it, he doesn't contribute much other than that and the free sword. The first time I got him was by accident, I didn't know his recruitment method because I played RD before PoR lol..
  10. Neimi because she is just so memorable and endearing as a character, plus I love her pink hair.
  11. Jill can't use paragon until she promotes, but Zihark can. Although I never put it on him, I always give it to Micaiah so she can level faster.
  12. I disagree in the event that he gets adept-kills or crit-kills because it leaves him exposed. I find that building supports is too slow unless you turtle. Zihark is easier to use in part 1 but in part 3 he struggles so I rather not put him as a front-line unit until he is meaty enough (hard mode).
  13. I've just played through Micaiah's maps in part 3 and I find that Zihark has a really hard time with enemies, at max he can take 1 hit but he really isn't a tanky-unit. He even had a C-support with Volug and was next to him but was still struggling to survive. I find that unless you invest for them none of the DB are tanky save for base Tauroneo and transformed Volug.
  14. Jannaf/Ulki: 8.5 I give them the same score because they are both equally functional and have the same flaws. Pretty much their only flaws are that they have a transformation gauge unlike the royals so they have to use gems or stones sadly, got to watch out for crossbows, and that they have no 2-range like beorc. However they are very dependable and formidable fighters and probably the best laguz that start with an A-rank in beaks/laguz weaponry. The difference between them is that Jannaff is cheaper bexp-wise because he only needs one level but Ulki comes with much higher avoid so I always find myself using Ulki more. I like to have one as a filler fighter while I train the other with wildheart to raise their rank. Tanith: 6.5 Tanith and Sigrun are flying units with decent bases and similar flaws. The difference is that Tanith is more of a long-run unit while Sigrun is probably more of a short-term unit because she reaches her promotion much faster but Tanith has better growths. They are both very useful nonetheless regardless if you choose they take combat roles or supporting roles. Tanith takes more effort to use than Sigrun does, and Sigrun's free deployment works to her favor rather than Tanith's. They are definitely not Haar/Jill tier but can get there in normal/easy mode or with lots of bias in HM. Sigrun: 7.5 I guess her speed growth is pretty bad but I don't mind it unless i'm taking her to endgame and I find Marcia much better investment than her or Tanith. However if I do decide to bring her I do the same trick as the laguz with Bexp + Blossom and maybe save her a speedwing or two. I find her performance pre-endgame to be pretty good, she can use all the important weapons like horseslayer to tackle enemies and doesn't have trouble doubling either. She's much more afforadle too and reaches her promotion sooner than Tanith, which for a temporary unit I find better. Sanaki: 7 Sanaki is very similar to Micaiah in that she's very fragile but can also deal tons of damage to enemies, she's easily the strongest mage at base without tons of effort/bias put into her. Also like Micaiah her personal tome works best. In my opinion Sanaki or Micaiah are the best mages, not Soren, in the game and she never needs to be near the enemy because she makes the best use of long range tomes. Resolve definitely works well with her and besides Micaiah I find it most useful on her or the other sages. I give Sanaki 1 less point than what I would give to Micaiah because she doesn't heal..
  15. Mia: 7.5 Mia is kind of like Ike except a little weaker and a whole lot faster, but I mean in the sense that they have the same issues. They're sword-locked with inferior 1-2 range for a long while but they're solid all around. I can't tell who is better between her and Zihark because I find myself relying more on him but for endgame I find her easier to train. Kyza: 3 Kyza doesn't have that moment to shine unlike Mordecai or Muarim and he's not that strong either, but he is more of a growth unit. If you want to raise a tiger he has better speed growth than Mordecai. Sometimes I use him as a filler unit if i'm not using him for combat, but he joins at a time where you have a lot of units to pick from. So unlike say Leonardo there isn't any free maps for Kyza to contribute and I think that's what makes him look like he's terrible, but he's really not the worst. Lyre: 1 I wish I could say something nice about Lyre but I don't want to be a Liar. She is easily the worst character in this game. The other girls in the lower part of the tier have their time to shine. For example I find Vika to be a good ferry for Rafiel in several maps or a good fighter in the swamp, she won't kill enemies but she always deals a good amount of damage at 1-E. Meg can shove your units, or chip a few enemies in the first few undermanned maps. Astrid can also chip or help you be ferrying Danved. Then there's Fiona who can't really fight at all but she can definitely help you ferry things around or block ledges. However Lyre, like Kyza, doesn't really get any free maps so she's not contributing much. Then there's the fact that she's riddled with more problems too because unlike the other girls (save Vika) she can't get forges and she has to deal with the cat gauge too so if you want to raise her it's going to cost more effort. Ranulf: 6.5 Ranulf is forced so he gets that free deployment for part 3, but at least he has better bases. In my opinion he isn't as helpful as Volug, because for Volug all the other units that initally outclass him (except for Sothe) disappear: -Tauroneo gets banned for whatever reason after 1-6 -Nailah comes and goes at her whim -Muarim, Tormod, and Vika leave after 1-E (I wish they had stayed :() -The Purple Knight never shows up after Part 1 until that one map where arrives too late for me to care. -Fiona for some reason is banned in the Swamp map. So there's more chance for me to depend on him. Ranulf isn't so lucky though :P because Haar never leaves and neither does Titania and then there's the fact that the hawks join your team so Ranulf gets kind of overshadowed. However he can be a very helpful unit even though he's a cat. Reyson: 8 Reyson is helpful but he's outclassed by Rafiel in my opinion. I kind of see him tied with Leanne although transformed he's easily better.
  16. I should have used Edward, but I actually do think he's better than Mia.
  17. Lucia being more pivotal in Part 2 than Mia could ever hope to be in Part 3 doesn't make her better than Mia.
  18. Rolf: 6 He's Shinnon-lite and turns into great unit if you put some effort into him, he's ok at base but not anything spectacular. Also bowguns/crossbows kind of suck, but at least archers have 1-range right? Boyd: 7.5 He's kind of like a slower version of Ike but with Axes, I give them a similar rating. Boyd is amazing at endgame though. Oscar: 8.5 He's a high mobility unit with a lot of availability. He's not as strong as Titania but he's useful. Shinnon: 7 He's not the best bow user that would be Takumi. He is really useful and I always find that he crits a lot. The only flaws I can think of is that crossbows suck and there's stronger units that have better 1-2 range. I think I might bump him into a 7.5 or 8 though, idk. Gatrie: 9 I love Gatrie, he is by far one of my favorite Knights in the series, although I really like Meg too. Gatrie's flaw is his mobility, celerity can fix that or you can have someone like Oscar/Titania/Haar ferry him around. He's probably not going to die against the enemy because of his amazing defenses. I can't tell who the best knight in the series is because Effie is really good too but I think it's a tie between them. I would have prefered of IS shipped Astrid with him instead of Makalov, that way she could have had more availability in this game and get jealous with Lyre. Axes are some of the best weapons in the game, there's no reason to hold that against him like we're rushing to use swords or something. Also Brom are you serious? No way! If you're willing to turtle for Brom then I feel like you're being too harsh on Boyd. If you think Boyd has issues doubling enemies then Brom isn't going to be much better, he has less base speed than Boyd and 15% less base speed growth than Boyd.
  19. I feel like Benny is underrated, I find him quite useful especially after he promotes and gets his level 5 skill.
  20. Ok so 10 fighters and like a few staff bots? Hehe this sounds fun I've never tried lunatic mode on fates but i've really enjoyed several hard mode runs.
  21. The orange haired girl looks really good, she is my favorite of the group, but if you trim her hair from the sides a little bit she would look even better imo. Some of them could use some fixing like the second mug on the top row looks like the face doesn't match where the body is pointing, and the fourth mug on the top row the top of her hair doesn't match her forehead.
  22. I find Resolve the most useful on Micaiah (or the light sages) because she has high luck + sacrifice and no self-healing skills unless you use Nosferatu.
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