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Everything posted by Yuki

  1. Unsupervised internet usage, gaming and movies are at the source of this.
  2. Apparantly the power inside the Ragnell has weakened over the years. Even in the artwork it has a sickly colour and some cracks.
  3. On one hand, I feel like it's annoying because it cuts people off from reality. On the other hand, seeing little kids form streetgangs/smoking is annoying. Solution: The responsibility should be the parents'. Read the bloody age restrictions on games and movies.
  4. Back to back, death comes on running on the midnight train

  5. The Devil May Cry series has a pretty good lock-on system if anything. What's that? DmC? Nah, that ain't a Devil May Cry game
  6. We're all sharing a special moment
  7. It sounds very interesting. Especially for indoor sections. It'd be a nice change of pace to try a stealthy approach over the usual battlefields, and it gives thieves and assassins an advantage.
  8. Fridays are usually pretty lazy days. We're out of energy and are just waiting for the weekend, and even in the evening we feel slowed. But they're by far not the worst. *looks at monday*
  9. You had a son at age of 13 then? That must've been rough. Nonetheless, happy birthday to him.
  10. XY rangers will always be my faves.
  11. Y'all have those quiz things. Guess I could make a section about that too.

  12. VERY VERY rarely during a battle transition.
  13. These look pretty good. A few hints of pillowshading but that's about it.
  14. Under Heaven's Destruction II from BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma ;D
  15. School PC's confirmed shit for IPC

  16. I usually have to be up at 7AM, and I need 6 hours of sleep minimum, so I do my best to sleep at the very least at 1AM. Sadly this doesn't always work because I'm an owl and get distracted by my handhelds or tablet. On days off I usually sleep 3AM-6AM to noon. As for habits during sleeping... I tend to listen to podcasts while sleeping to shut down my thinking. Once I start pondering I ponder for quite a while.
  17. Yuki


    I'm in love with the art, especially steampunk sections. I feel a bit indifferent to the gameplay however.
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