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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Welp, I'm gonna go be an asshole somewhere else. Be seeing you!
  2. It probably wouldn't have bothered me so much if I hadn't played the Cold Steel games first, and they used this so wearily often that it became one of the things that really sours me on a story, no matter the context. Especially if it almost feels like it's the only note Trails can play. Use it once, fine, I can live with that. But when it happens after every single goddamned boss fight, then we have a problem on our hands.
  3. Cassius appears out of nowhere to save Estelle's butt from a monster she could've easily taken out on her own. Mild example, but it still qualifies for me. Josette and the gang? Schera even said "this (them getting away) is getting old." Without context? Cute lampshade. Knowing what singular note the series will play from this point on? A bad omen.
  4. Sorry. Based on everything I've heard... nah. xD
  5. The thing that really threw me off about Trails in the Sky FC, it did the same stuff that bothered the hell out of me in Cold Steel 2 and 3. Main character needs a deus ex machina to save them Antagonist gets away Antagonist gets away, you pursue them, someone else catches them anyway. All these appear multiple times in the span of two in-game chapters. And it was at that point that I told myself "yeah, no. I won't put up with this crap for yet another trilogy. No thanks."
  6. You can by throwing units you don't need at them, yeah. Doesn't change my view that no restore staff was a dick move. I didn't. Sorry. I found the gimmicks to be complete bullcrap in every map they appeared in. Sure, you knew what you were up against, but... ugh. Not fun for me. Oh HELL NO! XD I tried Thracia. Never again.
  7. I'd take ambush spawns over ninjas and the like, status staves you can do nothing about, stupid disruptive gimmicks that do nothing but be annoying (pots, winds, illusions), an overused song that gets incredibly old incredibly quickly and isn't even that good, and shitty, unlikeable (main) characters any day of the week. But that's just me.
  8. And then, someday, some lonely dude pretending to be a dragon will join you in that corner.
  9. Ah, okay! Sorry for misunderstanding, then! ^^ But yeah, my answer is what I wrote in my second paragraph.
  10. Here, as in, this thread? No one, I'd say. In terms of soccer, it's mostly the sports media, and general attitude that is spread throughout the country due to some... rather obnoxious parts of the fanbase (facilitated by the media, honestly), who think Germany > everything else when it comes to sports.
  11. It is the sport I don't care about beyond the scope of my sleep schedule. And the occasional bout of sadistic happiness, as described earlier. Still, I think it looks good!
  12. Hooray for my sleep schedule! England better win. I see! Well done, @Saint Rubenio!
  13. Same, to be honest. As Shrimpy already said, basically, Germany is pretty much the same way, actually. "King Football" and all that stuff. As for the being torn apart thing, well, it's not something I'm terribly scared of, to be honest. I love seeing people with inflated egos get humiliated. That time was one of those moments for me, and it brought me no end of satisfaction (not to mention it did wonders for my sleep schedule). And I sincerely hope for a repeat of that. Oh hey, it's that thing that can resurrect itself ten times over. Good luck with it! And neat profile picture you got there, Shrimpy!
  14. Don't pretend like you didn't know that already. --- As far as football (soccer) goes... I value what little sleep I can get, so the sooner Germany is kicked out of that tournament, the better. That's literally all I care about. Please stop these STUPID car horn concerts and yelling like lunatics until late into the night. I fucking despise it. No one laughed harder than I did when Germany got kicked out in the prelims during the last world cup... I think three years ago now? Not sure anymore, but I remember laughing. Hard. Schadenfreude feels good. Anyway, looks like I missed quite a bit. Hope you guys had a good time. Good morning.
  15. Yeah... she's too much of an a-hole in most of her appearances for me to really find her endearing, haha. But she is very popular with the Nep fanbase as a whole.
  16. You recommended me Prisma Illya! And others, but this one first and foremost! Remember? Prisma Illya? Because it should! That's IF. She's cute design-wise, yes, but... she's one of my least favorite characters in the series. XD
  17. Green Lovers? I'm not too versed with shipping names. xD I laughed. I see you like them small, after all! Introducing Peashy. And yes, she is meant to represent the PC as a gaming platform. Do yourself a favor and do not look up Yellow Heart. Just don't... xD
  18. *breathes in* XENOBLADE 2 STOLE THIS Phew... did anyone hear anything? The wind is being so loud today... XD Fight, Shrimpy! You're in there somewhere! I haven't even watched/read AoT! Again, sounds cute, but no! I am Draggy! Shrimpy! Remember the Nep! She wants to steal everyone's sisters! Remember this scene? Alright! Saved! XD
  19. This is not connected to it. Just me sharing stuff from one of my three favorite games! The human version of the XBox One. And yes, I am serious. Her name is Vert, or as she's known in this form, Next Green.
  20. Time for Nep posting! Hypest moment in the entire series, tbh. "NEXT Form! Awakening Complete!"
  21. Banned because thank you! You are too! Because you are Shrimpy! And Shrimpy is a nice person!
  22. lul Let her cute vocals soothe thy soul! Okay, that actually soundskindofcuteandinfactI'dprobablywanttochangemynametothatwerethisaGermanforum,but I am still Draggy! The one you termed Young Fate-ling! Sakura is alive and well! Because you picked the correct endings!
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