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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. I'm so totally banning you from Astra's next stream for this comment.
  2. Wow, seriously? What a grade A bitch :< So glad I don't have to worry about relationships anymore...
  3. Dood, at least you had the courage to try and ask. Makes you braver and manlier than I XD
  4. Better, Josh? And, Ephidel wouldn't really work as a good reference, since his ponytail is much farther down. I reffed Lyn's for the way it looks, so...
  5. Josh, I would say thank you, but, like, the sprite got an overhaul just around the time you posted all that so... How much of what you posted still stands?
  6. Katanagatari called, they want their plot device back ;3 *coughswordsversushandscough*
  7. Totally used her promoted card art as the reference XD
  8. Huh. Musta confused these rules with FEU's rules.
  9. asdf trim. I hate spriting you. So, who thinks that this ^ is an upgrade over this:
  10. I do not doubt that something you draw will be epic, Lumi. I shall anxiously anticipate the final product.
  11. Touché. So, I take it the final version will look a lot better?
  12. Your boobs are so not that big... Though I wouldn't know either way :P QUIT OUTDOING YOURSELF!! AGH!! LET US CATCH UP DX One thing, though, are the eyes a little too high? I thought eyes were supposed to be halfway down the head .__. They seem a little higher than that.
  13. Wow, really? Ahaha XD Trombe! is pretty cool, but, I prefer some Wild Flug. Maybe The Gate of Magus. I am, of course, assuming that you know the game XD
  14. I'm more of an LPer than a reviewer, but I'd probably point out things I like/dislike as I go along. We'll see after I do a test run of these new tales.
  15. Man, Arch, I've been wondering if I should LP/Review this or not, and, seeing what you've done so far... Man, it really makes me want to XD
  16. [6:23:12 PM] Cameron Wrong: I'm tempted to post what he said here in her sprite topic It was so not my idea :<
  17. Well, he just told me now, so I couldn't have told you earlier XD
  18. Dan said he was critiquing the whole thing, so... I'd wait for that.
  19. Hrm. From looking at the ref, your bulge seems to be a bit too far to the left on the arm. Move it over to the right a few pixels?
  20. Better, but, I dunno. It just seems like you're shading some bulge that wouldn't be there. Take a look at something that Vamp's done involving biceps? Heck, his Fargus 1/3 body should help.
  21. Pretty sure Psych means the overuse of the fourth shade on the left arm (Non-OPV)
  22. Whoa. Lumi, that's pretty derned good. Better than your previous *insertwordhere*body. I do think some of the lines could be smoother, but, it's still good.
  23. I can totally picture Nicki wearing exactly nothi- I mean, yeah, what Josh and Dancer said :P Dan gave me a pretty dern cool idea, so I think I'll just do that. She shall have clothing like Tiltyu, bwuaha!
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