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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. It sounds like a shit idea, imo. :/ But maybe they are just scared, but still, carry your balls Square. You know, it's kind of funny how we had a lot of FF Remake, and yet, it seems that this one, the FF7 one, is the one who is truly remade in everything, from scratch. It's very ambitious from them, perhaps too much. Because seriously, episodes ? That makes me ill. Bahamut ZERO called, he felt left out. You shouldn't command a pizza, though it's bad for health. Still haven't played FF15 Boysband, and I do want to play it... but upon reading your post I remembered that, a certain French youtuber compared the fights of the game as a 'simulation of taking a shit behind rocks or the bushes' It was quite funny. :p I'm not immature.
  2. Finally ! Waited a release date for this game for ages. I also played and 100% completed Curse of the moon, which I adored. Curse of the moon, for those who don't know, it's Castlevania III, but better and newer.
  3. This is both hilarious and horrifying at the same time. Thank you. :p You're right, it is nick picky. :p It is more of a language thing though, in french, the direct translation to souris is mouse. Again, a different language thing. It took me too long to realize what game you were talking about. Funny how it works, I know it not because I played it, but because of how weird it was. The fandom is diverse indeed.
  4. To be fair...I think it is fair, Pikachu is supposed to be an animal, or a creature inspired by an animal, a mouse in this case, not a human, and certainly not a chimera between a man and a hedgehog. I mean, mouses and hedgehogs are so adorable, I want to pet them, and I did pet some, I also want to pet Pikachu, but not Sonic, never Sonic. Am I weird for thinking like that or just normal ? Eeeeeeh, some things pass some doesn't, same with his face, I'm intrigued and weirded out. But to be honest, I'm surprised by two things, the fact that it wasn't done before, and the fact I never thought about how it wasn't done before. Weird.
  5. It's hard to tell if Merkabath was honest with you or not, his final form seems to show as what he truly is, a double-faced monster. I liked that detail so damn much. Funny thing is, it took me way too much time to make any connections to DIO. And too much to Gold Experience. (Yes, I know that 'Ganstar' is not Jojo originally, but still.) Eeeh, I agree, like I said it's not the Lucifer I knew and love, but I like it nonetheless. And then Apo give him a jerkass ball. As well as a cool weird throne, because why not. ... It was fabulous wearing his clothes in IV. Lucifer's original designs is a work of art and hype, no words against that for me. It doesn't even need an update imo. You think so ? Well, Lucifer's personality has always been a matter of opinion and interpretation, it doesn't help that his personality sorta change from game to game. Unlike Yellow Mangs who is always the same kind of dude. I'm not talking about DSO's. Speaking of DSO, or rather DS, Lucifer is downright edgy as a bonus boss. To me, Lucifer is a pragmatic overlord, always watching on the side until truly needed, testing the water and people, having various degrees such as 'Detecting protagonist and Chaos Hero', 'Hiding in plain sight' and 'Manager to my new general' (and, 'why does my daughter have bigger breasts than me' also 'potentialy having a baby in literaly seconds'). He never truly seem angry with you unless you directly join his direct ennemy, with his reaction boiling down to 'Wtf would you want that for you and the world ?' If you pick Neutral, he is at worst disappointed, but respect your choice, and sometime compliment you for carving your own path. Recently, you have a reminder of that part of his personality in SJR New Law of all thing. To me, him letting a demon do evil is not really a problem or his problem, rather, it's a problem that an individual cause to other(s) individual, which may or may not make things worse. It show the potential falling of Chaos. ... I admit that my opinions miiiiiight be biased because of SMTII and III. The problem with Angels, and so Law, is that in most games, they believe that what they do is His will, and in SMTII and SJ, it is shown to be false in what could be possibly the worst way possible. It have it's advantages, but it shows the possible falling of Law as well as blind obedience. They are still demons, who believe themselves to not be demons and don't think for themselves at all, and the ones who do might end up screwing things up. Interestingly, SMTIV's Lucifer seem downright saddened by that when presented with an extreme example. Who care about Marshallow Star God or best boy Innocent Lucifer ? You used Bite Ze Dusto to save your nakama, muh humanity, made their life easier, re established the status quo. The memories of the lessons learned along the way after facing hardship ? Legimately facing the future without deus ex machina or bullcrap about 'The Theme the game' ? Questions about society and the world as a whole ? Changing it ? Discussions about philosophy and point of views ? Who gives a crap, amirite ? This is why I could not take the plot of Persona 4 that seriously, or Persona 5 for that matter. Just let me buy a nuclear head to put in mementos and be done with it. No need to bring one of the name of one of the coolest demons in the mud to save christmas.... It was epic, but the friendship and the shallowness of it all killed a part the epicness. Showing favoritism toward the stupid theme(s) instead of the actual writing and fantastical elements of the actualy plot causes glaring problems. Yellow Diamond Head was always like that, a control freak (and a 'funny' guy), no matter what you do, it's a sin, the question is how big it is and how big the boom will be. Except when it's what he wants as you pointed out. Also, big up for your description of Yosuga. :p It's funny at first I thought they were from SMTII instead, but it's only years back in the past that I thought it could be SMTIII. Polaris too, but Polaris is an alien, who become powered by Deus Ex Re Update in Record Breaker. Seriously, the guy that you kill and replace with a better guy, had a plan for that, that fixes everything for him. Somehow. Bugger. That. Poopoo. And yeah, glad you noticed too, it's very interesting to see that DS2 and SMT3 actually have a lot in common.
  6. Personally, if I knew I'll never have a game, or that I won't have it before years, I just spoil myself with LPs. Don't feel bad. ...accidental spoilers due to my own curiosity or lack of luck not included. Hmmm, me think Dagda's looks in Apo is because, like I said, what he says he true, he know everything, his keikaku, blah blah. it's either because he think himself as a puppet, which he is, or his references of Nanashi being his 'puppet', which he is too, to an extent. Still doesn't make a lick of a sense but hey, same with Rama. Not all the demons can have good or inteligent design. Remember Vishnu from Persona 1 ? He was cool, never understood why he looked like that. I want to like Dagda more than I do, but your rap pretty much got his a big part of his character right, alas. Actually got a got laugh at it, thanks man. :p Fair warning about Zeus' design, it's really obscure do understand. I get the connections with Chronos, for the rest, I had to look it up. The people who did not understand Doi's Odin were even more lost. Which is weird because I think Doi's Odin is easy to understand. I can understand that people don't like it... but if I frankly believe it's better than the purple guy from before, and it was about time they moved on a better design. If Zeus was still his... 'Thunder ball with face form' or his classic 'old dude with a lightning-bolt in a hand', I would've been disappointed. Oh and yeah about Record Breaker, it was indeed AO's ending. Seriously, his ending and character was just so good. It wasn't the Daichi ending of 'We're gonna convince everyone to timetravel to the start of the week, except we're gonna 'fix' everything and everyone's problems, nulify everyone's development, ignore the problems that society have, and we're going to forgot each other.' Nocturne did it first, but at least it had the decency of telling 'Yeah, huh, you actually have to face concequences for that, because you know you kind of pissed on a facet of God. Don't worry, you still have your powers. Also, balls of steel son.' I miss the old Great Will, really I do. That really screwed up Apo...and IV too. Lucifer from IV is clearly a different character from the 'real' Lucifer we know and love, but I actually did liked him, he was more of a jerk, yeah, but he wasn't completly heartless, and got a neat character development in his ending. You are joking about Joker being into the mix, but I don't find something like that improbable at all. :p Aleph would be really cool, but it would kick that one theory down, that I actually like, and Dante was so freaking cool. What about Vergil ? Eh. Oh ! DMC5 Dante ! I know a lot of people who got into SMT thanks to Persona, and I have nothing against them. The more the merrier. I'm annoyed at Atlus, not them. That's just mean-spririted.
  7. Persona 4 truly was the root of all evil then. More seriously, that's actually interesting to see they actually varied. Thank you. So you did not finished SJ ? Huh, I feel kind of dumb, but I'll put it in spoiler just in case. Because well, it's spoilers for everything in SJ and SJR. What you said about Apo and DSO's 8th rings so true, I have no words. Apo is more troubling, it is a full game after all. :/ Dagda is right in everything he say, but as many player pointed out, he comes across as edgy and contrarian at time, meanwhile' your friends' are retarded and doesn't bring really anything to the table other than friendship and muh humanity. Jarin in his blog did talk about a certain brillance, but did the writers really intented to do that ? To talk about the falling of the hobbesian world and all ? At least you got the choice to do the most awesome thing since the True Demon Ending. When people talk about that particuliar part of the fandom, it's in these topics that I feel somewhat targeted, I realize that I may come across as this sometime, especially when I express frustration. it's troubling and humbing at the same time. It doesn't help that my writing is not stellar. :/ (And that shockingly, I'm not a perfect being.) But it won't stop me from playing the games, enjoying them, and criticizing them. I do like SMTSJ, IV, Apo, and the Personas, but there's things that I think are wrong about them, and I will point them out. Because, I feel like they have obvious flaws, and as Roland said, Persona gets all the fun toys, while SMT and all the other franchises don't. Just thinking out loud. Frustration is frustrating. Reflecting upon the self is refreshing. ...The strenght to face one's self has blah blah blah.
  8. Yeah, I kind of killed my own joke. Sorry. :/ The justification you gave had merit, from the perspective of the person in charge of doing the bad writing/retcon/whatever's, otherwise, it doesn't. You don't let someone you stole the work about a Carl Jung-like world and powers, who know you are going to abuse it, alive, you just don't, it's basic sense. It's going to be so cringe, I feel it.
  9. Catherine Full Body isn't even out of Japan yet. And Jedi is already bragging about knowing all about it in our faces. :p That make me all the more curious about the game. Serious question though, Strange Journey was out before or after Persona 4 ? Depending of the answer you might get the, well, answer to when the tone shift started started. Because I don't remember SMT being about 'Yeah, humanity can totally change' before SJ, which is funny considering Strange Journey general tone, and I actually liked Redux's new endings precisely because of... it all. Record Breaker screwed up my favorite ending. As if the original didn't seemed biased enough with their time travel ending where everything is happy for everyone. About DSO, well, first, I officially declare Scratchy as his best name ever, and second, It's funny because, yeah, the difference of tone between the 8th days and the original content is really striking. Ehehe, wanna bet about SMTV ? I said it, hope, a rookie mistake. :p I do hope with you though. Yes. Because that make perfect sense to do that. :p Meanwhile, Philemon and Nyarly are rolling in his graves even more. This isn't why they fought for ! I wanted to defend it by saying that PQ2 was on the 3DS... but well, I realized that the Switch a tiny bit more powerful than the 3DS, so there is no reason why both this game and P5 Royal shouldn't be on the Switch. :/ I really do feel bad for those who have a Switch but not a PS4. It's really not fun wanting a game that is on a console you don't have, especially when said game is basically a glorified update.
  10. Took me a while for it to hit me. It's kind of crazy, amazing kind of crazy I mean, to know that somewhere, it's the end of an Era. Seeing Chrono Trigger on the top is very... pleasureable. On so many levels. I feared it would drop in favor of others, but the power of the Dream Team was just that godly. I think, it's just me don't break me over it pls, that Breath of the Wild being on second place is because of the hype surounding it. Not all of it obviously but... seeing it above Nier Automata hurt a tad. Just a bit. I actually let out a laugh at the 'Oh man...' :p Just the amazing soundtrack ? But I do agree. Wanna hear a funny joke ? The Drakengard franchise and timelime are easy to understand. And so Giorno lied.
  11. Called it. Everyone and their moms called it. So, why am I producing salt ? :p The worst thing is, I'm legit angry with their crap, but also excited about it. Freaking cash cow franchise. I hope, at the minimum, that it will be a DLC later, otherwise it is a complete and utter dick move. Some of those new things sounds cool. I do adore the idea of a therapist character, we'll see if they screw it up or not, but I'm hopeful I'll be satisfied no matter what. A common mistake for beginners. But on the other hand, I'm annoyed, that should have been in the original game. I know it's Japan, they don't want to touch that even with a broom, but sheesh, the first part of the game was literally about... that. So if they didn't want to assume, they shouldn't have wrote about it in the first place. My reaction was, and is still is, what is wrong with them ? Shiho's treatment was unacceptable in the original, such potential, they could had bring back her back instead of creating characters, lot of fans would've probably sold their liver for it, but we all know what the problem with that. Honestly, I think having a female MC with Kamoshida in the game is a recipe for disaster. In every sense of the word. Same, she could be a Marie 2.0 that is, the bad parts, she could be another "How can you not like the Phantom Thieves' kind of characters. Her motives confuses me. Apparently, she doesn't agree with the PT because she believes the victim(s) should make the change, and the PT helping them deprives them of the lessons. What kind of logic is that ? Eh, I like her Phantom Thief design, despite the fact that it is completly different from the others... like Marie's own design. Let's call Thane. My reaction: The word 'what', a lot. :p The plot will take a harsh blow from that. Can't agree more with the first point. I do have a PS4, but I feel just so bad for those who don't. :/ As for Morgana, personally, it's more a problem I had with P4 too, if you want to create a fiction with fantastical elements in it, just don't shape it or throw it away just for the sake of 'the theme of the fiction' or fanservice or whatever.
  12. I second that, especially the last sentence. RF1 is slow as heck, the battle system is a torture (hellooooo Rune Points...), and the Harvest Moon elements are not non-existent, no NPC events. RF2 is like RF1, but better, but they could still be better, and yeah, I also got the sense of being thrown in there and be like, wait what ? I know it's because of that gimmick spoiler, but geez. Oh, and I find the town badly designed. So many times I got lost. :/ I only played RF4 years later because I've heard it was a really good game from somes video games sites, and I was like, 'did it change that much', I was impressed by what I saw, got it, played, adored it, the battle system is fixed, the harvest moon element are actually there and of good quality, there could be more events, but I'm not complaining, it's such a good game. I'm gonna sounds weird, but it reminds me of Secret of Mana. Probably the forest and the music. I dunno. Oh and I recently played RF3, and yup, it's at this game that they stepped up their games, big time. Lot of things you see in RF4, you see it in RF3. Like our Observer said, weapons and forge, became super good. If Ventus had heard my prayers, I would be able to marry her, as she seemingly wanted to. :p Well, I should be thankfull, if she was, I would have to choose between her Margaret. Speaking of pairing, isn't RF4 the only RF that doesn't have a 'canon' pairing ? As in, a kinda sorta forced one ? I dunno about RF3.
  13. I kinda sorta realized why I liked FCorrin leggings, it had some air of royal clothes or lingerie, and it was pretty. Sheesh, when the best part of a character design is a hole in her leggings, you know there is something wrong. :p But now that I take a closer look at out new FByleth, it doesn't even seems to be leggings or even a tattered jeans, it seems like paper, or an even worse case FCorrin's lingerie. And I want ask, why would they do that ? It kind of look stupid and sound stupid imo. :/
  14. Let us pray, friends, that one day, they finally get a cue at customization. If the MU is annoying I can always make my own just to spite their canon version. I'm not petty... I'm very petty and and very childish. I think so too. And I hope it is, it's not the oppinion of everyone, but I have more than enough of class change left and right. Or just class change. I say those things, I don't have a switch, and yet I'm excited like a kitten playing with some yarn. I dunno what's so bad with FAvatar's design, just her pants/leggings.
  15. Well, I can't wait to pull that off. Hmhm ! And the reading the fanfics, looking at the drama, enjoying the kink ! Oh and rule 34 ! Afu, afufufufu. I'm evil and potentialy retarded due to Fates writing. Seriously though, they seems likes they have the same ages, it shouldn't be a problem, if anything, it seems like they want to add another fetish. Which... is not a good sign, especially if marriage returns. Marriage Returns... eh, that a superb name for a comedy movie !
  16. Well, her leggings are weird but beyond that, I have no problem with her design. And that come from a guy who liked Corrin's leggings. Are they supposed to be modern jeans ? You know, the kind that you buy that are half in tatters because fashion stupid logic ? She knows, she know about rule 34. Or, she looked into the future know that the plot of Three House will be terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible just like Fates and Awakening before ! The later is most likely, she doesn't have that much sex appeal. Oh oh oh oh ! I went there ! :p
  17. I really dunno what's her deal is, the only thing I know is, I'm not impressed with her design. They gave us Eldegard, and now this, it's the day and the night. Now, if she end up being much better that Lilith or Azura, my complain about her clothes would immediatly disappear. If she end up being able to give time travely power for her purpose or whatever, I hope for a miracle, because the last time they used time travel for the plot, it was crap. Complains aside, that'd be real freaking cool if it was something along the line of "fixing her error from the future", or hell, using us for her truly selfish purposes.
  18. Well I'd be damned, Rune Factory is back ! That's good news, good news indeed ! Now the bad news is, for me, that it'll be on Switch, which I don't have nor want to buy. And if RF4 get more thingy than the 3DS version, I'll be even more salty. RF4 was one of the best game of the 3DS IMO, definitly recomend it.
  19. Even on bed, F! O! E! ... Do you even understand how perverted that sounds ? :p So ! How's the game so far ? I've heard from bad source that the balance was ultra-weird.
  20. Yuri is one of the reason why Vesperia is so loved. Everything about him is good, his witty personality, his sarcasm, his experience with the world, the fact that he is not random JRPG protagonis number X is enough, but everything else ? Wow. And just after, they decided it was a good idea to create Asbel, what's his name, Milla and Ludger. GG Team Tales. I had the 360 version, when I learned that they did a enhanced version of Vesperia on the PS3... I could have done a contract with a salt company. I. Want. This. Game. So. Baaaaaaaaad. , I'll buy it as soon as I can. But I'm curious, if you don't mind me asking, is there some things that were added compared to the 360 and PS3 version ? Like Features, such as... ... This. Also, boy, if you want to 100% a tales of,, you'll realy want that kind of feature, otherwise, it's a nightmare. :p
  21. Eeeeeeeh. A hard question. I'd say Devil Survivor (and Overlocked), SMT:IV Apo, just for the gameplay and the Anarchy path, Strange Journey Redux. Hmm, Devil Survivor and Strange Journey Redux are pretty tight I would like nothing more than to had Nocturne, but I don't have a PS2, so I never played it, so the only thing I can do is look at it's plot, it's messages, with admiration. This article blew me away at certain point, the parralel between Nanashi and God, the foreshadowing of the Anarchy ending and the destiny of a certain somebody being your slave, what Twisted Tokyo is supposed to be, the genius of the broken aesop of friendship is magic that is actually not broken since it was never here, Stephen... is kind of flag, and all kind of super-duper things to know. In any case, there is only one problem. Right in the nail. I want to believe they meant to do that, to write those smart interesting things, that Anarchy is the true path and that Peace is merely a status quo, problem is, I'd have the aknowledge bad anime J-RPG story too with the idiotic team mate that refuse the truth then pointed to their stupid face. And as for your spoiler, yes if I remember correctly, it is apparently Apo only, the reason being, they use a different kanjis in the japanese version for you-know-who. I disagree with your point of view for each endings, but I can accept them. It's the beauty of this remake I believe. Finally for Devil Survivor... it just have everything endings anyone would want. Good story, good gameplay, good choices, not overly naive, well except maybe if you pick THAT ending, Got a slight problem with some 8th days that contradict their original ending, but eh, I can live with it.
  22. You know, it wouldn't be very epic if in prevision of such thing the man had a vasectomy, or the woman had tubal ligation. :p Or just cutting it. Is that even possible ? It IS medieval fantasy... that would be suspicious though.... Do they even have condom ? Okay, real talk. It was all part of Manfroy's plan/the sect, and, really, it was only a matter of time before it happened. The moment the cult realized that Arvis had the Loptou blood, they almost won the game, at worst, they just had to analyze his children, the mark remember, but instead they got the best, they got a girl from the spirit forest who fit the bill, and oh gee, it happened, and it feed his complex. Kinda super convenient, but oh so well done the murphy effect. If it wasn't Manfroy who did it, it would've been another. Y'know it's funny, but, Loptou and his bloodline are not gone for good, no ? He made it clear in one of his death quote. And the other... it seems like he rage more because of Naga's power being here than anything. Bless you Manfroy Lotpou. We all miss you, you were good bad guys.
  23. Oh boy. You made me remember something good that make me sheepish. First pokemon game I ever had, Blue Version, I was very, very young, think about not even 8 ? Anyway. I finished the game. How ? With only my starter, that I forgot who it was, some canon fodder for healing (that's kind of creepy that I basically thought of them as such at the time...), and the three legendary birds, who, unlike my starter weren't leveled enough, I think they were still in the 50. Needless to say, after a big deal of tries, I achieved it. With what I can identifies as good luck. Ah, I just remember how freaked out I was after Lancer. Sheesh, that now that got my heart and blood pumping. Such good time, when a game does that to you, you know you are living a good moment.. And after that, Mewtwo's cave, during the night, in my bed, while my parents were sleeping. Man, I miss my childhood ! And yes, I did most the game with only my starter and SC slaves. Few years later, I tried to do the same with the second gen, without legendaries, they were too well hidden for my childish mind, with Chikorita, aka, punching bag pokemon. Worst mistake ever even though he was the cutest thing ever. Didn't success, I was only able to go to Lancer before he kicked my ass. t was kind of at this moment I thought 'hmm maybe I should play smarter'. and replayed the games. Few years later, third gen came out, and I tried to solo for the heck of it, and lack of playing times, I actually achieved it, because Blaziken was just that badass. And the game might have a few issues because I clearly remember he was level 70ish. I had a hard time with the twins psy arena champion though. It was probably on purpose.
  24. I'd say that you should run before an angry fan try to hurt you for your heresy.. :p Joking joking, anyone have their tastes, I understand that Mother and Undertale are not for anyone, especially since they are such special game. And that people try to kill you with talk of Undertale, eh.
  25. Dude, anything is better than Corrin. :p But yeah, came out of nowhere for me too, I've seen one video of Jim Sterling, 'Deltarune, what's that ?', and boom, it's Undertale 2... ish I guess ? The Undertale touch...touches are definitely present in there, hard to miss them. 'tis good ma boy. Now start speculating about things ! Man, to think Toby Fox was stressed it wouldn't live up to Undertale, it's kind of crazy thinking about it.
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