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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Huh, I wonder if Skarkeye realize, or at least theorieze that Makes me wonder. My goodness ! They must be even larger in hands. So much info to have !
  2. That's kinda of why Nuzlocke LP were created. But it's always nice to see things done 'professionally'.
  3. It might be my memories playing tricks on me, it wouldn't be the first time, but didn't we had a unpopular opinions topic already ? Oh, no matter. - I never, ever seen a true shiny pokemon of my life, and frankly, I don't really care. - Speaking of Pokemon, I believe that most of their recent design decision, like say, the EXP share giving exp,to all the team, are good. - I remember when the Mass Effect series came out and everyone was overhyping it as if it was the messiahs of video games... I never did get why, especially after playing it, I just thought it was boring. More or less the same with DA. - Even though I enjoyed the Metroidvanias more... I like Castlevania Lord of Shadow, I honestly believe it's a very solid game. - I don't think Dark Souls is an hard game, I wouldn't call it an easy game obviously, but I wouldn't call it the hardest game ever, nor would I call it unfair. Heck, even when the game trash you (Putting a Humanity/Something in a hard to go to spot), I found it fair. 'Prepare to Die', well duh, dying is just a gameplay mechanic, a mechanic that make the series good. I'm contemplating redoing SMT: Strange Journey, I say 'contemplating' because seriously... this games just hate you. - Speaking of SMT:SJ, I got to be the only SMT players out of there that doesn't like the OST. There's some music I like of course, but I just can't stand the militaristic feels. - Oh, and about Dark Souls, I think the NG+ are BS, the ennemies are PV/stamina bags until you just can't do anything, that's not fun to me. DSII's was nice for adding things, but... it's not that much. Huh, that there's in my head right now.
  4. Getting those specials drop from the Fiends is a nightmare, the DLC make it easier, but geez. I don't want to deal with level 999 demons. I save and reload for now. And to think in older SMT games, it was 1/1000-or so chance that they appeared in one specific place, I shudder to think what the odds are for the drops. I did not even knew they existed in SMT1 and SMT2, let alone they had special drops !
  5. I can't blame you, I was at this to do the same on my first run. There's a lot of things wrong about the bond route, but what I find the most jarring is that it's basically (read that once you finished) You'll probably want to do the different path in a NG+, since you'll get NG+ things, Fiends apparently drop new things by the third NG+, and because IMO, redoing all the game is not that much of a pain. I dunno if you know, but after defeating the boss you're about to face, Nothing tell you that in the game, so I prefer to tell you now. I got screwed on my first run. Awakened Power (High Pleroma AND Pierce !) is ridiculousy good anyways, so yeah, I can believe you on that one. Just saying it right now you are going to hate, hate, hate the last dungeon.
  6. So.... who picked Massacre ? Cuz I diiiiiid, and I had zero regrets ! The story choices are just... irritating. A simple example While the choices during bosses are most of the time, about them asking you to do something stupid, but sometime, you have gems like... I know it's classic your choices have zero impacts, but what the hell. They grown on me too, I love their voice acting and... but seriously, I'm at Nanashi's place, I would beg Dagda to get me far away from those idiots who think that just because I know them for two or three day that make them your friends. And it's not like I really dislike the story either, but still. By endgame, I stopped carring about elemental spells, Nanashi had such high magic that he could just use stones and still deal incredible damage, since like you said, the game give them like it's out of style. It also help that the final boss is basically an exam of sort. An hard ass exam. I enjoyed it !
  7. Gee, I wonder if they are bad guys ? Oh, and Riff is a Hero now ! He have Roto's crown, while his mom that the Zenithian's ! I finally figured out that, yes, I can go back there and see that things changed. It is kind of funny to note that it is the two worst people who got the best ending. Well, 'worst'... the yandere is the worst, the other is just lazy, stupid, and irresponsible. What I really loved in this sub plot was how no one, no one, was innocent, everyone had their own share of responsabilities. Special mention to miss 'I give up my kid so I can look at my true love from a church on a cliff without ever talking to him lel', good thing say kid is like her true love, hard working, patient, smart, understanding. He even looks like him ! How weird. 'I wish him to be happy, even if he don't deserve it', not the exact phrase, but still. Dat NPC. And I'm a pretty fast player, especially when motivated, so don't use me as a reference. ... I don't want to farm casino, it's always a nigthmare. :-(
  8. Almost 60 hours of gameplay, 60 good hours. I'm at present Coastal, doing the casino, I have zero idea of the use of this tablet, but I bought it. Emptied my gold pouch though, but it doesn't matter. ... though if it's a generic item thingy, I'll be mad. The beeper is still beeping. Seems obvious, but here's a question about Sharkeye... This is exactly what I think this is, right ? Holy crap. if it is, this is awesome.
  9. I'm at the last pillar, phew ! I did not even realized it was the last one ! The moment with the priest.was sad, annoying (how the heck can those villagers hit, let alone defeat the team in the first place ?...) and awesome at the same time. Seeing those kids having a flash of morality was just too good. So the priest was the same one who lost his memory, am I wrong ? Same here Which is very weird, because the hightest Gladiator level is called Champion too. It's sad, Godhand sounds so badass,
  10. Hm, I suppose that making him Paladin would be even better ? He have maxed Gladiator, and now I'm making him Priest. Melvin is slow, and Maribel have whips, but he really is doing his job as a magic user. I decided to (finally) take a look at this, it's worrying, hopefully, it seems random, so I might not get it. It's almost unforgiveable for such a long game to have a bug like that. :/ Basically, the morable seems to be: trigger all cuscenes as soon as you can, and especially before Maribel come back, am I correct ?
  11. Though he really should have some level in vocations. Aira, at least, have maxed Dancer and three level on Soldier, it's nothing compared to the team but still. And an awesome sword to boot. Rip you-know-who, the moment I started to found her cool, she got away... with her spells, 8 level in Sage, and at this to start Luminary. Ruff maxed Pirate and Monster Masher, and holy crap, he is doing the job so good, it's incredible, Melvin is Gladiator, and he is not half as good, contrary to the hero. He is now starting Priest, because the team really need a healer now.
  12. I want to thank you you guys for all the tips you're giving me, I really appreciate it ! Eh, I think it's the MC and Mirabel who died one or two time, that must be it. Whelp, I know what to do with Ruff. One thing that I liked about him, is that even though he started at level 1, he still had good stats and just after gaining some levels, he already catched up with the others it's a nice touch.
  13. I just finished the desert, I'm level 19/18. MC and Mirabel are Priest lv 5 and Ruff level 7... I dunno how such a gap is possible.You really are overhyping the Sheperd class to me, so i'll make him a Sheperd after mastering Thief. It's good to have people acknowledging what the heroes did do for once. :p I can see why people love this game so much, it's a very good game.
  14. Whelp. Darkness my old friend. Boomerangs are life. For the classes, the hero and Maribel are Priest (for healing and def buff spell), and Ruff is a Thief for now. Later I plan for the Hero to become Martial Artist, then Paladin, Maribel, Mage then, obviously Sage, and for Ruff... I dunno, Pirate or Sheperd,then whatever level 2 class. I'd be sage to assume that the level 3 class is Hero, and like in DQVI, you have to master multiple class ?
  15. "Job system", Oh shoot. I'm going to farm like hell eh ? Like in DQVI ? The game is just awesome so far, especially story-wise. I know it's kind of the base 'Rebuild the world', but each time, there's a pretty twist. And the game just doesn't give a damn. And it's cool. That pretty badass. And to think this is a game that came out on playstation. Ruff look a lot like DQV's MC, child version... and he's low level. Oh well.
  16. I never ever played the playstation version, so I'm really happy to be able to play it on 3DS ! Kiefer is such a bro, and yet all the NPC treat him like an idiot, like the main character, eh. No respect, ever. Maribel... shut up Maribel. :p Is it me or the battles are kind of too easy ? I first tried the mine and the tower, it's kind of unnerving since it's a Dragon Quest. By the by, I really enjoyed the colored gem puzzle in the mine, it was really fun.
  17. Remember the old time. That's something I can get. The kokoro itch still, but remembering how good those game were... it doesn't hurt anymore. Rip Rune Factory... though I only really loved 3 and 4. Especially 4. Rip Golden Sun... or not. the series was so good, I just can't miss it strangely enough. Rip Suikoden because Konami. II, you will be always in my heart.
  18. I really enjoy Soul Hackers, especially since I missed the good ol' days, when you had a partner, the demons had a fixed level, a team of six... Including when the main character couldn't use any skills at all other than the COMP, and having demons required Magnetite, yup, totally missed that... :p Protip, give him lot of En so he'll have a lot of HP
  19. *look at the tomato in my hand* I'm a monster. I should probably eat my own skin, it looks delicious ! ... Eh, my tomato is better.
  20. Not played Majora's Mask yet ? Huh, how old are you ? *Look at profile* Holy motherland of gamelon ! You ruined your life. On a more serious note, you are so, so totally going to love this game, dude !
  21. Since I have a PS4, I'm so overhyped for this game, it scares me.
  22. Your threads are like your avatar, they're pretty cool. What about Camilla's ? Mind you her reaction would so previsible, it wouldn't be fun. :p
  23. Not really no. Unless the level gap is worrysome and can be a pain in the butt. Like, you know, games like Etrian Odyssey..
  24. Forrest/Foleo looks like a great friend to have, so I think he'll be pretty cool as a boyfriend. ...insert "It's a trap meme" here. The ninja-trio looks nice enough, even Saizo, as long as you don't have 'I'm suspicious !' written on yourself that is. ... Being Kagero's yamato nadeshiko husbando... the dream~~ I know right ? Might as well have Emm as a girlfriend. Such low self-esteem is just plain destructive. Ah Mozume... the farm flower. Such an adorable, determined and simple creature~~.
  25. I agree with Thane, when you know everything about everything, you try to do the maximum, you don't wait that the main character conveniently choose.the DLC path to drop on him ton of info out of freaking nowhere, when you could simple told him/her right from the get go in the other paths. At best, Azura is dumb, at worst, well... Of course they're not bad, alas, most experiences I had with them were bad, and it's still go on, so the trope is pretty pretty much ruined for me. When the character in question is a tsundere for the story and not the fetish, like say, Asuka from Evangelion, which is an enormous pile of deconstructions, I shut my trap and applaud though. Yeah, I know the irony of using Asuka as an example. :p
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