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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I never used it, but I've read of a Kana build somewhere, but I forgot where though, I think it was on gamefaqs. Draconic Heir (When user is equipped with a Dragonstone, they recover 15% HP at the start of their Turn) Renewal (Recover 30% HP at the start of the user’s Turn) Hoshidan Unity (Adds 10% to skill activation rates) Pavise (Skill% chance of halving damage from Sword, Lance, Axe, Beaststone, Claw or Puppet attacks) Aegis (Skill% chance of halving damage from Bow, Magic, Dagger, Dragonstone, Breath or Stone attacks) Wary Fighter (During battles, neither the user or enemy can perform follow up attacks) Is Kana's the official Magikarp trolling wall unit of the game or what ? Cuz it seem like it's the only job she be optimal for. Of course I doubt it's the most obtimal build, with the Awakening skill being released and all. Or heck, you could probably replace Hoshido by Quixotic, or Sol. Or whatever. Whadaya think ?
  2. Soon. I doubt it will be the case for the DLCs though. :p Oh the salt I rub on my wounds.
  3. Long story short, Micky can dirty her hands, Normui can't. Micaiah can do things, Kamui can't and won't. The writing somewhat aknowledge Micaiah's action and inaction, not for Kamui, though Kamui IS a 'victim' of the writing of his own game, but that's another story Micaiah win imo, not by far of course. Can't believe I'm defending her. Oh, the heresy...
  4. Oh Gee, Atlus versus Square Enix... how terifying, I wonder which one is better ? /sarcasm. Plot wise I hope it will be not hypocritical, japanese-biased, statu-quo-ist and anime as all hell. Persona 4, after analyzing, while still a good constructed and designed game, is... you get the point.I don't want things like 'Oh, it's fine after all I fully accepted my position in life an society and blabla !'. Don't. You see what I mean. Strangely enough, the graphism give me hope, it looks a lot like Catherine, and Catherine really impressed me plot-wise. The question how whatever the game will be good or not doesn't even have to be asked, it will be good, I'm sure of it. I'm hyped, very hyped ! Theory I found on tvtropes-time.
  5. It would have been great if in the story... Seriously, how awesome would that have been ? One thing I wonder about is, how the weapons succession works ? Is it because you're strong enough in X category ? Because the gameplay say so ? Or maybe just about everyone can actually use it story wise, but the plot ignore it ? (Like it was done so many time in the past, not that I'm complaining.)
  6. Wait, the 'REPLICAAAA !!!!' doesn't give any give or get any support bonus ? Really ? And I did not realize that sooner Damn. :/ No wonder I thought they were made of glass. Still, thanks for the info. At any rates, even if I know better now,.Takumi with his Fuujin bow that can oneshot things stay Takumi with his Fuujin that can one shot things, of course you'll have to think. Thinking and positioning in a SRPG, who could've thought of that ? :p Ahah, just kidding, I agree, it's a double edged sword, but it's more practical than Line-of-Death, you'll just have to use it one the good units.
  7. Lethality is just too unreliavable. Skill/4% is just too low, even more so then the final bosses are immune to it. But damn, when it activate, it's awesome. The best of the best imo, are Dragon Fang, Rend Heaven, and Luna. And Ignis.but this one is DLC. This is all about what you want. Dragon Fang, Skillx0,75%... I think ?... Add half of your damage to your next attack, which make it very very good no matter what you use. Rend Heaven, Skillx1,5, if your units have a physical weapon, it adds half of the opponent's STR when it's activate, or if, you are using a magic weapons, it adds half of opponent's MAG. The problem with this skills is that if by chance, your opponents doesn't have much STR or MAG, like you know, the nice Generals/GreatKnights with 0 Mag.... it's useless, and you'll have to be picky to fully use it. Luna: Skill%. Halves the Def and Res of the ennemies,it's very good, plus, unlike Rending Heaven, you'll always get something out of it, since ennemies always have some Def/Res. Of course, it's not very usefull if your opponent have very low Def/Res. Ignis: Skill% Add half of your STR if you use a magical weapon or half of your MAG if you use a physical weapon. Do I need to say more ? It's awesome, probably even better than Dragon Fang;. Alas, it's DLC and male only, despite being able to have the DLC's Warp and Aether for male and female. Yaaaaaay... Sol: Skill% Half of the damage you do is given to you. A reliable source of 'I don't need no staves !' Vengeance... I dunno, I never used it in this game. :p Also, how is Replicate not broken ? I mean, imagine it, Two. Xander. Both supported with character that buff their (already great) stats.
  8. Totally with you on this, as expected from the overhall writing of Fates. It's as if the writers did a competition to make the worst plot that make the less sense.possible. Now for the gameplay, and the music however...
  9. Then I guess you could call yourself... a Marksman. I think my computer actually tried to stop me from doing that joke. That's remind me, the famous 'If you play as M!MU, you're screwed cuz you gonna have just one kid.' thing, that was problematic, but funny considering that it was the opposite in FEA. :p Wait, wasn't that already done ? If not, Serenes Forest would severely disapoint me. (read: I would be genuinely impressed.) FE7 remake sounds interesting but, I'd rather see a FE4 remake. Hector. I approve your choice. Well, you have a unit that is similar to Robin: able to nuke anything on sight, devour exp like a jeigan, good at everything no matter what, access to all classes/skills, except the sex-locked one... but with even better stats and more skills. Without trying. How could anything in Fates beat that ? Apparently, as M!Kamui +Mag -Def, I've read that if you marry a Ophelia or Rhajat mothered by Nyx or Orochi, you would get a good Onmyoji, but that's not the point, my point is, FEA, not really balanced, FEFates, balanced with a,iron chain for good mesure. (because we love it.) :p
  10. Unlike Morgan who actually had a personality, Kana's is all about 'Wah ! Wah !' and 'Mama ! Papa !', Then again, the kiddos in Fates are all Awaky as hell, and it's not a good thing. Then again, I don't really like Morgan's personality, M or F. F is a brat to not say worse, then again, it's better than Severa. M is... too blank. Then again, I prefer Kana's design over Morgan's. (And thus, Kamui's design over Robin's.) And then again, Morgan is apparently a better unit than Kana. To be honest, I... don't know which one is better or worse.than the other. I would say that I slighty prefer Kana I guess ?... One thing is sure, voting Thane for Godhood, for a better future, and for no Anankos.
  11. Eh, I would have prefered simple and blabant fanservice to... that. You will rip your eyeballs apart when you'll see those things. It sounds legit too. Especially then you consider that it could be the case for a lot of things in the game: thing is this, only to be changed to that at the last moment without any other change.. Seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to do those things in IS ? Or rather, who thought it would be smart writing ? Sigh.
  12. First off, that's Yurius, not Julius. The gameplay and soundtrack is always a blast. No denying. They really did a good job on these. So yeah, I really enjoyed the topic, learned a few things, laughed a lot, So thanks.a lot too ! Let's put it that way: it's just so obvious, and if it was the case,it would be just pain retarded, so obviously, there's no way it could be true. Turns out, it's just that. GG IS. Best writing ever. 20/20 jeuxvideo.com Friendly advice, be sure to really enjoy Radiant Historia, because Revelation will probably make you go coo-coo.
  13. Birthright. Just for that, I'll put a dislike. Nah, i'm just kidding, it's gonna be awesome !
  14. Bored of lunatic ? I think you have sado masochistic issues man. :p
  15. Like my mother would say, you can joke about everything... but not with everyone. Which make the fact that a show pulled that off weirder. Also, imo, it's not very nice to make fun of person with illness, but it also depends of a lot of factors.
  16. Soon. Soon I'll have a PS4. And I'll be able to taste the sweet fruits of the Souls series once more. Of course, it never stopped me from spoiling the story to myself. :p
  17. I was talking about VI not VIII, as in, That's her name in the english version, right ? The shipping hint was here, and it annoyed me, along with the deal with Tania. I don't like having a pairing shoved down my throat. Though I had no problem with Medea strangely enough. Speaking of Tania I was pretty proud of myself then...
  18. Henry ? Commited suicide ? Ouch, did not see that one coming. Thanks for that, man. :p I have to say, Virion and Gangrel's ending pulled my heartstrings. Gangrel deserved it of course but... Kellam is just... ugh, this is why you don't put characters with anime gimmick in your games.
  19. You underestimate the love that a mother can have for her very own child from her very own womb. To be perfectly honest, I'm only half-surprised that she did not shown any sort of disappointment toward Nohrmui. I also wouldn't be surprised if Kamui was simply on top of her list of priorities. Good/Shitty story or not. That's only my opinion though. Gee, a character that is a walking plot device... reminds me of Aqua for some reasons. But yeah seriously, a barrier that stop non-violence though, that is some serious BS of massive proportion. And that's also why Nohr created the Faceless in the first place, which is another bunch of BS altogether. Someone need to pull a plot device of non-violence to discover Necromancy. The heck.
  20. And we should curse the translator of IV for not translating it. Then I discovered that IV was supposed to have the feature, long after finishing it, bonus dungeons and all, I was so disgusted that I never picked the game ever again. IX doesn't have much good character, or rather, they don't have much characters (your team is mute so...). Not that the story or the NPC's are bad, It's almost tear-jerker the game, perhaps as much as V. I kind of want to murder half of the characters of this game, like in VI. (you don't force to accept a waifu, game, among other things !) Still waiting for VII and VIII on the 3DS, though I'm somewhat afraid because they put some features and characters, and it's kind of a huge base breaker in Japan apparently.
  21. For what it's worth, Mikoto should have, at the very least, shown disappointment, but since the game refuse the mere idea Nohrmui could do anything wrong, so here we go. Plus, she is dead, showing anger would be pointless at this point. but she should do more than a shitty 'you can do it' anime (crappy) scene. Then again, we're talking about a sue that can magically create barrier of non-violence, coming straight from mary-suetopia-not-japan.
  22. If IS allows the use of evil/dark weapons such as Loptous without any goody BS. I'll dance hapilly in a tutu. Btw, how could Kamui become a Dark Bishop and find the Loptous tome ? Dang, Staff Savant is the less broken skill of the lot. Would love to see a character/class creator to put in Fates, eh.
  23. I praise your good taste in game. I want to finish the bonus dungeon and I can... but I don't know what to choose at you-probably-don't-know-what, and I won't be able to change, and I really dunno which one I want ! About names In the (probably non-canon) Manga he is calls Botsu. In the debug mode of the japanese version of the game, he is called Rekku, or Rek in no-japan version if I remember. ... Can't believe I said 'in no-japan'. Also the name is quite original if you imagine this scenario. Rek just got rekt !
  24. Isn't that the whole point of those final chapter thought ? The tension ? The epic ? The inability to save before dat Final Boss is also almost a tradition. (I said, almost.) As frustrating as it is... I don't regret it, it was the good kind, the kind that made you feel like you played something good.. Even in Final Conquest. Even if I had to retry from the get go. Even if Takumi 'Screw you' Trump. They should have used Azura's deus ex machina powers to retry the fight. Filthy casul, unit die, you retry. I mean gee, it's not like I did the same in a moment of deep frustration. (Spoiler: I actually did.) ... That said do you have any interest in writing stories though ?
  25. She is the queen of Hoshido... what else would she be ? I guess a mother's love can go as far as massacre.
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