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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. First thing first, thanks for answering, and answering so quickly, I really appreciate it. Bouclier - Gee, a tank with spear skills, never heard of it before. :p Spear Assist and Head Piece looks pretty good, especially the last one.Heal Guard, well, the problem is that it protect and heal only one character. But I perfectly see what make Parry and Aegis interesting. And Shield Rush does seem interesting. Fouet - Well, that's a bummer, that said, having Limitless does seem pretty nice. Ahah... to have Drain Bite, I'll need at least 5 points in Sword Mastery... and for Perseverance, at least 5 points in Snake Eyes... Ouch. :( If I may ask, 'and then get two level 10 grimoires of it', you are talking about having one level 10 for Perseverance, and one for Drain Bites, right ? 'I'm sure your Dark Hunter wouldn't be averse to petrifying stuff (yes, you can get that skill on the fourth stratum; if you don't see it, you're not far enough in).' I'm not seeing it. I'm scared, Am I right to be scared ? Marron - Barrier is that good ? If so, I trust you. The only reasons this War Heal Line 5 is there is because I had nothing else and I thought I could use better healing line. 'May void bind/ailment/debuff to party this turn' doesn't seem too shabby at all. Should I put my points into it too ? Froid - The only reason I have points in Charged Fire/Ice/Volt is to have Burst Shot, I've heard a lot of people saying good things about it even at level 1, like you just did. in factI was pretty much doing what you expected me to do; 1 level in Burst Shot, then putting points in Ricochet and Penetrator accordingly. Minus the Ricochet Grimoire 10, that sounds even better ! Sourire - Force Shield is a Fafnir Skill right ? It increase the force boost used by one turn if I remember correctly. Infinite debuff ? It seems broken, what's the catch ? Or rather, what's make it so good ? I don't really understand the mechanic behind Fafnir's skills. Yeah, the only reasons she have 5 in binding is so she could help Fouet for binding and cheap damage, I'm kind of starting to regret it. If you don't mind me asking, what ailments should I put my points into ? Life Trade, only at level 1 ? No more, nor less ? It does seem pretty ballsy to use. Why should I have Reincarnate ? It seems risky to use. 'Evil Eye has a lot of interesting skills attached to them, but things usually die before I have a chance to truly play with them.' Ara ara, yare yare, you sounds very sadistic there. :p Turning Tide, a Highlander skill ? 'Recovers HP for party whenever user slays an ennemy', is it good ? What level could be ideal ? I suppose I'll have to, in the end, put the remaining of my points into skills such as HP Up and TP Up, right ? Does Phys ATK Up worth the sacrifice ? Once again, thanks ! It's true that I'm having fun, I dunno why I dropped playing the game for a while though. Gee, it feel strange to see people saying the name of my characters. :p
  2. Yes we agree, it's completely out of nowhere, it's bad, people don't compare it with FE4 because FE4 freaking did it right at every turns with no BS whatsoever. And yes FE1 did it too-... Wait, what ? Hardin and Nyna are related ? How ? I didn't knew that ! And it is never ever developed or even pointed out. (Hoshido are the pure, innocent good guys remember ?) Yaaaaaaaaaaay ! :D
  3. RNG is your best friend in Etrian Odyssey. And your worst ennemy. Since we are on the topic of EO2Untold, could you guys tell me what you think of my team ? It's been a while since I played, I'm on the Fourth Stratum. PS: The wall text of doom, that shall come back with a vengeance on the apocalypse. xD
  4. Spoiler, as in, Mega-ultra-spoiler of hell. ...Well, I tried to be vague enough so people who know what I'm talking about... will know.
  5. ... What's with people not having good parent ? God forbid that the parents try to understand their children. I dunno if your dad is bad , or that he is desesperate and doesn't know what to do. A black eye ? As in, the injury ? Or the stink eye, as in... not being in good term with you ? I ask that because you said 'the' instead of 'a'. At any case, it doesn't portray a good picture of him. But for the subject at hand 'anxiety and procrastination problems', those can be serious problems (No shit, you'll say), especially with autism, like it's been said, you should seek assistance. I know that yeah, it won't be fun, anxiety and all... but since you have a visibly angry dad behind your ass... Psychologist/Psychiatrist are the way to go, I'm not sure how things are done in the US though. By the by, shouldn't this topic be in Serious Discussion and not in general ? Because we are in rather iffy subject there, violence, anxiety, antism, works and all that stuff... those are not fun subjects, it's depressive and serious.
  6. Water temple is not exactly what we could call 'hard', it's the gimmick the problem. It ensure that you'll have to go back and forth multiple time (read: a lot of time) in very annoying areas to get the things you need. And god forbid if you forgot things... And god forbid intensifies if you have a short memory. I'm agree, I find the Great Bay Temple actually fun to play, and the gimmick is surprisingly not a pain in the ass to deal with. Still don't want to go in there again because too much water at Hoen, but still.
  7. Midna, our own and only goddess. Imp or Twili, form doesn't matter. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) But seriously great character, excellent character development, and snark-fun. Ezlo and The Red Lion are far behind in my top 3, they simply can't rivalize to Midna. ... We don't have much good companions in this series anyways.
  8. I would to add that it came... completelly out of the blue ! *put on sunglasses* Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! Conquest have a very fishy storryline like that. ...I'm not apologizing. :p
  9. I looks interesting, I'll keep an eye of int. Thanks for showing it to us!
  10. Thanks for reminding me of the worst parts of my life as a gamer guys, I really appreciate it. xD The many reasons why OoT isn't one of my favorite Zeldas. I remember that I even hesitated to play OoT3D in the first place, because of the Water Temple, and the veeeery long introduction. Pedo-Tree, just please shut you trap and send the annoying fairy already... Water Temple, so slow, so easy to get lost in the dungeon and to get lost in the gimmick of said dungeon, if that make any sense... Water levels are always a nightmare in videogame, but in Zelda ? Wooptee-feaking do, we have some crap in there. I'm not sure which is worse, the Water Temple from OoT, or Jabu-Jabu from OoA, which come with basically the same gimmick, only in 2D, and with a finger-destroying swimming system. But the thing that is the most 'memorable-worst' to me since the ... dat moment when you realize that you need arrows/bombs/X... and you don't have them. And as such, you need to go search them. And it's even worse if you don't find them... At least with the keys, you know they are here, somewhere.
  11. Anger ? Why should I be ? Nice people were nice enough to translate the game for us. Too bad for IS, most of the gratitude will go to the translation team. Same for Sword of Seals. (No I won't call it Binding Blade. :p)
  12. I enjoyed the Esbat fight a lot just because of said gimmick, I only had to redo the fight 2-3 time, but it's a fart compared to what's coming next. Why my own War Magus can't be this good ? u_u Emphasis on 'Crazy Prepared', but even that is not enough. I remember the Hollow Queen from EO4; crazy evasion, spawn mook with crazy evasion. And hello ailments and bind. Even more aggravating, is that they give you a character made for this battle. Well, if I had a Sniper/Hunter/Whatever, this could've been easier, but strangely enough, I don't feel like it would be much. :p Not as frontal nor as obvious as here, yeah. :p 2018... ahaha.... I think Japan doesn't understand that 2 years is a lot.
  13. Etrian Odyssey ? Fair ? Since when ? It's an Atlus game, it's not fair, it's feed off your tears and blood. :p Not that I'm complaining. I'm not sure what to think about the possible lack of subclasses, in on way, yeah, it's simpler, but one the other hand, it's less deep. So, Dunno dunno dunno. Well, yeah, it's really barebone info-wise. Release date ?. August 4. In Japan. ... Yay... Oh that ? Don't mind it, it's the yay of despair that is in everyone's souls. Except the one who have a JP 3DS. And we can be sure that the EU release will be after the US release. ... Just so much despair in my words, you could taste it. But they are freaking Loli/Shota. I just feel dirty in advance. ><
  14. Ah, well here I wanted to take a closer look at all the classes, talking about what we learned about them and talk about my possible team, so... I'll do that in a spoiler then ? Might as well prepare for the headache that will be the team building... and naming them. -_- So my team will probably be... It's not like we know much anyways, it is just assuptions on what they say and show on the news, but better be safe. I, loved those squirrels. Seriously, the troll that it was for them to steal your only wire was just so good. :p It'll be less funny if they stole my weapons, my Nectars, my TP healing items though. Or maybe not, maybe it'll be fun and painful as the same time.
  15. Funny, direct, true, and interesting, what's to not like ? Can't say anything that wasn't said before by someone else, (damn you someone else), but I wanted to put a word here to thank you for the read. inb4noticemesenpai. :p
  16. B.Leu


    She seems to be created to be a money farming unit, thanks to her personal skills, +20% activation for skills who needs Luck, which money giving skills conveniently need. In fact, you should easily be able to find a Midori build for that thanks to My Castle. Added to that, the Herb Merchant class, she talk about 'herb' and, well... ... It's either that or prostitution... ... I'm not apologizing, She is an adult after all !
  17. Greetings. We are very pleased to see such a great remix. With this the Age of Remixes will finally begins ! ... Maybe.
  18. Sigurd, main character. He's a deconstruction of the 'Lord hero who want to do everything right', his downfall was calculated by various antagonists, He was betrayed by Alvis, and after being utterly destroyed by freaking FALAFLAME, his army was destroyed by a swarm of meteorites. Oh, and he discovered that his wife was stollen away and don't remember him. His last words were 'ALVIS YOU DASTARD !' Which is a meme by itself, and also one of the proof that lines from a 16-bit game can still be better and more meaningful than 2016 games. Finally his death was the end of the first generation of the game, and the start of the second generation. Fiora, meawhile is a secondary character. She is deppresed, and has an interesting past, not gonna lie. But then what ? What does her death give to the plot ? Or anything at all ? Everything is still the same. Oh, she is burning herself alive... without screaming. She just talk. Calmly. Which make it even harder to take the scene seriously. And the things she babble about... It has nothing to do with double standard, so please... don't say it is guys, don't.
  19. Dave's LP of Dark Souls 3 started. I had a very scary/happy smile on my face after seeing it yesterday. But oh gosh, the things I've seen on the internet, they are just so awesome, so crazy, so badass ! That I think I gained enough Insight to have sex with the Doll. (Bloodborne dirty stupid joke here.)
  20. The scene is meant to be shocking, kind of like Sigurd's (since we have to compare those two). The thing is, Sigurd's death was shocking, well done, and simply badass. Fiora's death is, at best, funny and at worst, stupid as all hell. Just like the rest of the plot. Just IMO, but visibly, I'm not the only who think the same.. Sigurd and Greil's death => Good. Emmeryn and Fiora's death => Complete and utter Crap. That, however, is purely imo. .... But Fiora is hotter than Em, so she's better. Eh ? Eeeeeh ?
  21. I just can't take the Broonie seriously u_u It's like they seen the Mediums and said 'Hmm, we're going to do a race based around her'... That's make me want to gag. But geez, seems like they really improved... pretty much everything. But special mention for the map. Kind of irritating that you can't put everything you want to put in a map. Right EO3 ?
  22. This headcanon have been approved. Seriously, how awesome would that be ?
  23. Don't worry, you are not 'corrupt' in any way because you don't blindly follow the popular opinions of the masses. You are too kind and helpful for that. You are instead an 'heretic'. :p Obvious joke is obvious. Obvious joke on the past actions of the church is obvious too. Did you know ? Radish is awesome. Why ? I'm not sure which is funnier, the fact that... it's radish (radishes ?), the fact that I find the animation actually badass, or the fact that I actually used it my Lunatic Hoshido run because of the +10% avoid. Hey, when the RNG is against you, you got to use everything.
  24. Wisdom there is, in those words. While I agree, I would be also a tad irritated, because serious-freaking-ly ? Paying DLC(s) for supports/dialogues/character development that SHOULD have been in the original game in the first place ? It's just... .... Hail the boots. I mean, it hurt my completionist, but boots is important in Fire Emblem, plus they give you the choice, so it doesn't hurt much. Seriously, it's a movement boosting item. That is rare.
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