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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. A few mouths back, I recently lost my cat to sickness and had decided to stay with him to the end, so reading that, I'm a tad... """vexed""", and saddened, why the hell would you do that ? What can push people and even children to do that ? That's what it is to be born evil ? Personally, I accidentally killed flies. Won't watch the video, I had a lot of cats, I lost a lot of them in various of way, most being peaceful, some not and I don't want to see another another one to break my heart. And we live in a society (ahah) where this is not the kind of thing that have great chances to not have repercussions. I'm not saying death sentence, but the dude need some help. This is not normal behaviour. This is the kind of shit that make me said "Yeah, my cats stay at home from now on". I once had a cat, who disapeared for weeks, he came back with injuries, the "made by human" kind. I can't stress enough how it's sadden me to see people doing that to animals, especially cats whom I adore. Also, Allow me to laugh in *If you defend yourself, you might get pursued by the aggressor*. We truly live a society. Thoses put a smile on my face, I think we needed it.
  2. It's easy to forget that Three Houses is really unique among Fire Emblem. Unless you make Edelgard into a Gremory, for the joy of having 4 Bolting. That'd be something. πŸ˜› I proposed Bolting because of the 15 crit, thus making the +10 reason Crit of Edelgard more useful. We could go in a step further by giving her Bohr X. But that'd be really going too far. (but let me have fun. πŸ˜›) I think they kind of screwed up with magic in this game, it's not horrible imo, but they could've done better. Well, the point of having a heavy armor is mostly being slow as a slug. πŸ˜›
  3. Hm, you're right. Like I said, I wasn't really thinking this through and it was something like "putting everyone on a , step of equality", I pretty sure I butchered this phrase. πŸ˜› Yeah, we could just let them, or Edelgard use magic in their special classes. I was thinking giving El Meteor or Bolting, if only as an ennemy.for the screw you factor. But since she is also slow, that would make her more active of stuff. Raah, I'm not goot at this balancing stuff.
  4. There's a reason why most people, including me, give her the Wyvern's classes. There's also Great Knight tha-pffft, yeah don't even think about it. πŸ˜› I do agree it's bullshit for Edelgard, and the other Lord to have a (budding) talent only for them not doing anything with it with their special classes. Here's a recap, -Enlighted One: Sword, Faith, Brawling, Authority. -Armored Lord/Emperor: Axe, Armor, Authority. -High Lord/Great Lord: Spear, Sword(?), Authority. -Wyvern Master/Barbarossa: Bow, Flying, Authority. The only ones people don't seem to have a problem with is Barbarossa and Enlighted One, but I think it's unfair that Enlighted One have four proficiencies, one of them being a budding talent. I would have either replace one of them with another proficiency, or, giving them another one. Armored Lord/Emperor: Reason, with Black Magic spell list or Dark Magic or a mix. High Lord/Great Lord: Riding. Seriously the dude just scream Paladin, and doesn't have a horse, the heck. I thought about replacing Sword with Faith, to make him more like a Holy Knight. Wyvern Master/Barbarossa: Axe, or Sword. Or maybe even giving him the magic that the other two don't have, to have an even better trinity. But it's just my opinion and could potentialy destroy the balance if done.πŸ˜›
  5. Time is... an annoying ressource to manage. But we, we can wait. I don't even know what the heck the FireSeal is. πŸ˜„ It's legit the first time I heard of it.
  6. Everyone knew something was fishy about Van. Just no one wanted to talk about it. Which is why the party tearing Luke a new one for keeping things to himself is even dumber and hypocrite. But one could make the case about them not seeing something like that big coming, but still. I did not know that talking about and picking bugs for Laphi and doing the obligatory 'You're a demon and you're so evil Velvet' talk made a good impression. πŸ˜› But I getcha, but to me it's the plot pushing it to our face and saying 'see see, she's not sooooo bad, like her like her', which the plot does a lot and doesn't endear her to me one bit. Huh, never saw that about Van and Artorius, which I should make the comparison earlier since the plot is about freewill, interesting. Still see him as an ass. His final line say it all to me.
  7. Yeah but after that they make it the good guys in the sequel and goes as far as trying to make us sympathize with them. Why the hell should I feel bad about Artorius and those probably incestuous-but-probably-no-I-just-said-it-because-it's-funny duo. They are assholes with a capital A. The number of time they try to portray Velvet as evil because of "underwhelming reasons X" is laughable. Jrpg these days make things bigger than they actually are. And I wonder what half of the character in the team are doing in the team, most of them have no place in this plot. And you would think that most of them, like Jade would know that, since you know, Jade, genius, troll, general and self proclaimed sociopath. πŸ˜› It's one of the things that makes me think that Akzeriuth got pushed in the middle of the development, seriously, who thought it was a good idea.to let Luke alone Van ? Especially to help NPCs who're going to die anyways ? The team, including freaking Jade. Jade.
  8. Didn't he snap at Ion because he was worried and they took it badly ? I always thought it was the case, it's coherent with his tsundere tendencies. I also believe that his innocence is a part of what make Luke good. What bothers me is that trust goes both way, it's pretty clear that no one in this group trust one another. They could have done something about that.
  9. You know, I was going to say that it wasn't bad, but well, they did quickly jumped into the wagon really fast didn't they ? The story was never that good even before they went ''poof', starting plot point about two ideal ? Who cares, here's your magical Cthulu with a moral about echology lol'. Yuri is literally what brings the fresh meat to the plot, he ask the real questions, and actually do some shit that should be done. But I dunno, I suppose that killing people that do crimes and stuff is a terrible sins. Or respecting the laws is that important when faced with that. (obviously murder is bad, but you see what I mean.) I did not understand the plot point of that fat pirate dude those name I forgot, that told Yuri he would end up the same as him, that didn't make any sense. Yuri killed, as he said himself, pure bastards who will restart doing bad shit. I fail to see the connexion. Where Flynn, well, I like the idea of the relationship, but he is nothing but talk and literaly have everything career included, given to him. Estelle, I think she had potential honestly. I have fondness for her as far as pwetty pwetty princess heroine go. Yeah, but Karol... Karol's just a winny kid with a bad arc and bad gameplay. Compared to what happens to others... Repede was probably added as the mascot. He certainly have a lot of personality and class, Unlike. All. Future. Mascots. Of the series. And Morgana. Screw Morgana. Shoot, Vesperia even have a better mascot ! That's something that kind of make me laugh upon realizing it, but the team berate Luke for not thinking for himself, they don't give him any legit reasons, they don't practice what they preach, then Luke basically end up being dependant on the teams instead of Van. I know I'm willingly veiling myself, but it's funny to think of it like that. πŸ˜› Luke still being a jerk would have opened a lot of doors of character development for everyone and their, because as a newly awakened Enlightened Jerkass, he would be more critical about things, asking the real questions, pointing the elephants in the rooms. Jerkass Has a Point, you know the trope. Of course, there's that one issue of keeping the team together somehow but I'd genuinely take a longer time to reforming the team over that haircut scene and those five minute of no team that come after. Because the 'let's not talk about the obviously important stuffs' is strong in Abyss. Largo is the best imo, best story, best design. Sync is pretty trolly, like a masked Joker. Which is more terrible friend to the other, Jade or Dist ? πŸ˜› Asch is basically an edgelord. πŸ˜›
  10. Praise ! ToS ! Should have played the ToP on SNES emulation, the GBA version is kinda yuck. Plus you can admire how they pushed the potential of the SNES. Or playing the PSP, PSX, I dunno. You like Flynn ? Ewwww. I dunno why, but I like most characters in Vesperia, except Karol, and Patty. Seriously, why are those kids there ? They add nothing. The Cult of Yuri, in the legends it was called The Cult of 'Protagonist who is cool, badass, with an actual personality, instead of recycled puke'. πŸ˜› And just after that they give us recycled puke Grace and Asbel. Ok boomer writers who are not boomer. I agree with you on Luke, boy, he was a jerkass, but he was an interesting jerkass with reasons to be jerkass. Then, probably in the middle of production they told themselves "oh no, he is too reasonable, let's make him do something really bad so that everyone hate him even though it's not his fault, reason be damned', and after that, he is just boring. GG the character development. Would've been better if he was still a jerk, simply more self aware and mature. From what I've heard, Xillia 2 appears to have ruined the story of the setting. And the characters. And various other things. If you had to choose between ToB and The Witcher 3, I'd say go Witcher 3 imo. Witcher 3 is just so large, so much things to do, so much fun. I think so too, but it was done, well, in Berseria and Zestiria. Sorta Zestiria. Now instead of objects that can do everything, it seems they moved on to an aura who can everything.
  11. I dunno man, I always thought fireball was a legit and valid spell. I mean, after that you got Indignation obviously. To me, it was the Kendama the problem. πŸ˜› But you're into something with the animations. It reminds me of Abyss, the price to pay for 3D. Laphi is a good boy who does his best. Thing is, I wasn't there to hear about his story or his development or anything about him, I was there to hear about a badass female lead getting her revenge and other kind of edgy stuff, not generic and frankly, pretentiously delivered messages. And let's not talk about how convenient the plot is. And Rokurou, freaking Rokurou, seriously, what's with those characters that you could delete and things would be the same ? That guy is useless ! He is literally the token japanese guy with a loose plot point with his brother who too come from nowhere. Grumble grumble grumble.
  12. It surprises me, because Symphonia is for me the best plot wise, because it uses the goold old days (trademark) typical journey to deconstruct it and do something original with it, and because it's theme of racism, well, they actually do something with it and use all the way in multiple direction, as. Unlike, certain, others, tales of, games. Looking at Abyss, Vesperia, and possibly Berseria. Not saying they're not fun, but plot wise, meh ish. And Symphonia has a better cast of characters, like Zelos, just Zelos, even though that they could've done better and or more than Regal and Presea because those two stick a lot compared to the others, but shhhhh. But boy, Symphonia did not age like fine wine.
  13. So... haven't played the game or anything but... Is it me of are the final evolutions of the starters are utterly uncharismatic and unspired ? Except the grass one, the green one is fine. The shower is especially colder after seeing just how awesome those of SM/USUM were. Like, you have a cat who evolve into a Fire/Dark TigerMask, a birdy who become a Grass/Ghost bird archer, then you have a sea lion that become a beautiful Water/Fairy mermaid like creature. And then there's Greninja. I wasn't disapointing by a starter design since Serperior, but they basically create a boring thiner water version of it. And it's sad because most of the others looks cool. Alcremie anyone ?
  14. I like the setting summary, but I know it won't last. Gee, the astral energy doesn't remind me of anything all. πŸ˜› I say that, but they stopped being subtle about energies and magiteck trinkets a long while. I remember the good old times when Artes where simply called Skills or Spells, and people just used effort to do stuff. πŸ˜› Alphen and Shionne give me strong Jude and Mila vibe, which doesn't make me very hopeful. Man, Mila is such a joke. Jude too. Lost memories eh ? We'll see what they'll do with it. I don't really hold my breath though. Bu-but, Eclipse-chan, that's heresy. (and yet I can understand it from a gameplay perspective if anything) I would have loved if Velvet was truly a puppy devouring Demon King kind of thing. But noooooooooo, we need to have all that thing with Laphi and those side characters, it's soooo much important. (Yes I know what the point of the game is, doesn't change how stupid, crap and generic it makes it all.)
  15. A Switch, at 100. Scratch that, a console at 100. A limited one at that. You're so freaking lucky ! I wish it happened to me. πŸ˜›
  16. Me upon seeing a 3DS title was concelled: Sadness. Me upon seeing it could go to the Switch: Happiness. So in one hand, I hope that it'll be FE4, but Fire Brand is onto something, still we were pleasantly surprised with TH and Echoes, it might continue to be the case, eh ? But I also kinda sorta expect FE6 and FE7 too, those are "easy pickings". Judgral have heavy stuff, but Elibe ? Those are very basic and what people in the world know best.
  17. You see, it's funny because I just finished a box of cereal. Wait that's not funny at all.
  18. Sure why not ? As long as the whole Rhea and Crests thing is properly done with or something. I really enjoy aged protagonist who done their lot in life, like Geralt from The Witcher.Well, Byleth kinda is, but without the age. ...Don't really enjoy Jeralt's hair though. Gasp ! Jeralt, Geralt ! ...Imagine romance with with the student, when your avatar is double their age. πŸ˜› Enjoy this mental image. I don't understand how people can say that Byleth is bad and or the worst, when we have something called Corin, Kris, and Robin. Byleth is so much better it's hilarious , and I have to stop myself from gloating how I was right that taking a cue from Mark and making him mute was a step in the right direction.
  19. Well, I must've used them really poorly, or not noticed their potencial. I have a hard time thinking "correctly" for FFT and it's kind. ...I never knew Pumpkin Head existed as a recruit. Now that I look at it, Denim's face makes me think of something else. ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°) What gives ? Why does they still all have skins while our Liches and undead are Spooky Scary Skeletons ? Unfair. And I like how the guy talk about cells, their movements and lack of thereof, how can they even look at them without the necessary tools ? Plot wise, it was pretty cool to make the dead guys do a quick come back like that. It would sure be cool if we could do that. >_> It would also pretty cool if those things were useful for the ending. >_> Earth Spear, that looks like an Axe, not a spear. πŸ˜› Fudo, Fudo's pretty cool yeah.
  20. Well, I also don't like how they Kaiju-ify the pokemons. πŸ˜› Dynamax, I can actually get behind, since everyone can use it. Z moves and Mega evolution in one package, The problem is, we already have mega evolution and Z moves So it's another case of gameplay mechanics being abandoned, worse, mechanics that were actually used by everyone. I do agree with you on the fact that mega is restrictive, it lead to slow as a hell kind of race for doing a mega form, and it's frankly annoying, but still. But those guys decide to put Gigantamax any-freaking-way. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― Wouldn't it have been simpler to just fuse both mechanic ?
  21. I love Sifetch'd, he look so smug, and cool, and stylish and his weapons are so freaking badass. In french, he is called Palatircho. Pala is probably for Paladin, since his japanese name is Begiganaito, Tircho from artichaut, even though it's not a freaking artichoke, it's a japanese leek. Gigantamax leave me with mixed feeling with me rather disliking it. I like the concept, but on the other hand... is it really necessay to transform our pokemon into obligatory giant/titan things that look like a derived product from alolan Exeggutor ? And we already have one thing, it's called mega-evolution. Freaking capitalize on it. But nooooooooooooo... I've seen the reference, I actually really liked it. Still don't change my mind on it, but it's cool to see they did not forgot the Pikachu from old and decided to reference it.
  22. I like it. It' coherent. You are taking your time, to do a long ass part of the game. πŸ˜› Pumpkin, eh... It's sad how near-everything in Hell Gate is the definition of Awesome, but Impractical. Also, Goblins in this game are sorta strong, it's hilarious. Didn't knew you know recruit them of Gorgon though. The shrine is a sacred place, press X do doubt. Asmodeus, ah that one make sense. That's not a innuendo, but I'll do as if it's one. πŸ˜›
  23. Hmmm. I thought long and hard about it, and I'd say the franchise that stuck to me right in the heart are. Dark Souls and the soulsborne series are on the list. Etrian Odyssey, SMT (despite some of their more recent... mistakes.), Dragon Quest, I kind of lost faith in pokemon after Go and the big deal about Sword & Shield, but shoot, I love what was before too much. Megaman is good stuff. Aaaah... Zelda. Good stuff too. Azure Strike Gunvolt... Does it count as Megaman ? Good stuff too, again. Very rewarding and challenging to play.
  24. -A Max class from Shining Force. Let me summon a laser from a satellite from SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE. -A female War Master. I'll make Hilda even more of a creature of violence and pinkness, but I don't care. Anything for ora-ora and muda-muda and dora-dora for female. -I really liked the Fates-version of Fates. It's basically a buffer hero. (Okay, the Ike costume helped.) -A better Mortal Savant, a Dread Fighter, I dunno. -I wonder if it'll be a good idea to have Dark Flier or Malig knight or things from the same wood. -And armored class that can use magic because Edelgard Emperor can't freaking use magic. -I Half-expect a new unique class for Byleth. Dunno why. Maybe because the Lord have two and Byleth only have one. -Deep down, I just want some class that could solve the problems the 'very bad class have'. You have five second to tell me it's probably impossible. πŸ˜›
  25. Me and my pal, God Shattering Star, would like to know the locations of everyone who did not vote for him. More seriously, I cannot find a music in this game that is as good as this one. All other just pale. And that's saying something since most musics in this game are great.
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