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Everything posted by DeadGame

  1. I just want them to have plain simple support conversations like in the GBA games and PoR. No cheesy or gay romances just because some people think FE is a dating simulator and this has to be a thing. I actually wouldn't mind there not being Support-conversations at all as in Radiant Dawn.. it's about the gameplay after all.
  2. Didn't play the games before the GBA era but I found the difficulty in the Tellius series (especially Radiant Dawn) and the localized GBA games suitable. Binding Blade might have been a little berserk-heavy. Anyways, definitely a higher difficulty than Awakening, anything to make the lifes of those casual players harder, hehe. Edit: In case you didn't notice, I was messing around. Awakening still was way too easy, though.
  3. I believe Abe was already confirmed to be playable at some point.
  4. Pretty sure I've seen this here before somewhere. Nothing new from it either. Good video, nevertheless.
  5. Higher (while fair) difficulty and gameplay mechanics from past games (that were likely already mentioned). Next, if they bring back casual-mode, they should punish people playing that way some more, blocking certain parts of the game or not showing them the real ending. Also, less focus on the support-system.
  6. This game is going to rock. Already feels like pure Tactic-Shooter gold.
  7. Ricken is the biggest dweeb in the history of Fire Emblem.. also a bad unit.
  8. Who's this "Robin" you're talking about? Outside of Smash Bros. I only know him/her as "the Avatar".
  9. For Smash Bros., I can understand it, since it's a big feature of the game and in MK8 and Hyrule Warriors it doesn't unlock anything of interest. However if the trend continues as it does in Codename: Steam... I know many people are going to be highly dissapointed. But again, if they released a cheaper alternative for people that don't like expensive plastic figures..
  10. As long as they don't release these amiibo-chips in much cheaper (and more handy) plastic cards, I don't want to see compatibity anywhere outside of Smash Bros. to replace freaking unlockable content! For completionists it's a pain to get these things just to be able to get the most out of a full-price game they paid for. It's litterally the only thing that's bothering me about Codename: Steam right now.
  11. Yo, that game is as awesome as I expected it to be when they announced it as E3. Pure Tactic-Shooter gold.
  12. The "cape" looks like that because it IS metal. It's actually a boiler that produces steam.
  13. Just something that came to my mind the other day: In case they bing back that stupid marriage system, I honestly hope they don't include any homo relationships. I don't care who people love in real life, but that's just something I don't want to see in games like "Fire Emblem". Focus should lay on the gameplay (and the main story) again, not the support system. Oh well, I guess it's most likely not happening anyways.
  14. Speculations! I'm not blieving anything until they announce some more information.
  15. There aren't any warm colours, it looks as if it's always fall in that world, meaning that the sun doesn't really shine. It really is looking "grey", but it's trend many games, with realistic craphics, tend to follow.
  16. I'm not a man getting hyped, really. Hype generates false hope/expectations and also blinds people (I'm looking at you, grey looking Xenoblade X). I'm looking forward to it (really am), but after Awakening I'm not expecting it too be a true challenge. Then again, if it turns out to be great, I'll like it even more if my expectations are exceeded.
  17. That's a terrible way of thinkg about it! Playing a game and throwing it away afterwards, that's just wrong. I want to go back to older games at some point and still be able to do anything I could, when it first came out.
  18. Once the servers go down, multiplayer modes always become a useless icon in the menu, which I personally don't really like. It makes the game feel uncomplete. Have local multiplayer only and maybe even a mapcreator like in Advance Wars, that is all I'm hoping for.
  19. Eventhough it takes some replayability, it's always nice to have a complete army at the end of each game. Just thinking about this topic is giving me horrible flashbacks of key choices that had to be made in FE 7.
  20. I can see that happening. Since I'm not planning on getting a Super 3DS in the near future, I might wait for them to announce further details.
  21. Whatever it is, it's likely a new type of weapon that shoots some sort of ice magic.
  22. I simply don't remember it being that extreme. I mean, I guess I was always just a guest on these forums and just recently created an account but I never noticed any people seeing the series as a "waifu" paradise over an SRPG. Perhaps it's just the huge amount of new fans that came with awakening..
  23. Yeah, that "Waifu"-business is annoying as hell. I mean, I really like momorable characters but not when people start seeing a game as a dating simulator and debate over which character they'd go on a date with. As a fan of the gameplay since FE 8, this feels really wrong.. Anyways, "most important factor" and "FE 10".
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