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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. A glorious day! Thanks for the Ephraim and Lukas, you two. It's pretty cool that we're having a villain final round.
  2. Last 200 flags spent. Let's take this home! Lyon: I’ve sacrificed the lives of many good people. I’ve committed many unforgivable sins upsets. The caring heart that I once possessed died long ago… And I’ve grown stronger because of it. I’ve grown strong enough to defeat even you, Ephraim Ike.
  3. I'm on team Lyon because I like him a lot, but it's honestly a lot more relaxing being on the underdog team. You don't need to worry about being available for limited multipliers and you don't really expect to win, so victories are just welcome surprises.
  4. I wonder who will be the crowd favorite if the final is Hardin vs Lyon. Hardin will probably get a lot of former Ike supporters, heh.
  5. Whew, lad. What a spicy match. I'm sending my last 600 flags to Lyon. Hopefully we can pull this off.
  6. @Aera I already got your Lukas. Had to do a double take when he moved 2 spaces because he sure feels like an armor unit! He and my Berkut Lance Eliwood are tearing up the town.
  7. Here is my friendcode if there are any Lyon Bros who need my support. On the dawn of the second day, look to the east and my Bridelia will be there. 6748978198
  8. Request sent. May my Bridelia aid others in taking Lyon to the top.
  9. Go Team Lyon! Prove once and for all that you were better than your love rival Ephraim! I think it's fine that Ike doesn't have as much a character arc within Radiant Dawn. The fact that he has such strong convictions is proof that Path of Radiance was effective in telling his story. If anything, Ike should have received less attention so Micaiah (or other main characters, like Elincia) can develop more.
  10. Split routes, if done probably would be amazing but after Fates, I think they should just play it safe with a linear story. Even in the case of the better written split route games (SoV and Sacred Stones), more routes just means less content per play through. World building isn't a zero-sum game. You can and should talk about all those things. Justifying smaller subsets of the population is a matter of better writing, and it doesn't just apply to Caucasians and non-Caucasians. As Thecrimsonflash mentions after you, Awakening had the character Panne who is apparently the last of her kind and no one really knows anything about Taguel or where they come from. She just exists and it's weird. If you plopped a white guy into an East Asian fantasy counterpart country, with no explanation for why he's the only one like that, I'd be raising an eyebrow too. Wait, are you saying LGBT people don't come from a specific country...?
  11. The whole post is well spoken but I'll just quote this part. Honestly, this is something that mildly bothered me about Radiant Dawn and Awakening's black characters. They existed but...where did they come from? There were perhaps two characters from each game who had this darker skin unlike any other character in the game. It's not an issue of wanting to see more or less diversity, it's establishing that people didn't just fall from the sky into this "fantasy European" setting (even Plegia is a bit suspect when it comes to who looks ethnically distinct, but at least they have several characters from there). You mention Lord of the Rings, and I'll add A Song of Ice and Fire to the discussion. Many of the events in that world take place in "fantasy Europe" but there are other nations and peoples who are not white, who are encountered by various characters. It would be very strange for a black Summer Islander to find himself hanging out with the Wildlings (probably inspired by the Picts) beyond the Wall, but very reasonable to find them in trading ports or in areas closer to their homeland. The point is these people came from somewhere, and it's effectively established in the lore. A story isn't stronger for simply being diverse, it's strong for having solid world-building.
  12. Best Boy in a gauntlet!? Team Lyon, to cover the world in darkness! Just need 7 more merges and a weapon refine IS
  13. Spd is her dump stat so feel free to ignore that. +Atk is a solid boon.
  14. I don't think this is an aversion to fanfics in general, rather, this thread is speculation that relies too heavily on invented facts to create a theory. I don't think the dragon crown lady is the goddess either, and suspect she's the head of the church and either Seiros (the fact that Seiros' hair and face are hidden in the mural makes it seem like they're using it to hide the fact that she's the same person of legend) or a descendent of her. As for political infighting, we have Zofia and Crimea in Radiant Dawn. So far the conflicts have just been about power, so it would be interesting if there was an ideological battle going on with different factions. --- Re: OP I think the story idea has promise. I think it's a bit grimdark for her followers to start slaughtering Innocents in her name, but I could see a point made about the country destabalizing because you have a bunch of groups that never got along suddenly forced to serve one ruler.
  15. Why would Elincia be a better protagonist than Ike? "Exiled noble fleeing to neighboring countries to recruit allies and retake homeland" stories are a dime a dozen in FE. I think Elincia is far more compelling for how she manages as an acting ruler in RD. I wouldn't hope her getting an Azura like role. Azura's primary role was to be a exposition bot and didn't have a significant character arc or real agency for at least two of the three routes. Azura to Corrin was not the Hector to Eliwood.
  16. I've noticed this myself. People are always going to be attracted to pretty females but since Awakening introduced shipping with a player-insert character, many identify characters first as lust objects and second as characters. I can't really blame the fanbase entirely, as IS themselves encouraged this, but I hope we can get away from referring to characters in such a shallow manner. Bolded Maybe less around here but if you frequent the Heroes community on Reddit, I do hear a lot of people saying male characters are "daddy" or talk about crotch bulges as soon as character designs come out. I think there is a bit of a divide on how characters are looked at. Physically, a lot of people like F!Corrin more, but I haven't (at least not recently) heard people say that her character in the story is more agreeable.
  17. Armads is actually a Behelit. Even if Hector were to lose it or cast it away, it would find its way back to him. Fate is already written.
  18. Hector is terribly uninspired but damn does he look powerful. The gimmicky Omnibreaker OG Hector is now complete and better than ever. Green is FUCKING STACKED for skill fodder. DC, Vengeful Fighter, and SB. Plus Myrrh is the most precious thing to grace Fire Emblem. Oh god, this is going to be a lolno green orbs banner, isn't it? Makes me wonder what the July greens will be. Lyn/Grima/Lissa pls? Heh, OG Hector is also getting a BHB soon. Doubt many will roll on him unless they got screwed by the Legendary banner. The other colors are decent too. Morgan, Tharja, Roy and Robin would be nice. Right. The Ikes also have both breath skills. V Hector and L Hector were probably already in the pipeline before the CYL2 results were in. That said, there is no excuse for them to release an Elibe seasonal and 2 Elibe Legendaries so close together.
  19. I don't see the "Corrin-sexuals" being bi, as some suggest. They're only called that because for whatever reason, IS decided they should get very few supports, not because they have a strong bond with Corrin. I'm going to conservatively stick to characters known to flirt with same gender characters or otherwise have a strong fixation. Soleil and Camilla come to mind, and Silas/Azura for their closeness with the avatar. Felicia and Jacob are also highly devoted but it's a little telling that they join first with the opposite sex avatar.
  20. RNG based skill procs are okay but maybe they could try cooldown or charges. Say they could use a skill manually after being in combat X number of times. It's not like it would be the first time a game as done this, as Fates had the Guard stance charge up and let you block an attack when at full. Sacrificing health for skills doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
  21. I expect it to be elite heavy (if the game starts at a military academy, it's likely many of your units will be fellow students) but I hope it's a bit more balanced. Characters coming from all walks of life makes a world feel more Brom and Nephenee contribute more to the world than Arthur and Effie who get "character gimmick + very loyal retainer" as their significance. Ideally each character would be able to contribute to the setting in some way.
  22. Nah, player choice adds to replayability. I do wish that: A. Different classes would present interesting deviations to how a character can be played where one choice isn't much better than the other. B. Characters maintained their color palette from their base class. I mean, usually. Summoner/Druid Ewan was a mistake.
  23. I don't really care. I use as many units as I'm allowed because I like using a variety of characters. If someone wants to play in a different way (and potentially break the difficulty), it's of no consequence to me. I feel the same way about Pokemon.
  24. *Sigh* Pulled Shiro, Noire, two Tanas and a Cordelia in 109 orbs. I'd consider this amazing luck, Shiro and Noire even have good natures, but the two units I actually wanted to use, Tana and Cordelia are -Atk, +Def. The second Tana was mercifully a neutral nature but still. I also got a -Atk Bride Lyn last banner. Why are we born just to suffer? The bad Tana can be foddered for A/S Push (I'm thinking about giving it to a Razzle Dazzle healer) but Cordelia doesn't have any skills worth passing along, so she's probably useless unless I pull a better one to merge with. I suppose I'll wait to see what Summer banner 2 is before rolling again.
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