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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I see a number of good ideas in this thread. This is what I would want them exchanged for, in order of what I want most: 1. Badges for SP 2. Badges for Feathers 3. Badges for 1*-3* pulls (normal badges, more badges spent for higher star level) and 4* pulls (Great Badges only) Actually, you could do all of them.
  2. I'd rather save 20k feathers than have more SP to farm. Granted, default 5* characters do run into SP problems but with the ability to inherit skills from duplicate characters, it's less of a problem. In regards to the "get a 10+ 3* merge", you need 11 of the same character to pull that off, something you aren't likely to do unless you're whaling (in which case, just use your army of 5* characters you silly-head). You'll also be heavily reliant on SI because you can't fully level up your starting kit.
  3. Story-wise, I like wyvern riders for their cool mounts and empathic bond. Most characters treat horses like tools but flying mounts, particularly wyverns, are more like companions. I also enjoy Manaketes because dragons, and i dig their lore (immortality and eventual insanity? We Dark Souls now) For both lore and gameplay, I like magic users in general. I'd like to see a revival of light/dark/anima with a diversity of spells and classes. Lastly for gameplay, I generally enjoy soldiers and mercenaries for their balanced stats. Oboro and Raven always have a spot on my team.
  4. 3rding the "keep it within the genus" sentiment. I'm also okay with non-mounted units promoting into mounted units like Archer to Kinshi Knight, but I don't want mounted units losing or changing their mount species. Hopefully Falcon Knight/Dark Flier and Wyvern Lord/Malig Knight will be our flier options in the next game.
  5. Some of my picks: Miledy (Lance Wyvern) Heath (Sword Wyvern) Elincia (Sword Pegasus) Sumia (Staff Pegasus) Reina (Bow Flier) Rath (Bow Cavalry) I want more magic fliers but the only characters not added yet and have the natural ability to become Dark Fliers or Malig knights are Sumia (better as a staff user) Aversa (bleh) Cynthia and Percy (second gen characters, less likely). I'd be down for a Dark flier Morgan, although that's breaking the rules by class changing.
  6. "Blazing Sword is the most hated for its maps and story" "Hold my beer!" -Revelation
  7. Hey, you screen-capped my arena matches this month, nice. Armor Emblem is so hot right now.
  8. Reinhardt gets Goad Cavalry, if you want to count that.
  9. The Ursula I won in Hard mode will slay her Lunatic counterpart. Or maybe I'll just Hector Emblem her map. If it's like the last GHB quests, you'll be able to kill Ursula in story mode with Anna and just include her on the team for the GHB.
  10. I play every day until my stamina and dueling swords run out and I don't refresh them unless I'm on a roll or am determined to beat a certain challenge. There will always be SP grinding but when I get all of my valuable characters to 40 and don't have any feathers, I'll probably slow down.
  11. The blade tomes would be hard to implement, I think. Unlike Heroes where tons of units have passive buff skills or rallies, very few units do this in the mainline games. I'm not sure how they'd factor in the damage boost but I'd have the tomes lower your critical hit rate to simulate lower skill cooldowns. Rather than involving the weapon triangle, they would best imitate the effect of the Raven tomes by making them do effective damage (or some other fixed damage bonus) to bows/hidden weapons.
  12. I suppose you're right, but I think the contrast between Fates and FE5&10 really demonstrates how carefully the writing must be handled. Struggling with adversity is one thing (and a potentially interesting arc) but failing constantly because the protagonist can't make intelligent or reasonable choices needs to be avoided. I think agency is a really critical element to a good lord. Even Micaiah who got roped into the Bloodpact was trying to undo it the moment she discovered it. Contrast Corrin who decided to sit on his hands when faced with a similar dilemma.
  13. Re: "The lord should fail sometimes" conversation, I think that for a game like this, you're going to need to have the victories more slanted in favor of the lord rather than against him. A tragic failing is good for character development but constant failures (like Conquest) makes me want to play a different game.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. I suppose that's the boring but most practical way to go about it. I'll go with Attack +3 for now. The next green pull will be a spare Hector, I'm sure of it.
  15. Armor Emblem question: For my Zephiel's A skill slot, I'm contemplating Death Blow or Fury. Because he has Wary Fighter, Zephiel will never take two hits outside of brave weapons, so despite taking 3 less damage from attacks while Fury is active, the 6 post battle damage actually makes his bulk lower than it would have been. Should I just save the Fury for someone who can actually benefit from the speed buff? Death Blow would make him near identical in function to Effie (can't say that's a bad way to be) but perhaps I ought to save Death Blow for a Brave user? The only other A skill I could imagine him using (besides Distant Counter) is Defiant Defense, but if he drops below 50% HP, he's probably already having problems.
  16. I wondered that myself. The training tower already requires less stamina and gives normal exp, so why discourage replaying story missions further? I think the daily arena quests should be a permanent feature. With a daily dueling crest, you could do 6 matches a day without using resources. At 3 matches a day, it takes 3 days to do a full 7 victory run.
  17. Do Spurs of the same variety stack? Could a unit be affected by both Hone Cavalry and Spur Speed? How about two Hone Cavalry skills?
  18. I'm going to say have both, but leaning more in the direction of My Castle. Rather than a singular castle that you customize, I'd rather have towns or camps that serve the purpose of your base for whatever you are doing in the story. Like, if you are fighting local battles, you might return to the same fort several times but if you're pressing into enemy territory, the base might be a forest in one chapter and a city in the next. A customizable castle can be reserved for multiplayer. As for the content, I like them to cut out the fluff like the resource harvesting and lottery and just have the core facilities. An armory/item shop or traveling merchant and a training ground for BEXP. Perhaps instead of accessing supports/base conversations from a menu, you'd actually see those characters walking around the camp. While there is no need for the player to walk around on a world map, I'd appreciate having a map that we can see countries, key locations, where we are and where we came from.
  19. No Space Emblem but I would be down for some Renaissance era stuff. Early gunpowder weapons would be neat. In regards to "a lot more ranged units", this doesn't need to be the case. In Advance Wars, everything has guns but they usually only hit adjacent enemies, with indirect combat being the realm of artillery units.
  20. Hah, no doubt. I'm sure the CYL banner will fund FE Switch by itself.
  21. I wonder, would people be happier or more upset if you could just choose one of the 4 characters as a gift at the expense of not getting the other ones. I feel like CYL ought to be special in some capacity as it's literally a selection of fan favorites. A regular 4 character focus is a little mundane, is it not?
  22. Probably the most anticipated update is the Choose Your Legends characters, Lyn, Roy, Ike and Lucina. The assumption is that they'll all appear in a single focus, but have you noticed something about them? They're all swords. I can tell you from the experience of the Wyvern banner that making all the focus characters the same color is a recipe for woe. Not only do you risk not pulling the color you want, but each character is now competing for that one color, so good luck pulling the character you want the most. Now, I'm aware (and hope) that the characters might be using their alternate weapons which would lead to a balanced colorless/red/green/blue focus but nothing is certain. Is anyone concerned about how this possible banner will play out? I sense a number of dedicated F2P players are going to be breaking some vows.
  23. They should have just waited until they had enough Tellius characters to make a fully fleshed out World of Radiance. What we got felt more like a drawn out paralogue (it could have been 1 rout, 1 defend and 1 timed mission). Characters take time to make so we aren't going to see something like 10+ new characters in one go.
  24. Speaking of Horse Emblem and "Blade tomes are bullshit except when I use them" Has anyone else been having difficulty fighting Flier Emblem? I keep running into Gronblade Spring Camilla who has at the very least a Hone Flier buff if not a Fortify and Goad slapped on there as well. Even with just the Hone Flier buff, she one-shots or one-rounds just about everything I have and anyone who survives will likely have a +6 boosted Brave Lance shoved through their face (Cordelia or Hinoka) if I move in to attack. I beat one such team after I split the enemy team up but it was impossible to win without casualties. What is the best way to deal with this? Hard mode, no Ike or Ryoma.
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