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Everything posted by Zasplach

  1. Caeda 5 Fury 13 Tate 3 Fiora 6 Tana 13 Marcia 5 Elincia 14
  2. Eh some people just don't feel they ain't livin' if they ain't fighting, what can you say? Let them fight, I just won't get involved, too touchy for me.
  3. Caeda 6 Palla 3 Catria 4 Fury 13 Tate 15 Fiora 12 Tana 14 Marcia 13 Elincia 13
  4. Caeda 8 Palla 9 Catria 14 Fury 15 Shanna 6 Tate 14 Fiora 9 Tana 15 Marcia 15 Elincia 13 Cordelia 4
  5. Caeda 13 Palla 12 Catria 15 Fury 15 Fee 6 Shanna 8 Tate 12 Fiora 10 Farina 1 Tana 14 Syrene 2 Marcia 14 Elincia 13 Sumia 7 Cordelia 8
  6. I think the forum can handle a serious discussion like this, I'm sure it will go fine. Let's see I voted: For characters: Fe 10, maybe because it's the game I've played the most and had a very enjoyable time with and maybe it's just the base interface with conversations, but I just felt the wide variety of cast had a both interesting and relevant variety and despite the very large cast, most of the characters felt like they had some sort of motivation and a point to what they were doing. For story: Fe4, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't played it, but despite having an idea about how the game would go, the first time I played the game, just wow, it's a very interesting story, I'd like to see a similarly serious story in upcoming Fire Emblem titles. For gameplay: Fe13, though Awakening isn't my favorite title in the series, probably the lower half in my mind, I still feel like the way the game was streamlined, minus things like pair-up that trivialize the game, is a pretty streamlined and efficient example of a how Fire Emblem title should be executed. For overall: Fe4, It may be my favorite game just overall, with a great story and a great, and in my mind very intuitive, breeding system I find myself playing the game over and over again and never getting bored.
  7. Caeda 14 Palla 12 Catria 16 Fury 14 Fee 11 Karin 5 Shanna 8 Tate 8 Fiora 10 Farina 7 Vanessa 1 Tana 14 Syrene 6 Marcia 13 Elincia 12 Sumia 9 Cordelia 10
  8. Caeda 12 Palla 10 Catria 14 Est 0 Fury 15 Fee 11 Karin 10 Misha 6 Shanna 12 Tate 10 Florina 2 Fiora 10 Farina 7 Vanessa 6 Tana 12 Syrene 6 Marcia 14 Tanith 0 Elincia 13 Sumia 11 Cordelia 10 Cynthia 6 Note: -1 for Est and Palla
  9. The real question is when did males starting talking in the restroom, I talk to no one in there. Who shakes hands in the bathroom? Just act like nothing happened, he'll probably do the same.
  10. It is silly, but to be fair, time has passed in the game. Going from Genoa through the spirit forest takes the army at least 5 turns, which is probably at least a week, which is enough time to consider what's gone on, and yes they have that silly conversation of "oh my I think I'm falling in love", but they really could just have a whirlwind romance that takes place in one month's time, after the chapter ends. Whirlwind romances like that wouldn't be unheard of for nobles who are afraid of their families stepping in and quashing their romances for more politically advantageous marriages.
  11. Caeda 15 Palla 10 Catria 12 Est 7 Claire 4 Fury 12 Fee 11 Karin 10 Misha 6 Shanna 10 Tate 10 Yuno 6 Florina 7 Fiora 10 Farina 8 Vanessa 8 Tana 11 Syrene 6 Marcia 11 Tanith 9 Elincia 13 Sigrun 7 Sumia 10 Cordelia 10 Cynthia 7
  12. Caeda 12 Palla 9 Catria 11 Est 7 Claire 6 Fury 11 Fee 10 Karin 10 Misha 6 Shanna 9 Tate 10 Yuno 6 Florina 10 Fiora 10 Farina 10 Vanessa 8 Tana 11 Syrene 8 Marcia 13 Tanith 8 Elincia 11 Sigrun 8 Sumia 10 Cordelia 10 Cynthia 10 Aversa 6
  13. It's sort of cheating, but you can always use your emulator's action codes to insert lover codes if it's really necessary, rather than having to go back and play it all again.
  14. I'm wary too, but I'm alright with all the hype build up. I liked a lot of the features they removed and a self-insert isn't my favorite feature either, but it seems to sell well. We shall see about how Nohr plays out, I'm still hopeful.
  15. No reason to walk off the edge yet. Nobody has played 'IF' yet; the most recent iterations of the series have aired towards less complexity, but to be fair, the two DS games were remakes of games that were pretty bare bones. Let's give this game some time. In terms of grind, it's what people seem to like in games, trivializing them, thus cheat codes and such, but it doesn't look like both sets of the games are going to have world maps. I'm not going to worry too much before I've played the game. Maybe afterwards, we'll have something to be worried about.
  16. Guess I'll join the thought. Class Name: Mage Knight Appeared in: Fe4 Usable Weapons: Swords, elemental magic Personal Weapons: none Class Skills: None Base stats: HP: 40; Str: 5; Mag: 10; Skl: 7; Spd: 7; Lck: 0; Def: 5; Res: 7; Mov: 9; Con: - Characters able to be class changed into this class: Azel, Arthur Got to love mages with ponies.
  17. poor Azel. If only you could get the resources of your potential son, Arthur.
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