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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. My Laz! He would be higher if I could pull more of him! Unfortunately, I'm all out of dupes. I can't seem to pull him lately. Also, anyone know what Special is best on him? I have a lot of skill fodder, so I will replace Luna if there's a better Special for him.
  2. If you have a spare character with "Pivot", give that to Effie. It really helps with the movement issue.
  3. I already buy orbs, but yeah, if they had a sale or something I would definitely be motivated to buy more of them. Orbs prices really are too high.
  4. I don't really eat different food during certain seasons. I guess I will go with summer for the cheaper fruit and corn on the cob!
  5. She is a dancer, so she can't be bad in my books! (Having 7 of them sure helps with AA.) Plus, she looks soooo pretty in her new art. Hope you get her, fingers crossed for you!
  6. Today's Pulls (21 -> 3 orbs): 3* Eliwood (No green/blue orbs, boo!) 4* Raven 3* Frederick 4* Shanna Nothing good, oh well.
  7. Well, those maps were quite fun! I'm at 21 orbs now, so it's pulling time~
  8. Haha, I love how that meme was accidentally started.
  9. Cute. I really like the artist that did the SoV art. He/She should return for another FE.
  10. Nothing, when I applied to university/college, I didn't have to write an essay. Admission was based solely on grades.
  11. Glad you're enjoying it! I was skeptical about it when I first heard that they were going to be releasing a mobile FE game, and I'm glad I gave it a chance because it has provided me with many hours of fun. I started playing on Day 1, and it was pretty much my first mobile game.
  12. Where I live, people complain about the heat when it gets above 30C. I'm on the west coast of Canada, so it usually doesn't get excessively hot or excessively cold. Our weather would probably feel really cold to you guys, though. And it rains a lot.
  13. In October? Oh my goodness. Is it humid there? I hate humidity.
  14. -I'm almost certain I'm a Dolphin. Also, I'm Canadian, so that's in CAD. Orbs are more expensive. -It's entertainment, so yes. Even just the orb opening part is fun to me. I only have 1 regret. Same one as @mampfoid. Exact same situation as me, even the - Atk part, haha. -I'm impatient and impulsive. Also, to get all of my faves. -75 orbs ($54.99) - It can do that?
  15. Wow, this thread sure took an interesting turn. I was a good girl in high school... Didn't do anything naughty. I was 18 when I first had sex, and it was with my current SO. He was my first boyfriend too! I lucked out there. Also, speaking of swearing - my parents used to get upset when me and my brothers swore, but they swore a lot themselves. They implemented this system where they would have to give us 25 cents whenever they swore. I was with my mom watching my dad's work hockey team once, and one of the dudes on the ice swore. I yelled loudly at him: "you swore, that's 25 cents!"
  16. Yay, another TT. I love seeing the rewards pile up, hehe. I too am surprised that Ayra is a summonable unit. At least @Ice Dragon will be happy, I think?
  17. Totally rooting for you. I'm not a very frequent poster in the main Heroes discussion thread, but I read pretty much all of the posts there. Seems you've been excited about Deirdre for a while now, so if anyone deserves to get her, it's you!
  18. I did 3 pulls tonight. My free pull on the TT banner was 5* Ayra. Still can't believe that happened. Seems the FEH Wiki has her stats up. She appears to be +HP/-Res, which is pretty much neutral. I'm a happy camper. I also did a couple pulls on the Holy War banner. I already have Sigurd, so I'm aiming for the two mages. 4* Stahl (No green/blue orbs) 3* Beruka
  19. @DefaultBeep Hehe, nah, I already have him. I was indeed hoping for her! She's beautiful and seems like she'll be really good even if she has a bad nature. I sure lucked out this time!
  20. Ummm... Please don't hate me, guys, but this was my free pull... I wonder what her nature is. Dunno if the stats would be up yet.
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