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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Although I'd want 4 or 5 remade, I'm not opposed to a Binding Blade and would be just as excited. If the director isn't too scared to tweak some things and add some cool features, then I'd be really happy. It's kind of weird if they do skip 4 and 5, but I wouldn't be surprised since Roy is much more known to an international audience thanks to Smash Bros.
  2. Whoo caught this before it became too old to comment on. I see some people wishing for Lalum/Elphin to be able to wield a weapon. As much as I love the idea of a combat dancer, their growths aren't suited for combat, so those will have to be tweaked. Tbh, I'd prefer if they got some sort of rally, Charisma, or be able to dance for more than one unit after they gained a certain level. (maybe 2 at level 5, 3 at level 10, and 4 at level 15?). I would find this more useful, but I wouldn't be opposed to see Lalum/Elphin carry a weapon around, especially since their upbringing could justify how they know the basics at the very least (Lalum would get a sword, Elphin would get magic). Also would be interesting if we had an actual endgame cutscene as well, that is liable to change if you bothered to pair Roy up with anyone. I'm not crazy about the idea of supports being locked by grade (like you can only have 1 A support), but I wouldn't mind certain characters being locked if a love rival had already initiated a support with the person of interest. For example, Roy will be able to support Allan, Lance, Marcus, Wolt, and 1 of his potential wives. Say you chose Lalum- the rivals would be locked out even if there's available spots. Or it would be C,B, and S, but the first girl to reach S would marry Roy and the others get just an A support instead. But I'm pretty sure this idea is flawed (probably because all the support bonuses would make the game a lot easier, but it is FE6, which is probably the hardest out of the GBA games.)
  3. I'd keep him. He seems to be magic blessed despite not spectacular in other areas. I would go forward with him and L'arachel, and drop Natasha if you're going to drop someone.
  4. Clarine/Cecilia: I voted Clarine. She dodges like crazy which is good for a utility unit. Her main flaw is her lack of magic, but she does have the best survivability (sp? is this a word?) amongst your utility units. FE6's maps can tend to be big, so having a mounted healer is nice. Cecilia is also a nice unit, but she becomes available on a desert chapter and she's mounted... Plus I find a combo team with Clarine + Lugh/Lilina/Hugh to be better fit than for my strategies. She's not bad though. Lowen/Sain: I'm kind of regretting my decision for voting for Sain, as FE7 isn't that difficult. I guess on Hector Hard Mode Lowen becomes more viable as a unit though. He is one of those characters that have more use when the difficulty is harder IMO. Moulder/Natasha: Moulder comes earlier and with a better staff rank, so I voted for him. I like Natasha more, but if you're doing a no-grinding run, fork Natasha's Mend over to him because he'll most likely be ahead of Natasha in levels by that point. Artur/Lute: They're both great, but I voted for Lute because she potentially gets a horse. Somewhere in the distance, Mangs felt a disturbance in the FE fandom...
  5. Best: FE6: Percival, Dieck, Rutger, Allan, Lance, Gonzales, Lalum, Miledy FE7: Hector, Lucius, Pent, Marcus, Ninian FE8: Seth, Ephraim, Franz, Tethys (only on hard mode) Worst: FE6: Sophia, Juno FE7: Renault, Nino FE8: Amelia (I will note that any character in FE8 can be good, Amelia just requires more attention than others. At least Ewan has a niche if your Knoll turns out shitty)
  6. I mentioned how there could be a personality test given when you're creating your avatar, so you can really make it a more accurate self-insert of yourself. But I guess that can be seen as less as an Avatar and more of a design-your-own-character moment. I see your point. I also like your idea about a Bethesda-type avatar/protagonist.
  7. It really depends. 4,5,9,10, and 12 have really strong stories, while Echoes has the best presentation; so if they're able to combine the good creative story elements of the 5 games I first mentioned with Echoes, the game's story would be really solid. But this is easier said than done. I expect the presentation and gameplay to be good, and the story to be better than Fates, but that's not saying much. I'm expecting more of a FE7 or Awakening type of story with a really good presentation. FE7 and Awakening, to me, were very 'safe' in writing. While not bad, they're just not the most exciting, but still enjoyable. But usually where the story falls, the cast picks up the slack, so we also have to hope for decently-written characters. Echoes proved it can do it, although they may need more supports. I like how the GBA games did it, where most characters had around 7 characters they could support with.
  8. I see a couple of people mentioning an avatar like Kris, but if you look back at New Mystery, Kris' ass was kissed so much. It wasn't Marth & Co.'s achievements anymore- it was Kris' own achievements. And they were pretty blank slate as well in terms of personality. If you read their supports, they're never the leader nor the more interesting one. However, I do like how Kris' customization was handled- you were given plenty of hairstyles and faces to choose from, armor changed with class, you can pick up accessories during your journey, you picked their background and the you chose a basic class. It wasn't anything special to give your character an extra spotlight. An expansion on these choices would be nice, especially background. Perhaps a personality test may also help, so it can decide who you can support with. A lot of people complain about the lack of personality, so I think that'll help. So while I'm not crazy about avatars in FE, I wouldn't mind it if they went all out with it and your avatar feels more like an established character rather than a blank self-insert. As for S-ranks, again, if done right, I wouldn't mind it. Not every S rank needs to end in a proposal and a child being born. If there's going to be children with a proper timeskip, then I may ease up on S-ranks, but if it's going to be like Conquest; children shoehorned in a game where experience is limited and they've become hard to use because you're essentially given 13 Ests, but you may not get them all. (it's impressive IMO if you can get all the children without grinding DLC). I know the solution is to just not even try to get them, but I feel like I'm missing out on something. But that's more of a personal problem, and not even a huge one for me. Sorry I got sidetracked.
  9. Archanea: Navarre Samto Ogma Camus Phina Hardin Minerva Caeda Michalis Xane Awakening: Walhart Basilio Flavia Gaius Aversa Tiki (with a SD costume) Fates: Odin Selena Laslow Azura Kaze Saizo Shiro Siegbert Keaton Caden Kaden
  10. I'm happy I get to say LISSA SMASH while playing.
  11. Don't worry I like her more than Crudne. Yeah I brought it up in your topic and thought I should just make a separate thread about it.
  12. So I've been looking at some of the characters from Thracia 776 and I've noticed some characters look oddly familiar. And looking at their designs, backgrounds, and personalities, there are quite a few parallels. So here we go. Creidne/Radney & Machyua Laylea & Lara Hermina & Karin Tristan & Carrion Linda & Miranda Bonus: Jeanne and Tanya have similar facial features and accessories. And Shannam is literally a Shannan impersonator.
  13. I believe 3 of the subs were planned to be in the game in the beginning (Asaello, Daisy, and Hermina), but they went unused. I guess you can say Karin is even a knockoff of Hermina. But the 4 I mentioned have pretty similar appearances and backgrounds than the FE4 subs. They're not as blatant as the Fates knockoffs though, thankfully. Helps that the artstyles are different from FE4 to FE5.
  14. I accidentally counted Ieyasu Tokugawa, Nagamas Azai, and Lu Bu has characters, but they're just unique NPCs. My bad. It's not a spiritual successor I believe. It was its own thing. My bad. So it means there'll be at least 20 characters, which still debunks the rumor an earlier person heard.
  15. Within this series, Thracia 776 has some characters that are very reminiscent of certain substitutes from FE4. A few examples would be: Radney and Machyua, Laylea and Lara, Tristan and Carrion, Miranda and Linda. And FE6's cast has a ton of people based off of Marth's Crew as well. Here's a link.
  16. In my parentheses I only mention Asugi and Rhajat as the improved versions. The Conquest Crew really didn't change/improve for me, since they're relatively the same. I was going to list Caeldori, but I find her boring, so she's not improved either. But for Asugi and Rhajat, they seem more like what Gaius and Tharja could've been. Rhajat even has a more justifiable (but still weak in most contexts) reason for their obsession with the self-insert. But other than that, only 2/6 of Awakenclones turned out decent, while the other 4 could've easily been replaced. I don't really like the ideas of character knockoffs, but Fates isn't the first to do this.
  17. Malliesia would like a word with you. JK, only her ending is really interesting though.
  18. It's not speculation. It was confirmed that this game will have the largest starting cast out of any debut warriors game, so there'll be 20+ characters. I believe Samurai Warriors debuted with 22 characters, so there'll be at least 23 playable characters.
  19. I'm not sure if your topic is necessarily appropriate to this forum, but for the part I quoted, I'll touch on that. Fates isn't my favorite FE by a long shot, but I wouldn't say it's necessarily void of good characters. There's some gems of characters in the game, i.e. Shiro, but it's kind of sad that the "good" characters are in the minority. I actually found the knockoff characters (Asugi and Rhajat) to be more of an improved version of the originals for the most part. I think the main problem that a lot of the characters faced is that they were almost good, IMO. They had a lot of potential, but they didn't become fully realized by the end of your average run. Perhaps if their support logs were a little more limited (like 10 at the most, which is only 3 more than the GBA games) than maybe the conversations could've been more focused. At least the highlight of each character is that they're usable in battle, so at least they have their niches to fall back on. As for maps, some of them were interesting. I'm not too certain what the general consensus considers a "good map" and a "bad map" though. However, I hated the worldmap. It just left me confused on where the boundaries were and it looked like they tried to go for a more realistic approach but it just comes off looking ugly. I'm glad SoV's map looks like an old fashioned drawn map. It has more charm and works for FE.
  20. My choices have already been said multiple times, so I'll just remind people of another stupid villain- Selena. IMO the worst Camus in Fire Emblem. Stupid Selena was supposed to be sympathetic, but I don't have sympathy for stupidity. She can't claim "muh honurrrr!" when She's not the worst villain, but definitely a stupid one.
  21. Hmmm, I really like how the portraits can express many emotions, and they allow you to see details about the character (armor, posture) that can help their characterization. I wouldn't be mad at 3D models, especially if they're done right and the models look good. Radiant Dawn used them well IMO, and sometimes I wish certain scenes in Fire Emblem had 3D models to convey the scene better (e.g. Roy meeting Lalum or Elen in FE6).
  22. I want a female lead to be the sole lord of the game. All of the female lords we have are usually upstaged by another male lord, except for F!Corrin, but they're a bit of a weird case. Celica, Lyn, Eirika, Micaiah, Lucina, and Azura had to share the spotlight. (Also a question, do we consider Azura and Lucina lords? They fit my personal criteria, but I'm not sure if you guys think so). Honestly, IS would probably make a lot of money off of merch of a female lord that is essentially Lucina 2.0. They could make some sort of Mulan-esque character that is some bastard daughter of some nobility, catastrophe strikes, a Black Fang-esque group learns of her existence and tries to kidnap her (maybe those with royal blood can open some sort of vault with the Fire Emblem in it, idk), so she ventures out to learn of her origins and masquerades as a male so the enemy organization won't be able to recognize her as easily. Personal arcs of maturity and learning about what you want and what you must do to achieve it can be present as well. However, what I would want is: female lord not sword-using, maybe a bow or a naginata. More like a mixture of Ike and Elincia not an avatar unit is held accountable for their mistakes This may not be realistic though.
  23. I think they were referring to Malice (translated name is Maris) who is a mercenary in the Archanea Saga and Awakening Spotpass. To this day I'm still confused as to why Tethys was in the intro video for Sacred Stones. It makes you think she would've had a larger story presence than she did. It's a shame, because she was a really interesting character. I do agree with your sentiment though; Tethys is a "sexy" character (although mature is more like it), but she has a lot of depth as well.
  24. Thanks for the write up! It's really interesting to learn about this. I wonder what happened to the Lima and Liprica scene.
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