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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Haha. Even if it gets revisited, the same thing is going to happen. Every person'll vote that it's fine.
  2. Why can't Scarlet of all people support with other people? She doesn't seem any older either. The whole "Corrin-sexual" thing is mess and makes no sense overall. Hell, she should at least have Ryoma.
  3. This. Fates does it well. Sure the map looks pretty bad now comparatively to Awakening, but at least they don't block the damn shops.
  4. I haven't actually played it, I keep forgetting about the Mario Party games. And I avoided the handheld ones for awhile because I remember the GBA one not being that good.
  5. And this response makes sense to say to me how? Trying to shove words in people's mouth to try to counter a point they didn't make doesn't work. This makes no sense. People that claim to be part of a group that act like a jerk are inclined to make people feel like that group is... Well , a group of jerks. Except he was put on blast for that and is still receiving heat for that as is. And still has other situations that he has to deal with. So I'm not really seeing your point here. Actually it's not more important than physical health. Most people don't start caring about emotional things until they are absolutely sure that their home life is secure. You can't really be concerned about what dresses you can wear when you don't even have enough money to purchase a pair of socks. Suicide doesn't just happen because of emotional aspects. These emotional aspects happen because of the lack of physical aspects in their lives, or the person may be mentally impaired as well. It's really not that simple. Yeah, and quite a few people like the idea of free healthcare, and are definitely fine with free education-- for the minimum. Not necessarily college. And I agree, I went and graduated from college, and I don't believe that everyone should have to go if they don't want to. HS education combined with some training / apprenticeship would be enough. The reason I can agree with, but the timing might just be that someone legitimately convinced them to believe otherwise. I can see it. For instance, 50 Cent the rapper was actually opposed to homosexuality in his younger years but when he got older, he was more sympathetic towards the idea of it. It's hard to say with Hilary if she truly believes that or did it as a political maneuver. However, considering that we've never really heard much argument for it and more lambasting towards opposition-- I'm inclined to agree it's a political stunt.
  6. Because you have no idea what THEY have gone through. Because if they didn't care, they wouldn't have even bothered to acknowledge you. You don't need experience to comfort someone. That's ridiculous. And even if that were so, I can use my own experiences and use anecdotal evidence to claim what I said is right. And they aren't telling you how to think. Just proposing a reality that it's not nearly as bad as you're droning on about. Outsider opinion matters completely and utterly. I said it again, if most of the people in the LGBT movement were like you, I'd vehemently oppose it and attempt to shut down any sort of movements on the account that they are too unfriendly and too radical to do anything. You are not doing anyone favors by acting this way. As the more I see people act this way the less inclined I feel to offer any sort of support or anything short of ire. If your existence is so flimsily attributed with being gay, you've got more problems than Trump. Or republicans. If you lose rights, there should be the obvious response of "you can gain them back." Or are you just going to roll over and give up? Honestly, if you're not willing to protest and just say "I may as well die," then you've already lost. @Everyone talking about flopping politicians. Aren't we being a bit harsh there? Who hasn't changed their opinions on things as they've gotten older? What would be more disturbing would be if the person was inconsistent with their changes of opinions. Not that they actually changed their opinion.
  7. Just stop. They were trying to give you reinsurance. If your response to someone trying to console you is to lash back at them, you deserve everything that happens to you. This is such a self-entitled attitude. Is a person not allow to attempt to help someone because they aren't the same? If so, then why should anyone give a damn about you at all? "Straight privilege?" Seriously? So what do you have "victim privilege?" Does that give you the right to make a general ass of yourself? And how pray tell do you know this? How do you know they've never experienced being slighted by anything in their lifetime? That's a rather self-centered attitude. Furthermore, let me ask this: what have you personally done to help? You spend a lot of time telling people how your life is worse than others, and how people aren't permitted to do anything because they aren't like you. Well let me ask this: how is THAT any different from these supposed people that you're talking about? The answer is that it's not. Stop talking like that. This isn't doomsday, and in a worst case scenario you only need to buckle down for 8 years . Take it as a sign to test your mettle. Seriously, I didn't even vote for Trump and I still don't think he's Satan reincarnated. Just not fit to run-- even if I like some of his ideas, I don't think his political resume as well as financial successes are enough for me to have faith in his ability. I also think a person that has a similar level of aggression that I used to when I was younger is not good.
  8. Which really doesn't change anything. The point is, there's discontent to be had no matter which one was chosen.
  9. No. I think you're missing the bigger picture here. If anything, this demonstrates how unhappy people were with the candidates. Sure people always complained about the person they wanted to win, but let's take a minute to reflect here for a moment. Does anyone honestly think people would be silent if Clinton won? It literally means that our country is MORE divided on issues than we thought prior. And not simply to a small "I disagree" portion, but to the fact that entire groups are willing to stand up and shout about it. In some ways, this could actually be a good thing. Maybe people will pay more attention to what's happening and become more involved in the government. Perhaps this is the type of wake-up call America needs. Not necessarily Trump in office, but a wake-up call that the candidates were so bad that no matter the choice it couldn't pacify discontent groups or assure them that they're lives would be okay. I see nothing wrong with people trying to scramble against their potential leader. Specifically if they didn't vote for the person. It's not "the Dems lost the game" here. It's "America lost and the parties failed them." If anything, this is the time where citizens of America need to focus on the core of someone's character rather than the party itself. I keep hearing about how "Dems" lost, but it's like people forget how upset republicans were over Trump even raising that high in the first place.
  10. She could appear in crossovers. She's pretty popular.
  11. I'm actually more worried about his business policies tbh. As for the angry marches? I think this is something that I can do without. It hasn't happened in my area (yet), and hopefully it never starts. I'm glad that people are protesting things that they don't like, but riots are becoming far too commonplace nowadays.
  12. Actually that would be a lousy idea tbh. It literally means that you just make everything around you and the other person a kill zone at that point. At least if you had someone really good next to you, there's a reason for people to not get really violent and kill crazy on the off chance that whatever they do-- if they take any sort of explosives into account or any sort of spraying weapon of some sort, that has a chance of nabbing the good one. So I'd still say that would be a really dumb move.
  13. The biggest thing I can say is that the embed for that Golden Sun video is huge. I hate for videos to be that large. Geez. The blog has an interesting idea, and I looked around, as a start, it has more content than other sites I've seen, so I might keep an eye on it.
  14. Pretty much every male has been in the military in some form provided there is only 1 son-- this is from my father's side of the family. I don't think that's ever stopped. So yeah, I have quite a few vets.
  15. I think the reason for that is that they don't want the idea of someone being raised in a foreign country to let their love of another country make them have clouded judgment towards the country they were born towards. Or even the possibility of a sleeper agent child being raised with the sole purpose of becoming President. It's kind of silly, but I can see where the logic comes from.
  16. I agree, but the thing is, it's just something that is difficult to really say honestly. I think the tip should be more worded along the lines of "don't be afraid to promote early." IE, the same way you said "don't feel bad about using stat ups sooner rather than later." Mages for instance especially benefit from promotions because they usually gain staves. LTCing I can understand that, but LTCing has a lot of weird things like getting Sky Knight Sakura ASAP. But it doesn't really help a casual player to promote early in many cases as it doesn't help them nearly as much as a LTCer that attempts to shave off as many turns as possible and isn't necessarily going for the "easiest" time. IE, I used to LTC PoR (not recorded because I didn't realize back in the day that people even cared about stuff like this), but one of the things I used to do was 2-turn Chapter 4. In a casual playthrough that's really bad, in LTC land, that's the fastest you can do the chapter. In the case of a casual playthrough? 1 move is just... Eh.
  17. But it's not really grinding the parents that much so much as using them and the combination of bases you get from the leveling and mods. Child/Offspring Seals pretty much make it to where you don't have to grind the parents for the kid to reach a decent level (which was the biggest bust of Awakening's parent child system is that the parents needed to be as high in level as possible to make the base stats higher at level 10), and the reason that I say the bases matter a lot ... Try something like say... Elise x Ryoma in Revelations with no grind. I guarantee that your Shiro will be garbage. He starts out with -4 defense + 1 strength with 27.5% growth naturally (42.5% as a spear fighter) so he's destined to be this decidedly ineffective frontliner and a shaky magic user. Compare that to say... Oboro Shiro that starts with + 3 strength and no defense penalty and leaves him with 45% strength growth naturally (so 60% as a spear fighter), and you can see that Shiro is destined to at least hit like a mack truck. And that's before you even take into account of what the levels of the parents are and the bonuses they give. And I can guarantee that Elise in a nongrind situation is NOT giving him a defense boost. This same sort of things applies to Kana as well.
  18. Actually it makes quite a big difference on a unit that kind of sucks. Look at that Sophie for instance and compare the left one to the farthest on the right. Same level but we get +3 strength, + 2 defense, and + 3 skill as well as + 2 speed. I'd argue that any of those individually wouldn't be that much of a difference, but for starting out with all of them versus none? That's pretty significant. Right Sophie is more likely to double, and when she doesn't she just flat out does more damage per hit. She's also less likely to die on a critical hit on the account that she has higher durability (and 1 lck for what it's worth). She can also take a hit slightly better on the physical side. Imagine that on a Kana though. The base speed could be so low that (s)he's actually in range of realistically being doubled, and since the stats from Kana are so low in general, it makes it harder to catch up, and since the character doesn't have good growths, we have to rely on base stats more. Mods don't matter for caps, but those base stats certainly do matter. Especially on a unit that already is pretty mediocre. I've never used Kana to the end because (s)he isn't good at all. Scrubby bases while everyone else either has his/her stats but better.
  19. She also has different choice options at some of the points in the game as well. Granted most of those are because they are different scenes, but the point still stands. As for why they allowed you to support other people outside of the party? I think they were of the opinion that the "fool" was enough, but still wanted to give the player the option to actually *date* the other party members (I know it sounds eye rolling now, but I think that's where they were going with it). I like Junpei in both versions to be honest, and I like that the dynamic changes based on your sex.
  20. "Listen like you are wrong. Argue like you are right." I think that's what can be taken from here. Listen to their words as if you could be wrong, and argue as though you truly believe that what you are saying is correct. Because by him not having to show it, it actually showcases a different set of rules based on ... Something. Something that apparently no other president ever had to do that Obama did.
  21. Good video. The promotion one IS weird IMO, because it depends on the game you're playing as well as the class of the unit. I know you mentioned this in the video, but this idea is really something that would honestly need to be mentioned a bit more thoroughly because of how radically different the situations are. Pro-Delaying promotion example in Sacred Stones, there's no reason to promote your cavaliers early unless you REALLY want axes on a great knight. 1 move really isn't that much of a boon in instances, and all of the cavaliers have solid stats, so you could really save those Knight Crests/ Earth Seals for other units that you might be using that need them. If you aren't using someone else like say... Gilliam or Amelia, as a knight, then feel free to promote them early, but it is something else to consider. And in some like Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance, it's really just a waste of money to promote early because people automatically promote upon gaining a level from 20 to "21". Sure, I'll agree that Fire Emblem generally gives you enough money to handle your business, but I'd much rather make more expensive forges than spend them on special shop purchases of Master Seals. If you find one? Sure. If not, there's no reason to actually *try* to promote early. Pro-Early Promotion: I believe your Rutger example most definitely covered a good argument for early promotion. I mean, even in Fates, you technically don't have infinite levels, and it's better to Heart Seal to nab more skills IMO than it is to immediately promote to get higher stats and a new weapon type (or innate bonuses to being a class).
  22. I like both male and female. The female is funnier and more sociable, but the male is a lot less crazy in his responses. I like that the game actually has enough differences between male and female to make both worth playing. I was actually impressed. Of course, I'd be lying if I didn't say I prefer the PS2 version most.
  23. But Valkyria Chronicles just has a really good system for that as well. You can still revive people by calling a medic when people are downed. It's not like Fire Emblem where "WHOOPS A CRITICAL AT 1% HAPPENED AND HIT YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HEALTH." The problem I have with FE Classic for the most part is that it still hasn't fixed this problem.
  24. Cordelia's supports really seem to be hit-or-miss is the issue, and depending on which ones you run into can be horrible or great. I ran into Kellam x Cordelia the first playthrough so I didn't see anything wrong with her, and then ran into Gaius x Cordelia next, and both of those aren't too bad. But then thee are ones like Frederick's support with her which are simply awful.
  25. The likelihood that they do is the issue. In other words, "what happens if they don't?" You just wasted your time focusing on a place that was going to have your back anyways. Swing states have the highest ratio of "points" earned towards victory while simultaneously having the effect of harming your opponent. Since elections don't allow someone to generate more points and instead the points are simply in a pot to grab, the best answer is to go after the strongest states that are inconsistent. Unless the state is something like Califronia which has the effect of putting you about a whopping 20% closer to victory, there's no reason to even bother. Especially puny stats like Alaska or Hawaii. That's the issue with the college as it stands. Even worse, is that it also has the effect of making the amount of how much you won in the state completely irrelevant. Let's say you and I both go for Illinois and Pennsylvania. If you win Illinois with 90% of the votes, it doesn't have any more of an effect than say... Me winning Pennsylvania with only 51% of the votes. Meaning both of us get 20 points towards the electoral college and all of the votes against both of us go into a void despite the fact that way more people like you in Illinois than people dislike you in Pennsylvania. In this case, any votes that start exceeding 50% are pointless as they don't result in any actual effect change once victory is earned. There are definite flaws in the system, and there are definitely ways that it hurts outcomes and the effect of the individual voice. Perhaps the college needs a bit of a tweak. How about instead of simply "winning" a state, instead you just get a percentage of the college based off of the votes. So for instance, if you grab 75% of the votes in Georgia, you may have won Georgia, but you don't get 16 points, instead you get 12 and the other person gets 4. Sure the electoral college is no longer a ton of nice pretty whole numbers, but at least you'd end up with something that actually still represents a possibly more accurate set of the voices from each place. I definitely see where you're coming from, but the irony is that it still causes this effect. It just means that it places an absolute minimum that the states voice can have. But really, when you compare somewhere like Vermont to Texas, it really puts it into perspective.
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