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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. Oh man, that's who he is!? That voice seemed so familiar. Okay, knowing that, it's impossible for Felicia to win in my eyes.
  2. I don't even want to picture the amount of time you'd have to spend on the capacity system. That's simply not worth it.
  3. I think it's more fitting to the "Fates" part of this title. It's not really depressing. You still won, and you still saved your people. It's just the other team has to lose. Really, this is pretty much what happens in every Fire Emblem that you win... It's just that you know other people on the other end so it's... More personal.
  4. It does, because a piece of you normally hightails it back to respond to people, and then you never actually break the habit or reform a habit of visiting.
  5. It is when you consider the length of the game and how much people aren't relevant in the game after they join initially. I think that was what (s)he was going for.
  6. Jakob. He's just better all around to me. I thought I'd be able to relate to Felicia being a klutz, but no... She just ends up being "Ugh, I try so hard." Well try harder then. There's no excuse for this nonsense. Dropping plates? Don't carry so much until you are sure you can do more. Seriously, someone like Felicia in real life would drive me up the wall and I'd probably accuse her "niceness" as a form of manipulation to get me to just excuse her hopeless incompetence. Leo had a point "just be a soldier if you're better at that." I mean, she's not, but if her supports are any indication, she would have to be... Seeing that, just makes me feel like she's not worth my time. She should be ignored and left to rot in the barracks-- oh wait, she couldn't even do that well, because washing clothes is just so hard for her! Jakob is kind of mean, but he's not out of control with it. I mean, he might have bad chemistry with a lot of people, but then you see ones like Azura and Mozu and see... He just doesn't like a lot of people, and I'm okay with that. He's kind of lame to Dwyer, but that might be because it strikes a personal cord with me-- so I'll try to not be completely biased and just put on the rage helmet.
  7. Actually, I got roped into a training regiment so I have been pretty much doing nothing but working, getting off of work, and then training for about 2-3 hours 5 days a week. And the training seems to target movements that I'm bad with, so I actually have to take it pretty seriously. I usually don't have much time to talk except weekends, but everyone near me was having events, so I kept going to them.
  8. If he needs help with that, I can assist with him beating it. It's by no means easy, but there are certain tricks that can help you get through it to make it easier.
  9. I'm fine with that. I like hearing opinions on things like this, and I watched the first couple of episodes already. I was hoping to hear more about what other people thought of them, and I was going to wait until all of them came out so I could watch them back to back.
  10. Not really. The EXP curve in that game is really nice. As long as you are using everyone, you're fine.
  11. Late to the party, but I'm not going to lie... I think Nohr has the best story of the routes. Hoshido's story is just... Boring. Let's find the brothers! Okay, we found the brothers! Now let's actually fight the war! Nothing happens. You just fight and fight and fight until the cows come home. Revelations is just horrible. Simply horrible. You spend all of that time trying to convince people by basically saying "please don't fight!" And the worst part? It works. On everyone. At least with Nohr, your characters have a goal, even if they don't do it very well. At least it's trying something different. And more importantly, stuff happens. It's stupid, but all of them are, so at least one is entertaining-- I'll say that much.
  12. She can counter with staves competently for what it's worth as well.
  13. Honestly, after going back and playing the original, I forgot how sloppy the balance was. It's really jarring when you have units like Sothe just destroying everything in the original and then in here, he's like... Good, but not godlike.
  14. Generally, if you want to use it but not break the game in any real way, give 3 levels to your lowest spread of units without giving more than one unit 1 level per session of BEXP. They'll keep you with a constant flow of EXP without snapping the game in two by having a character grossly higher in level than needed.
  15. I didn't think she was bad. Her hit was shoddy at first, but everything else was alright, and then she was... Solid.
  16. I honestly don't have a Wii, but looking at it and the constant delays... I didn't get hyped enough to get it.
  17. I'm fine with that, only a couple of alterations if they were going to do a dual FE6-7 combo. However, it should be worth noting that I think that Roy should 1) Promote earlier, 2) Share more screen time with Lilina. Seriously, FE6 feels like they *wanted* to make her a lord, but she isn't quite one. As for Mark's kid. I say let Mark not have a kid. Mark is just a unit instead, and in FE6, you play as another tactician. There's no reason to have Mark have a kid because in canon, Mark's ending is that (s)he left and disappeared. No reason to rewrite what doesn't need to be fixed. If Mark has a kid, it should be because someone else does, or they decided to make a new unit. Which honestly? FE6 does not need. Like every chapter you recruit someone.
  18. Camilla. I like the way she looks, and I first thought she was merely devoted to her family. But no, it's just a Corrin obsession. Her Corrin obsession gives me a snorin' obsession. Shara isn't so bad, but that might be that her supports with her brother Shigure helped to round her out a bit more. She's not obsessed, just a bit possessive over things she likes. Mozu. Love her. Didn't think anything over her at first. Silas. I like considerably less than I thought. He's not normal, he's king "judgmental." Most people I'm kind of indifferent too tbh. No one really evokes emotions from me in this one.
  19. I wish Mist had been like she was. If not her, I wish Elincia would have been given the treatment. Can you imagine how awesome that would have been?
  20. Have they really said anything about the designs and mechanics of the game? I've been burnt out on Pokemon for years and never really got drawn back in...
  21. That would have been hilariously awesome if they did that. Even if it doesn't make much sense overall. Also, what makes me laugh the most about that whole DLC is the mention of tactics: Chrom: Man, did you see those weird tactics they used? Fred: I know, they totally couldn't dual strike when they were paired up!
  22. Then just turn Felicia into a Strategist after you get tomebreaker and call it a day. You can use her as a staff user that can counterattack when she's a maid, and then use her magic stat as her attack stat. There's no problem there. Sure, Jacob/Flora are better as a Butler/Maid, but her reclass option is perfectly fine. Plus, at least on reclass she doesn't lose her staves. Jacob loses EVERYTHING. And Flora might lose everything depending on what you become.
  23. The 3DS version of Sonic Boom was actually solid. And the cartoon wasn't too bad either. So it at least had some things going for it.
  24. Xander is obviously afraid of padding and time sinks. His fear was that he would kill and receive no EXP. You have to read between the lines on that one. >_>
  25. If you are in the earlier game, try weakening people each turn so that way they'll have low hp, and Chrom will attack those ones instead of everything else. Rush towards the lunging ninjas while 1 or 2 units keep Chrom distracted. Lissa can keep you healed, so it's not a huge deal in terms of having a healer.
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