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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I think fixed is better. It makes for more reliability in strategies, allows you to better predict how strong characters are going to be at a certain time, and discourages rigging for stats. Yeah, I know fixed mode can be manipulated to get you extra stats too, but at least the assumption when tiering fixed is that this won't happen, so that you can keep the discussion to the expected stats rather than drift into what-ifs about people being screwed or blessed.
  2. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Probably a good idea not to tell people what roles are in the game and what roles aren't before it even starts. A heads up though, having a mafia based heavily on flavour can be sort of lame, because people who don't really know the flavour well are at a disadvantage, and also because people who do know the flavour might be able to break it and find who the scum are without actually using scumhunting. Themed games are cool, but IMO the theme should stop before it gets into the mechanics, unless all people playing have an equal knowledge of that theme.
  3. Well, yeah, I'm using the merits of my case to convince people. How else would I convince people? You don't see me putting on any performances, do you? But that doesn't mean that asking people about their opinions on the person I'm voting shows non-confidence in my case. Also, people not agreeing with a case right away doesn't make it a bad one, or you'd be required to unvote me soon through your own logic, since nobody's sheeped you yet. I might not have quoted that first post by Polydeuces, but I made reference to it several times... Again, it involves him saying that what's suspicious about Objection is his reaction to the votes on him, which is why it makes no sense to me why Objection admitting that he'd overreacted a bit would have alleviated that suspicion. I don't see how either of those posts introduces new information. Also, you admit that your case against Trollstool is somewhat weak and that you yourself don't have her at the top of your list... yet part of your case against me is that I'm handwaving your case against Trollstool? @Euklyd- Maybe "picking on" wasn't the right phrase to use. What I meant was, you commented on her saying that there was nothing to talk about, while you yourself weren't voting anyone for anything serious. I don't really understand why you unvoted Eclipse right as soon as you voted her either. I don't see anything that she ninja'd you with that countered your argument. Your grievance with her was that she wasn't making an attempt to convince people that I was scum (not really correct; she'd voted for me) and that she wasn't responding back about the Trollstool thing (she still hasn't done this). And she's still one of your highest scumreads? There's seriously no benefit to not voting in this situation. There's no danger of putting anyone at close to hammer right now, and you can change your vote later if you don't agree with it.
  4. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    That sounds terrible. And also, rules that inhibit things like that are lame because you can't prevent players from doing it subconsciously or even consciously in their own heads. All it does is stop people from explaining reads from that properly, which doesn't help anyone, not even the person being meta'd, because they can't defend themselves if the person metagaming them can't explain properly.
  5. Eclipse makes a good point against Euklyd though. He picks on Trollstool for not saying anything, yet he's still RVS voting Eury? His reason for not voting Poly is that he doesn't find Poly super scummy, and there's no reason to vote there for consolidation. But what's the reason for just keeping your vote as RVS? And also I don't think we need majority to lynch in this game; a leading minority will do.
  6. Which responses am I missing? You can't just say that my case is flawed and then not point out the flaws. I didn't let Trollstool get by just because he's new. The difference is that there's no scum intent in what Trollstool did. You say I handwaved your case, so then you repeat it again for me. What scum intent did Trollstool have in saying "How dare you question my reads" (if we assume that it was serious) that you were willing to keep your vote there for it? Saying I handwaved it because "lol newb" is incorrect. As for Poly, he says he was waiting to be sure before placing a vote, yet he votes someone for a relatively small thing that's seems to me to be more gut than anything, and only after I prodded him for not voting. He said that Obj's reaction seemed too much, but that had he admitted that it was too much, he wouldn't have been scummy. How does that make sense, at all? It seems like backtracking to me. @Refa- I don't like Polydeuces's posts and I think he's suspicious. So I'm going to try to get other people to agree with me. That being said, when I asked you for your opinions on Poly, it was more because you were commenting on the exchange between us without really giving a solid opinion on it. And you're saying that you don't find Poly worse than your RVS vote. So is that you saying that you find Objection scummy? I don't remember you actually saying much about him. Or is it you saying that you don't really have a scumread on anyone?
  7. Euklyd seems a bit too agitated? Dunno. Bizz's vote is sort of hard to really respond to. @Eclipse- you can make jokes after RVS. And even if he was[/i being serious, which I doubt, whenever a new player makes that sort of OMGUS statement, they're more likely town, because they have the misconception that people who vote for them are scum. Where's the scum intent in it? It's shitty reasoning, and you still haven't said why you're "not sold" on Poly.
  8. meh I just don't like Poly's explanation. My vote sticks here for now. Refa, what are your opinions about Poly? Not really getting what you meant in your comment on my post earlier. Also, if you don't think that it's possible that members of the mafia might react differently than town in RVS, why do you even RVS vote? Trollstool- What's the point of acknowledging that you should talk about people that are posting if you're not actually going to do it? Not liking Eclipse's justification for keeping her vote on Trollstool. Trollstool seems to have enough of an understanding of mafia that the "how dare you report on my productivity levels" looks to me to be pretty obviously a joke. Feels like an easy reason for a votepark. As far as I can tell, she hasn't commented on anything wrt Poly either, other than to say that she's "not sold on it". Why not? What flaws or issues do you see with my vote?
  9. Why Shinori over, say, Baldrick, who hasn't even posted yet? @Poly- So again, what would have been an acceptable response for him to make? "Sorry I overreacted a little bit"? It just seems fundamentally contradictory, no matter how you word it, since your initial reason for suspicion was his overreaction.
  10. In the first post you say that it seemed that he cared too much about RVS votes, so basically you were saying that he was overreacting. But then in the second post you say that him saying that it was just an RVS overreaction would have been okay? That seems pretty contradictory to me. @Bizz- if it was just that the reasoning for his vote was minor, it wouldn't bother me. It bothers me because it's in conjunction with him saying he wanted to wait until he had a "full-out read" on him before voting. Generally when people want to be cautious about voting, they don't vote over something small. @Refa- well, the idea is that scum are more afraid of being voted than town, and are therefore more likely to care about votes than town are, even if they are RVS.
  11. Your vote feels weird to me because you say that you didn't vote right away because you wanted to wait until you had a full-out read on him, but then vote him for something relatively minor. What's so bad about the justification of his vote as opposed to the justification of all the other RVS votes? You say that it's suspicious for him to pass it off as a joke, but then you also say at the beginning of the post that it was suspicious that he cared so much. Seems like a "damned if you, damned if you don't" sort of thing. Basically it doesn't seem like any response he could have made would have been satisfactory, in which case I again have to ask why you didn't just vote him right away.
  12. Well I imagine a bunch of people who didn't own 3DSes before bought one solely for Pokemon.
  13. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I know several people here RP, so I'm sure you'd get at least some signups. But as Proto said, this seems more like a mafia-themed RP than a mafia with RPing.
  14. Just asking to see how serious you were. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Polydeuces For serious now. I'm not sure either if you were talking about me or Objection, but if someone is doing something "awfully suspicious", why aren't you voting for that person? Your vote is still on Refa for RVS reasons.
  15. Why does it matter how many votes are on you?
  17. ##Vote: Polydeuces Might as well get started early on lynching him amirite @Bizz- nowai I purposely didn't shoot Boron in Touhou on the final night even though I knew she was the SK!
  18. sup folks that's me confirming
  19. Heads up, Elie is still in the subs section in the OP (and isn't in the list you just posted about who's received their role either).
  20. I won't be able to drink legally in Canada for ~8 months, so don't worry!
  21. Uh, no? If the deathtunnel on me had resulted in your lynch, town would have most likely lost. It wasn't a win/win situation for you at all. The bit about you being friendly to your scumread isn't really scummy; I was just making shit up to pad my case on you.
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