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Everything posted by BBM

  1. But you just said you'd prefer giving the mystery roles NOT go to people you think might be scum.
  2. You guys are the very worst for not letting me pick. Also Cam do you not realize how powerful Ascetic is for scum? It's Cop immunity, Tracker immunity, and Jailkeeper immunity. Probably the most useful scum role after Dayvig and Governor IMO.
  3. Cordelia -2 Femu 10 Lissa 9 Maribelle 10 Sumia 9 Olivia 7 Cordelia 5 Cherche 15 Sully 10 Panne 10 Miriel 7 Nowi 11 Tharja 7 Anna 10 Lucina 9 Cynthia 11 Noire 10 Severa 12 Kjelle 12 FeMorgan 11 Nah 7 Say'ri 10 Flavia 10 Emmeryn 10 Philia 8 Aversa 6
  4. 12 minutes left Boron
  5. Jalmont (6) -scorri, Boron, Objection, Shin, Weapons, Refa (L-2) Weapons (5) - Shinori, kirsche, Grassbridger, SB, BBM Shin (1) - Jalmont Grassbridger (1) - Paperblade Boron (1) - Kay Objection! (1) - Cam 33 minutes left. Paperblade/Cam (and Jal/Kay), if you guys are still here, should pick one of Jal and Weapons to consolidate on. I'll switch to Jal if I have to, but I'd really rather not.
  6. Refa said he thought Jal and I might be buddies bc it seemed like we were suspicious of each other but would still always vote other people. Which is why I restated that I'm not suspicious of Jal. idk with Weapons his random Jalmont vote and unvote earlier it almost gave me the feeling he was purposely trying to WIFOM. With his first few votes, nobody really called him out on them for a while. Like at least with Jal I can see some town intent. With Weapons it's just "lol pressure-vote largest wagon". ##Unvote, ##Vote: Weapons
  7. Paper, why do you not want to lynch Weapons?
  8. Refa- I thought I'd explicitly stated I don't want to lynch Jal. I disagree with his theories but I think the sentiment behind them is townie. I would lynch Kay but barely anyone else even said anything about her. SB- I thought I had responded, my apologies. I honestly don't know what Objection was thinking with the reaction test, because the last time somebody pulled that, it got them lynched D1. I thought his Jalmont vote was really bad though so idk. Ugh sorry guys, I'm really busy. I would lynch Weapons bc I think he's the scummiest of people with more than one vote.
  9. Sorry, that first sentence was supposed to be in quotation marks.
  10. This vote is bad- "I don't think Jalmont is scum but I wouldn't object to his lynch. Information from associative reads is cool, but that doesn't mean we lynch somebody who we don't even think is scummy. Weapons is also valid for a consolidation vote, and you also express dissatisfaction about his play, but you vote Jalmont over him? Shinori is also a valid wagon, yet you've said nothing about him.
  11. I'd request you to reread Shinori's posts if you don't have an opinion on him atm. Did you think his vote on me was valid? Avoiding talking about main lynch wagons is something mafia like to do, because if the lynchee is town, they can distance themselves from a mislynch, while if the lynchee is scum, they can avoid pushing their scumbuddy closer to a lynch without buddying in any way. Lynch priority before I sleep: Shinori > Weapons > Grassbridger flashwagon > Shin. Not interested in lynching Jalmont. Leaning town there, and I think that his content will become both better and easier to analyze as the game progresses. cut by Weapons doing idek what; I'll think about it in the morning.
  12. I'm tired and still in a kind of bad mood due to stuff at home but Jalmont's posts are literally tl;dr and while I don't really agree with his analysis of NOC here (if all mafia had to do was post opinions every now and then, they'd win almost every game), I get what he's trying to say. This game has had more votes than normal based on people not posting content, so if one were to base how NOC is normally played solely off this game's D1, I would agree with his theories for the most part. I think he's town personally. However, basing his entire conception of NOC off one substandard day phase is sort of dumb. Jalmont, if all anyone ever had to do was post opinions, why is Shinori, who has at the very least posted opinions, a leading wagon? Jalmont, I can't remember whether or not you've explained your thoughts about Shinori, but please do so. Going to sheep Prims's reasoning from Toonami and say that scum!Cam would BS some vote just to fit in (he has enough content for an okay vote I think). Probably overcautious town.
  13. Jalmont reads like somebody who doesn't know how to play NOC all that much who's sort of flailing around. On the other hand, Weapons knows how to play, which is why I currently think he's scummier.
  14. I could go for Weapons I guess. His play is just voting for whomever has most votes for "pressure". It feels like sort of forced reaction-testing. Not sure what to make of Jalmont atm.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao3alxqF6UA Paperblade, N2
  16. And I didn't ask Blitz to jail me either. IIRC I asked him if he was a protective role, and he said something like "not exactly, but the chances of you dying are very low". Apparently he also did it because he thought it would persuade me not to kill you, but he never told me of this. If he had, I would have told him that I wouldn't make that deal. Maybe it was immature of me to kill Manix even after he said he wouldn't kill me, but meh.
  17. Playstyles don't change massively from one game to the next, but something like being careful to check if you're OMGUSing in your votes is fairly easy to do from one game to the next, especially for RVS votes. It only took me like two further games as scum to change my original scum meta of asking people questions instead of contributing.
  18. Shinori, I don't understand what's weak and forced about an RVS votehop. Prims does literally the same thing I did in like every other game, and I've never seen you call him out for it even once. And again, this is still coming really late when I provided my explanation before your initial vote. If you'd said all this at that point, I would have thought that your vote was dumb but disregarded it after justifying myself, but as it is, it looks like you just picked something out without looking that much into it. Jalmont, if NLing was possible and we did it, D2 becomes basically a repeat of D1, with one town player dead. NKs don't give as many associative reads because no wagon analysis, and because it'll most likely be someone who looked very townie or had a strong role. Sure, our investigation roles get a night, but the chance of them catching scum is low, so we'll be no better off on D2 as on D1. On the other hand, a ML puts us another player down, but increases the chances of getting a correct lynch on D2. The reward outweighs the risk, since the town DOES have a few MLs available to use. NLs on D1 are only really valid in OC games, because investigative roles can privately give the leader reports, which increases the town's ability to lynch correctly without telling the mafia who they are.
  19. It's not my fault Blitz decided to persuade people not to kill me? I fully expected to die N1, and my plan was to say nothing but Sceptile syllables and then shoot Manix and redirect a kill to him on N1. That got boring pretty quickly, but I still didn't backstab anybody until N3.
  20. BBM Backstabbing literally everyone. Next time, I'm not making such a ridiculously OP role. This is a good idea though; my role could have let me make almost anyone win if I hadn't cared about winning on my own.
  21. sorry Scorri I just didn't want to win as cult It would have been too easy and I didn't want two cult wins also I should have commuted ;/
  22. Kirsche I swear I remember you espousing the belief at some point that scum don't really get towncred from defending townies? Objection, you DO remember how people were super mad in Masquerade when Kay/Orion did the same thing that you were doing, don't you?
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