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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I dropped my scumread on JB because of you actually. IIRC, you were the one who pointed out that scum wouldn't want to tunnel the Doc that hard, and IMO if it's true for mafia it's doubly true for ITP because they don't have people backing them up to make up for their mistakes.
  2. Oh yeah, totally forgot that Baldrick got hooked that night. So yeah they probably did try and hook him on N2 but failed. As for LYLO, the ITP must have some hidden ability, but IMO there isn't much of a point in rolespeccing since we're not that likely to guess it and it probably wouldn't help us choose between the two anyways.
  3. Also, I can't speak from the perspective of other people but I didn't push you for being a part of the Mancer lynch because I had a townread on your slot from Sho going after Scorri to your pro-town play on D3. And IIRC I initially had a scumread on JB on D3 because of his tunneling, so I really don't think that an ITP would be so cavalier about going gung-ho after the Doc.
  4. Like I said earlier, I think that the mafia didn't kill Mancer on N2 because people like JB were still pressuring him for looking scummy, and they thought he wasn't an immediate threat. There was also no other outed PR at the time, so no real haste to kill Mancer right away, so they could have just waited to see if he got himself lynched off. Plus they had a Hooker waiting who could disable Mancer when a PR did out itself. Meanwhile Xinny looked pretty townie, so they just killed her instead.
  5. Manix, why do you think a third would be more likely to go after the Doc than mafia would? It really doesn't make sense to me, which is why I still prefer Elieson.
  6. I did it because I also acknowledged that my vote would be there even at phase end so at worst it'd just be giving the mafia the win earlier than they would have gotten it anyways. I probably would have done the same as town too (though whether I'd have been alive for LYLO if I were town in that game is another question). But whatever, arguing it is pointless. Manix are you going to be here for phase end? Because if you're going for JB only because we might not have everyone here to lynch Elie, then we can still wait for JB to come back and lynch him if he's not there. Of course, if you think that JB is worse that's different.
  7. So uhhhh I got ripped on last game for voting early at LYLO even though I didn't really see what the issue was personally, so I'm not going to vote yet, but I still feel more confident in SK!Elie. We need three votes for lynching either way though.
  8. Oh I thought you were talking about just a BPV SK by itself. I still feel like it's Elie. SK going really hard after the Doc makes even less sense than mafia going really hard after the Doc. If the mafia can get the Doc lynched, making one guy look bad to do it isn't that big a deal because they have other people. SK going hard after the Doc is just putting himself in a really bad position with no backup, IMO.
  9. Well, how would BPV SK win if we nolynch? It would be potential LYLO at best, with him winning if I chose to take someone else down with me.
  10. I won't be here for a large portion of tomorrow. Should be back for phase end, but just giving a warning. Manix, you've mainly just engaged in a lot of speculation about the SK's possible abilities and why we're in LYLO. Who do you think is scummiest? You mentioned something about Elie not having mentioned you much throughout the game, which is true, but does it make you think he's the SK? You didn't really reach any sort of conclusion with that.
  11. Don't worry, I haven't given up on this yet! I've just been really busy lately. I started doing Chapter 4, which is an Escape map in desert-like conditions, as far as movement hampering goes. But I thought Reese escaping was good enough, which it apparently isn't, and then I had to restart because I had a bunch of people too far away to escape in time.
  12. The reason why that and doublevoting just don't seem fully right to me is that I can't see why the SK wouldn't claim Dayvig/Mayor in that case instead of BPV/JoaT.
  13. Because one of the more likely theories we have as to why we're in LYLO with 4p is that the SK has a double-vote. So if Manix or I were a double-voting SK it would be gg right now. However, while FMPOV Elie/JB look to be the most likely SKs, doublevoting third isn't actually confirmed, so objectively speaking I don't think that JB not being hammered yet confirms one of them as the SK.
  14. I would care more about that vote but I'm pretty confident that either JB or Elie are the SK so I don't think JB is going to get quickhammered.
  15. BBM

    RTFR Mafia

    /in this is the game where we're all going to be inactive the whole time right?
  16. He doesn't choose which character to kill- it's RNGed. Or he could just kill his worst characters except Ike every map and it wouldn't be nearly so bad.
  17. I thought Moeblobs was Bizz because Bizz made a post in mafia HQ saying something like "People who tell me to stop using my PR make me angry", and NNR complained about people telling him to stop the PR a bunch in the scum QT, and then also referred to himself as female several times in thread.
  18. I admit that most of them are pretty bad- that's why I only go every now and then, to give at least a few more good ones to crop up.
  19. itg xinny misses all the jokes
  20. So who do people think is ITP?
  21. I do this by going to memegenerator.
  22. I don't lurk memegenerator- I just surf it every now and then when I get really bored.
  23. that moment when a six hour postgame becomes longer than a five day LYLO
  24. Well, you can't be surprised most people didn't guess your identity when you explicitly said several times in the thread that you were male, lol.
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