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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Mancer probably won't die tonight unless the mafia has a Ninja anyways, so Mancer/SB/JB/etc are being unnecessarily angsty.
  2. If Mancer thought he wasn't able to get the lynch off him, I could still see him claiming Doc in an attempt to drag the real one down with him, especially since he thought that the phase was ending tonight. Anyways, I am okay with lynching either Sho or Baldrick today. Sho is obvious, and I think I've mentioned some stuff on Baldrick already, but Xinny summarizes it up pretty well I think. There's also the ED1/RVS gutcheck I had on him, so eh. Additionally, his vote on Elie is sort of weak, and despite acknowledging that, he continues to persist with it, which I don't like. So I'll go with him over Sho since the former has enough votes to be going on with at the moment. ##Vote: Baldrick
  3. No, you're misinterpreting me, Mancer. You're finding JB scummy simply for the act of voting someone who sheeped onto a wagon, which isn't scummy. I voted JB for doing so after he himself had sheeped onto a wagon earlier. It's not a large difference, but it is/ an important one, IMO. If I'm contradicting myself any, it's probably because I've only had like ten hours of sleep over the last two or three days and I'm having trouble keeping track of stuff. Anyways, ##Unvote, since there isn't a CC as of yet. I'll find a better person to vote later, I really don't have the time to reread the thread at the moment.
  4. Like I said, voteparks are scummy when you vote someone and then proceed to do nothing the rest of the phase. I was contributing to the best of my ability despite voting JB. My vote on you also wasn't sheeping, because I didn't cite the same reasons as other people for my vote, and I'd been attacking you from earlier anyways, while waiting for JB to respond. And as for the meta, I'll point you to SF2M, where you jumped to calling me and Eclipse scumbuddies on D1 while we were attacking each other. Anyways I'm going to be busy for a few hours now, so yeah.
  5. ##Vote: Mancer I think that puts him at 6 votes? Dunno. A bit ;/ that Scorri has had more posts saying that she won't coast off the Miller claim than she's had where she's actually scumhunting and doing what she says she won't do. Would like to hear more from Baldrick because I didn't like his Elie vote much.
  6. Blah, I mixed some stuff up. Sorry I haven't been so distracted this game guys, I've been really busy the last couple weeks. Hopefully things should slow down a bit after tomorrow. I think JB needs to come up with more non-Mancer related stuff but ##Unvote for now. Mancer is all over the place and once again trying to find associative reads between people who haven't actually flipped yet (ie me and JB), which he does a lot as scum. Also, in one of his more recent posts he said that the initial reason for his JB vote was only partially because of thinking that we might be scumbuddies, and that his main reason was something else. However, this post and this post are the two early posts he made attacking JB. In the first post he states that he doesn't like how JB voted for him just for being the last person to vote for me. But that's not a bad reason for a vote. It's based on wagon analysis, which is valid and what Eclipse's vote on Lucina was about, yet I didn't see you mention anything about her. Then he states that he'll clarify later about more reasons why the vote is scummy, which he does in the second post. Then the second vote is just based on associative tells between me and JB, which isn't a valid reason for a vote when you don't know either of our alignments for sure. In his recent posts attacking JB, he's either just telling people to look at his early reasons for voting JB, which aren't very good, or saying that JB is voteparking. But again, voteparking in and of itself isn't scummy if you justify keeping your vote there, and if you're not just voting and then doing nothing.
  7. Keeping my vote on JB because he called Mancer out at the beginning of his post for jumping on wagons, and he did a similar thing, except without the vote-switching. The points in his last post, against Mancer and Sho, were both made against people with wagons against them, and the points he stated were not very original either. I'm aware that he'd voted for Mancer from before but I think it's still hypocritical.
  8. I feel that Baldrick's vote on Elie sort of misrepresents what Elie has been doing. He hasn't actually offered a read on Scorri herself yet, as far as I can see. He's using the discussion that was generated by the miller claim and the reactions to it to springboard his scumhunting. He's had points against me, Xinny, and Sho. So yeah, from what I can see, he's offered more opinions about the rest of the game than you have.
  9. Mancer, why do you keep switching your vote from one person who is not there to a second person who is not there? Your vote doesn't have much meaning if you keep throwing it around like that without actually waiting for the person for whom you're voting to respond.
  10. Dunno about Fatigue, but horses can definitely die. And yes, death (of both horses and characters) is permanent. You can buy more horses though.
  11. Sticking with my JB vote until he responds, but I don't like how Lucina's two posts in the game have consisted only of restating points made about someone with a wagon (first me, and then Sho). Everything that is to be said about Sho has already been said by other people. Would also like to see a bit more out of Kay, Shin, and JB. Shin in particular hasn't come to the thread since RVS, as far as I can tell.
  12. 3. Don't scum hunt by flavor. This is lame. Remember how people got on Proto's case last game for doing this?
  13. BBM


    a^(1/3)+ b^(1/3) = p cube both sides: (x + y)^3 = x^3 + y^3 + 3xy(x + y) a + b + 3(a^(1/3))(b^(1/3))(a^(1/3) + b^(1/3)) = p^3 (a^(1/3))(b^(1/3)) = q and (a^(1/3) + b^(1/3)) = p therefore: a + b + 3qp = p^3 a + b = p^3 - 3qp Don't have time to look at the second one right now, sorry.
  14. I thought this last line in Xinny's post meant that by "not writing anything down from this", she wasn't planning on taking it all that seriously. I suppose it might have been the PR talking there. Also, I agree with Kay- Sho's made several posts in the game and hasn't said anything of value in any of them. What's more, he even had a post after the vote was placed on him, and instead of making an attempt to defend himself, he just comments on how his character should be scum. Then he votes Scorri just because he's assuming that she's Miller because her character is Shojor, and he's the actual Sho. Unless he's like CCing the Shojor character (and why would you since AFAIK Scorri hasn't even claimed her character), the vote is pretty useless at this stage in the thread. He also defends my wagon and doesn't even give any reasons for it- this is something scum do sometimes because they see a quickly growing wagon on someone who they know is not scum, and want to look like they were against that person being lynched, so that they can get townie points. Contrast this to Darros saying he didn't like the wagon on me- he actually gave a reason for it.
  15. Elie, you're hugely misrepresenting why I voted for Baldrick. I voted for Baldrick firstly because I didn't like how he voted for the Miller claim. I was going to unvote, but then Baldrick told me his reason for the Scorri vote. His reason for the vote was that he didn't want her to coast off the Miller claim. I kept my vote on him for this because he was voting Scorri for coasting, something she hadn't even done yet. It was something she might do in the future. Since I disliked this reason for the vote , I kept my vote on him (does that answer your question, Lucy?). My original reason for the vote wasn't that Scorri didn't react to the vote, it was that it was a vote that was unlikely to get anybody to react, because singular votes in RVS don't cause much reactions to the vote, at least from the person whom you're actually voting. It got a reaction from me, yes, but that was because I didn't like the vote. Placing bad votes isn't a good way to get people to react, if you're town. Not because they won't react, but because they'll be suspicious of you, which is bad for town because if people are focusing on you, they're not focusing on scum. Example: some of Elie's play in his earlier games as town where he'd purposely act suspicious in RVS to get out of it quicker. Anyways, JB's reaction to my wagon was scummy. He agreed with the reasons behind the wagon by quoting one of my posts and rehashing the points that other people had made. Then he said that some of the people on my wagon were scummy for simply voting due to rehashed reasons. ##Unvote, ##Vote: JB
  16. You're awfully sure I'm scum off a few ED1 posts, Elie. Also, I'm not aware of what everybody is thinking, but Baldrick told me his reason for voting Scorri and I didn't like it. What does your point have to do with why I voted Baldrick/kept my vote on him?
  17. Sorry Elie, but can you dial the PR down a bit? I'm having trouble understanding exactly what it is you're trying to say. What is it exactly that you have a problem with? I have an RVS strategy I like to follow, and I don't see anything wrong with that.
  18. I pointed out that voting for you when nobody else was voting for you was pointless. But then I reread the first page and realized that somebody else (Eclipse) was voting for you.
  19. Wow, Scorri did actually have a vote on her (I should really remember who votes for who). Regardless, voting somebody for something they might do in the future isn't a good reason at all, so I'm keeping my vote here for now. Sparking discussion doesn't happen through votes for completely random reason. Perhaps your vote wasn't the best target of my mini-rant, but there were several people who were doing what I said and it kind of irked me.
  20. The other thing I disliked about Baldrick's vote is that the Scorri vote, if unserious, did nothing. People need to stop taking RVS as "vote for whomever and do nothing stage". That is not what RVS is about. If you just make random votes with no purpose behind them, you'll never get out of it. The purpose of RVS is to stack votes and incite reactions. Voting somebody with no votes on them when a good chunk of other people do have votes on them isn't the right way to go about things.
  21. Ah, you're right, I did miss Baldrick's first post voting for Eclipse. My apologies, Baldrick. Either way, Baldrick, before I unvote, how serious were you about that Scorri vote? Xinny, if you don't think that my actions are worth any long-term thought, why did you vote for me?
  22. ##Vote: Baldrick Claiming Miller doesn't make you clear, but it doesn't make you scum either, and the fact that you chose not to vote until then despite having posted earlier makes me feel that your vote against Scorri is serious. What gives?
  23. Received my role PM. Gooooosh Boron why is the game taking so long to start!
  24. NO NOT ELAINE next chapter should be them going to rescue her from the clutches of grado
  25. Surviving to the end is lame; you can't judge the actions of people as they screw up while disregarding the fact that you probably would have done the same had you been in their position and not informed due to death.
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