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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I'm not sure he actually converted anyone to General to look at their growths, though. He seemed to be in favour of Great Knight initially, but he's said a couple times that their class growths seem to be low. It'd make sense for Generals to have higher growths. So if you don't mind the lower movement so much, and still want all 3 weapons, there might be a reason to go General for Defence Cry or something.
  2. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Brock 37 Misty 34 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Roxanne 20 Winona 33 Roark 20 Bryon 8 Candice 20 Volkner 2 Cress 20 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  3. I'm feeling lazy too, but make it a 7.0/10 no bias.
  4. Chapter 7: 5/61 turns I flew Eirika over to Murray with Vanessa. Killed most of the guys in the bottom half of the map with Colm and Neimi. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 17.57 28 12 19 20 17 08 07 A SWORD VANESSA 11.73 24 10 15 18 09 07 08 B LANCE MOULDER 05.75 20 05 07 10 01 03 05 B STAFF NEIMI 07.78 19 06 07 09 09 03 04 C BOW COLM 08.70 22 06 09 15 10 05 03 D SWORD Chapter 8: 14/75 turns I tried to focus on exp more than turns here. I could've done it in 2 turns less, but Eirika refused to dodge those Knights, forcing me to take them 2 at a time. I also wanted to give those Knight kills to Colm, but meh, he wouldn't dodge either. Got all the Chests. At least Eirika didn't cap... And Ephraim got a perfect level up. Vanessa also might have gotten STR on all her level-ups. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 19.88 30 14 20 20 18 08 07 A SWORD VANESSA 14.43 24 13 16 20 11 07 08 B LANCE MOULDER 06.79 20 05 08 11 01 03 05 B STAFF NEIMI 09.26 21 06 07 11 10 03 04 C BOW COLM 09.84 22 06 09 16 10 05 03 D SWORD EPHRAIM 08.19 27 10 11 14 09 08 04 C LANCE FORDE 09.48 27 07 10 10 07 08 02 D SWORD, C LANCE KYLE 07.55 27 10 08 07 06 09 02 D SWORD, C LANCE
  5. Wait, does every single enemy have these enemy-only skills on Lunatic+, or just some of them? Because if it's every unit.
  6. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I realized Kaoz was mafia as soon as I got modkilled. I PMed Shinori and Kaoz to confirm me as Watcher, since I'd seen them visiting someone, not knowing about NOC. Shinori told me the rules and said he wouldn't report me, but told me to post in the thread. When I still got killed, I knew it must've been Kaoz. Also, I freaking knew Blitz was part of the game after C2. >_< I saw him visiting Manix C2, and asked Proto what he was doing there, as he wasn't in the list of players. Proto told me he was a hidden player, but the way he did it made it sound like he was joking, and he'd put the name in for kicks, so I didn't say anything about it, especially as that would have made me have to claim. I probably would have done it right after I claimed, had I not been modkilled. Additionally, how did Blitz light two Lighthouses in the same cycle? I never used my Djinn and I don't see any other 2-move Djinn.
  7. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Brock 37 Misty 31 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Roxanne 20 Winona 32 Roark 20 Bryon 14 Candice 20 Volkner 4 Cress 20 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  8. Kayle can rape early too. I faced a jungle Kayle a couple days ago. My team kinda lol'd because we didn't think Kayle would be any good at jungling. But mid underestimated her and gave up first blood three minutes in. Five minutes later, she ganked me and my partner bot under our turret and got a double kill. Then, proceeded to rape face. Went something like 11/1/2... and we surrendered at 20 minutes too.
  9. Chapter 6: 7/56 turns Gah I should have gotten more earlygame units. I chose to let Vanessa fight the brunt of the enemies instead of going straight for the boss, because then Eirika would get even more exp, and she's probably going to hit 20 before the route split as it is. >_> So Eirika brought the boss down to low enough health for Colm to finish him off. I wanted to give it Neimi, but she's doing pretty badly. At least Colm can double... Also, lol at my weapon levels. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 16.02 27 11 19 20 16 08 07 A SWORD VANESSA 10.85 23 09 14 18 09 07 08 B LANCE MOULDER 05.42 20 05 07 10 01 03 05 C STAFF NEIMI 06.39 22 05 07 08 08 03 03 D BOW COLM 06.49 21 05 07 13 10 05 02 E SWORD
  10. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Brock 37 Misty 30 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Roxanne 20 Winona 31 Roark 20 Bryon 16 Candice 20 Volkner 6 Cress 20 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  11. Leaf's pretty awesome after promotion as both a combat and utility unit, but he's not getting there until Chapter 9, maybe midway through Chapter 8 if he started with the Elite Ring and got a lot of exp in Chapter 7. The amount of babying he requires as an unpromoted unit doesn't justify the 10, IMO. 9.5/10.
  12. Yeah, I say discount the levels. It's not really fair for Horace, who spent 3 extra turns on exp for Ephraim that he could have gotten for free.
  13. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Am I allowed to give a summary of the background?
  14. Well, I might as well list a fiction book, since most of you have listed non-fiction ones. It would have to be Harry Potter. Whatever flaws it might have, it was probably the series that sparked my interest in writing as a career.
  15. Thank you. Also, how is Ephraim's level going to work? I doubt most of us will have Ephraim at level 15 by the end of Chapter 8. If we go Eirika mode, will we get free exp equal to the auto-levels Ephraim gets when he comes back, or will we have to subtract that from his exp? I'm guessing the latter.
  16. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Claire 50 Brock 37 Misty 28 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Roxanne 20 Winona 30 Roark 20 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 8 Cress 20 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  17. It also depends on the game. Take Rutger, for example. He'd be an above average unit at best in FE7 or FE8. But he's probably one of your top 3 in FE6, because of his high hit and crit that allow him to fill a unique role- quickly killing bosses in a game where every single one of them gets +30 AVO.
  18. Prologue: 3/3 turns I don't know the 2-turn way of doing it, and I don't really care to learn it either. Besides, it's not like that 1 turn will make the difference. Sadly, my method gave Eirika a pretty shitty level up. Chapter 1: 5/8 turns Go Eirika. 2/3 level ups were STR, which is pretty good. How do you do the stat box thing? Chapter 2: 6/14 turns Eirika got a perfect level up. And her other level up had STR too. Moulder healed twice, and Vanessa chipped some stuff and finished off the Archer. Green Garcia killed one enemy too. Eirika got everything else. Chapter 3: 10/24 turns Ugh, if only I had more than one unit who didn't get 2HKOed at 70+ hit rates, or that one unit didn't have 5 movement... I couldn't even ferry with Vanessa because Eirika had to fight everything. But, Vanessa got a level (with STR), and Neimi almost got a level. Sadly, Eirika leveled up 3 times and didn't get any STR so she's not really STR blessed anymore... Lol my Eirika is going to ram level 20 so hard. Also, on another note, my monitor broke right after I finished this chapter. It made this noise as if it was sparking, and then there was a flash and it just stopped working. The monitor's like 8 years old (it's one of those box monitors) so it wasn't entirely unexpected, but still sad. RIP... Luckily, I had a spare monitor. My box monitor promoted to an LCD monitor! Chapter 4: 8/32 turns You know something is wrong when Eirika is your most durable unit. Vanessa got a nearly perfect level up (everything but DEF). I only hope that my higher turn counts mean I'm getting more exp. I also could have shaved off a turn if Eirika had had one more STR, but eh. Her STR is pretty average now, sadly. Also, wtf, Colm is free? I DID NOT KNOW THIS. Chapter 5: 8/40 turns So I actually use Colm this chapter... I trigger the Colm x Neimi C Support. They kill a couple things, which is nice. Eirika kills mostly everything again, although Vanessa was pretty good as well. I think Eirika is STR blessed again, and so is Vanessa. Vanessa also gets all the villages. My Eirika must be at least level 15 by now... forgot to check. 5x coming up... I can literally use everyone in this chapter. Chapter 5x: 9/49 So I tried to get Ephraim exp... unfortunately he refused to dodge. So it both slowed me down and didn't actually get him much exp (less than a level >_>)... Orson's exp doesn't count, does it? At least I got Forde and Kyle some exp, and both the items.
  19. I think Elphin beat her in bias points. Which I don't get because Elphin is kind of wimpy and Lalum is kind of cute. Honestly, just bump Lalum up. Better yet, have them occupy one spot as Lalum/Elphin.
  20. Compatibility, mostly. Once they make a 3rd gen remake, it'll shift to the 3DS. If they made Black 2 and White 2 on the 3DS, for Hoenn pokemon, you'd need to transfer 2 consoles up. And lol, it's not like people wouldn't buy a mainstream pokemon game even if they made it for the GBA.
  21. Sure, Aira's damage output is higher than most of your other characters, yes. But she has less movement to compensate, as you've already noticed. It would matter less if your lord wasn't the best unit in the game and on a horse, but he is. You can have him and your other good mounted units (Lex and Cuan, and once she promotes, Lachesis) killing everything so that she and other foot units are just left picking up scraps. Yeah, use the Arena. Each character can can only use it a limited amount of times a chapter, so you can't really abuse it. People say the game is easy because in the 2nd gen, most of the enemies don't increase in difficulty as much as your units become better. The gangs of enemies become much easier to handle if you estimate their movement range and park your troops right outside of it. That way, they're right in front of you on PP and you can kill half of them there.
  22. Neimi. Earlygame chip exp will carry me to victory. And I'm off for bed. My pick list is with Horace.
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