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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I think Bizz wants to sell us bacon, and make us take AP English. ##Bacon Bizz
  2. I believe "involved" means he has some part in it. >_> And I love how Phoenix was complaining, and my name wasn't even mentioned until Kanami dropped in.
  3. Pary: Noticing Jasmine and Viveka outside, Pary hurried down the stairs. "Are we leaving? I noticed some others are getting the mounts together." He turned to Stephenie, who was standing near by. "Sister, do you remember me? I think we met at the ball. I can certainly help a little if need be." OOC: I love how you all hate on Pary, yet not realize how necessary he is. >_> ---------------- Rita: "You must be joking. Because Kelas is the ruggedest nomad I've ever met. He's so handsome, with his flowing hair, and rippling muscles. He's so good with horses, and his little brother. But I have to steal him from Iso! He's rightfully mine! And there is not one way of the sword! No two fighting styles are the same. That is why I must fight, to train against the world! This is what all proper swordsmen learn from when they pick up a blade. But it looks like we're going. You'll have to excuse me." Rita ran past Altion, towards the pegasus knights and the healers.
  4. Psych

    OTP HnH

    There's a very simple solution to this that I am not going to mention. >_>
  5. Psych

    OTP HnH

    I thought you just can't hurt one you're in. >_>
  6. Psych

    OTP HnH

    Me and Astra have to win! D:
  7. Psych

    OTP HnH

    I thought Furet suggested us. >_> Otherwise it was Lux. ANd there you go with your yaoi Lumi. >_> Hawt
  8. Psych

    OTP HnH

    Also, I demand you add KirynxPhoenix! D: It's so obvious. >_>
  9. Psych

    OTP HnH

    HEAL ME AND ASTRA! YOU KNOW IT"S TRUE! Um.....I mean....I totally don't care. [/sarcasm]
  10. Psych

    OTP HnH

    I don't remember a Luminothe. >_> Was that Furet?
  11. Hey, I used one roll for my character.
  12. Cess: "Uh...y-yes!" Cess quickly threw his fortune cards in his bags, before grabbing the doll. "Rita? Are you there? We're being attacked! Hurry! Say something!" Cess saw the swordmaster take a chunk out of Kelas's shoulder, before quickly grabbing his tome and aiming at her. The energy spiraled quickly, before grabbing her legs, and slamming her back and forth against the ground like a pendulum. WHAT Better than Iso and Irina She quickly turned her attention to him, before sending a slash of wind in his direction. 1 skill dammit >_> Ugh >_> The razor winds shredded into Cess, before knocking him into the ground. Megae 3/15 ----------- Rita: "Know you're making no sense. Aiya knows the skill of the blade! I'll show you! Come! Watch us fight! Besides, Mr. Nomad was told me he was practicing to learn swords. I should give him a private lesson when he gets back. " ----------- Pary: Pary stood out of bed, his things packed back to leave. He walked towards the window, staring down at the wyvern curled around Aiya and Alferis. That bandit. He would realize how dangerous he really was.
  13. I'm sorry, but I'd prefer not to depend solely on Life. Regardless of how well the others think we need him. >_>
  14. >_> I'm tired of everyone joking around, and that Darros is an idiot for claiming that. >_> ##Vote Tables Since that would narrow down our townies. And I already know Life is probably going to aim for either me or Tables. Especially if he's the vigil. I hate bolding tags.
  15. Notes on Kiryn's Battle: I hate you. >_> So she can't kill Isotov until everyone else dies? 1-2 range = cheap WHY DOES EVERYTHING MISS? Also, there are 5 players. You, Phoenix, Cynthia, Snike, and Me. Why can only 4 attack before enemy phase?
  16. It could probably do something like Gaiden chapters. That or how the Kenneth/Jerme and Gietz/Wallace paths split.
  17. Rita: "Eating cake is a fantastic activity to do while blinded. Losing your other senses heightens your other ones! That's why I typically train during the night, or blindfolded. If she wields a sword, she has the essence of the sword! It's as simple as that." Rita studied the man carefully for a few moments, her eyes squinted, focusing in on him. He seemed to be having a growing discomfort, but Rita wouldn't let up. "You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"
  18. >_> That he didn't read the OP? >_> Or his role? >_> Seriously, unless he's the Drunk, he could have claimed, seeing as how if we had to, we could have either lynched him for a clear, or go follow the leader and claim to the vig. So Weapons is either the drunk or mafia. Or vanilla, in which case, eh. My vote stays.
  19. Rita: "Write? Like....a poem? Well, that doesn't matter! A true swordsman's medicine is the sword! Practice! That is the essence of a true swordsman! Just watch!"
  20. ....Lumi is going to start posting more fanservice. I can sense it. >_>
  21. Oh hey Weapons....you don't have that awesome role anymore. You can't just lie to our faces. D: ##Vote Weapons
  22. I say that should be banned for 5-6 strength classes. And what's the point for it? Is it all battle? Or just a phase for others to attack the enemy?
  23. Hooker...drunk...... Maybe having 2 potential town deaths would have been a bad thing? <_< If I had been Vigil, I wouldn't have shot.
  24. If villages don't count, and neither do characters that recruit themselves, Darros and Est and the other pegasus sisters, and Merric and Julian recruit Wendal and Rickard, and Shiida recruits Lawrence..... Then Shiida recruits as many people as Marth does when playing Hard Mode.
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