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The DanMan

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Everything posted by The DanMan

  1. Amazon and Best Buy already have it up. https://www.amazon.com/Fire-Emblem-Three-Houses-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DK13HKX/ref=sr_1_22?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1528996171&sr=1-22&keywords=fire+emblem https://www.bestbuy.com/site/fire-emblem-three-houses-nintendo-switch/6255374.p?skuId=6255374
  2. Considering you and Thane were bemoaning all the Germanic-sounding names, I think the Western Europe analogy is probably the intended one.
  3. Like FE hasn't always been tropey and predictable with its deus/diablo ex machinas, broken aesops, and an entire duelogy with fantasy racism as a plot point that you're hit over the head with. The trailer, in terms of how much it showed, is about on-par with Fates' trailer; I think the issue is it's using SoV's faux 2D/choppy 3D without shadows cutscenes a la Berserk 2016 and other 3D anime trying to look 2D-- whereas Awakening and Fates had mocapped FMVs that were far more visually impressive. So there's far less spectacle to the trailer overall.
  4. More seriously, I'm okay with change as long as it doesn't alter the core experience. Though Awakening and Fates have different bells and whistles, they're fundamentally similar to what came before in the gameplay department. But to use an opposing example, Monster Hunter World lost the distinctive combat rhythm of previous installments and had a ton of running around/downtime, which ended up making the game feel a lot more spastically paced and very different overall.
  5. Skinship itself was controversial among the devs and a forced compromise between nothing and full upper-body groping. That and other removals likely mandated from Nintendo itself, which wouldn't have changed regardless of who localized it. 8-4 may as well be NOA and vice versa to me; the hypocrisy bothers me infinitely more than any actually alterations, to be perfectly honest. Soleil was anchored within a Japanese concept of teenage girls "dating" other girls as practice for dating guys... or something. Either way, it was a super Japanese concept that simply wouldn't translate anywhere else. Anyways, what I came here to post in the first place: an artist comparision. Completely ignoring the fact that Soejima is an Atlus employee and almost certainly wouldn't be attached to an outside project, Chinatsu's overall style is far closer, with similar eyes, noses, and overall coloration.
  6. Also the fact that 8-4 did basically everything in Awakening that NOA did in Fates; honestly, to me it's plain hypocritical to act like one is better or worse than the other. Sazio and Beruka's C is every bit as bad as 8-4 having Walhart repeatedly threatening to kill Morgan in their parent/child supports to me. Very few characters had any actual alterations; people raise a stink about Effie and Hisame, yet that's entirely confined to certain voicelines. But it seems in general expecting people to act rationally here is simply too much.
  7. They know what they did. They know exactly what they did.
  8. We'd be down one contact, as Colonol Campbell's JP VA is dead. No, but considering what they did with Ike and Marth it's basically a gaurantee.
  9. The fact they're named after a demon lord already has me expecting them to be ageless/the reincarnation of something and upstage the final act of the game.
  10. I mean, that's the assumption. It will be telling when we do get to see Robin's final smash.
  11. Traditional. All three have the same lapel on their outfits and similar uniforms; I'm of the persuasion it's some kind of military acadamey and they'll generally be working together from start to finish.
  12. I do think an even half-dozen, disregarding Echo characters, would make perfect sense.
  13. Since he fell into a space-time pit made by Velezark maybe he gets transported back to a 1000 years ago or whatever when the first summoning of heroes happened and they only have to create a new female OC instead.
  14. It's something I saw a couple people in the FEW discord server say; I'm not treating it as gospel, but it was officially confirmed that there'd be a lot fewer newcomers than usual. I was afraid this was going to be a joke about his crotch bulge
  15. ...So I guess thigh-highs, miniskirts, low-cut dresses, and buff shirtless dudes aren't fanservice? There's a pretty broad scale of "fanservice", and FE's always had it from the start. That hasn't been the case for a long time, so I highly doubt they'd revert that.
  16. As is Dark Samus' game; it was defeated for good in Metroid Prime 3. Also, assuming Bill Trinen actually said only 4 more newcomers, that would make 6-- Inkling and Ridley are the currently revealed.
  17. Dark Samus is also gone, with no AT in sight. ...My gut's telling me they may go ham with Echo characters here.
  18. @squkyshoes Oh dang, that's interesting. Looks like we have some stuff buried in this trailer after all.
  19. Mentioned during the Tourney. Frigate Orpheon was played on and it didn't invert at all; the platforms just went up and down a bit.
  20. @Armagon Interesting. Those props perfectly line up with this rumor: https://www.resetera.com/threads/rumor-smash-bros-e3-info-screenshot-leaked.38549/ From two months ago. Also showed a bit of Battlefield that seems to have been dead on. Also, from the gamexplain video Samus lost her Dark Samus palette, as did Ike his Chrom one. ...Interesting...
  21. Sorry; I'm just personally a bit tired of art style complaints every time something new happens.
  22. Every FE game/pair of FE games changes up the art style. The NES and SNES games were completely standard for the time, the Elibe games then did something else, only for SS to make colors a lot more sepia toned and a bit washed out. And then every FE game since PoR has been knocked at it's time for being "generic anime" and "not looking like Fire Emblem".
  23. Something that was brought up on gamefaqs: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/204445-fire-emblem-three-houses/76705582 Could formations have replaced the weapon triangle?
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