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The DanMan

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Everything posted by The DanMan

  1. That second comment on Lyn... also hi Xenoblade 2 spoilers. But yeah, it's nice to see models outside of the game. In general, they look cleaner and higher quality than I expected.
  2. The actual porting was done by someone else entirely; likely due to it not initially being on the cards.
  3. I'd say the stigma over the shoddy localization (even with the update there's apparently still bits with awkward wording/flat out untranslated) along with a likely minimal marketing budget will make sure this isn't much of the case. So to tie back into what you said earlier, it just needs solid marketing and positive word of mouth-- neither of which Ys VIII has really got.
  4. Is a game ahead of me in the Trails series.
  5. LoZ was far easier to work with. And if you want to dive into that hyperbole, HW had 8 female characters to 5 males at base which is a nearly identical ratio to FEW's 9/14. And most of that was specifically about Tharja (whose popularity is entirely based on fanservice); we have a single comment on Linde and the interviewer flat-out asking about Olivia. But if you want to be completely ignorant of context and find stuff to bitch about, then I can't stop you. HW had as much "care"/lack thereof in it. It did sell 1 million and had mostly positive reviews (with the more negative ones categorically hating it because it's a Warriors game/bitching about the roster). Because of the lords, there are exactly 4 that don't primarily use swords; Hector, Ephraim, Robin, Micaiah (Celica can be argued either way). Done that way swords would've outnumbered everything else 2 to 1, compared to 9/23 at base and 12/32 after DLC. And infantry lancers were really the only thing needed for weapon diversity. He does have daggers in Heroes and Tellius thieves were the OG dagger wielding units; associating him with daggers now doesn't seem too out-there. Olivia has a completely different style, whereas they'd be hard-pressed to make something different for Lon'qu.
  6. "Held hostage" isn't a sign of stating things melodramatically? Due to the fact that if it was all the lords it would've been pretty much entirely sword users (far more than what we got). I was talking more about the fandom divide as a whole. And you're just being plain ignorant of context/willfully misrepresenting parts of the interview.
  7. Melodrama? FEW was a partnership; one side can't just decide to do a sequel without the other's consent and involvement. I'd say with the amount of vitriol and vocally hateful split, it's exactly the game that was deserved (especially with the 1m sales confirmation). Also, with Olivia you're ignoring the fact that they were (a) talking about overall design and how they went about making the promoted design, (b) that they outright said that they'd have "made some adjustments" if they'd designed her unpromoted version, and (c) it was the interviewer that asked the question in the first place.
  8. Created a joke video solely using two repeating voice clips that ended up predicting the future.
  9. Like what? Aside from writing (which IMO has never been the main attraction of the series and has been pretty hit-or-miss from the start), they've done a good job overall. I'd just want a couple people in the writing department who know what they're doing to oversee things, though it's not any priority. I can't really agree with the post that was the catalyst for this topic.
  10. Minerva. "Interesting to read that Minerva was not originally in the game and was added during development. The Twitter PR account (Nikola & Chiara's investigation diary) reveals (maybe sarcastically though) that Riley was the "stockings" girl, Kai was the "booty" girl and they were missing a "boobs" girl." From the comments here (I did go back through at the time and google translate it to roughly the same result).
  11. Hey, at least it's better than Valkyria Chronicle's 4 PR saying that they created an entirely new character of seemingly some importance in the overall plot... because they didn't have a poster girl for breast fanservice. I wish I was joking, but the official JP twitter account actually said that. FEW's helped me be even more resolute in just ignoring PR speak.
  12. While he's not exactly like Ike, Smash isn't above taking liberties with characters (see: Robin with dark magic) and Sakurai himself said the main reason Chrom was rejected was due to any sort of moveset they could give him being too similar to Ike's. Chrom himself is a deliberate throwback to Ike in some ways, being plainspoken and a bit forceful/tactless (with early concept designs of his conspicuously giving him a red cape). And Ike was pretty well-rounded as a fighter in his game proper, yet Smash took him and turned him into something of a foil for Marth. I am well aware of what happened with the clone trio; in some ways, that's the biggest hole in this. Doesn't seem like the team would be down for "premium costumes" like this. I just fired that one out there, really. Don't have much knowledge of F-Zero; Black Shadow's just brought up a lot in Smash discussion (or was). But yeah, like Olimar and Alph (or like Injustice 2 with its whole character alts).
  13. As in, alt costumes that straight up are other characters. They'd go the full route of having a unique model (and voices where applicable) and even maybe different attack effects, but still using the exact same moveset data. Basically, the effort put into a straight clone without actually being a clone. Personally, I think it would be a nice way to have characters who don't have any real shot of getting in as playable characters still show up in a playable fashion. For instance, Dark Samus with some phazon effects on Samus' attacks. Or maybe a full Black Shadow costume for Captain Falcon. Or Chrom for Ike that swaps out the fire for electricity (since TMS and FEW have turned it into the elemental association of the entire Ylissean royal family).
  14. Super late, but didn't ZeRo retire from the scene? Also somewhat belatedly, good luck to all planning to attend and if you do play Dokapon together may it not take 4 years to complete.
  15. Literally the only FE character added more or less as an FE character was Robin. Lucina was an alt costume turned into a clone at the last minute, Roy was chosen as a Melee veteran to come back alongside Lucas, and one of the final DLC "slots" was specifically set aside for promotion-- and Sakurai actually initially objected to Corrin's inclusion on the basis of there being too many FE characters, only changing his mind when other members of the dev team convinced him that they could make a fun and unique moveset with the character. But anyways, to try and re-rail things, I'm just glad that the game sold as well as it did and managed to prove a few people of the more cynical persuasion wrong.
  16. Granted, some of them aren't fans of the series. FE's probably the Nintendo series with the most vocal hatedom overall; I recall choice quotes from discord servers I've been in about the series "being too big for its britches" and "needing to be brought down" in regards to FEW. And this is without the hardcore Smash fandom that absolutely despises it.
  17. So this just furthers the impression that they're working on something with a lot more online and action elements than what they've done in the past; in some ways, that's a natural evolution from what X tried to do. Definitely got my interest piqued a bit (granted, it would've regardless due to it being Monolith Soft).
  18. There are some extremes, like how every Valkyria Chronicles game has shoehorned in members of the cast/direct connections to the 1st even to the point of retcons, or Gamefreak drastically overemphasizing Gen 1 in the 3DS pokemon games (to the point where Alolan forms were gen 1 exclusive and there being more Kanto Pokemon than Alolan Pokemon in the Alolan pokedex), but if anything I'd agree that FE has the opposite issue (see: Heroes, with the only post-launch Archanean characters being the controversial/overlooked assassins from NME, early game ME cavaliers, and Emperor Hardin with Marth not having a single alt while Lyn and Robin sit at 4 each).
  19. You are the first person I've seen suggest that SD be excluded. Which, despite your denial, you actually did: Considering the game sold a million (yeah, it's "shipped" but that effectively means sold to the developer/publisher because there's no way to know how much individual copies retailers have sold unless they order more), you're suggesting something that would both tick off a major part of the Japanese audience and many in the West as well (considering the lack of overall SD representation being one of the big complaints). The fact it's passed a million makes your argument a moot point, as "lost sales" likely would've been far greater if they excluded the first game in the franchise overall.
  20. Says the guy who's at the height of a DanganRonpa addiction. Unless you just pirated it all, in which case at least you get points for being a man of your word.
  21. FE titles as of late only has about half a year between announcement and release. I'm personally convinced that the utter lack of info points towards Pokemon as a 2019 title, and there are rumors of Smash launching in September. So, either FE Switch has been delayed to early 2019 or Nintendo is going to try Xenoblade 2 again and stick it in a late November/early December slot to close out the year on.
  22. I haven't quite seen that. If anything, there were more crackpot theories were earlier on from what I've heard (the baseless "Elibe's Dragon's Gate leads to Archanea" theory, for instance). SoV's just doing a bit better of a job connecting what's already connected. And besides, I think the more absurd part about the Zelda timeline is that the series itself was never about story, whereas FE has always put some modicum of focus and effort on writing and presentation (even if it's generally of sub-par quality). It makes more sense for a more plot driven series to flesh out lore and connections than for one that really isn't.
  23. To actually address the topic, I think she's wasted potential. Unfortunately just fanservice for the sake of fanservice, with it really just being most of her character.
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