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Everything posted by Life

  1. Umm, Eoleo can equip Axes. *opens up game* Yep. So I don't know what game you're playing. It doesn't really matter since he can get his mitts on the Phaeton's Blade, the second best sword in the game (Sol Blade is better but that's Matthew only). And it's a light blade. Also, Tyrell has even shittier stats. Class HP PP Att Def Agl Lck Required Djinni ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard 110% 80% 100% 110% 70% 100% Nothing (Tyrell's Base) Soldier 130% 90% 110% 120% 80% 100% 2 Mars Warrior 150% 100% 120% 130% 90% 100% 4 Mars Champion 170% 110% 130% 140% 100% 100% 6 Mars Hero 190% 120% 140% 150% 110% 100% 8 Mars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate 110% 90% 100% 100% 90% 120% Nothing (Eoleo's Base) Cannoneer 130% 100% 110% 110% 100% 120% 2 Mars Corsair 150% 110% 120% 120% 110% 120% 4 Mars Pirate King 170% 120% 130% 130% 120% 120% 6 Mars Hull Reaver 190% 130% 140% 140% 130% 120% 8 Mars Yeah... Also, Himi is broken in the Curse Mage class. Speed is meh (Soul Siphon is only 150% and that's 6 Mars and 1 Venus) so give her the Zol Ring to make sure that she acts first. Then use Fear Puppet. Please try this. Results are guaranteed. Oh and Harmony's not supposed to be a mage. Neither is Stella. Harmony is literally Piers all over again and Piers was physical based.
  2. Life

    Country Mafia Sign-ups

    Bad news: I now need 4 players instead of 3. Good news: It's not like you do anything worthwhile anyways. And that's the truth. And AWWW, did I hurt your feelings? Man up and deal with it, kid. My sister has more balls than you and she's your age. She's also miles smarter but that's another story.
  3. Why do you suck so badly at Mafia?
  4. I'd throw in some snappy comment about Lucius dying if he's sneezed on but it's not like Erk has anything resembling durability himself. I'm with Cynthia on this one. Especially when you consider that we can get a 13/1 Lucius by the time midgame rolls around that has access to the almighty Barrier staff (13 shots until Physic) while Erk will never be touching anything better than Mend. I'd also like to see Pent > Eliwood. Mediocre bases and sword lock until Unfulfilled Heart (oh look, Pent joins then too) is too poor in my mind as opposed to Pent's really really good combat (26 Att and 17 AS with Thunder) and utility (A staves probably makes him the only guy with access to Warp at this point in time). A Louise doesn't hurt at all since it's an Easy A. The question is which is worse: Eliwood being a sword oriented combat (with shit bases) until Pent arrives or Pent not arriving until Eliwood finds his niche?
  5. You know what girls are? Learn something new every day...
  6. You little bitch... 3 things. 1. It's Cthulhu. Not Cthulu. 2. Punish can also randomly deal out a OHKO and does it quite often. Spade hit me on the first turn with it and knocked out Tyrell. As of right now, I can't wait for your reaction to Retribution. 3. I still hate Stella and I won't use her unless I have to. Besides, it was a first blind run. I hadn't tried Beastmode, Spade hit her with a Shock Shuriken and I traded her out for someone more useful. Like Crown. Oh and I think you missed a Mercury Djinni. Don't worry, he's permanently missable. ;-)
  7. Love dem Police. Should have sung "Every Breath You Take", though.
  8. My. Fucking. God. Slayer. Do you need EVERYTHING to be handed on a silver platter for you? How low is your IQ? 1. If there is only ONE person who can vote, would the game really start on a day phase when nobody has this ability? Think, goddamn it. 2. Give me a reason that has an OUNCE of logic as for why ANYONE would counterclaim King? Only 1 person can vote, dumbass. PS: I am this close from cutting you from my Mafia game. Your idiocy has reached the level that I just can't take anymore and people have actually started listening to you. If this continues, see you later.
  9. Last I heard, vampires also burn in sunlight, along with drink blood.
  10. Every single time you post, my IQ drops by 30 points. Spare my sanity and STOP SAYING SHIT FOR THE SAKE OF POSTING. There HAS to be a King. He's the only guy who can vote. PS: I'm not playing but this is a typical comment from the village idiot, so to speak.
  11. Yep. You're actually perfect at this point. As for summons, you should have Zagan, Megaera (not missable), Flora (not missable), Moloch, Ulysses and Haures. If I haven't put "not missable", you should find them. Also, after the next PoNR (you'll know what it is when you see), there are 2 more missable Djinni before the 3rd and final PoNR. Just so you know so that you don't bitch about it.
  12. How did I not see a thread all about me? You know, he's Jewish, IIRC Which means he's already in line to rule the world anyways. Sigg'd
  13. No clue what the odds are. How many of what do you have at this point?
  14. Stuff like Samurai and White Mage both exist and are better options than Brawler!Stella. And they require Earth. Also. Point of No Return coming up.
  15. Life

    Country Mafia Sign-ups

    I guess... it starts when I have enough sign-ups and I'm close to it.
  16. Hi, hi, hi. Let's get something straight here. FFXIII was not panned because it concentrated solely on graphics and everything else stank. It was mostly panned because of a linear world (which is not synonymous with being terrible, just ask Riviera: The Promised Land) and because it had an all new battle system (one that I quite enjoyed, mind you). The story and characters weren't great but this is Square Enix we're talking about and if you ask me, they haven't done anything right since FFVI with the sole exception of FFIX (fucking fantastic game).
  17. Gotta love them furries. Remember to be careful with Stella once you get her back. She's a physical fighter, not a magical one. Brawler and Beastling are her niche classes but she fights for coveted Djinni in this game (Wind and Earth).
  18. Life

    Mafia HQ

    I'll join Choral Mafia if you incorporate outside contact... That game is ripe for the picking.
  19. Honestly Snowy, you anyone that you like in either mode. I personally love Rebecca (stems from love for Neimi) and I know she sucks. I still use her because I like to. There's very few characters that end up horrible in ENM. Couple of notes: - I know your dislike for prepromote Paladins so let me get this out of the way first. Marcus is redundant in E/HNM. Simple. He's not needed to really help speed up the maps in the Normal modes and knowing you, going as fast as possible isn't one of your goals. - There is no reason to bench Hector if you're not doing a ranked run. Bal said it the best. - Do not get Wallace. This is akin to shooting yourself in the foot since you lose out on Geitz and a much more fun map too (FFO Lloyd is FoW).
  20. I paid $0 for my copy of RD. All it took was downloading Dolphin and then the ISO for RD. Better than all of you fuckers.
  21. The fuck? I'm stuck on that game, Foxxy. Oh and I'm insanely good at Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Pretty simple game, though.
  22. Yeah but the beard and voice don't match. Bal, you're awesome and everything but when I heard your voice, I burst out into giggling. Seriously.
  23. *does mental calculations* 6 Mercury, 4 Mars, 4 Jupiter, 4 Venus, nachon? 18 spread between 5 members equates out to 2 people have 3 Djinni. Here's what my set-up would look like: Matthew - 4 Mercury Tyrell - 4 Jupiter Harmony - 4 Venus Karis - 1 Mars, 2 Mercury Crown - 3 Mars Tyrell, Matthew and Harmony are in the party at all times. Tyrell is god of the netherworld with Arid Scorch (I will back this horse as long as I can), Matthew is an offensive powerhouse with Wish to back him up IF necessary (the IF is because of his low PP bonus in Swordsman), Harmony IS your healer and can also deliver on the offensive side with Mad Growth and Froth Sphere. He's also got Revive, since this game is lacking in Water of Life and Revive casters even with piss easy enemies for the most part. Karis and Crown are on the outs here. Crown won't start working properly until he gets the Volcano and Wish series... which involve 1 more Mars. Karis looks shafted but she's actually not missing anything between 3 Mercury and 2 Mercury/1 Mars aside from specific Djinn bonuses (I hope you've been fucking around with those). But Hermit is actually not a good class until Hail Prism kicks in at level 22. Crown's got it a little easier since his Hail Prism arrives at 20 and he has Drench to help. Here's a quick little rundown of Drench vs. Plasma. Drench - 10 PP, 60 Dam, /|\ Plasma - 8 PP, 45 Dam, /|\ Unless you can magically spike Karis' wind power, sit her. PS: I'll inform you of the next Point of No Return so that you can go around looking for certain stuff.
  24. Hawkeye strategy is reliable. I KO'd Vaida on my HNM run (wish I didn't, I could have used a statbooster if I had just let her join) and I'm assuming that there's not much of a difference between HNM and HHM when it comes to Vaida's stats and her Uber Spear.
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