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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    I love you too. Sorry that I killed him.
  2. The fuck is Integrity doing above me?
  3. I find it slightly funny that the Root Admin himself has used the name change system. No clue why but it just makes me chuckle.

  4. Is it my fault that my eyes are pretty sensitive or has the light of judgment has finally come to strike down the non-believers in JC (AKA turn me blind)?
  5. Can we sticky this shit? It's been very entertaining and I'm basically tearing from laughter at 1:30 in the morning. My quick little view on it is that it was rather harmless (in my opinion). Yeah, he was trying to push the staff a little bit but giant shitstorms (eg. now) only happen when someone decides for an entire group that he's gone too far. This isn't me taking a shot at anyone, it's me saying that Hika probably wouldn't be banned if nobody really gave too much of a shit about his little playful stuff. To me, he's been quite interesting and hilarious to watch. In any case, yeah.
  6. Ah, good.

    Douglas Adams was a brilliant man. I loved that series.

  7. Pardon me but... no shit, Sherlock. Do you have an option that doesn't burn my retinas to hell and back? A nice calming blue might just do the trick...
  8. I'm talking on MSN/AIM, matey.

  9. Narga, you never added me... That makes me sad. :'(

  11. Happy Birthday? I'm slightly in shock that you're only 15 and that I'm basically 4 years older than you... God, I feel old.

  12. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    I can say with full certainty that whoever was supposed to die was targeted by the Mafia. So the doctor should talk to one of the people who was previously cleared so that we can find the culprit.
  13. I'm back! And I'm finally starting the meat of playthrough 2, Repede's story! Since I transferred over all my weapons, I'm trying to give Repede skills that he'll need early rather than the obligatory Strength skill which he can learn at another time. After Zaphias: Repede - Level 6 Ultimate Dog Warrior 534 HP, 84 TP 209 Physical Attack 491 Physical Defense 89 Magic Attack 196 Magic Defense 99 Agility 27 Luck Equipment: Main - Karakaze +1 Sub - Eternal Ring Head - Ninja Dog Mask Body - Aer Fragment Acc - Order of the Imperial Honor
  14. This is why will always be the greatest villain in video game history (I really like that guy from Borderlands though since he make us climb up his tower just to burn his ass to a crisp). The second that your bad guy doesn't give a shit about good or evil and destroys things because he wants to rather than having some incredible goal, he's officially much cooler than you.
  15. Why Canadians are much better when it comes to music rather than Americans:
  16. Oh what a coincidence! My grandmother had her party for her 85th birthday today and my cousin got engaged too! Mazel tov!
  17. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    Name's Easton, just so you guys know. In any case, I'm just digesting information (and four shots of vodka too) so I'll make my decision later tonight.
  18. You could have included Estellise's full name. Raven and Judith are the only ones who don't have a last name and we all know what Raven's real name is anyways.
  19. I didn't want to make this post until I finished VoD but I'm going out so I should do it. Chapter 29x - Battle Preparations Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Dorcas, Serra, Kent, Isadora, Heath, Nino, Jaffar, Vaida This is the standard "get preparations and destroy the arena" set-up for trying to maximize Exp. I stocked up on a lot of Silver weapons but I tried to keep my cash above 25k so that I can buy a Physic and Ocean Seal/Fell Contract in VoD to make sure that I don't screw up Funds. Dorcas and Jaffar were my big arena users but Eliwood, Nino, Heath and Kent all got a shot at fighting too. Looks like I'm fielding Lowen and Kent in the next chapter, though. Eliwood 4.00 |42|15|20|15|14|15|13| Lowen 11.31 |29| 9|10|11| 5|12| 1| Dorcas 11.51 |38|13| 9| 8| 8| 8| 1| Serra 18.09 |32|10| 8|13|17| 4|13| Kent 10.90 |29| 9|11|10| 6| 8| 4| Isadora 2.70 |29|13|12|16|11| 9| 6| Heath 5.47 |47|21|19|15|10|13| 5| Nino 4.80 |34|16|23|21|21|10|21| Jaffar 17.61 |37|19|28|25|10|17|12| Vaida 9.00 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 6/5 Exp - 616/0 Run stats: Tactics - 279/321 (5 stars) Exp - 35389/32150 (5 stars) OK, here's the story. I need 41300 or 413 levels for the 5 stars. I currently have 353.89 levels. If I round that off to 354 levels, I'm still missing 59 levels in 2 chapters (one with multiple 20/20 bosses). This is going to be really tight. I called it back in like chapter 15 and I'm saying it again now. The good news is that I get Nils next chapter. The bad news is that he's sitting at 19.19 since I spammed Ninian earlier. Shit.
  20. Another Funds analysis! Net Funds: 703743 G 5* Funds: 860940 G 80% of Ranking: 688752 G Leeway: 14991 G I am going to spam really good weapons in VoD. It's gonna be epic.
  21. It's similar but we should somewhat punish Canas for forcing us to go to a Gaiden chapter. Or at least, I think so. If this list is alluding to a bare bones efficiency run, then Canas has a bit of a problem as he has to make up 5 turns to be equal with everyone else. My point is that Lucius is a better candidate for early promotion than most, thanks to his ability to use Physics right off the bat. If we early promote Canas, he can use Mend. Yippie. Same thing for Erk but toss in the word Heal instead of Mend. Since Lucius gains Physic right away, we don't have to worry about move differences since he's usually got 8 range on the staff at 14/1, a level that he can be sitting at after Dragon's Gate (our first shot at Physic). Basically, for a little bit of work, you get a very early Physic user who can also fight. I've never taken any economic classes but I'd call that a really good risk/reward case.
  22. Narga, just so you know, I am reading these and I really hope you finish your run. So please do or I'll end up looking like this.
  23. My turn. Life Admiral. Sick shoes, huh?
  24. Promoted Serra at about 17.32 on my HNM S Rank run so that she could start killing like everyone else. But usually, I don't.
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