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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. wow, okay, this means I'm looking at three out of four people being scum assuming we're to believe kirsche. well, that sure would be convenient, but we can't exactly afford to kill three more townies over this. is it not weird in the slightest that by the time we can disprove kirsche's claim, we'd most likely have already lost? there's also the wording of his role. under these conditions, especially the first one, you could ask some really creative questions. who are the mafia? you'd think the hosts would have at least thought of covering this one in the wording. how many minutes had passed in day one before the first mafia-aligned player posted? this doesn't violate the strangely meticulous condition of not directly asking about a player's role, alignment or win condition. if that's not good enough for you, how about, which players targeted scum with their actions tonight? basically, even if this is legitimately kirsche's role, you'd think that someone, anyone involved would have noticed that the wording makes this role grossly overpowered and some exchange would have taken place, causing the hosts to tighten the wording up. three possibilities here: 1. this was a hastily constructed fakeclaim 2. this is a copypasted mafia role PM with the town wincon slapped on 3. nobody put any effort into the question asker and kirsche has really been asking some pisspoor questions kevin old boy I want your n0 result right the fuck now. I, we, need to be as confident about you being town as possible. also go find out if any of the above questions, plus whatever else you can think up, are okay. I have more things to say depending on what you come back with.
  2. what I'm saying is that you're assuming too much? ;/
  3. that's honestly a pretty weak reason to lynch me, considering that it makes no sense unless you first assume that neko is town, and that the night phase will go the way you want it to.
  4. end of phase panic excluded, it's a lot quieter here than I was expecting. cam and shinori, it shits me that I can't get reads on you guys. it kind of bothers me a little that cam won't take a stance on anything. at all. what gives man? and shinori just hasn't posted anything until just now, really. the idea that neko and I are buddies falls flat, because the last thing two scum players would do on the first day is encourage wagons on each other and completely give up on lynching anyone else. I think things will be a lot clearer for me on day two when I can analyse the wagons. figuring out the motivation behind a lot of these votes should be easy, unless neko flips town or something equally baffling. I'm not claiming.
  5. so from skimming, my first thought is that apparently there's a huge wagon on me because of one post I made when I was half asleep. that's pretty bad, I think. looks like time for a quote wall! [spoiler=oh dear god] I figured that under the circumstances mafia would probably not claim at all, let alone set themselves up for it for apparently no other reason than to make manix look worse? this post would explain that pretty well... honestly kind of mean, though. but I'm afraid I've gone into something that comes down to neko's meta, which isn't really where I should be. kirsche's vote: he alternated between deprecating and defending it for a while there. what? SB's vote: were you offended by being reaction tested? you made a long post and you could have settled your vote on any of a number of people, but you chose xinnidy because her reaction test (on you) sucked and you didn't like how she was talking. xinnidy's vote: she kept it on SB for reacting poorly. I don't see it at all. would snike's wording of 1v1 be better then? as for the claim, I tried to start discussion on it before I said anything definite, but he ran off and claimed on my single lukewarm suggestion. time to address these votes. -yeah, see above. -I didn't see a substantial vote from snike even though I thought he could easily have one. that changed in a pretty natural way, so there was no reason for me to be on him anymore. -if I were rolefishing, I wouldn't have posted that last bit inviting anyone against him claiming to speak up. -I was just trying to start having content I dunno? okay, you can't just discard what I've said just because somebody else said it first. thanks to timezones, I'm likely to be one of the last people to react to anything. sorry for not really scumhunting, I've been a slack piece of shit lately. and yes, I was really motivated during SSBU for some reason. I'm just kind of feeling ordinary right now. if you want to talk about my meta, don't ignore the multiple times I've been a flaky turd as town. na-gl-far, good sir. I really don't like how you've gone out of your way to mention that you're town twice now. why do you feel the need to do that? also holy shit on the italicised thing. don't even start. why wasn't I lame back before you claimed? after the thing with manix's role, I'm pretty sure right now that you're just making shit up as you go. you can say I baited you all you want, but in the end nobody forced you to claim and I hardly did anything. with how things turned out, I feel like I was the one who was baited into this situation. remember that nobody asked you to say that your role helps to incriminate manix (which it didn't, in the end). you were already up there for me, but after this I'm going to be very surprised if you flip town. one, see above. there wasn't really anything I could do to avoid that. define the difference between agreement and piggybacking? two, did he? looked like something out of RVS to me. three, please don't put words in my mouth. kirsche was the one who said votes should go on #1 scumread 100% of the time. I had a number of scumreads at the time of that post, and because my brain was barely functioning well enough for me to crawl into bed, I was really not up to the task of voting. I only backpedalled over a line I was pushed past, really. I voted you to see if it wouldn't speed things along, I was worried that we'd all be stuck talking about one guy for far longer than we should be. so after that two hours of typing replies: ##Vote: NekoRex because I can't rationalise you as town anymore.
  6. so okay wow neko actually claimed? I didn't want to come across as demanding a claim but welp. thing is, I honestly can't imagine him being in such a hurry to do all that as scum. I have no idea how kirsche feels about his own vote. also kirsche/BBM slapfight and potential SB/xinnidy slapfight, among these BBM's vote is the only one that makes sense to me. anyway my vote on snike is kind of obsolete now so ##Unvote. but now I have two problems; firstly my brain is shit today, secondly nobody's posted anything lately. gonna hold onto my vote until I actually get a #1 scumread again.
  7. let's just say that the implication that we could learn a lot about you and manix simultaneously is very tempting. what's the worst that could happen? (serious question)
  8. man I forgot how long it takes me to write goddamn anything. I should really write down my thoughts as I have them, otherwise posting after reading like five new pages as I always end up doing will continue to be a nightmare.
  9. okay first of all prims, fuck you for saying everything I wanted to say :( so important stuff, repeating as little of what's already been said as possible: neko didn't read the thread and voted the guy who claimed cop first for voting the RVS cop fakeclaim. after that was a lot of defensive behaviour and waffling; the only legit thing he's done so far is vote scorri for being defeatist and doing anti-town things, but the switch was so abrupt that it kind of looked like an excuse to get off a failing case. then this. what do you mean, "remembered"? I read this and all I see is a desperate bussing attempt for TownCred. I'd like to hear more about these reasons. so I'd vote neko but his wagon is already way tall and I'm with BBM on not tunnelling one guy all day. ##Vote: Snike dude, you have a lot of opinions for someone who hasn't made a real vote yet. kinda bothers me. also cam should make a real post before he fucks off on a plane pls. YO YO VOTALS: Prims: Shinori (1) Xinnidy: Snike (1) SB: Xinnidy (1) Snike: BBM, Naglfar (2) scorri: NekoRex (1) NekoRex: SB, Prims, Bard, Rein, j00 (5) BBM: kirsche (1)
  10. can you delete the specific cookie somehow? idk internet
  11. hi I've been lurking prims is confirmed town guys????? agreeing that manix sounds like short-tempered townie. I'm kind of imagining you being suspicious in the most dispassionate and hard-boiled way possible. like how people sit at their computer with a smirk on their face and type rofl, except with mafia.
  12. eclipse :( @the cop we probably have: Consider inspecting Clipsey? It'd be better than trying to get reads on a sick player. Or better yet you can just sub, at least until you feel better, Eclipse. Like geez. Are you sure you can play in that state? (prims is my hero for posting gayjutsu)
  13. oh my god you suck so taking this post into account manix is obvscum ##Vote: Manix also I'm driver are you fuckers ready for this shit
  14. did any of you enjoy that part where a fucking falcoknight came out of literally nowhere and killed somebody? no, I didn't think so.
  15. I'm struggling to think of a context in which they suck.
  16. they're fucking spritesheets. just marry the dragon tits. love is kind of a different concept altogether
  17. the moment I held an XL for the first time was the moment I knew I should have just waited for it. the 3DS base model feels kind of cramped and awkward, the XL is just so fucking perfect in my GROWN UP ADULT HANDS. and that screen size is so good. man.
  18. well aren't you an affluent little shit! >:( japan is so bad at romanising things. their quality control teams should really include one or two people who know how the alphabet works.
  19. veteran by a landslide. by the time galeforce comes along, everything has already started to blend together.
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