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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. that's really cool, makes me want to type in colour, and also makes me wonder what colour I am to you like basically everyone here?
  2. serenes forest: where people have to justify what makes them feel good inside
  3. ike never actually promotes, he just decides to stop standing like an asshat and it makes him better at fighting as a result
  4. existential episodes suck, dude just don't think too much. not knowing what life's deal is gets to me too, but don't get bogged down in philosophical bullshit. we exist and reality is real, and we sure as fuck aren't insignificant. the meaning of life or whatever, if there is one, is for bitches who can't decide on their own values anyway. having a clear direction in life might help I guess?
  5. They're not sunglasses. They're blind person glasses.
  6. Does anybody have any objects with which I may destroy my eyes?
  7. so when is that game actually happening
  8. lazy tiering detected type: not tiering utility units properly neutralising offender beep beep
  9. http://jisho.org/kanji/details/%E8%A8%80
  10. every format is retarded it's only not fun if you care
  11. man it would be TOTALLY GREAT if I knew more people who play this game, like how am I going to figure out the format on my own
  12. This is truly disgraceful, and I wish I was still alive so I could make you all lose.
  13. aside from the inherent problem with separating video game music from all other music rather than including it as a genre with its own unique traits like everything else, just radically different application, what the fuck is "real life" music no don't be that way just because everything on the radio/MTV sucks edit: I don't personally bother with "good" and "bad" and just listen to what I can get into emotionally, which is what everyone should do
  14. Hello there.

  15. it's posts like these that have you creeping up on my scumdar lately and I'll have to ISO you properly meanwhile if you don't mean what you're about to say, don't fucking say it it's like, we shouldn't take it seriously, but apparently it still represents you opinion but only sort of? you realise how confusing this is right
  16. Just from a glance at the stage distribution I think the mafia decided to split up. ie start thinking about who on your stage is scum guys because I bet you there's at least one
  17. nice job claiming an extremely powerful town role twenty minutes before deadline great way to make us paniclynch, really
  18. fuck fuck fuck I need to catch up faster
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