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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. OoC: Fire = Much easier then any other naturally active disaster, "Uhm, yes of course, thank you" Kamilla said blankly not sure what to say, still turning around occasionally to the smoke which probably could be seen from the other side of town. She saw Irina negotiating something with the guards, "Is she stalling them?" she asked no one in particular, having received a nod she frowned. "If she accepts money from them and doesn't catch the crazy man(Isotov) won't she be wanted for swindling the guards, or at least for getting in the way, and being a hindrance?" At that moment Esphyr returned she was covered in ash, and her hair had frizzled in a few places where it had supposedly come in contact with the flames. "Are you alri-" she started before the woman pounced on Morgan who had been pulling on Kamilla's arm. Due to Morgans thoughtful thinking, she'd let go and prevented Kamilla from being on the floor beside her. "Are you a-" she started when she blushed and turned away at the kiss Esphyr had given Morgan, "Should I book you a room?" she asked trailing away near the end realizing she wasn't working at the inn anymore. "Uhm, err" she managed as a few people who had been watching them escape closed in on the two. Probably to get a better look. "Homosexuality is not...." she started her sentence but stopped once again, Septimia strictly forbid a relationship between a man and another man. She cited to herself more then others but didn't know she was speaking rather clearly. "A man shall not bed another man, as man is afflicted strongly with the Demon Lords properties, the only thing which shall be born from such an abominable relation is pure evil" she paused, "Though I wonder what the case would be in terms of two women, I mean, we supposedly draw on the attributes of the mother goddess, so perhaps such a relationship is pure good?" Noticing people staring at her, she quickly bowed her head "I'm sorry, please don't mind me" she blurted out, "Congratulations miss, and err miss, I hope you make eachother happy" she said before turning to leave.
  2. Lmao XD Ah well, I'll let Snowy/Someone else decide how much of the inn was burned down, just going to repeat. Burning Inn(still burning): Much easier to get away Paritally burned inn (Not burning): Probably have to explain yourselves or pay for damages. All I'm saying about my character is that she's being dragged somewhere by Morgan (seeing as how I'm usually not around at the start of an RP activity session. (usually turn up 2~3 hours after) PS: If it makes you feel any better, I've been planning and specifically been targetting you/Isotov starting a fire since 6 pages ago XD
  3. Plus, you can't have Nadesico returning without fire, it's like... umm Complaining your thirsty and then being handed an empty bottle. It defeats the purpose :P Anyway if you want the fire to be calmed down to only take out a portion of the inn I can deal with that, however I'm assuming that means we don't make a run for it, aka, have to either pay our way out, or get thrown in prison XD
  4. Yeah, well Kai's over at the library with his virginity so boohoo to him >_< As for Bal.... well I've hardly interacted with him so I don't know :P As for Lacuna... well it doesn't need to be updated everytime something happens does it? Lacuna is fine as long as the stables are fine XD Teaches you not to be up so early/late eh? :P
  5. Conspiracy between you and me! XD It goes with Esphyrs mentality of "This sword brings me misfortune" does it not? XD Though, one thing I'd not sure about in this case, Proxima's flames = hot right? In a wooden inn, if there was enough heat wouldn't the wood catch fire due to heat, not merely due to Proxima's flames? To make a long explanation short, I find it (a bit of a stretch, but not too much) to say that Proxima's flames spread, but that the heat, started a new fire, based soley on heat. In other words, flames which aren't Proxima's. I'm not really sure what I'm saying here, so I'll just go with the explosion in the kitchen, and convinently put the Matron and Innkeeper in the kitchen at the time of explosion. Either way, I want my dead people! Even if the inn doesn't burn down, you still have to deal with questions once you get out, much easier to run away when the fire's still blazing IMO, unless of course someone has a good excuse for Isotov setting part of the inn on fire? @Cynthia, I can go with that, but I'd have everyone leave the building just in case (it collapses or whatever) I seriously lol'ed. My sister's looking at me like I'm crazy
  6. OoC: I insist, mainly cause it'd be funny to watch people accuse Isotov of doing wrong, that and even if it was only partially burned down, you'd probably still have to face the heat anyway. Better to let the whole thing burn down and kill of the matron and innkeeper, then deal with them outside right? XD Though Rp'ing an angry inn keeper might be fun as well Edit, For some reason, after reading Phoenix's post, I thought this was in Feedback >_<
  7. Kamilla simply nodded her head as Morgan led her away, too startled to actually speak. She watched in awe at how quickly the flames had spread, as Morgan pulled on her arm, She watched as the fire mage called back the flames into his tome. Then the entire inn shook as something exploded, she didn't know what had gone off, but tracing her mental blue print of the inn, she realised that they were standing right above the kitchen on the first floor. She watched unable to do anything but be dragged away, as the floor she had worked so hard to clean disappeared in the fiery blaze. Ooc: Nooooo my wooden flooring >_< Not letting you off that easily "Little Iso"!
  8. Your fault for using fire magic in a wooden inn :P And before you tell me you weren't aware I did specify (I think in my second or third post as Kamilla) about the wooden construction of the place :P It's high time everyone moves on from the inn anyway :P (where ever we're going now) Plus, I gave you all warning that if you didn't do something with the thugs, I'd burn something down XD Unless of course we can teleport the fire over to the stables... namely Amari's inn (Cookie for me for actually remembering the horses name?) As for raping the unarmed girl, they're busy fleeing from crazy demon Isotov, don't think they'll stop for a quickie at the moment. Plus, I'm still standing right next to you for some reason, (was about to leave, but then stopped turned around and haven't moved since) didn't want to pull another Reika where I'd have to spend the entire RP, not being able to interact with anyone. Plus I'm interested in seeing how Ether/Snowy worm their way out of this one, it's not a few stray survivors in the city, and "I'm a Haltonian soldier" probably doesn't mean much when your friends just torched an Elysimmian(?) inn :P Hopefully this'll be my last fire attack though, unless Isotov does something I can't resist responding on XD Burn Chi Bi! Burn!!! XD
  9. Good morning all, another wonderful day for a fire attack, wouldn't you agree? XD *Hands Phoenix his share of the money* Good job you overgrown roasted chicken :)
  10. OoC: I'm sure you all know where this is going XD It's Nadesico time! XD Elysimma hadn't had much rain in weeks, as Isotov incinerated the man and ash settled on the floor, the wooden floor boards beneath sprang up in flames. The other man, who had accompanied his friend over, lunged at Isotov, only to follow the fate of his friend. Fearing their own lives, the men who were standing on the same side as Isotov began to flee in the opposite direction, straight for the others, their cries of "Demon" "Monster" were a clear enough indication that they had no intentions of continuing this fight. In the second that Morgan's attention switched from Kamilla to the men, Kamilla focused all her strength into kicking Morgans leg. While it wasn't even enough to topple the shaman, it was enough to get her to drop the tome, which Kamilla quickly picked up and hugged with both arms, not even death would pry it from her embrace. She glanced over and watched as Katie and Arrin desperately tried to put out the flames, but it was useless, Kamilla had been cleaning the inn for days now, and she knew that the entire inn was made of old dry wood, clearly the people who had made the place had never considered the chances of a raging fire mage in their inn. And something was clearly special about the flames, for one, they seemed alot harder to extinguish then normal flames, probably because of it's magical properties. The flames had spread to the ceiling and walls and the smoke emitting from the place was extensive, Fearing for her own life Kamilla turned to flee along with the ruffians (not bandits, just street thugs, you know, the type sitting on street corners smoking, boozing and generally wasting their life away). As Kamilla turned away, she thought she heard someone trying to calm the man down, hesitating she took another glance at the mad man. His eyes still glowing dangerously red. "What have I gotten myself into?" she asked herself.
  11. Seeing Isotov, Arrin and Katie appear, two men turned on them, "Nothing to see here kid, turn around and get lost" one of the men stated grabbing Isotov by the collar.
  12. Pfft, I figured I need to use this goons before everyone decides to leave the inn XD
  13. OoC: You make me mad! Silence befell the hallway as Morgan offered to make a sandwich when a door neaby got kicked off it's hinges, and three burly men walked out, as if on cue, a few more men were at each end of the hallway glaring daggers at the group. One of the men,probably their leader stepped out and offered his hand arrogantly, "Hand over the crimson weapons lass." Despite having given up on life, Kamilla managed to take a quick look at the man, noticing that it was the same man who had been sitting across the room yesterday while the group was eating dinner. (Your choice what to do with them, beat them up I suppose, no stats, no exp, just a simple, I hit A, A fainted/died" don't really care about numbers, most of them'll flee soon anyway. :P)
  14. Because I know Cynthia's going to beat them up sometimes literally before I get the chance to? To be honest I find the reasoning of most non-crimson weapon holders joining weak, (Irina probably being the sole exception) I'm not sure what the groups current objective is, but ultimately it's either to fight/seal away the demon lord, and I doubt a few pretty pennies is worth risking your life (Damians a soldier, not a noble, he can pay you, but only for so long) Could have taken up the Axe, but well.... don't like'em XD Plus I already have Reika.... somewhere.
  15. Only problem with joining the group willingly is that there's no reason for her to do so, short of Morgan's threats :/ I mean, I don't really care about keeping an eye on the Crimson weapons so the sooner they're gone the better (Esphyr mentality) I don't hold a Crimson weapon I don't get along with anyone in the group I'm not being paid (mercenary or not) And there's really no benefit in risking her life to fight alongside all you wannabe heroes XD
  16. .... Not exactly what you expect me to do, unarmed, and surrounded by (supposedly) hostile people, am I supposed to beg for my life or something? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm in no position to be making demands or requests at the moment :/
  17. OoC: Stealing my tome? Noooooo XD As Morgan stepped forward, she began focusing her energy at her fingertips "Light" she stated rather loudly as she begged someone, something to lend her power, and suprisingly a flash of light emitted from her finger and hit Morgans right outstretched hand. Morgan flinched rubbed her hand and then grabbed her tome off her, irritation, evident in her actions. The place she had hit was a bit red, like it had be pinched rather forcefully, but it wasn't anything which wouldn't heal itself in a few seconds. "Give that back" she demanded weakly, she knew it was hopeless, but she figured she might as well try, she slumped herself helplessly against the wall.
  18. I swear she just want's to beat my characters to a pulp
  19. Kamilla looked over at Arrin, "You didn't refute my accusation that your group was in the possession of them" Hearing Morgans voice any calming down she'd managed to do with Isotov's departure disappeared, if anything her sense of danger was heightened. "Under the cover of darkness? So you can hide yourselves in the night?" She asked Morgan rudely, she nearly stopped and admired how fear could change her. "Fine, assuming the inquisitors aren't coming" she said boldly "what are you going to do? Kill me? Sell me off as a slave?" she shouted hysterically, clearly not in the mood to listen to anyone.
  20. Sorry, was away responding in another RP >_< Yeah, I think I've more then slightly broken her character for what I had originally intended (started with my long lecture on religions) and now you've cornered her and scared the poor dear, shame on you all? XD EDIT: Aww crap, Cynthia's posting, this is all going to get so much more complicated now XD
  21. Kamilla was about to hit someone with her spell, when the man with the Crimson tome left (Isotov) Having been the most obvious threat, she was somewhat relieved and calmed down a bit, but kept her hand raised, "I am Kamilla Ashinan, missionary for the Septimian reform, and I request you all lower your weapons"...... she paused looked around and noticed she was the only one with her weapon drawn Kamilla: "....." Everyone "......" "Ahem" she said clearing her throat and trying to hide her embarassment, "As a messenger of his holy grace, I have been sent here to relieve you of your crimson weapons, the boy here says your group is under the possession of such weapons" she said indicating Arrin. "If you hand over your weapons quietly, I'm sure the mother goddess will have mercy on your souls" she'd calmed down significantly, but wasn't about to let her guard down yet. "How many crimson weapons is your group in the possession of?" she asked weakly.
  22. Panicking, Kamilla drew her tome and pointed a finger at all of them in turn "Stay back" she warned, her voice wavering betraying her intentions to keep her fear in check. She turned to Isotov and nearly dropped her own tome as Proxima caught her eye, if that blood red tinged tome wasn't a crimson weapon she didn't know what was. On one side, she had to deal with knife man, on the other she had to get through some soldier like girl and a mage she'd never seen before. She considered locking herself in her room, but she didn't know if the brown haired girl from yesterday was still in there. "I'm not a demon" she mumbled to no one in particular, she paused calming herself, "You're all wanted criminals for being in possession of the weapons of the demon lord, you-you should drop your weapons immediately, the inquisitors are on their way and there's no escape" she said waving her hand back and forth between Irina, Isotov, Kelas and Arrin, (not Tessa cause she couldn't harm a fly... I hope XD)
  23. Frowning, not very happy that she was forced to do all the thinking, "Well, going with the general flow of things, I'm guessing this is where you slip a few gold coins into my hand and we all keep walking" she said, noticing the worried look on Arrin's face, but I suppose I haven't fallen so low as to demand money from people just yet." "Hmm, well, the only thing I want to know is how many of the Crimson weapons you've managed to gather, looking at your group, I'd say all of them judging from the number of people, but I doubt everyone can wield one" she said looking at Tessa, who couldn't wield one due there not being a crimson staff. "It's probably best for me to talk to a more senior member of the group, but I get the feeling, I'd be endangering my own life if I were to do that" she stated, images of Kelas, Morgan and (even dark broody) Isotov." "Hmmm: OoC: Might be a good time for someone to walk in on the conversation, I got nothing XD
  24. XD Hey, I editted it from what I orgininally posted XD I'm not going to say what the original post was since it screamed "Pleasure me!" XD (not literally) Awww, is Morgan worried her little faithful boytoy will get stolen? XD Seems like Arrin refuses to communicate with the male members of the group, you cougar catcher you! XD Sesame Street boy scares me :(
  25. OoC: I miscounted ,_, Leave meh alone Kamilla, cocked her head to the side, as if trying to work out what the boy was implying, and an expression of realization crossed her face "Oh, uhm, err," she hadn't really thought that far ahead and was wondering what she should say, not being able to find a response quick enough, the made an awkward smirk "That would depend on what you can do for me, wouldn't it?"
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