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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Cess's positioning, I'm not accepting that just because someone's new they should be ranked low. It's true we aren't exactly familiar with his character as the others, but joining late isn't a reason to labeled low. If you look at the subtitle, this list is heavily influenced by how well people think you're RP'ing the character, and frankly I completely disagree with Cess being in need of more character then he already has. Sure he could if he wanted to, but at present I'd go as far as saying he ranks up Arrin in terms of character. (Just hasn't had much to develop it) @Kelas: While no ones actually mentioned her, she's up there on my list, largely due to Amari jerky. Snowy (Arrin) I'm sorry, but there's no way you're telling me Arrin is more developed then Isotov. Regardless of what Phoenix says Irina's pretty much been around for the last 3~4 chapters solely to make Isotov interesting, coupled with his legion of NPC's building on Isotov's story, he'd possibly rank above Kelas if they hadn't all been self directed monologues. I'm not saying he's a bad character, but he doesn't seem to have to much going for him, other then Tessa. He's progressing nicely, but not as well as others. @Snowy (Morgan) As Cynthia said, this isn't about originality, if she wanted to play Morrigan to the book, that's completely fine, not being original is no reason to be ranked down, since I can nearly attribute every character here to a character from a book/game/anime. @Esphyr I just don't agree, she used to be interesting before Katie came along and you transferred your attention to Katie and Isotov. You can generally tell if a character is interesting or not based on how many people are willing to go around talking to them (Eg Helios) Interesting is not necessarily two people liking eachother. But if you asked around, I'm pretty sure most responses to Esphyr would be "Meh, she's nice." Interaction with others is pretty much limited, (recently to only Damian and Aiya). She's developing slowly, but an interesting character isn't defined by how much of her past you reveal. If that were the case, Helios would be above Esphyr easy.Frankly with all things considered I wouldn't think that she ranks much different from Kamilla. @Katie Katie's a tough one, since she's been introduced as a plot device, and has character. However alot of her actions don't make sense. And alot of her actions aren't subtle at all, the just pop out of nowhere. Maybe it's the slow paced timing of this RP, but it's been half a week since she met Isotov. Take a page out of Tessa/Arrin. I'm going to move her up to above Cess, and am willing to listen to any more arguments to her being moved up. But Snowy, you seem to be one of the biggest offenders of support whoring, whether this be coincidental or just your RP style I don't know. But once you find one character you like, Esphyr/Katie just stick to that one character, ignoring everything and everyone around them and going out of their way to interact with just one person. I think your main issue though is activity, no I'm not saying you're inactive (this time, though I may think it). But you controlling Esphyr, Katie, Headmaster and now Helenos is fine for plot development but hardly sufficient to develop the former two into interesting characters. If you're going to say that you're not inactive and that you're on enough then I won't argue, since it's partially true, it's just not enough to develop them properly IMO. @Kamilla Annoying is my forte, so thank you. I'd like to see you try and develop a character when they've been mind-wiped, don't know their own past, and half the group ignores her.... though I suppose Esphyr and Katie have the last one in terms of effect. :/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Henceforth I will be requesting people provide at least 4 sentences of arguments for a rank up/rank down. While I'll still read a one line request, I honestly doubt I'll change the list much without actual reasoning now.
  2. I'm not trying to be racist or anything here, but this comment was ridiculous, that's like saying "Hitler was a great guy, sure there's the holocaust, but war is war, "people die in war." Get over it, and stop bogging up the news occassionally about jews and the holocaust. I actually agree that people die in war, but passing it off as "it happens" is ludicrous. Exactly, you, and every other jew/christian/muslim etc have no idea what the "Big Guns" is thinking, you've never met him and you don't know how he works. Then how are you able to claim he does things for the good of mankind? Maybe he's an evil demon guy who wants to kill us whenever he gets a chance? Maybe he's not omnipotent or divine? I don't understand how you can claim on one hand that "God thinks this is bad, God thinks this is good" and then switch to "I don't know what God is thinking" whenever the situation becomes unfavorable. This is irresponsible and something most religious people are guilty of. I also don't think that the argument of Hashem/God/Allah whatever wanting it that way makes it any more excusable. God almighty is father to all mankind whether they accept it or not. (According to religions) And the idea that he can genocide people as part of a plan is no different from saying A father should be able to kill his son whenever he wants because he knows what's best for his kid, and if that's death, killing is perfectly acceptable. @Life: From what I can tell Esau is not attacking your religions followers, he is not saying you should feel guilty for actions long passed. But that the idea of Hashem(?) Killing people for his own needs/wants/plans is despicable. You supporting the idea that the killing may not have happened is not much different from people saying "Holocaust? That never happened" in which case I'm assuming you wouldn't agree. Alot of these religious debates turn into people defending their entire religion when the remarks are directed at specific parts. I really doubt that Esau would argue that people who follow "Love thy neighbour" are evil, or doing any wrong. You need to read his posts and comprehend that Esau's attacks are on this one specific event, which if true, aren't acceptable even if Hashem did want it to happen. If Hashem did make a mistake here, it doesn't make everyone that follows him evil or wrong. That's like saying "You're great grandfather was a rapist so everyone in your bloodline is a rapist" and this clearly isn't true.
  3. Hmm, I'm going to make a compromise and put Damian below Tessa if no one minds. Chase above Irina.... well that makes sense I guess. Lightnings activity period hurts him IMO :/ I agree with Cess's position being a bit early to discern. Eric though's been around long enough to establish a presence. And waiting 3~4 chapters before being added in is a bit boring. So if you think he shouldn't be on the list, chances are he needs to be ranked down a bit more. Cess, well again, I don't like the idea of waiting several chapters before being thrown in, and while he might be less developed then Irina he's establishing himself in the RP pretty quickly, and considering the speed he's adapted I'd say he'd probably be a bit higher in terms of displaying his character, but as you said, lack of active time, made me place him at the bottom of mid tier. If Psych wants Cess removed, I'll comply, but I don't think you, or I should be telling a currently active character to not be on the list.
  4. XD Nady has her own plans :P My original plan (current) doesn't involve them fighting the group until perhaps after the Mesh, but that might change if you people turn the cart around and wipe them out or something. Obviously things would change depending on how you people react. If one of you suddenly decide "Screw the Mesh, I'll attack the soldiers instead" then.... well I can't say I'll uphold any promises. The deal is simple, don't touch me, I don't touch you.... until after the Mesh. I'm open to you people screwing around with my plans, since ultimately it's the thrill of besting the group that I enjoy :P @Cynthia I'm controlling her and I don't feel guilty at all XD What does that say about me?
  5. I'm actually willing to agree that Irina's starting to flesh out better then Katie lately so we'll go with Irina>Katie (Overrides the Phoenix XD) Mark added, but I see no point in Ian, if they're below Mark, they should either be killed off, or they're reduced to generic NPC status. Tessa's personality and character seems to warrant a pretty high positioning, I might even say higher then where she is now, but implemented. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personally I think Damian's up too high, perhaps even below Isotov :/ He's important to the group but he sort of lacks character when compared to Iso in my opinion. He hasn't really proven to be interesting at all I think but that's just what I think, and it might be laced with my dislike for his character. Chase isn't that bad is he?
  6. Kamilla peeked at the group as they arrived at the gate. She automatically recognized a few of the people on the cart, and a Tessa, Kelas and Arrin seemed to be riding on individual horses anyway. The captain of the guards looked at her for confirmation, and Kamilla nodded her head. Sure enough, there was a man with long fiery red hair and the others seem to fit the general description. The gate guards moved to intercept the cart, but a hand signal from the captain and the guards held their ground. One of the soldiers quickly glanced over the group before making way telling the group they could pass. Kamilla looked at the captain questioningly, but the man just smiled, "Thanks lass, we'll take it from here" Kamilla shook her head "You said you were going to capture them" she pouted, upset over how easily they'd let the group through. But the captain had other plans "Unfortunately I wasn't planning for them to be so numerous, we'd be overpowered easily so we're going to follow them and nab them when they least expect it. Kamilla cocked her head to the side "Like when they're sleeping?" she asked trying to make sense of the answer. "Exactly girly, we've got to go follow them now, thanks for the information" the man said flicking her a gold coin. But Kamilla wasn't going to leave them just yet "Kamilla coming too!" she demanded, the group had passed through the gates, but they might of heard her. The captain frowned, uneasy about the idea, "Uhh you sure? If they're bad people you might get hurt or even killed" "Kamilla coming whether beardie likes it or not" she asserted strongly. A soldier nearby laughed, "Aww let her come captain, if we get bored we could have a little fun with her" Kamilla nodded her head "Kamilla fun to play with, so you take Kamilla too" she said nodding her approval at the soldiers words. The captain sighed and shrugged his shoulder "If you're sure, then fine" as another group of soldiers brought over 8 warhorses, they began mounting the horses, Kamilla being offered to ride with the captain. Captain: "Listen up, our objective is to tail those outlaws and capture them if we get the chance, this is a covert operation, and I don't want any of you whelps making any rash decsions without consulting me first. Got it?" Soldiers: "Yes sir"
  7. Updated, Katie dropped to "Above" Aiya due to having some history while Aiya at present, due to Katie actually having a deeper story then "My friend had a wyvern who I got along with, and I work for Halton" she's got the Damian thing going but so does Katie. Morgan/Kelas: Rejected, simply due to the fact I don't want the top tier left empty. If people think there's a character more interesting them Morgan then I can start dropping them. Mark/Ian: Rejected due to them no longer being PC's. And Kai's said they'll not be returning (Will not return to the RP) Helios: Dropped to bottom tier simply due to request. Kai can argue his way up if he thinks otherwise. Mid high implemented, but Mid-low rejected. Simply due to the latter being sort of insulting XD Bottom means that you're neglecting the character and should most likely work on improving them. And I don't think we need two sections for that. (dozen+bit characters 4 levels is enough IMO 4 per)
  8. You're low because I randomly entered names and I wanted to see where everyone would place themselves. Feel free to argue yourself up. At present, due to the volatile nature of the list, I'm willing to just have you dump information on me. If I have any issues I'll reject it and we can argue from there. First thing that needs to be done is getting everyone in the right category IMO. So go ahead tell me your thoughts :P
  9. -Akin to the tier list, this thread is meant to rank how interesting we(Rp'ers) have been able to present our characters. -To get consent on a change, you'll need to either get two more people to agree with your opinion for a change, or convince me(Kanami) why it should be altered. -Why am I being judge? Because I have more free time then most of you and if you can convince me, chances are you can convince everyone. -The list will not include NPC's or characters which haven't officially joined up with the group. (For obvious reasons) High Tier Morgan Kelas Tessa Isotov Mid-High Tier Arrin Eric Damian Cess Irina Esphyr Mid Tier Reika Dani Charlotte Chase Kamilla Katie Heinz Alferis Bottom Tier Helios Aiya Mark (Deceased) [spoiler=Unknowns] Conrad Viveka
  10. Again, he has joined the group yet, Ketchup, like Reika is away and heading towards the group (most likely stopping at Ilyphina first) so can't expect him to do much either.
  11. What would I post? You all pretty much ignore Kamilla and she had every right to be upset and run off :/ Reika turning up now would be stupid And I've already set a course for my soldiers. Nothing for me to do for awhile. :/ And even if I did, it'd most likely be monologue
  12. *Starts jumping up and down* Nady had idea, Nady got idea :D Nyahahaha! *Does a little dance and then sits down again* Nady soldiers will not be at the gate, Nady soldiers will encounter the group much later. Hmm, Say eight men on horseback? (Cavaliers) If you do fight them, they'll be plot enemies, and won't intervene if/when you fight the Mesh. (If they haven't made contact with the group before the Mesh)
  13. Makalov looks like a clown, Aran looks like a devout office worker that's been doing the same thing for 40 years without. In effect I'd say a clown loses more :/ @Psych: Tessa's taken :P Pony boy. Not really sure where I should spring the soldiers on the group now :/ Obvious choice would be at the gates. :/
  14. .... Cess? Are you.... Chase, I'd suggest logging on soon, someone's trying to steal your woman XD
  15. @Phoenix: When Cuddles feels like it? Might be at the gate, might be once you're well and truly away from Ilyphina. (Kamilla will most likely be with them) Probably sooner then later. I have to agree with Morgan on the Katie thing though, I don't know how much Irina is in Isotov, but you'd think being suspicious of assassins, he'd be well aware of the dangers of taking a mute mage against an unknown monster. Speaking of unknown monsters, I'm assuming the headmaster has just conveniently turned his sensors off and hasn't realised a demon dragon thing on campus. Or perhaps she's just incompetent and can't sense a little Helenos trickery. Who knows, :/ Being spiritual and all I'd have though there'd be some things Helenos could mask from the HM.
  16. @Cynthia Animosity is simple, she thinks she can handle herself and Morgan doesn't. I guess it's a bit like being treated like a child. There's so much wrong with Katie's involvement to the point where even I can't be bothered arguing her validity. For one, Harold letting her go where'ever the hell she wants, rejoining the group that had her labeled as criminals (and are still labeled as criminals). Never mind her sudden clinginess over Isotov, and everything else... Guess I can be bothered XD Either way, it's easier to just accept that she doesn't like sense. Everyone seems to hate logic, and while I agree that people don't always think logically, the amount of logic in this RP is running on low due to people using "My character is stupid doesn't comprehend common sense" being thrown out every few seconds. @Phoenix I know you love Katie, but shut up For your own good.
  17. Could have picked a better argument to accept though, you don't trust the woman, but you're willing to trust her that you'll get there 4 times quicker, still haven't got any reasons why it's effective in a swamp and the only reason Morgan gave in from what I can see is secret info being passed through PM's. @Phoenix I figured that that might be the case when Isotov actually reacted to Kamilla, since everyone so far has decided that when I give off warnings they'll ignore it and then complain later once it's too late. Hopefully by actually reading Nady's warnings you'll save yourself from some hell :/
  18. Night Snike ~Meanwhile Nady's soldiers keep crawling closer and closer!~ Carts are also more likely to be targeted for holding weapons and other goodies :/ Ah well Cynthia gave in, :/ ~Boring~ Doesn't care either way, now Nady soldiers are more legitimate! XD
  19. @Current situation I don't know how the group will split, but instead of assuming everyone goes with Helen and her wagon. It'd be nice if people could hold things up until the others post their opinions. Since I doubt Morgan is the only one with issues of trusting a magical wagon that just happened to arrive at perfect timing. If neccessary I'm springing Nady soldiers on you before you split up so that I can delay the actual "split up." At present it seems it's pretty much Morgan/Eric against Isotov/Esphyr. And maybe Damian or someone else can think of a way to compromise the situation.
  20. @Viveka I think you've already told me that, but your soldiers have already commented that she promoted due to sleeping with the high-ups. And am not going to accept reasoning that you're soldiers knew, and that my one doesn't share such a view. (Either way, it's not too important, it's just the opinion of the soldier. @Mana trail argument I have to sort of agree with the SOaP here, Mainly cause you people made it so that CW's give off an aura in chapter 1 which allowed some of you god-modders to somehow notice every CW in town (bar Reika). And a magical demon being might be more attuned to it. However I disagree with Helenos throwing out her plan just for Morgan if the mana trail exists. In which case Helenos should take care of the ones she's caught and then go after Morgan later. (Not sneaking off and jeopardizing her own plan) @Snowy comment. Would help to keep everyone informed actually, it's not plot info, and nor should it be a secret. So mentioning it somewhere in Useful Notes or OP or anywhere really (other then in feedback) would be great. I don't agree with the defense "It should be obvious" since alot of the RP'ers actually are lacking in logic and can only counter the statement with "I don't care anymore" :/ @Phoenix In/Out character Cause you're "IN character" is them not doing anything (Irina). Them being ridiculously clingy (Iso/Katie). And is often accompanied by "Nady screwed things up, I knew she would, I'm constantly trying to stop her, but I can't because my characters are stupid and I have to act in character"
  21. I disagree with Helenos logic, I don't know how far she plans to take them into the swamp, but Morgans weapon/everyone elses, it should be obvious which she attends to first. Especially since the latter is part of her plan. If she were to just suddenly up and disappear it might cause suspicion and most likely ruin her plan. If CW's do give of magical trails, she could just as easily kill Morgan after defeating the rest. And the only reason she'd do otherwise is if she's an Irina, or you're just trying to twist plot to suit your needs. Under normal circumstances I'd argue that people were using OoC information to get out of the trap, but in this case, you people are using OoC stuff to fall into it. After the exchange Morgan and Helen have had, if Morgan nods her head and jumps in. That's the dread "not acting in character" Phoenix keep whining about. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Bal, nighty night.
  22. Kamilla had been walking around the streets slowly making her way to a Ilyphina's military base, she had no idea what it looked like but everyone else on the streets seemed to know, and they didn't seem to have any qualms about revealing it's whereabouts. As she arrived at her destination she looked around, and noticed she wasn't at a castle but some sort of military outpost watch. (Police box) She went over to the building and looked for an entrance only find a door already open on the side of the building. A man sat calmly reading a newspaper and seemed irritated when Kamilla interrupted him. "What'cha want missy?" he asked monotonously, most likely words he'd repeated more times then he cared to count while working here. Kamilla: "Kamilla knows where bad people are!" she said childishly, they have Crimson weapons, and did bad stuff to Kamilla" she said completely serious. Soldier: The man snorted "Yeah, and I'm the demon king, go play somewhere else kid." Kamilla: "Kamilla not playing, Kamilla see pretty lady with blonde hair with wing horsie come and say they bad people" she said not giving up. Soldier: "Pretty lady? blonde hair? Ah right, Yeah most likely the Generals wench. what about her?" Kamilla: "She say she going to take them away and then man grab her head and then walk off not remember nuthin" she continued. The soldier raised any eyebrow now, he'd heard of how the general wench had returned without a single scratch on her 2 days ago, claiming to have defeated some wanted criminals, and had doubted that the woman could pull such a feat, after all she only got where she is today by mounting things other then her pegasus. Kamilla: "They hiding in big building with lots of mages, but they say they go away soon so Kamilla come tell you" she said proudly as she was certain she had the mans attention. Soldier: "TISME no doubt, bloody mages think their at the top of the world" he grumbled, "I'm listening girl, what do these people look like?" Kamilla: Kamilla frowned, "Dumb wind mage with green hair, Isotov-Irina's brother has red fiery hair.... then there's people with swords, and people with bows, a few horsies, and one of the girls had a big lizard that flies. The man nearly fell off his seat at the mention of the wyvern. He'd been on watch duty when the CW group had escaped from captivity infront of Ilyphina's gates. And he was aware of the menacing wyvern ridden by the girl. Soldier: "And you say their heading out?" he asked interested now. Kamilla:"They say they leaving in hour, but it been hour since Kamilla left so they be leaving now!" she said as if suddenly realizing she might be too late. "They say they fight demon lord though, so they go to find demon lord Kamilla thinks" she said racking her brains. The soldier smiled the girl clearly was clearly trying her best, despite her not being able to speak proper common. Soldier: "Right, closest thing to demon lord around here would be.... ah perhaps the tentacle monster we've been hearing lately." he got up and walked inside with Kamilla following close behind. Soldier: "Gather the squad, we've got some criminals to catch." to a group of men. The men inside sprang into action immediately, clearly having been bored they seemed to be more then willing to comply. As the others got ready, the man turned to Kamilla "If what you say is true then there bound to hasten my promo.... actually have you told anyone else about them?" the man asked, his tone suddenly becoming stiff. Kamilla shook her head. "Right, don't tell anyone else, okay? I'll go capture these bad people for you so there's no need to worry or let anyone else know."
  23. I'd say it's safe to assume that it's a different Mesh patch. Since you'd think that swamp, mountains and all these other things would have been mentioned at some stage. And if it's the same Mesh, then we need to retcon everything that's happened since Chapter 1 ended. (Which is obviously stupid) So it has to be a second one :/
  24. I seriously doubt that Tessa and Kelas (definitely Kelas) would agree to Trevor and Amari being hooked up. I suppose Francis could be hooked up but judging from how Helen only arrived with one horse, the cart is likely to only cater for one horse, and not be very big. Hmm, guess I was able to sway one person, though not in the way I wanted :/
  25. I disagree with the cart being faster, not a cart that's carrying a dozen people and their belongings unless there's more then one horse (Clover). Though I guess a few would ride on horseback, I'm for the cart. Makes spotting the group alot easier :/ And hence makes it more believable that the group would get intercepted before they reach the swamps. Since Kamilla's out for awhile I suppose I'll go back to controlling hostile NPC's :P Split up = bad. Either way I'd suggest waiting and seeing what the others think.
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