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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Eriya was about to smack the perverted soldier across the face, when a woman, slightly taller then herself started shouting some nearby. Sheesh, damn foreigners couldn't even control the volume of their own voice, was it really necessary for her to be shouting at the man? He was only one arms length away from her crying out loud Eriya decided the ordeal wasn't her business and was about to turn away when the woman twisted the mans arm, forcing the supposed pirate to the ground. Was that really necessary? The man wasn't even armed She willed herself to stay uninvolved but as Gytha started dragging the man away she caved in, brushing past Axel and in front of Gytha's path. Drawing her sword and pointing it towards Gytha as it was clear to Eriya simple words wouldn't stop the woman. "At least let the man stand you savage brute" she hissed, her expression suddenly becoming much more tense. "It doesn't matter who or what he is, for as long as he lives, you've got no right to treat him like a sack of potatoes." She kicked herself mentally, as far as she knew she was surrounded by these Slaver. Why had she gotten herself involved in this silly mess?
  2. "Oh okay" she responded turning around and taking a few steps away from the group before spinning around glaring at Axel. "Wait, a second, why do I need to listen to you?" she shouted again, not really noticing or caring about her volume this time. She'd agreed initially because she wanted an excuse to get away from the man, but being bossed around by a foreign fool didn't sit well with her at all. "If you're having a private discussion, go do it behind closed doors, where I stand or sit on this street is none of your business" she stated slowly lowering her volume as she noticed a few heads turning to see what all the ruckus was about. As her burst of anger started to subside, it nearly exploded again as she noticed the man staring at her chest region. Sure she had armor covering that, wouldn't be much point guarding your arms and legs if your heart was wide open, but having a strange man examining her wasn't something any woman would enjoy. Raising her spare arm (the other still on her sword), over her chest, she glared at the man. "My face is up here thanks" she muttered in a low tone, glaring daggers at the man.
  3. Eriya instinctively reached for her sword, surprised at the sudden attention. "I haven't done anything yet" she responded hurriedly looking the man over. He looked like another guard, but the armor he was wearing had a completely different design. He was either not a guard of Ursaea, or simply a mercenary that fancied a mass-production design. Whatever the case it took her only a moment to notice that she'd said *yet* "I don't know anything about guards" she blurted out quickly trying to cover up her earlier mistake by answering the mans question. But a quick flicker of his eyes towards the guards who were still within sight indicated that he wasn't going to take be fooled. This wasn't going well at all, the last thing she needed was some strange soldier looking guy to pester her about what she was doing. "Uhh, umm err.... It's none of your business!" she shouted loudly enough for half the street to hear. Quickly covering her mouth as if doing so would negate her shout.
  4. As Eriya arrived with the guards she pointed out the wagon to the two men "That's it!" she said, unable to hide her excitement, things were finally going her way! Now she just needed to wait until they were all behind bars, and then ask the shaman she'd spoken to earlier a few questions. She was smiling at her thoughts when one of the guards rudely nudged her, bringing her back to the present. "So where is this slave exactly?" one of the pair asked irritation plastered all over his face. "What? I already told you, he's right there on top of the......" Eriya winced, trying to make out if Damian was still on top of the wagon from their location. But it was quite clear that the top of the wagon was now vacant. "He must be inside the wagon! They-" she started to explain a likely possibility when she was interrupted by the other guard. "That him there?" he asked, clearly unamused as he indicated Damian a few feet away from the wagon laughing merrily with Veronika. "Weirdest abduction I've seen so far, usually the 'napped guy's gagged and hidden away you know?" Looking at both guards before wincing at the smile on Damian's face, she sighed. What was wrong with that man? Was he some sort of masochist that enjoyed being tied up? "He-" she started speaking, trying to make as much sense of the situation as she could, when the grouchy guard stepped on her toe forcefully. "Stupid Kigen whore" he grunted before storming off back towards the guard house. The other guard took one more look at Damian before smiling at Eriya and patting her on the shoulder once "Owe you one" he stated simply before chasing after his colleague, no doubt back to the guard house to start a new game of cards. Tch, should have known these foreign fools would be useless, my only mistake was relying on these fools. she thought to herself, as she casually edged closer to the group to listen in on whatever they were talking about.
  5. Eriya burst into the guardhouse, not completely out of breath, but not too far off from it. Running in full armor even if it was supposed to be light armor was never fun. Catching her breath she peered over the counter at three men who were playing a game of cards. "Excuse me?" She asked, trying to get attention. One of the two young men looked over and gave a grunt of acknowledgment while the other was obviously looking over his cards and sweating like a pig. The third man, an elderly senior who looked as if he should be retired, sighed heavily whacked both men across the head with his fist before turning around and asking Eriya if anything was wrong. Eriya winced, both of the young men were clearly displeased with Eriya for interrupting their little game, so she focused her attention on the elderly man who at least seemed to be willing to do his job. "On the east side of town, near the inn there, there's slave traders. A man tied up and a wagon to transport him and everything!" she exclaimed hurriedly. She didn't know how long the wagon would stay there, and she'd already let her target slip off without her once. "Slave traders? In Ursaea you say? Not many tend to pass through here you know, guards constantly on patrol and such" the senior responded gruffly, lights flickering behind his eyes indicating that he was contemplating how to deal with the situation. "Fine, both of you head over and go deal with the slavers, call for backup if you need it" he concluded ordering the two men off. "But sir~" one of the men whined, while the other promptly threw his cards down and grabbed his spear. "Stop you whinin' we're not being paid to sit around and play cards" he stated as he pulled on his helmet. Eager to leave the guardhouse and abandon the card game that he was certain he'd lose. Eriya sighed as she led the two men down the street and towards the inn. She'd hoped for more active, competent guards. These guys were decent at best. Foreign fools she thought to herself. As she started explaining the fictitious details of how she'd witnessed the mans capture. Describing Damian and his features in details to emphasize how stressed and oppressed the tied up man was. (Lies)
  6. Thank you "good moderator" I'm awed by your level of professionalism.
  7. I actually can not agree to that. You are the staff team of Serenesforest.net and while I accept your view that the rule regarding reporting was infringed upon. And I can also agree to your conclusion that his behavior doesn't not warrant any form of punishment. However behavior by members treating Psych poorly are false. The original posts are a reflection of past events and attempts. And if people want to laugh at him for trying, that's their choice, laughing at people for trying isn't an infringement. It wasn't trolling, it wasn't directed at Psych but the rest of the Rp group. And judging a member on actions he has committed on the forum is human nature and not preventable. The remainder of the posts are response to the staff teams query regarding why Psych has been rejected. And as far as I'm aware allowing Psych to join was a suggestion, not an instruction or policy set forth by the staff team. Were we horrible to Psych? yes, we were. On IRC, a different website. A website which you as the moderator of Serenes have no jurisdiction over. Your suggestion to allowing Psych in was rejected at an early stage, and it was made clear he wasn't welcome. And even you've admitted that his registrations are akin to spam. Therefore I fail to see any grounds for you to call upon poor treatment. Reasons for his rejection were pulled up, and restated very early in the argument. Reasons which were paid very little attention, but he's been told why before. It didn't work. And while I can agree he was just testing, it still doesn't change the outcome. As I said initially, the reporting was out of order, but misbehavior off Serenes is something you have no right to interject in.
  8. Let's all play "Post the screenshot"~ I'm sorry, but if he's going to join an RP which focuses on interacting with others and creating a story he "HAS TO" Care what people say and think. Also, if he's going to talk to the wall with his imaginary friend, it's not helpful, interesting or in any way useful to the RP. This enforces Phoenix's comment about Psych's attitude, and frankly, I'm quite opposed to someone like that coming in and ruining things just because he wants to prove that he "believes" he's changed and able to prove others wrong. *Note: Acacia opted to stay neutral in the conflict, and him being included in the list of people not wanting him around is me exaggerating and providing false information. (Unintentional, just me getting the wrong impression of his stance at the time)
  9. @Mods You're points make sense to me, but I think the argument against that is that the "group" have simply had enough. They're not willing to give him another chance, they don't want to see him improve, because they've tried before and it didn't work. A good quote. I'm not sure about specifics, but the time Psych-hate started, was a significant amount of time before he was removed from Azure Flame. From this thread alone, It evident that he's not willing to answer to the list of accusations Phoenix listed two months ago. After discussing with Psych on IRC, he's stated several comments indicating he still doesn't understand why these people don't want him around. A major aspect of why Psych says he wants to be around is for "stat combat" the dice rolling and number crunching aspect of this RP. But as illustrated above, he's shown that he can't be fair with his dice rolls. Furthermore, if he just wanted to do the number crunching, it's not an RP, it's a forum game. And only being a number cruncher is dead weight on the RP. As for providing links to Psych's errors, I have none (I'm not going to look). But the overall disapproval of Psych from the RP group, indicate to me that he's unwelcome, and has caused several issues in the past. If it was just one or two people I'd waive it off as personal conflicts, but when there's nearly a dozen people asking him to "go away." I find it hard to believe all of these people are hateful immature brats wanting to be cruel without proper reason.
  10. True, very true XD Nightmare probably can support this :P@Psych Did you answer any to any of those accusations? You're repeating that things aren't fair. And I actually admit, Tangerine's right, and all these rejections are a bit immature. (I wasn't around for when you went crazy, so maybe I'm not one to speak) But a good portion of the Rp'ers believe you'd be a negative addition to the Rp. And even if you did somehow get in. I can just see the same thing happening. People generally tend not to react well when everyone treats them like he's not wanted. Bring out Snowy_One into this argument is a bit strange on your behalf. And truth be told, Snowy one was separated from the group and led on a wild goose chase, which has today, resulted in him resigning. Overall his time was wasted, and so will yours :/ Why you want to join a group of people that don't want you, I have no idea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chat is http://darkmyst.org/?page=webchat And channel name is #Returnoftheemblem Having everyone go there, is probably better then continuing to post in this thread and seem like we're having WWIII in the RP thread.
  11. @Tangerine Put simply, Phoenix/Cynthia who are in control of this RP dislike Psych for causing all sorts of problems in the last RP they were in (Lord of the Azure Flame). I really don't care much either way, but this really depends on how you want to see things. Do the RP owners have the right to exclude people they feel aren't... worthy(?) In which case, it's just persistent nagging at something which is already decided. Or if this is simply bullying. And something you have issues with? (Exclusion of certain members from certain threads) @Seph Yes I miss you >_< So many cardboard characters, they're all so boring~ Stats really aren't that hard to grasp. I mean I personally decided to stick to healing types (which don't really need to focus on stats much) and a defender since I'm going to get someone to do my calculations for me XD If you don't understand, plenty of opportunities in-game to learn :P EDIT The mods are back >_< Everyone head for the bomb shelters!
  12. :/ I was just assuming Psych would get ignored, but I wasn't aware you kept an eye on this Seph :/ And hey :P Haven't seen you in awhile XD Does you being here mean there's a possibility you'll join?:P
  13. Cynthia and Phoenix will generally have an idea, so asking them (you need their approval anyway) before you create a character is a good start. From the conversations earlier. The only people ready for a second character at this stage would be Phoenix/Mercakete/Cynthia. Though you (roymbrog) are also high up in terms of chances. Either way, in your case, as long as you keep up what you've been doing the last few weeks, you shouldn't have a problem getting a second character through.
  14. XD Screw Phoenix's divine plan. He's told me repeatedly that his plot is "flexible" XD And being the bane of LoAF I can't help but test "How" flexible his plot actually is :P You'll need to ask Phee, but I don't think he's going to throw a hissy if you give the town/village/piece of dirt more texture and life. Surrounding definitely need to be illustrated more then the bare minimum Phoenix is doing. (I know you can only do so much Phee, not calling you incompetent... not in regards to this at least anyway) If "fear" is limiting your posting ability, best get it checked out and fixed :P
  15. I don't want to push this issue too much Z, since you're posting now, and I'm happy about it. But your posts so far... haven't really utilized anything beside an inn and being in a populated settlement (city/town). Oh, you've also mentioned a biscuit XD Either way, nice to know your... mojo? is working :/
  16. Eriya frowned as the man turned away, not pleased with the mans reply at all. She was about to protest when someone nearby started complaining about being tied up. "Huh" she blurted out, looking around, failing to see the source of her confusion. Several moments passed before something thumped against the wagon nearby pulling Eriya's attention towards a man who'd been tied up on top of the wagon. Who or what were these people?.... Slave traders? in Ursaea? she shook her head in disbelief, only to find the shaman she'd just spoken to, head towards the cart. Eriya closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then looked again. Okay, that man definitely wasn't there willingly. Her instincts told her to stay away from these people, that trying to help the man would do her no good. But if she could get these men locked up, maybe they'd be more cooperative in providing the information she wanted. "Right, guards" she mumbled to herself, as she turned to call the local authorities.
  17. Didn't you know roy? We all hate you, and always wait until you go before coming out of our hiding spots to post Seriously though, Cynthia/Merc/Phoenix have always been rather active and Z I had to bully a bit to post XD After taking a look at the RP I noticed a good person to be mean to, so Acacia's going to be my example! No, you don't get get a choice now shut up and be my example! XD This is not a post :/ It's nearly lacking enough to be considered spam, but it's initiating an action on someone else, hence is still decent. If it was something like I'd probably be flaying you to death right now :P I think it's an ugly stupid post, but I'm not going to tell people to stop posting, just don't expect posts like that to count when applying for a second character. See Phee, I told you that we needed "decent" in that clause
  18. It's in red, can't miss it :P Haha Bladder, no second character for the inactives~ Nyahahahahahaaaa Take that ADHD!
  19. Eriya frowned at the description she'd been given. The library's west of the market and 5 blocks down you fool she thought but kept her thoughts from showing on her face. Could she have the wrong person? The thought had only entered her mind when she quickly dismissed it as her being hesitant. It wasn't like she was going to kill the man, if she had the wrong person, she'd just.... No! this was the right person, go away stupid doubt.. Noticing that she'd failed to say anything and kept the conversation hanging, she blushed with embarrassment and self-loathing at falling silent and seeming suspicious, or rather, just stupid. "The main market? Where can I find that?" she asked innocently, "I just arrived last night and haven't had time to look around." She figured the man would give her directions and try and send her off. This wasn't getting her anywhere. As the man finished giving direction she looked around trying to think of some reasoning to get this man away from the view of the public. "The main markets also pretty big here right? My friend told me, It'll be a long time before I find the library. Do you think you could take me there? I'll pay? I really can't miss my friends, they're all I have left in this country."
  20. Eriya had awoken before the sun had even risen, and had left the inn in a hurry to take a look around the town. She'd be tailing a suspicious group for three days now but they'd suddenly disappeared yesterday. Perhaps they'd already left? She felt stupid for assuming the group were up to something in Ursaea. Such an assumption had made her relax and ignore the possibility that the group would leave while she was asleep. She closed her eyes, carefully recalling the information she'd gathered these past few months. The Kushinada hadn't been transferred to Ursiums royal family as far as she could tell, not officially at least anyway. Meaning there was a high chance that her father intended to either sell the comb to a the highest bidder. But she'd already been through several black market auctions and had no luck in even hearing about high selling loot from Kigen. So her mission had pretty much ended before even starting until she was approached by a shady man who'd offered to employ her to take out a group of mercenaries working for a pink haired merchant. Obviously she'd refused but she'd several days after her initial encounter she spotted the man again late at night recruiting another figure who had seemingly accepted the offer. The two had parted ways after making arrangements to meet again, and Eriya had decided to follow the recruiter instead of the recruitee, the later was scum, but she wasn't here to police the streets of Ursaea. It wasn't long before the man stopped and greeted a few others, dressed in similar robes as himself. And after quickly greeting each other they started discussing something about preparing for an explosion in Sergio. But again, she'd shrugged the man and his supposed colleagues as terrorists from Neviskotia. If this had been Kigen she'd be obliged to intervene, but it wasn't her business whether the fools living in Sergio died. Having lost interest she'd retreated back to her inn and slept the remaining hours of darkness away. Only to hear the next morning that a ship had exploded in Sergio and that shady figures had attacked civilians in Sergio. It wasn't her business, all she'd though at that time was that the man who'd tried to employ her was working for a bigger organised group then she'd originally thought. But mention of a Kigenese man being part of the group had caught her interest. Why had her father fled to Ursaea in the first place? Could he have been recruited into the organisation the same way she'd nearly been? It would certainly explain why there was no news of the Comb on the black markets. And while the chances of this man being her father were slim, the chances weren't zero.... And quite frankly she'd run out of leads And Eriya knew her father enough to know that he wouldn't have acted without support from a reasonably sizable group backing him up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scratching her head dejectedly, she dragged herself back to the inn. Another morning, and she'd failed to find the shady recruiter or anyone wearing similar robes. Most likely they'd left the city to wherever they were headed, and it was unlikely she'd be able to gather any decent information regarding the group. "Back to square one" she sighed to herself as she walked past a familiar figure. ...... "Wait, a second!" she shouted as she reached to grab the shamans arm. Missing her mark only because spinning around suddenly had caused her to lose some of her balance. The man had turned around to face her, though Eriya couldn't really read his expression. She was sure this was the recruitee she'd seen a few nights ago. "Uh, greetings" she stammered nervously trying to sound polite but sounding more afraid. "I'm wondering if you could tell me where the largest library is in Ursaea?" pausing for a few seconds before reaching down to her pouch and pulling out a few gold coins. "I was supposed to meet a few friends a while ago there, but I just can't seem to find the place" she whined, begging the man for his help.
  21. Nyeh, playing online games, having a life, doing study/working. Is all fine, and I don't think anyone's stupid enough to ask you put this RP before any of those. (Though I've been surprised in such regards before....) It's just that people seem to be adopting a "Nothing to say" policy where they're only going to react if someone interacts with them directly. There's plenty of things (as uninteresting as they are) to do by oneself, and hopefully some other Rp'er will follow suit and do something similar causing an interaction between two characters. No one, absolutely no one, should at this stage be saying "I have nothing to post" since you need to indicate whether you stayed outside with Raquels luggage, slept in the inn. Or went around killing people in their sleep. According to Phoenix, Amon waking up is about 7~8AM. So go wash your face, clean your weapon. Go shopping or whatever else you can think of.
  22. Finally~ As roy's said, everyone's sort of vanished lately, I suppose they'll all come running back when stat combat occurs, stupid people. But until then, I suppose we just try to weather it out for as long as possible :/
  23. Eriya stirred awake at the sounds of what may or may not have been a distant scream. Or maybe it had all been in her mind? Either way, she could hear voices outside her window now and it wasn't pleasing her at all. She rolled over to tried to ignore the talking outside but decided that she may as well just take a peak at what retards were discussing their inn fee's this late at night. Drunks, Shady people, or simply foolish mercenaries who didn't know how to keep track of time. Eriya sighed heavily and peeked out the window, using the sorry excuse of a curtain to keep her out of the view of the travelers even if they did look up... and had night vision. There were two walking about, and another few on the roof of a cart/wagon. She counted 6 in total, but there was no telling how many were hidden from sight. Either way they wouldn't all be fitting in this inn if there was any more. And even then it was dependent on whether the innkeep would be in a good enough mood to wake up after all the strange and shady customers he'd received today. Maybe they'd have more luck going to another inn? Perhaps that huge one in the middle of town that looked like it'd cost three times an average inns lodging? Yawning, she turned away from the window, having lost interest in the group, and sleep slowly returning she trodded back to bed and slumped over. As hard as the bed was, it was still better then what she'd been used to on the road. And it'd probably be awhile before she could sleep in one again.
  24. It's a nice splice iava, just not as genderbended as the others :P
  25. This isn't even a competition <_< Kyaro :/
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