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Posts posted by Landmaster

  1. I realized I totally forgot to post the last round of Limiteds~



    So I have some backed up comments to get through~

    @Diovani Bressan - Nice match against Ullr~ Royliwood and Igrene really carried most of the map.

    Ursula was pretty straightforward, almost solo'd by Holst. I don't see Male Shez enough so it was nice he got to join in~

    Altina and Edelgard ran through most of the map, but Yune and Ashera still played their parts. I wonder what three Edeltinas could have done~

    Nice Nah solo! I'm jealous how good yours is~ We got some similar skills from the HoF.

    Oooh a one-turn against Fae, pretty good! Especially with Seliph and Leif on the team~ Ayra holds up pretty nicely, too~ 

    @Some Jerk - I was wondering about the length of that video before I saw it was an Olivia solo~ It's insanely impressive that she was able to pull that off. That's a build I would slap on my Lene if I had the resources. 

    @GuiltyLove - Nice almost Grima Emblem. I almost forgot we have three girl Grimas now. They're all incredible tanks so this one was pretty easy for the team. 

    Michalis isn't too tough against these new units, especially with L!Eliwood's buffs.

    Looks like Fae was still tricky to deal with, but Seliph being immortal comes in extremely handy in taking her down~ We used a pretty similar team!

    @BoaFerox - Ayyye, so Tana got a nice new Arcane weapon! Can't wait to see her use it in the Abyssals since it's making her a lot more tanky (even though she'll clear it in a single turn anyway).


  2. Took quite a bit of fodder to pull this off. I almost thought it might be impossible~

    HS!Elise got four different skills foddered for this clear: Atk/Spd Catch, Fatal Smoke, Pulse Smoke, and Heavy Blade 4, with the latter two not ending up mattering, so rip Pent and Tibarn. The Elises' lack of any Defensive stats showed itself here in how hard it was for S!Elise to tank Gotoh. While the reinforcements weren't all that hard, the two big bosses were extremely tough, especially when I noticed Gotoh was running NFU (which I had already put on S!Elise anyway to deal with him). 

    Once I realized that this map could be won without Elise's Staff, it was just figuring out which between Candlelight, Witchy Wand, and Serpentine was the one to counter Fomortiis. Turns out Candlelight saved the day. I am really glad this map came during HS!Elise's rerun.

    @Some Jerk - Broadleaf was needed for me, too. Looks like we both had to take advantage of debuffs to do some damage her. Olivia is quite the wall, it's incredible how well these new Skills are working to make her unkillable. I can't wait for her eventual Resplendent. 

    @GuiltyLove - Nice work, Petra was just what the team needed to get rid of Fomortiis! Playing around with Nightmare is a lot easier when you have Trace and Canto.

    @Yggi - Awesome final showdown with Seliph and Fomortiis. A bit of Pulse Smoke and Deadeye makes him a lot less scary. I can see how it was so troublesome looking at Turn 4, but you pulled though!

  3. This one started out a little bit tricky, but I ended up pulling off some hit and run shenanigans to get the ball rolling and it ended up being pretty straightforward.

    @Diovani Bressan - Nice work! I'm impressed by how easily everything went down here!

    @GuiltyLove - Double Lilith, Double Grima team! It's crazy how you guys are getting rid of Shez so quickly on the first turn. It's hard to get past A!Grima.

    Pretty easy for the Macedon girls. Even without the cheating unit, I think they weren't facing too much trouble with the enemies on this map for the most part. Always fun to see Palla shred through Player and Enemy Phase.

    @Sasori - Super spicy builds on these boys. Boyd and Caspar were probably the most fun to watch but all of them pulled their weight with help from those awesome Arcane weapons~

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - First turn Shez kill was really cool and a good way to make the whole rest of the map a lot less intimidating. Love the Dual Scythe wielding Hana. As usual, everyone chipped in here, but Celica was running rampage on her own most of the time. Good job!

  4. Took a while to get Micaiah done, but ended up getting a strategy down.



    @GuiltyLove - Nice work with Rutger! He took a lot of rough hits but pulled it off! Impressive that Idunn lasted with 1 HP for most of the fight.

    Even a low merged B!Edelgard can solo Ursula!

    Yune is really great now with her refine! I almost thought I was gonna have to whip her out myself. I hope Naesala gets a revival for HoF, I didn't get a chance to get any good skills back then.

    @Some Jerk - Lots of strong units there! And with Catria in the mix, there's not much they could do to stop you.

    Wow, Winter Black Knight was crazy. He's super hard to kill. Leave it to Rafiel to be able to tank Micaiah's hits so well.

  5. Can't believe I forgot to post my clear. Granted, I was worried I wasn't going to be able to beat it with just the Elises for a while.

    With some Skill tinkering, what may or may not have been a needless fodder, and just taking a chance with some brave plays, we got it done.

    Oh and they've all eaten their IV Mangoes since the last LHB/MHB. 

    @GuiltyLove - Maybe it was the cheating unit mayhem, but that looked like a cake walk for the Whitewings. The movement shenanigans were defs a big boon to get the job done.

    @Some Jerk - Sometimes you just need to stand your ground and pray the AI will prevent itself from killing you. That was pretty scary at some parts, but the dancers pulled through. Also, first time I've ever seen Godlike Reflexes in combat, looks pretty cool.

    @Diovani Bressan - Very based of Marth to grow long hair and master the Blue Bow backflip quickly enough for this clear! We love him for that~

  6. 2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

    @Landmaster Nice Micaiah emblem. Why did Brave Micaiah have Iote's Shield if she didn't fight the bow cav?

    +41 defense on Marth o_O It looks like you ship Jeorge and Female Kris together if you intentionally got that voice clip and showed his support partner, haha. Nice seeing Caeda as well.

    I never thought I would see Brave Byleth tank so many magic users. Damage reduction is too useful.

    She was originally going to fight the Bow Cav like she had in the other difficulties, but it didn't work out for Abyssal. I just left the Seal on for it.

    Yeah, I paired them together in New Mystery. I was just lucky to get that voiceline, haha! 

    Byleth is really strong, I was pleasantly surprised.

  7. @GuiltyLove - V!Palla ran through much of the map at the start. It was tough running away from Deirdre, but there was only so far she could get before she walked into her own demise.

    Lillith's team makes me wonder what other types of alts she can get. She has speedy and tanky. Maybe she'll get a Healer at some point.

    @Some Jerk - That is the thiccest Puddles I have ever seen. The Canto weapons make for some nice extra movement for Larum and Silvia.

    @Sasori - Lex is a real menace. Didn't seem to pose much of a challenge to the boys, but that's a nicely built Caspar~



    Narcian was pretty straightforward. Sigurd took a bit of tinkering to get Marth to one-round Sigurd, but some Flowers did the trick. I had to use Jeorge with his new outfit and I think the build works perfectly for this map.

    Dagr took a while to beat, I only beat it this morning. OG!F!Byleth originally got the kill on Dagr but I had to change some strats around so that Green Thief wouldn't get a kill, so she ended up just flying around.

    @GuiltyLove - Nice Three Houses Lords Emblem. Love how Claude pretty much went rogue on the left side of the map all on his own.

    Mufasa solo. The old Abyssals can't scratch these powercrept units.

    Whitewing clear! Maria is such a hard unit to scratch. This map was pretty good for keeping most of the threats at bay while you slowly whittled them down.

    @Diovani Bressan - Nice work still getting the one-turn! S!Edelgard and Brave Marianne do make that pretty easy~

    More cheating unit shenanigans. Pretty easy to get good range with the Birbs.

    The forgotten Christmas Marth makes an appearance. Maybe we'll see him in more clears in the future.

    @Some Jerk - This is the true power Sothis deserves to display.

    That Phina build is goals. And the OG!Caeda remind me that I need to deck out my Caeda with more skills.


  9. 23 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

    @Landmaster What did you end up changing? Looks like you got some nice new skills! I would like to have that Finish skill someday.

    I attacked the Thief with OG!Elise and had HS!Elise take a step up instead of having HS!Elise nuke the Thief. Regardless of what OG!Elise or S!Elise did on that turn, Ninian would either kill someone or dance one of the Manaketes to kill someone. This way, no threats were close enough to attack and the Valkyrie couldn't do enough damage to be worrisome.

    Yeah I pulled a pretty bad IV Tiki so I fed her to Elise. Really nice skill to have! 

  10. I was oddly stumped the day this dropped but I changed one thing on Phase 2 and suddenly it was the easiest map in the world~


    @Diovani Bressan - That was easy peasy for the Marth gang. RIP Gray for the Zanbato.

    @GuiltyLove - Nice flier clear! This map is pretty open for warping shenanigans.

    Same for the dragons. I'd love to see a Lillith Emblem in the future. 

    @Some Jerk - That was some display of violence by Olivia. I almost didn't notice she had Assault Troop. That weapon turns anyone into a monster.

  11. Sorry it took so long posting my clears. I had them up on Saturday but I was out most of the day yesterday~ Didn't help that I cleared them out of order.

    Let it be known I had to sack my last Fallen Berkut for this. Though, I guess Muspell deserves it. I use him in SD pretty often.

    Ares Resplendent when? He can't keep getting away with this with such a basic build.

    @GuiltyLove - Cheating unit with Ascended Ishtar means this map had very little they could do against you. Smart to pick your CYL based on a series you need more of.

    Not surprised you handled Claude with ease. That team can probably handle any Abyssal Limited despite the restrictions because of how busted they are. Gustav especially looks fun.

    @Some Jerk - Wasn't expecting the thicc Lachesis chokepoint + Savage Pain Strat but that went surprisingly well with how many melee units this map had.

    I aspire for my W!Mirabilis to be half as good as yours is.

    @Diovani Bressan - Just use the cheating unit and win, forehead. I guess we'll need Brave Julia in the future.

    The Ascended Duo are popular picks for this map. Laevatein is still perfectly capable of carrying even against these newer units.

  12. Decided to post these at once~


    @GuiltyLove - Nice work with your Mufasa, his refine is really good~

    You can't really go wrong with QR Myrrh as it is. Lysithea and Lute + Brave Eirika make this a pretty easy time.

    @Some Jerk - Interesting Sanaki build. I'm surprised how easy it is to get away with using all Mages on this one~

    Quite the impressive Little Leon clear. But that Troubadour took ages to go down. Fortunately, he takes no damage so he's got all the time in the world~


  13. I completely forgot to post my clear~ It did take me a day to get it done, but I completely forgot to drop it in here~


    @Diovani Bressan - Petrine is always nice to see in these~ I'm impressed at how well Summer Claude fits in these one turns~ Pays to be a ranged Brave dagger.

    @Sasori - Looked pretty easy for the smol boys~ Groom Roy is a great addition and it's nice to have some more movement and Eff damage~

    @GuiltyLove - V!Est is finally here! Wish she could have had more chances to fight here but it seems like her Spring variant was more suited for this map~

    @Some Jerk - That looked scary, especially the duel against Marth and his Fafnir friend. Once Larum made her way back around, things started to fall one by one, very nice!

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - A!Celica on a tank build has to be the enemy's worst nightmare, she just never dies~ Awesome build for her, I may try the same thing if I ever pull her~

  14. Sorry for the late comments!

    @Diovani Bressan - I almost thought Nowi was on the one-turn team, but she was essentially on the one man army team instead.  Not surprised that she was able to tank almost the whole map by herself with Elimine's help~

    Lucina still needed all four hits to cut through Myrrh's defense, but fortunately she was able to get the job done after the cheating flying units took down most of the other enemies~

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Plonking Celica right in front of Myrrh on Turn 1 is pretty brave, but you were more than ready for the rest of the enemy phase and Phase 2. This whole team hits like a freight train so no real trouble with the rest of the map.

    @BoaFerox - Baby Tana ends up taking out the big bad Myrrh~ Honestly, I'm just happy to see Summer Tana return to the frontlines. She has so many flashy skills and finally gets to show them off.

  15. Late on some comments~

    @Diovani Bressan - That was impressive, Claude still needed Astra to get the kill on Xander but was able to pull through! Nice work!

    @GuiltyLove - Looks like it was primarily the Palla show with some help from Catria and Minerva. Your fliers hold up perfectly fine with the current meta~

    Cute little pseudo-Lillith Emblem with the Lillith accessories. Both Lilliths are so strong. I'd like to see her get more Alts.

    @Some Jerk - Your Silvia and now your Phina are builds I dream of. I hope they show up in Hall of Forms at some point. I feel like Phina at least has a chance.

    @BoaFerox - Hopefully we get Green Tana in the future. For now, Caeda dealt with Xander just fine and the other Tanas are constantly straight up nuking whoever walks in front of them.

    @Yggi - Jamke got such a good refine, I feel like people still sleep on it~ I really need to build my Seliph at some point, too.

  16. Took me a minute to get both of these done, but I cleared Dimitri's just in time~


    The Plumeria fight was tough at first, but after we got a strategy of who needed to go down when and to always stay out of range of any potential dances, it wasn't too tough.

    I almost gave up with the Wolfskins and was ready to send out the Elises. I was sure I wouldn't be able to finish up the last wave, it took every Skill slot that was free to get NY!Keaton to survive the Green Tome Cav, but the Poison Strike Archer kept causing trouble after Dimitri went down. Fortunately, NY!Velouria pretty much needed none of her original kit and I could deck her out with some pristine, premium fodder to help her survive a single attack until the next phase.

     @Diovani Bressan - Of course you would win with the cheating unit being Duma, the most powerful character in the entire game. But OG!Delthea was awesome, even with such a simple build.

    Only +5 on the best son, but he was more than strong enough to even deal with Dimitri. I was wondering how this team would clear this but Azura is plenty offensive and Flora takes care of all the ranged enemies.

    @GuiltyLove - That looked easy peasy, I can't wait to see Valentian Est join the squad.

    Ryoma is seriously stupid strong now. Though, the other Royal siblings didn't struggle much, either. And Lilith was handy to have for those snipe kills.

    @Some Jerk - Awesome pick in that Rudolph, he's quite the monster. It's always heartwarming to see Alm and Duma fighting side by side~ And I guess Rudolph for that matter.


  17. @BoaFerox - Yeah, the Traces do come in pretty handy when we don't need to worry about having Dazzling Staff.

    Pretty cool clear, it's usually one after the other but Tana got a short rest so Marisa could clean up the nearby enemies and they could finish off the WOM chain. That 96 damage from Baby Tana was wild~

  18. Time for revenge~

    Once again, if OG!Elise had her Resplendent by now, the Threaten Res wouldn't have been needed to kill the Lance Cav, but here we are.

    @Sasori - Nice clear~ While I was a bit miffed Xander didn't let Raigh get the easy kill, Siegbert finishing his dad off is much more appropriate. He and Chad took a lot of hits here but the Clerics don't pack enough of a punch to bring them down.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - I was wondering how this was such a quick clear, until I realized Nanna would obliterate Xander and S!Freyja is just S!Freyja. Made quick work of everyone on the Enemy Phase.

  19. Figured I'd just post both Abyssals together~ Neither were all that hard~


    The Nowi team is a reference to the fact that I always married Nowi and Gaius in Awakening.

    @GuiltyLove -  Nice work on the Archanea clear. I'm not surprised at how good Camus is on maps like these with a lot of tanking. But everyone pretty much contributed equally here.

    Nice, giving Nowi the build she deserves! Yen'fay is such a durable unit, he took care of most of this map all on his own.

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