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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. i honestly don't know what else he COULD do. His speed is too low to make very good use of, his Attack is in a weird "average", area, and his Resistance makes even doing the SapL+ DC build a tad risky. Deft Harpoon could be nifty in theory, but it doesn't feel like he can really take good advantage of the bonus effects all that well. Plus I failed to get a SumRobin, so... I strongly believe this is the best that Clive can do. It certainly isn't a set he excels in, but it certainly beats being a semi-lackluster Brave Lance user where Peri, Berkut, and Abel operate just fine for current Cavalry standards.
  2. Works for me, Hana's been cleaning up the Hectors of the world for the past two weeks.
  3. In wanting to have the best version of Clive possible, I've come up with a set that I need opinions on, because god knows that I can't think of anything else... Boy Band Nowi Anyways, if you have anything you wanna tell me about the build I came up with, please tell. This has to be the most invested I've ever been in a unit, and of course it's the unit that most people probably don't even care about.
  4. I mean, the only way a "good" unit can become "bad" is by being compared to "better" units, such as Reinhardt. Unfairer things have been said, I'm sure.
  5. Alm is awesome with the Bonus Unit bonus stats. His HP is so high, Reciprocal Aid is pretty much a full heal to anyone targeted by it, and he can get most of it recovered by a Rehabilitate staff on top of Falchion and Renewal 3, and having higher stats is never a bad thing anyways.
  6. I mean if we're talking "Bulky healer", then there really aren't that many candidates for bulky beyond Azama, who has the highest Defense of all the healers, which only gets better with something like Fortress Defense, which lowers his already crummy attack further.. Otherwise you have to base it all on who has the highest Resistance and HP, which would be Wrys, who has Armor-worthy speed, Lissa, who's speed really isn't that much better, and Lucius, who's HP isn't quite as high as the others. The reason why I target Defense over Resistance is because you probably aren't going to attack a 2 range unit with another 2 range unit unless you were going to kill them anyways. Azama, if he is +Res -Att and has Fortress Defense 3, Live to Serve 3, and Rehabilitate, can survive battles and heal his team up to not only heal them, but also heal himself. His attack is like 17 or 18 with Pain, which he probably wouldn't have been doing much without all the attack he has lost anyways. Speed might be a moot point, but it's really just to avoid being doubled.
  7. Wow, completely unrelated, but I never knew it was possible for Tharja to be anymore eyecandy than she already is! So nothing about rough stat approximations, or even anything beyond those two? Shame, it's gonna bother me a lot til the Christmas banner is actually revealed...
  8. So this is gonna be awkward to ask, but do we know anything about the Christmas Robin beyond that he is a thing? To be fair, Fortify Cav is at least on Caeda, who can be 4*, whereas the only Hone Fliers unit, Hinoka, is 5* exclusive and hasn't been featured as a focus unit very many times compared to other available-from-release units. Maybe when we have the inevitable Voting Gauntlet of Hoshido vs Nohr you'll have a better chance.
  9. Uuugh... couldn't we just repeat the first Hero Fest for a little while to? I still don't have Ryoma OR Azura, and the only one from this Hero Fest that I do have is Ninian. I NEED MORE DANCER VARIETY...
  10. Man, I remember thinking way too hard about the whole "waifus and husbandos" thing, to the point where I flat out wouldn't ever have one... Battle Royale hidden camera! Just imagine the... um... battles for love! ...or if you're me, just confirm that I only really "feel that way" for one 1,000+ year old scandily clad loli dragon... who apparently has green hair even though it is totally blond... and then confirm that I wouldn't even care in the first place, so long as it's fun to hang out with everyone, and also because I would be completely oblivious to how anyone felt toward me, until you realize that I don't even want to be in a relationship. So... basically most harem anime. I wonder which harem anime would fit a specific person best...?
  11. Oooh, that'd explain the -2 cooldown/Rightful God then... I dunno even still, just because I can't imagine them trying to ignore the existence of Counter as a universally available skill (to a degree), and it was nerfed in Fates, so unless they were to give her an enemy-exclusive version of it... or perhaps they'd just give her an enemy exclusive seal, "Apotheosis" that always triggers skills like Vantage or Counter in battle, assuming Counter were to be a C slot passive that can only trigger on enemy attacks, under any circumstances, then just give her the normal versions of Vantage and Counter, assuming Counter does get added one day, which it probably will, and might only trigger at certain percentages of HP or if a unit is right next to the Counter unit. Then Dragonskin just becomes an enemy exclusive A Passive and boom, show me the road to Infernal Anna which will probably just be 99 in every stat, and the best reward is basically the "you tried" sticker. ...anyways, if we have access to Counter, then it might be possible to cheese the fight by having a high Defense Green unit like Beruka tank 4 hits, let her die, then throw another High Defense Green to finish the job, Hector. Both might also want Bonfire precharged. Also, are we assuming that Apotheosis Anna is alone, or in waves of enemies ala Apotheosis?
  12. Highly doubt anyone would approve of such stats. I mean, you couldn't even get enough speed to not be doubled by Apotheosis Anna without Limit Breaker and an S-rank Pair Up with a unit class who gives at least 4 or 5 Speed, on top of Rally Botter and Speed Tonic. Most Horse Emblem teams wouldn't even be able to dent her, and you are already giving her a 3 cooldown Aether on top of Dragonskin. Also don't know why you are combining her Brave Lance and Spear into one weapon, but eh.
  13. Hey, I'm in the same boat, right down to every team using Dancers. I think the only time I didn't see a Dancer was on an Armor Emblem team that ran a Healer instead...
  14. ...that almost sounds sarcastic, but knowing people it seems also true... ...thanks for the in-battle buff info either way.
  15. Do Blow skills stack with the secondary effects of Legendary weapons that have Blow skills built into them? Like, does Death Blow 3 stack with Durandal? If not, then does a Blow skill like Swift Sparrow 2 stack with such a weapon, such as Yato or Durandal, without canceling out the effect of either skill? As much as I'd like to find out for myself, the only such skill I have is on my Spring Lucina, the only one I have.
  16. WHAT I ran into like 3 Reinhardts, including on the first battle, which I'm fortunate I had Hector and a defense tile to save me! I concur, Arena Assault is a whole different ballpark in at least one way: it opens discussion for the different unit builds one can create in hopes of countering all the possible units one will run into. No longer can we throw Reinhardt at all our problems, now we can only throw him at 1 of our 7 problems. Finally my TA3 Brave Sword+ Cain will begin seeing some more use.
  17. Well I wasn't exactly "deathless" and in fact I was so unprepared that it wasn't even funny. I don't have 28 level 40 units in the first place, and most of them don't even have skill inheritance on them, and even more of them have less than ideal natures. But I made it. On all Advanced battles. Somehow. It was barely though, and in fact I almost just flat out surrendered or considered going for Beginner.. But I still made it. Thought I wouldn't, but I really need to learn to have more faith in my units, no matter how kinda crummy they are.
  18. It's probably not even the reasons that have already been given to you: if you greet 4 or less friends, you wind up only getting feathers equal to the amount of friends you greeted. I've had it happen to me a few times, and it still bothers me that my feather total is now unrecoverably not a multiple of 5. So a very low-key question... what the hell is up with the fancy presentation of telling me "YOU GOT 2 ORBS!!!" Yes I know it's been 6 months and all, but... overkill much? We've had this event happen like 30 or 40 times already, and it was never met with confetti and gold.
  19. Hm... if a win against Camus is all I'm losing otherwise, then I guess I'll have to start pulling from the LnD banner while I can...
  20. Something I'm wondering about Cordelia (+Att -Res) with the typical Brave Lance+ build. In most cases of a unit with high speed using a Brave weapon, you'd give them Life and Death 3 to negate the Speed penalty while still retaining an attack bonus. In cases of a unit with low Speed, you instead go for Death Blow 3 to grant a powerful Player Phase with the only drawback being a weakened Enemy Phase, which shouldn't matter anyways, and the units bulk remains the same. The difference in damage, for a Brave Unit, is only 2 less for a LnD3 user. Cordelia, on the other hand, and at least from the Brave Lance+ build on the wiki, is listed as running Death Blow 3, despite her having base neutral 35 speed, which becomes 30 speed with a Brave Lance. Running through KageroChart calculator One vs All, two different +Att -Res Brave Cords, one with DB3 and the other with LnD3, no buffs, no Sacred Seal, and cooldown 3 on Luna... DB3 Cordelia has 122 wins, 8 losses, and 22 draws. Most of her losses come from Greens with Emerald Axe or Triangle Adept 3, bulky strong greens like Hector, and Blues who are otherwise just bulky or have enough HP to survive 2 attacks, such as Nowi or Oboro. LnD3 Cordelia has 130 wins, 12 losses, and 10 draws, which means that 12 matchups were affected in changing the skill, for better or worse. Changes to wins come from units who were just fast enough to prevent Cordelia from doubling, like Nowi or Oboro, and changes to losses come from units who previously were only barely able to kill Cordelia, such as Bartre. Basically, which is the technically "better" of the two? Do the wins gained with LnD3 make up for the losses gained? Is Death Blow just a safer skill in general? Also, as far as I could tell, the only Win lost from DB3 to LnD3 was Camus.
  21. I was thinking more in line of Vantage, since Desperation is almost never a problem if you just full aggro on the glass cannon who has it. It's a problem if they can trigger it sure, but since most Desperation users are fast/powerful and trade that power for basically any defensive ability, any Brave user can take them down in the two swings they get, even when at weapon disadvantage (if memory serves anyways). No, it's the Vantage users I'm more worried about, since they usually tend to be of the bulky, powerful type, so they are far more likely to go into Vantage range on player phase than a Desperation user, at least if you don't have a powerful magic user of your own, one of which is Reinhardt, who can exploit those "bulky powerful reds" having almost no Resistance. At the very least, we can still read them on the wiki... which isn't the same, but at least we have other methods...
  22. Any unit who doesn't rely on Vantage or Desperation while being able to remain at full health. For instance, Breaker units. Cancel Affinity. Quick Riposte.
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