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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Let's play a game guys! "How many times can you somehow accidentally double post without meaning to?"
  2. I wonder what the commissioning order must look like to these guys? "Yeah here's some concept art of Effie, oh but if you can make sure to show off as much thigh as possible, especially in her Damaged artwork." "Here's Camilla's concept art, just make sure there's so much boob cleavage that it's impossible to stare anywhere else, and make sure the damaged artwork has almost nothing left to cover the boobs. Also try to cram as much boob as you can into the little window that will appear when selecting a unit. Remember, boobs!" I swear I'm not a pervert ._.
  3. If all you mean by that is "the usual bulky armored unit with usually high attack and defense, but almost no speed and usually has lower movement than other infantry units, also has a weakness to Armorslayers", then yes they do, Fates is where Effie comes from of course, and Benny and his kid Ignatius are both Knights.
  4. I meant Echoes, and I did kinda sorta make the mistake of promoting him well before I probably should have (I think I promoted him as soon as he could from Cav to Paladin?), which to be fair I had the same problem you had with Est, but with Clive. *Stares at just THE bulkiest suit of armor you've ever laid eyes on, bigger than most mountains, with the promise that there might be a girl in there somewhere.* ...I'd bang it.
  5. I'm not saying they're perfect. In fact, what unit is? At least Lucina starts with something at all, which is a hell of a lot better than having a sword and that's about it. Hell, Tobin at least has Pivot from the starting line. TOBiN already has a head start over "Marth". TOBIN. That actually makes a lot of sense. I do remember feeling like Clive was a relatable character throughout Echoes, and was disappointed when his stats weren't leveling up as well as I had hoped they would bcause I wanted to use him. What about Kell... Kell... Uh... who was I talking about again? ...oright, Benny! What about Benny? Gotta love the Gentle Titan character, right?
  6. "Marth" requires the most Skill Inheritance of any unit, simply because "he" starts with nothing but Falchion. Lucina at least had Aether if nothing else. Besides, I wasn't even talking about his stats or skillset or anything, in fact I can't explain why I anticipate him more than the others, and Tobin is just as prettyboy as Clive is.
  7. It is VERY possible that someone in their right mind will give away Death Blow, Brave Weapons, Quick Riposte 3, or even Life and Death 3 away. Because it's not just you or me that you can Wonder Trade with. It's EVERYONE, with completely different mindsets and points of views. I could send out the Nowi that I threw blood and souls at to get as good as she is right now, and all I would get is, at best, another Olwen, or I could send out one of my spare Bridelias and make the day of someone who sent me a +Att -Spd Reinhardt. I might just be talking the strongest hypothetical option straight from my butt, and I know for a fact that you will disagree with a reason that I will pathetically try to argue against to no avail and probably stir up another argument again, but I strongly believe what I said to be the truth. There is no way to know who or what will do it of course, but it can and will still happen, and we will all have our "Wonder Trade Stories" where we got the perfect unit for us. I should know that especially, one of my prized pokemon that I still use to this day is a Shiny 6IV Adamant Bagon, now a Salamence, that I got from Wonder Trade 2 years ago. A number of the pokemon I still use to this day, in fact, came from Wonder Trade, if they weren't used for breeding more later on. And maybe it is easy to say that "comparing a P2W game where the way to get your units is through a Gachapon system that costs Orbs that can cost real money and Pokemon where you can just breed for the perfect pokemon doesn't actually mean anything", but let me rephrase what I said before: "One mans trash is another mans Treasure". ...am I even having the same argument anymore. Damnit, this is exactly what happened the last 2 or 3 times...
  8. If there's a unit you want from a banner, then you should focus on that banner, but if, say, you don't care much for the banner, it's the last day of the banner (or close and you don't think you will be playing FEH for the day) and you still haven't done the free pull, then yeah you should. I mean, regardless of if it's a banner you care about, free is free.
  9. Is it bad that out of the 3 Tempest Trial units we've had, I'm looking most forward to Clive, where Luci- I mean Marth I was kinda "eh" about, same with Tobin?
  10. But isn't that the beauty of the phrase "One mans Trash is another mans Red Tomebreaker 3"? ...wait...
  11. ...ya know, I coulda had this be told to me 2 months ago... Anyways, the thing I like about this game, despite having a few issues with it, is the same thing I like about all Fire Emblem games: the possibilities. Yeah maybe there will always be that one "ultimate" thing a unit can do, but I still like trying to come up with alternatives. Plus it has expanded my "favorite" FE characters much further than what Awakening/Fates/Echoes have been able to alone. ...plus I caved and downloaded when I learned Nowi was in the game.
  12. Ah, no wonder I was confused... I wonder if the orb cost decay will apply as normal, so we can effectively skip the spending of 5 orbs per session...? Oh, don't feel the need to answer that, I'd probably stockpile 20 orbs as normal anyways.
  13. Not with feathers, please not with feathers. We already can only get around 3k feathers on a normal, uneventful week, where we need 2k to get a 3* unit to 4* and 20k to get a 4* to 5*. Please, I like @thecrimsonflash's idea of just wonder trading units away. I like Wonder Trading pokemon (for what 40 Yungoos are worth) because then I don't feel like the units I'm pulling are going to waste.
  14. About that, when they say "first summon" they literally mean the "first summon", as in one free unit, not 5, right?
  15. ...probably actually. Think about it, Awakening is all about the whole "alternate timeline" thing where in the "original" timeline, everything was going fine and according to plan until Grima took over Robin's mind, and presumably everyone starts dying from there on, until they are left with 12 or 14 kids who go to the timeline that Awakening is primarily set in, where Lucina alters the events that take place and nobody dies. And THEN we have an alternate timeline where everything has still gone to crap, but the kids failed to return the jewels and Fire Emblem to Lucina and everyone dies, causing Naga to have to step in and bring our army to help them. The Children of Fate DLC all takes place in an alternate timeline featuring the child units, who are all taken from multiple worlds where one of two things happen: Corrin sides with Hoshido, or Corrin sides with Nohr, with Shigure's world being where Corrin chooses neither Hoshido or Nohr. Then there is the world that Museum Melee takes place in, where armies from other worlds travel to the Museum to battle it out for weapons and items to take back to their own worlds and hopefully quell the wars going on, and on top of THAT the weapons all come from armies from other worlds that no longer need their weapons, and on top of that on top of that, the armies are all led by the capturable units from the child paralogues. But even ignoring the weirdly put together worlds of Awakening and Fates, there is always the fact that no one Fire Emblem game has a set path to follow: Any combination of units can be recruited or ignored, anyone can live to the end or die because of rigged RNG, any number of extra chapters or alternate paths can be taken or passed up, and in the games with a Support system, any combination of units can have their own endings together, in fact Blazing Blade to Binding Blade features a number of possible routes that can follow because the units in Binding Blade don't confirm any pairings possible in Blazing Blade. Hell, one can even say that the events of FE2 and FE15 are both canon despite featuring different stories, events, characters, and even how characters look. That explains natures to. What we call "natures" are just how the characters would have grown in their original world. A high attack but low speed Effie probably was destined to max out her Attack stat while only getting like 10 or 12 increases to speed across 40 levels as a Knight/General, meanwhile in a completely different world Effie got 18 or 19 increases to speed but far less Defense and only averaged out attack. So yeah, it is completely possible.
  16. That's nothing, I sometimes see my Bridal Caeda and my normal Caeda in the same room, same for my Bridelias and normal Cordelia. "Who are you?" "I am you, but with my man." I'm not sure if it's possible to "be fair" in this scenario, but it wasn't really until Shadow Dragon (or was it New MotE?) that weapons started getting named after characters, and Shadow Dragon/NMotE were remakes of old titles, Awakening was basically IS going all-out with what could have been the last game in the series, and Fates... lifting heavily from Awakening I gues? In fact, I'm surprised that there aren't more character-named equipables in Echoes besides the 4 or 5 we did get (in a cast of 34 + 4 from DLC, which to be fair is split in half for all but the post-game)
  17. The way I see it, a Dancer can do one of two things in their turn: allow for her team to (usually almost) nuke the enemies entire team in one go ("almost" only happening because one of the enemy wandered out of range), or give her turn to the designated healer (rather than Pseudo Healer) to bring either one unit or two back up to full health in preparation for an enemy counter-attack. Each scenario does, however, assume that the other units on my team are either heavily geared for a full-on offense, or that at least one of my other units is an Enemy-Phase unit, and as I said earlier, I was shocked at how effective Brave Freddy and Peri were in the Arena despite not having all of the skills they would want (Freddy doesn't have Death Blow 3, Peri doesn't even have B, C, or Assist slot skills) and the fact that they were mostly carrying Hana, who only had the skills she would have as a 4* pulled unit. Thanks for the info though, I'll have to take another look at what I could possibly do in another month when I can do another big summoning ritual.
  18. Would like to re-ask after that Hero Battle discussion happened, which I don't think will be updated til we have a larger pool of heroes to select from.
  19. Is there a "best way" to fit a Dancer/Singer into a team without sacrificing the healer spot or compromising the position of another unit? Like, Ninian can take the spot of Nowi as a TA3 Red killer for example, or perhaps Olivia can serve as a semi-wall against greens? Or is it best to just run a Brave of each color +battery unit? I never realized how deadly Brave users + Dance was until I had to carry my Arena team through 7 battles in a row just to carry a 4* base Hana, and then I realized "Frederick and Peri aren't even complete yet. They aren't even in their final forms."
  20. Depends really. If it's a unit I wanna train one day then I'll keep them around, and if I have multiples of them then it depends on two things: do they have good Skill Inheritance worthy skills or skills that are hard to get otherwise? Can this version of the hero be any better than the one I already have? Are they even any good in the first place? Though it does create some problems when you can't answer some of those questions. I still have 5 Boey, Mae, and Caeda from my last big pulling session in June that I just don't know what to do with, because they don't have good natures (+ Spd -Def, +Res -Att, and +Def -Res respectively), but they have skills worth inheriting (Renewal, Desperation, and Fortify Fliers), but at the same time I'm not as invested in them as I am the units I did get as 5* and train (Peri, Fae, and Sakura). ...of course I have sent home one 5* on one occasion. 5* Rebecca. And only because I am anything but invested in her. Only reason I still have the one I trained is because I've yet to train my +Att -Spd Bridelia, but believe me once I get her properly trained, merged, and outfitted, Rebecca is going the way of the lord after the endgame: home.
  21. Depends really. If it's a unit I wanna train one day then I'll keep them around, and if I have multiples of them then it depends on two things: do they have good Skill Inheritance worthy skills or skills that are hard to get otherwise? Can this version of the hero be any better than the one I already have? Are they even any good in the first place? Though it does create some problems when you can't answer some of those questions. I still have 5 Boey, Mae, and Caeda from my last big pulling session in June that I just don't know what to do with, because they don't have good natures (+ Spd -Def, +Res -Att, and +Def -Res respectively), but they have skills worth inheriting (Renewal, Desperation, and Fortify Fliers), but at the same time I'm not as invested in them as I am the units I did get as 5* and train (Peri, Fae, and Sakura). ...of course I have sent home one 5* on one occasion. 5* Rebecca. And only because I am anything but invested in her. Only reason I still have the one I trained is because I've yet to train my +Att -Spd Bridelia, but believe me once I get her properly trained, merged, and outfitted, Rebecca is going the way of the lord after the endgame: home.
  22. Why do all these foreign names translated sound like very Owain/Odin names...?
  23. In this one and only scenario, I kinda wish I could claim innocence...
  24. Oh come on, you posted that when I was asleep, and 2 pages ago may as well be years in forum posting time. Ah. I actually like how she sounds, though that might be because she managed to kind of match it with EG Daily while still being unique to Peri as a character (which in this game where most of the time everyone sounds the same, I've learned to appreciate). ...it's funny, when I went to the FE Wiki page on Peri to check her VA and who they voiced, I accidentally learned that Peri in Fates apparently uses models with... generous proportions. Thanks, now if you will excuse me I need to go find the legendary axe of Neir.
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