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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. You think they're ever gonna make some massive banner featuring all the Resplendents someday? Like the old 4* focus banners, but a mix of Resplendent heroes of their respective rarities instead? It's odd, sure the 4* Resplendents can be summoned at any time, but the 5* locked ones have always been limited to Weekly Revivals and being pity broken by them, even now that they're in the 4* special pool there's no guarantee of actually summoning them. You get these old units in new outfits, and... now what?
  2. Hm... something feels ironic about Micaiah being garbed in the clothing of Hel... nice armor though, one probably wouldn't even realize it was Hellian armor. I also think it is better than her normal artwork, not gonna lie.
  3. Wait a... his wasn't the only "claim the spot" game was it? ...will there be noble blood this night...?
  4. Quick question: should I have a few NFU+wind/water sweep units carry Watersweep instead of Windsweep?
  5. Hm... you know, I feel like I've come up with a new criteria for a "bad summoning session": when the Sparking hero chosen was actually a good choice to pick, despite continuing to summon after the sparking was met. I picked Corrin as my freebie, and it turned out that was the smart choice. I wanted Seiros for Dragon Wall on Halloween Grima and one spare (I dunno what to do with it, maybe Spring Myrrh or something), Dimitri for Odd Tempest on Brave Celica plus a merge for my +Spd -Def Dimitri, and Corrin cuz I just think she's neat (plus I supported her first in the voting gauntlet). Dimitri appeared the perfect number of times to meet my needs, while Seiros was much more finicky (though she did appear +Res -Spd, waaaaay better than the +HP -Def I had been working with. Glad I never wasted skill fodder on that original copy). Corrin never appeared in a natural summon. At all. Meanwhile Lyn appeared 3 freaking times. I want it on record I already had Duo Lyn from her original banner. So on top of the freebie everyone got, I summoned her 3 times. She never even had a better Asset or Flaw than the +Atk -HP I've been working with, again since her original banner. And it's not like merging her was ever on my mind, so what the hell am I supposed to do with 4 copies of these girls? And the pity breakers. OH THE PITY BREAKERS. Actually they were really not that bad this time round. +Spd -Atk Erinys, +Atk -Def Fluorspar Selena, +Spd -Def Fiora (honestly the closest to a "dud" from these pity breakers), and a fodder copy of Lewyn (more Special Spiral is always appreciated). Oddly... very few 4* Special Summons. As in, the only ones I got were Kinshi Hinoka and Brave Lyn. Hm... I'm now at 607/625 units in my barracks. I'm filling up... might need to consider expanding again...
  6. It could very easily be the gacha equivelant of "mash B to make the pokemon be caught" or whatever, but my experiences with buying any higher orb packs than $40usd has always been "one 5* per bought orb pack", so buying the 143 orb pack was, to put it lightly, a massive waste of time and money.
  7. I got a question for the spenders. When you summon, do you run into difficulties because your bank mistakes numerous charges for possible fraud? This has happened to me a few times in the past (I always buy the $19.99 and $26.99 orb bundles when I summon, I honestly think my 5* odds are better that way but it does mean I wind up with, for example, 5 separate charges for what only amounted to about $100), so I was wondering if this was a common problem for mass summoning?
  8. No, they've always been worthless. Even back in the day the game quickly began to be about trying to kill the enemy ASAP (yes, even before Skill Inheritance was available, Nino was still a potent force), so most of the time units would either not live long enough to inflict the Seal or they did jack crap otherwise. Dual Seal skills were always equally as worthless.
  9. In terms of offense, Dancer Ethlyn has a bit of an edge in that her combination of stats, move type, weapon type, and default skillset work really well together: Courtly Fan disables effects that disables Ethyn's follow-ups, and then Windsweep disables the counterattacks of physical damage enemies at the cost of her follow-up (see what's happening?). Her Spd and Atk aren't the best, but you do get that whole dancer utility thing as well. Being Colorless as an offensive unit is actually a great benefit: Ethlyn will always deal neutral damage to every enemy regardless of color (believe it or not, Raventome effects aren't as common as you would think), as opposed to someone like Shamir who has awesome stats and effects, but her color means she will always be unable to deal as much to Reds. The other dancers you mentioned have either limited offensive utility or are more defensive in their utility. The two Kris's are the Avatars of Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. Avatars always come as either Male or Female, see Robin, Corrin, and Byleth (Kiran too, if you really wanna care about a faceless brick wall). Brave Eliwood? He has some offensive potential, and dealing effective damage to Beast units is certainly not common, but he is certainly not among the best Lance Cavs. Technically yes they would benefit from Duel Infantry skills as long as you intend to use them as bonus units in the Arena, but if you have never been motivated to build them then why would you waste fodder on them? They can all do just as well with TA3 and a Breaker (or Brazen Atk/Def 3 in Alfonses case, since he has a TA refine)
  10. I mean just among Axe Fliers available at 4*. I feel like plenty of other Green units have better things to offer, but for those three specifically yeah probably Beruka or Cherche.
  11. Hm... ...looks like I'll be +10ing another seasonal next year...
  12. About Camilla... eh? She's not that strong or fast, her bulk isn't great... she doesn't really have any specialization compared to, say, Beruka who has potent physical defense, or Cherche who has a Brave weapon to go along with +Atk asset 38 Atk. There's certainly better options for Axes overall. Set Defensive Team will determine the team that players fight in Arena and Arena Assault.
  13. For the Code 3 pick... honestly I don't think there's a better choice between Marisa and Morgan. You'll be getting them both anyway, at least as long as you've been getting every source of Limited Divine Code 3s possible. Neither of their fodder skills are particularly amazing anyway (Flier Guidance on Marisa is only notable if you are building a Flier team, everything Morgan has is available on 4* units) About Roderick. @XRay answered already, but I want to add that Roderick's refine grants +6 Spd on initiation. At his base 34 Spd, and if you give him Life and Death 3 A slot and SS, he'll hit 50 Spd. That should be a sizable number of units he can double at your presumed level of play, so I don't think +Spd is as necessary as it sounds. That's just my opinion though.
  14. Well that was a fun $350 spent trying to get Severa... At first it was all colors except Blue because I didn't want Minerva. That quickly turned into Red and Colorless cause Inigo appeared two times more than I really wanted him. I got 2 more copies of Myrrh before I stopped pulling Colorless as well. I only needed 1 copy to keep, 1 to merge, and 1 to fodder to Halloween Grima for Atk/Res Rein. Which left Severa. Severa... I pulled so many other 5* pitybreakers... why is Owain still in the 5* pool??? Eyvel has no right to still be there either! Fallen Julia- okay she I'll forgive cause she was +Atk -HP and still relevant in the game, which is cool. The 4* Special Summons were all garbage (some edgy sword dude with a wo dao, some green haired guy with blue armor on a horse, Celica would have been good if I didn't already have her at +10...), and I swear I pulled more 3* units than I ever have from a single color before. She did appear eventually, +Res -Atk is horrid but nothing Trait Fruits can't fix if I really care. But me oh my... I like to imagine that certain factors about my surroundings can determine if a unit will appear to me faster or sooner. I'll keep this in mind, Severa is NOT a fan of old The Simpsons... Inigo might be, Myrrh is undecided, and Minerva's opinion doesn't matter. Man, now I have the AHR banner to look forward to... all I really want is 1 Seiros to give Hallowed Grima Dragon Wall, maybe a merge for Corrin, and maybe 1 fodder of Dimitri to give Brave Celica Odd Tempest. Anything that happens in between, I'll probably blame that on The Simpsons as well.
  15. There are ways to benefit from it actually. ~In Thrasir's case, some units, as well as unity skills, have an effect that adds a bonus to their stats equal to 2x their current penalties, effectively reversing the penalty. ~In Lif's case, 20 HP for some units will put them below 50% HP, giving them easily triggered WoM or Escape Route. Otherwise, it's the easiest way to ensure a unit is put under 75% HP for skills like Desperation, Vantage, among others.
  16. It's her Prf weapon, if she is within 3 spaces of an ally, she gains a +4 boost to her stats and prevents enemy guaranteed follow-ups, but after combat if she attacked she inflicts -4 all stats to the ally nearest her. Both forms of Lif have a similar effect, though in his case he just lobs off 20hp of the nearest ally.
  17. Joke answer: No... how dare you try to undermine Gatekeeper like that. Praise the one lord and god. Actual answer: No. Brave Heroes are completely normal units in that regard. It's just a fancy name.
  18. Ah, the self-fulfilling prophecy. "We aren't gonna win, so why even bother playing?" And then no one plays, we lose. "Well what did you expect, we weren't gonna win anyway"
  19. Genny is alright. There are better staff units, but Genny does do pretty alright overall since getting her Prf Staff. Tethys is a 4* Sacred Stones dancer, so she is worth keeping around for that alone. As a unit, if you ask me she doesn't really offer anything notable. Flayn offers a 30% damage reduction in combat to allies near her. That is literally all you needed to know, she is a valuable asset to defensive units. Air Orders is a nice bonus. I won't comment on Corrin, but what you need to know is that Corrin's special refine does not do anything if he is placed on a AR-D team. Ally Support is not applied to defensive teams, so you would be wasting a slot to a mediocre unit. As for the Aether Resort slots, since R&R Affinity does not grant you any "valuable resources" beyond an opportunity to get an extra 5 of two types of Dragonflowers, so what you do with your Affinity won't matter too much. All those extra slots do, by the way, is allow for more heroes to appear inside the Aether Resort.
  20. The game already knows I want Severa... it's giving me mostly Blue orbs and very few other colors, it's given me 3* summons off the Red orb like three times (frighteningly enough, all Seliph, all +Res -HP...), and it's given me a 5* summon twice (Spring Inigo and Hilda) as well as a 4* Special Summon four times (Hinoka, Faye, Lucina, Hector). 5* Spring Minerva also appeared twice. Yeesh... this kind of result this early on, maybe I should learn to bow out early for once in my life... I did get +Res -Def Spring Myrrh, but you know... I had wants, and all I got was half my wants.
  21. NO, HINATA! ...you'll get blood all over the vegetables! No one likes bloody vegetables!
  22. Is that something you've said? Point still stands though. I am talking pure player control, and you still can't throw Ninja Lyn at a Raventome, bow with substancial Defense, or just generally bulky unit without expecting her to be killed, and her EP doesn't exist. Brave Ike has very few enemy units who actually scare him, and he is only weak to Hardy Bearing if the foe in question has an automatic follow-up, is sufficiently strong enough to break through double/triple Evasion boosts, and isn't color disadvantage, bonus points if the enemy is disabling enemy follow-ups via Sturdy Impact or similar (Brammimond, Legendary Lilina, both Lysitheas, again Valentine Lif), otherwise Spd Bike doesn't care. AoE Specials are weakened by Spurn, so if the trigger wasn't strong enough then Bike is still alive, if beat up (nothing that Sol or a charged Aether can't solve though). And again, they've had to release units after he received his refine just to counter him specifically. They made Deadeye just to break through %damage reduction. It's the Reinhardt story all over again. It's not like I don't agree that Evasion skills are bullshit. But they exist, they're something we have to deal with, and it's not like the tools aren't there. Hell, Ninja Lyn is a solid Evasion skill counter just because of how fast she is.
  23. No, Ninja Lyn didn't ruin the game. Brave Ike did. Ninja Lyn can easily be countered. By 3*/4* summons no less. Brave Ike coudn't be countered without the devs literally releasing a seasonal premium unit who said F your damage reduction and F your HP recovery. Ninja Lyn is still vulnerable to being hit with a strong attack. Brave Ike can sustain himself, and he can massacre as long as a refined Brave Lucina (or unit with Infantry Breath) is nearby. Ninja Lyn is just a fast Brave unit. One of the best yes, but still just a fast Brave. Brave Ike is what Brave Edelgard wanted to be.
  24. Thing about Harmonic skills is that you have one chance to use them (or two with the AR-O structure) and that's it. I suppose it's easier to justify using it with Myrrh/Nah though, since it's highly unlikely that the enemy team will be running more than one or two bows. The most popular Bow units, that I can recall anyway, don't have a way to fully pre-charge Deadeye either. I think a Slaying Bow, Time's Pulse, and Quickened Pulse would be enough to put such on any unit you'd like, or replacing Slaying Bow with L!Hector to have Deadeye on a unit wielding a non-slaying Prf. Leif probably can between S Drink, Quickened Pulse, and his Brave unit status giving him two hits, but people prefer keeping Njorun's Zeal on him.
  25. Hm... Myrrh looks very familiar... Oh wait, it's because she looks very similar to Halloween Robin, minus a few key components that made me interested in building on Robin. (built-in Iotes Shield, massive Res drop that made running Dragon Wall worth it, Special trigger HP regen) I'll probably try to get her (as well as Severa because why the hell would I not, look at her), but largely just to give my Robin the Atk/Res Rein she wants. Depends on how much Res she has to offer, I suppose. Her past two incarnations have had 31 and 32 Res each, so she should be able to run with Dragon Wall decently well when combined with Atk/Res Rein. Being colorless may make her an ideal tank in that regard, but she does still have to get around the fact that she lacks Flier effectiveness immunity naturally, and running Dragon Wall will mean she also gives up her automatic follow-up, creating a scenario where she can either take the follow-up or Iotes Shield...
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