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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Did I give my opinion on this topic already? I feel like I did. I'm gonna repeat my opinion.
  2. It's been a good while since the Fodlan Braves were released, I have Edelgard and Dimitri (with Dimitri being +Def +1merge), and I'm one full summon away from getting the second, and at this point last, sparking before the banner ends in a week. Quick question, now that we know what they're all about, between Claude and Lysithea who would be best to get for my last sparking? Both I understand have their advantages, disadvantages, and fans, but assume that I will never summon a Fodlan Brave again: who would I rather have on my side?
  3. Okay don't ask how I did this, but I accidentally bought enough orbs (while trying to figure something out) to do a few extra summons on the Legendary Banner, and within four total sessions (two last night, two just now) I got +Res -Def Legendary Corrin. ...well, I'm not complaining about my ability to get a Legendary/Mythic in a reasonable time frame, but... actually yeah I am, what the hell game? Do you just know I'm generally pretty meh about most of your Legendaries and Mythics, so you give me them out of some form of pity, since you also generally don't give me the right trait combinations? Don't think I forgot that bullcrap you pulled on the Pirate banner! ...bah whatever. Still won't publicly admit to thinking Corrin is kinda cute
  4. That actually might not be wishful thinking if you assume their plans for a Genealogy remake are massive. Genealogy could be remade featuring the tales of Sigurd, Seliph, and Leif plus a lot of additional new content that all wouldn't be possible on a 3DS (Genealogy and Thracia together would have a very large number of characters, maps, items, and conversations when combined even before anything new is added), so they were waiting for a console that was both strong enough to support a Genealogy remake and did not fail badly enough that they had to rerelease most/all of its exclusive titles on its successor. Three Houses shares a few mechanics and themes to Genealogy and Thracia (not exact duplicates of course), but assuming every new FE is working to top the last one, Genealogy would easily trump the vast landscapes and close look at the scope of the battlefield that TH established. An opportunity like that, I assume anyway, would not want to be passed over. ...course it could also be wishful thinking that a Genealogy remake would be massive. I do wonder how offended people would be if Reinhardt doesn't get to be anymore important than he was in the original...
  5. Slightly rambly, sorry but my mind went places. Also I kept calling Negating Fang Nullifying Breath... for some reason, I don't know why. It's very likely she'll have high Speed, I'll even put money on her having either a Superasset in Spd or a Superflaw but a real high Lv40 base. Every other Corrin in the game, LITERALLY every other Corrin regardless of sex, has always had either good or amazing Speed. Her problem stat might end up being Res, like almost always. Outside of Dragon effectiveness, and even then her stats might give them some struggle if she winds up getting good Def, not a whole lot will be able to break through an invested LegCorrin... except LegJulia. Literally no dragons will ever be able to survive her without Dragon effectiveness nullification...
  6. Mark'll be a Mythic, because they are so shrouded in mystery that they are almost a mirage, even less of an existence than Brammimond (who I still think is reflecting Marks appearance), an enigma all of their own...
  7. Not to say that this Legendary Heroes banner is underwhelming, but Corrin came at a real bad time. These CYL units are among the best units in the game and people certainly wanted them (though I'm still not sure why that George guy or whatever his name was scored high enough to be a Hero Battle unit), and Corrin from my understanding is not one of the best received FE characters. Not to mention we'll be getting the CYL2 refines soon, and they're gonna be refines to look out for. People might wanna save their orbs for the CYL2 revival banner if they turn out to be amazing. Although, how to put this lightly... Corrin makes Fjorm completely and utterly useless. Pretty much the same role of tanking damage from any range and returning favor with strong retaliation attacks, but Corrin taking Distant Counter instead of a Bond means her weapon doesn't have to have watered down effects just to carry Distant Counter, and yes that is considering that DC weapons these days are allowed to have powerful effects. Admit it, if she had a DC weapon there would not have been enough room for Slaying effect AND that Spectrum boost (which simulates the Bond that Fjorm had). Negating Breath is just Ice Mirror but better because it works at ALL ranges and doesn't rely on the absorbed damage for a damage boost. Hell, Corrin even has the direct upgrade of Drive Atk. The only way she could have made Fjorm even worse is if she also had a Shield Pulse 4 somehow. The only true problem is that Corrin has a dragon weakness, but that's a hell of a better problem than her weakness being every Green melee unit and also real strong Green mages. ...hm. That Alm resplendent came at a funny time... he basically neutralizes Corrins greatest form of defense if she isn't carrying Deflect Melee... ANYWAY I'm not sure what I wanna do. CYL won't be going anywhere anytime soon at least. Based on what I've seen, I am now scared to admit to thinking Corrin is kinda cute Didn't localization remove many more Smash references in translations? Even though Smash was arguably the big driving force behind not-Japan even getting any Fire Emblems at all, so should probably at least get something like the occasional "hey not to make this awkward Roy, but didn't I take your spot in Brawl that one time?"
  8. Actually I think I'm on the Edelgard train to. Generally speaking supporting Reds sucks because they're the most common color to get from the random support unit, while Greens and Colorless seem to be quite a bit rarer. Blue is... kinda just in the middle. ANYWAY, I don't have many problems with Dimitri, but Edelgard is the less common color between the two units I was thinking of supporting. Ima support with my... hm... actually, I don't think I've given Wrys the time of day yet... yeah sure why not? Maybe he'll confuse some people real good.
  9. I... don't know who I'll be joining yet, but I have the weird feeling that none of the Fallen heroes will be getting past round one... Well it's either Edelgard or Dimitri for me, since they're the only Fodlan Braves I've summoned so far. Maybe that'll change by the time the gauntlet starts, assuming I somehow manage to summon Claude or Lysithea.
  10. I went into the Special Heroes banner targeting Green and Colorless. Green had two units I don't have at all, while Colorless has one unit who is the strongest colorless archer to not have a Prf weapon, and one absolute dud that I wouldn't even spend divine codes to get a book of. End result, I got +Res -HP Spring Fir using all free orbs plus 3 from the $2usd pack cause may as well see the rest of the circle. I'm not sure if I wanna use her to a strong extent yet, but I now have no reason to care about what terrible trait combo she has cause that update is in like 14 days at most. And hey, technically neutral for her offensive needs, can use Windsweep and probably get good use out of it for all my Blue armor-maiming needs. I'm just glad I'm slowly recovering from my extreme session of no luck...
  11. ...oh god, and knowing intsys those people aren't even close to the last possible Resplendents, if freaking Olwen has anything to say on the matter...
  12. ...ah, forgot there was supposed to be a new Resplendent announced. I only remembered when I logged into the game and got Eirika. ...oh dear. Alm gives me a grab bag of feelings. On the one hand, yay one of my earliest and still oft used +10 units is getting a spotlight and boost! On the other, the fact is that I already +10ed him, and I have very few units who want Windsweep right now. Maybe one of the base Byleths, but otherwise I'll just have an Alm book gathering mold. In my head, there are now 8 Red Resplendent heroes out of the currently existing 15 (counting Alm), and 6 of them are Swords. I know we had an overabundance of Swords in the early days of Feh, but come on. And in my wallet... well, there goes another ten dollars...
  13. He should count himself lucky it wasn't Lucius. You NEVER want to upset a healer of all people...
  14. Well on the down side, I now feel a little dumb using my Sparking to get Brave Dimitri. On the other hand, I summoned Brave Dimitri +Def -Spd. Usually the ideal traits for a defensive tank, but A. Dimitri actually has alright Spd, and B I used my Sparking on Dimitri, so the flaw didn't matter for crap. I'm just kinda bummed I don't have any Brave Dimitri books in case Atk/Def Unity turns out to be the next best thing since the wheel. Now I have a Brave Dimitri with 45 Defense base. Once he gets the boosts going, gonna be real hard to damage this boar.
  15. Well OBVIOUSLY when left to her own devises, Peri would be a little sweetie and go prepare a nice, juicy steak dinner for all her friends using the freshest of meats! And afterwards, she would cool off with a nice warm bath, drawn from the finest man-made springs! Wow, I can't believe some people would doubt such a sweet girl...
  16. I hope this marks a turning point for Three Houses Forging Bonds where they're done phoning in on the supports and actually making them interesting. Because these were actually interesting. The only thing that bothers me is that despite her claims, Edelgard was only shown talking to Lissa about the brands deal, even though she mentioned talking to other branded (Alm and Celica, specifically). Not to say I didn't like her talks with Lissa, but... I dunno, feels like there's something she learned from other branded that we could have, you know, actually seen?
  17. Ever since my Legendary Leif became +Atk, I remembered that I like Brave Bows. ...I don't remember why he has Drive Res...
  18. So. Groom Hinata is my next Grail merge project (currently at +1 with 6 Groom Hinata books waiting for promotion, waiting to buy the last 3 books). I think his default weapon will be perfectly good for him (+4 Atk/Def in combat and Special Charge +1 per foes attack when he has a bonus), and I plan to have him adjacent to Delthea at all times (she'd be carrying her default Dark Aura, so Hinata always has +6 Atk). I wanna ask for some input for some of my plans with him... For his Special, I was thinking either Moonbow or Glimmer since he would always have his special ready in one counterattack (assuming no Guard effects), but at his level of Defense Bonfire and Ignis would be so much more frightening, if not always available due to their longer charge times. Ideas? Hinata will have Distant Counter, but I don't know what to do for his B slot. I originally thought Quick Riposte, but I don't think he'd need it if he runs a 2 charge special. Any ideas? I have a Forsyth book to use as Joint Fortify Def fodder Hinata could take for an extra +5 Def to improve his bulk further, but I wanna make sure that no one else would potentially want to use Forsyth as fodder? I originally thought Sorcery Blade for his Sacred Seal since he'd always be next to Delthea, the mage he needs to trigger it, but I wanted to hear if there would be any other seals he might like? What about Delthea? Dark Aura already supplies +6 Atk to Hinata, but what other skills could she take to help bolster Hinata's combat abilities, and what could she do in case she is suddenly thrown into combat? She is currently +Spd by the way. Since it'll be coming to us soon, what asset would Hinata like between Atk and Def? Neither are potential superassets or superflaws.
  19. Okay so I'm not convinced the actual focus heroes are gonna appear to me via actual summoning in this banner, given I summoned Loki, Petra (who's new), and Forsyth in the first 45 summons. Petra and Forsyth need to swap their assets and flaws (+Res -Atk on Petra, +Spd -Def on Forsyth), while Loki is more or less wasted on me. I think I might actually not merge Forsyth in favor of giving Joint Hone Def to Groom Hinata, my next grail merge project. But more importantly, why the hell did this game think I needed 3 Blue orbs in every summoning session I did?
  20. 45 Atk... if she starts with 15 Atk, she has a superasset to 49 Atk, but if she has less than she will have a superflaw to 41, but still able to hit 48 Atk... This game sometimes...
  21. At least compared to more recent games where A. you can actually tell what everyone looks like in-game because it's not a pixely mess and characters aren't limited to headshots, and B. the design of most characters and armor aren't limited to either artbooks or an old trading card game where it turns out most armor looks pretty average. I suppose Awakening was good for the time, and some designs still stick out to me to this day (I wouldn't still like Nowi and Nah if they didn't age well for instance (heheh)), but Fates almost immediately trumped it in almost every artistic regard, and now I don't really remember some art choices from Awakening all that well... at least until they return to Heroes.
  22. Heh, this has been and probably will continue to be an entertaining read for me. Personal opinion, whatever, there's only like one FEH artist I don't like, and that's whoever did Rhajat and Spring Loki. Though I have to ask... how did the topic of breast armor effectiveness even get brought up? I thought we were talking about who the best freebie pick was?
  23. I been thinking about my Traits to... I got a lot to think about though... among my 5* +10 Heroes, ergo those who I am not motivated to summon ever again... Mia is +Atk Spring Palla is +Spd Santa Ephraim is +Def Brave Ike is +Atk Yune is +Atk While none of these are particularly bad, Mia would appreciate the extra Spd, Palla and Ephraim were only +10ed cause I couldn't summon +Atk on either of them before hitting the 11th summon so I just took the next best result on both, Brave Ike is now wanting to be as fast as possible, and Yune... well, she might just appreciate the little extra Res boost for inflicting her stat penalties. She has a good amount of Atk as-is. Although among the Grail units I own... I'm not sure if I need to fix Clive. He's alright as-is. Naesala would appreciate the extra Spd more than the one extra Atk and HP. Legion would love the extra Spd. Man, never expected him to get such a good axe when I +10ed him all that time ago on a crazed whim... Walhart I'm still deciding between Atk and Def. Did I ever mention I'm working toward getting Groom Hinata to +10 now? Cause I am. I think giving him +Def would be fun... And that's just my 5* +10s, there's a number of other heroes I could change the traits of if I thought I would never summon them again, such as my +HP -Res Hel or +Def -Res Lysithea...
  24. Attack. Speed. Whatever Lucina wants really, there won''t be any true difference between them any longer after all.
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