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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Now see, what other teacher would not only give you a solid education and sometimes-solid answers to legitimate (er... sometimes legitimate?) questions, but also spontaneously invite you to tea parties where they always pick the right flavor of tea and know exactly what to say? And let's not forget shoving just so many flowers, random junk you like, and crap you lost that was found in the exact spot you were standing in a month ago into your arms! . . . . . . . . .and let's not forget badonkahonkers!
  2. >I legit didn't even notice Spendthrift Bow was inheritable until I saw people talking about it as if it could be passed around, which it can. If you ask me, anyone who can take advantage of skills like Infantry Breath or Special Refined Geirskogul will be able to use it on EP, and most Armors should be able to utilize it well. Midori herself is in a slower, more defensive class from Fates, and she herself wasn't quite blessed with all of Kaze's Speed, so she will be a more defensive bow user... >Heh, I see Rinkah's personal skill in there... having such a powerful effect if she's down even one HP, let alone if the enemy initiates combat, is good. Even if she drops Distant Foil, the many other skills at her infantry disposal should prove fruitful in the long-run. >We didn't even need to look at Forrest to know he'd be the demote, the Feh Channel showed such quite explicitely. But hey, Fortress Res and Res Ploy in the 4* pool, I'll take it. >Lilith's Support Bond Guidance looks nasty. Imagine it, you can bond her with someone defensive, throw them into the fray, and once they're all not worn out at all a phase later, she can come in and nuke any 2-range idiots like nothing. And then there's Joint Drive Atk... the Drive that took Echidna to get into the 4* pool, and now it's in a Tier 4 skill. Quite frankly, looks useful. >I'd legit skip Iago's GHB if it didn't mean missing out on a free unit and feathers...
  3. Okay first off, that's a little more than powercreeping... more like annihilating all other daggers from the face of all tier lists. Second... y'all do know we're talking about a little bear lolipop, right?
  4. ...if we were talking about literally anyone else I would call bull on you, but on the other hand, as well as the current hand, Manga Kiran sounds just dumb enough to wanna do something like that...
  5. Ah crap I'm still on Palla's team! I mean uh... hm, no way I'm digging myself out of this hole is there, the way I'm treating this girl that I'm not just supporting, but that I +10ed... ...so uh, anyone with not-Red leads, my FC is in my sig! My current lead is Virion, and boy oh boy does he have HP for days!
  6. Question about Bramimond. If Bramimond appears as a sort of reflection of each individual person to each individual, how is it that we as the player hear the voice of Eliwood, Lyn, Hector, and Alfonse quickly alternating between one another while continuously seeing the body of a person who has never even been summoned, let alone not being a reflection of the summoner?
  7. Oh I did. I think... I removed the Tiki already, not sure if I got around to the other two...
  8. If it wasn't A!Tiki, it was Black Knight, and if not Black Knight it was Soleil, and if not her it went right back to A!Tiki. THE SAME THREE REDS. SAME THREE. RED. Like the color of Minerva's teeth after a hearty meal.
  9. Okay... okay... I don't know who you all are, but if I find the people who are on team Palla and have a Red as the lead unit... well, I can't speak for myself, but if I happen to shoot Breidablik and Cherche pops out, I am not responsible for any wyvern-related casualties...
  10. ...ah goddamnit, it just now occurred to me that Colorless Tomes don't have a Valor skill... Sigh... not that big a deal, but I am NOT looking forward to having to put C. Tome Valor onto a Colorless Tome Dancer, assuming Colorless tomes become big enough a thing.
  11. Blaze it 🙂 First off, the new Feh voice... I don't wanna defend the old VA, TBH I did actually like her as Feh, but it was a VERY noticable chance and I can't say it was easy to watch the Feh Channel without expecting that high-pitched voice to happen and then it just not happening. But now that I know it's Sothis' VA... huh. Feh is a Progenitor God I guess. ~The free main char summon looks plain bad for Red... Blue is alright, Green is alright, and Colorless is literally just Sothe and Nanna, two 4* summons. I'll be going for Blue since there's a small chance for Tsubasa. ~We finally gets pantsless Marth... and they give him long underwear tights... betrayed... ~OH FINALLY THEY DROPPED THEM. ~I don't know how to feel about the free unit thing. On the one hand it's awesome if you're like me and you just want the unit to say you have them, but 40 summons, assuming you do nothing but full summons, is a total of 8 full summons, aka 160 orbs total. While it does get lowered to 135 thanks to free summons, that's still too many orbs for a free player to get together without hording before the banner ends, and without clairvoyance of future banners it just becomes a game of waiting. ...thinking about it, this feature will be added to the Brave banner, so assuming we still get the free Brave hero we can get 2 free Brave heroes if we just save the orbs up. Overall... eh. Some good news, some news I'm not that excited about, and some news I'm eh about. Pretty standard for a Feh Channel these days, thinking about it... I legit bred Ryoma with Oboro and made Shiro into a Vanguard because Ike 🙂
  12. Coulda cheesed the 8-bit, but I instead decided, in the spirit of the whole Retrospective name, to use a unit that everyone perceived as the worst in the beginning... Odin. But of course mine is +10 so his status is... better than some others.
  13. Please... I'm begging ya on my knees, no one, not even I, knew how badly I wanted this until now... please please please... PLEASE... Replace the summoning theme with some guy singing it? Doesn't even need to be anyone important, just grab Felix from IT, have him sing a few "do-dodos" and mixtape it into a summoning theme!
  14. D... d... du... dude... this was my free summon... The last time this happened, aside from the Asset/Flaw at least, was on Christmas day last year with Legendary Celica.
  15. Uhh, why does 8-bit Kiran get 2,020 orbs??? Seriously, that's, like, a TON of full summons.
  16. I will say, the purple energy around him gives me the impression of a Fallen Hero... I know that's not what they're going for, but we gotta be getting a new FH banner at some point, right...?
  17. By the way, if you'd like to know the Sword Flier Bramimond is fighting is from Book 4: Chapter 4: Part 3: Ilian Determination. All the map details I can see match perfectly with that map. She have 37 Res and no other enemies on the map have a way to boost Res. Bramimond gains an extra 5 Atk/Def/Res if the enemy has higher than 50 Atk, which this Sword Flier does not have. She does, however, have higher than 35 Spd, giving them a follow-up attack. For the purposes of calculations, let's assume she is not penalized, since Bram does not have a natural form of debuffing and the allies typically used in these videos, the Askr Trio, do not have any means of debuffing either. Bram gets an additional +7 Atk from Atk/Def Push. They are also doing an extra 3 damage from Lull Atk/Res. Finally, Void Tome gives +3 Atk. If our generic Sword Flier girl has 37 Res, lowered down to 34 thanks to the Lull, then Bramimond should have done 64 Damage to a foe with 0 Res. Take off 7 from A/D Push and we have 57 Atk. Chop off all Might gained from the weapon and we are down to... 40 Atk? If I'm wrong, feel free to pelt me with baseballs.
  18. ...have you ever heard of "first impressions?" If this is the first time @Anacybele has seen Bramimond, then obviously they aren't going to know that. And the average person (that does not mean you or people like you) is not going to see this new thing and look up who they are, they're going to give an opinion right there and then. Yes, even on the internet. Even when we have a tool as convenient as google right there, we will do so subconsciously much to not use it.
  19. First Colorless Tome! In combat (I assume when he is in combat), all enemy skills are disabled except the skills of the enemy in combat... I take that to mean Spurs, Drives, Infantry skills, and the such will do nothing? They are also made specifically to target any unit with the standard offensive unit stat spread (or anyone who is penalized)... even those with less than 50 Atk (Subaki, Selena, Felicia, etc.) aren't safe because they have higher than 35 Spd... also penalties, cause if they're already down don't forget to kick them in the nads. Interesting unit, do I know if I wanna summon for him though...? Not like Bramimond themselves are bad, but I don't like the looks of the REST of the banner... Colorless alone has two units I could care less about (when have I ever even used FemGrima? And I just don't like Camilla plain and simple). Blue contains one unit I've +10ed already and have no need to get fodder of, and two units we've all received for free (and I don't feel a strong need to merge up). Red... eh. Not saying they're bad units, but I'm not invested in any of them (and we all just got a free Altina so double whammy there). Green would probably be the most interesting to me, just cause my Thrasir has a bad Asset and I don't have Mamori, but I don't really need to summon any Micaiahs when I don't really use her anyway. ...eh. Kind of a hard pass here... like, REAL hard... ...it's also just occurring to me... is Bramimond wearing the colors of the Blazing Blade avatar?
  20. I been waiting for a stupid Legendary/Mythic Hero announcement the last two days, this hero better be worth me waiting to summon more from the Spring Banner...
  21. You are probably jacked on a lot of sugar right now, but I LIKE the enthusiasm and ideas! Eliwood can give Bonus Doubler status, no reason other Legendary/Mythic heroes can't give other statuses. I mean, probably not as a Drive, but Eliwood just gives BD to the highest Atk unit, if other units could give similar statuses then someone could very well have Bonus Doubler, Bladetome, and Brave status at the same time. Not even Brave Ike could live through that kind of nuking, and he can take a LOT of punishment.
  22. Dangit XRay it's just a new weapon + refine, not a new premium unit! ...though when you bring it up, the idea of granting an ally unit Brave Attack or Bladetome status would be interesting...
  23. I utterly spoil the units I +10, it was only fitting~ And yeah, maybe it's not fair for me to say it since I built her, but she looks awesome. @LordFrigid@Landmaster Sturdy Stance 3 would probably be great on her to. Since Intsys seem to like making new and more frightening Colorless Bows every other banner, the extra Def would probably be appreciated more than the extra Res, at least until we find out exactly how frightening Colorless Tomes can be. Just my two cents, you do you of course.
  24. Nope. Nopenopenopenopenope. I cannot accept this. Not one bit. Gaius would NEVER waste candy like this! ...anyway, this is a decent batch of refine units. Once again one of the units is a unit that I've +10ed (in this case Anamnesis Lady Eirika), and once again one of the units is a Veteran. What worries me is that unlike Jagen who has a solid niche as one of the highest Res Blue Cavs in the game, Gunter can be said to be a worse Frederick. Freddy, on the other hand, has a fairly straightforward refine overall (Armor effectiveness and DB3) largely because of his base weapon, while Gunter was given a Silver Axe, so like Jagen he has free reign to any number of potentially deadly effects... Course the only unit I'm really interested in seeing is Eirika, so don't mind me if, come a week or two, I'm very judgemental of everyones refines except hers.
  25. Who knew giving her a Resplendent outfit would be enough to convince me to gather every free bundle of feathers I could, release so much useless skill fodder, and trick her out with not just a Dancing Xander but also a Hubert? Here's hoping no other 4* units I kinda like get the Res treatment...
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