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Everything posted by Tolvir

  1. Poorly written I understand. I was just curious where the molesting and harassment accusations came from as it sounded pretty extreme. perosnally I found a lot of SoV’s supports to be poorly written, for similar reasons as the Gray and Claire one. There’s no substance or build up. Whatever occurs at the end just happens. They were worst than Fates imo, at least Fates had them in different settings and even the worst ones offered something new for one of the characters. That’s not to say all of SoV’s were bad....but I honestly can’t remember 90% of them.
  2. Yeah its not impossible at all. But all version updates so far have seemingly been on a schedule. This latest update on the 9th being on the same exact time as last year's update before 2.0, there was another lining up exactly in June, etc. There are more updates this year than last year though, so there are a few that dont line up. And again, its definitely not impossible they move 3.0 up. Especially since last year's rather dry wait between the last update and 2.0 was probably a common complaint they might try to address.
  3. Ok, you mind giving me the link to this or explaining this one.
  4. I doubt we get another Farfetched banner, but again. If its going to happen, its likely the November banner. Reason being is sometime in November we will be getting a FEH Channel to bring in Version 3.0. Considering dates have been on the exact time as last year, I dont think we will see a FEH Channel until the same time as last year with 3.0 on the 28th, but they could move it up some and we get a FEH Channel early November with a 3.0 launch around the 20th instead.
  5. Im going to be honest, I dont see Farfetched Heroes 2 happening this year. Between one of the top units, and keep in mind the top 20 this year is much more limited than last year, is a beast unit which I dont see us just getting dropped in a random banner, it only leaves 3, and Forging Bonds is right there. So I honestly dont see Farfetched happening myself. As for beast units, I honestly think that will happen with Book 3, like Legendary Heroes started with Book 2. It would be an important enough introduction to warrant covering it in a FEH channel, and introducing it in a big version update like 3.0. And as for when that will happen, all of our version updates this year have lined up almost exactly with last year. This latest version update for example happening on the 9th, same time as last year. This update last year was also the final update before 2.0 on the 28th of November, so I dont expect much to change there. As to what these two banners could be, Im not going to guess on the Nov 9th banner, too far out to really tell. But if I had to guess on the next Oct Banner, either Genealogy or Thracia. Considering GC starts a day or two before it and the datamined map for it was the Thracian Peninsula. So its either Genealogy or Thracia, probably Thracia. Meaning whatever the next GHB is, will probably be Thracia as well. (Meaning Jugdral as a whole will have the strongest hold on the GHB front, with 5 total GHBs from Jugdral. 4 from this year alone.)
  6. That’s what I’ve seen. Im not sure how true, but probably tbh. And what I saw stat wise, he seems busted. 49/41/25/37/21
  7. Looks like Dorcas might be busted af for a freebie. Saw something saying 49/41/low speed don’t remember/37/21. If it’s true, he will be great. Supposedly an armor as well.
  8. Np. I love that he’s dressed as a Minotaur. I wasn’t expecting it at all but it’s great.
  9. Good idea. Didnt think of that. More orbs before the banner would be nice.
  10. Ok good to know. I’ve got Reinhardt set up with it so that’s perfect
  11. Has the event actually started yet?
  12. The big one for me is out of the battlefield. Putting it on the battlefield severely limits what the supports can cover and contain. Just take a look at the way SoV was, most supports of them just talking, and then Fates where it had the characters doing various things of their day to day lives. Training, cooking, etc. let’s you learn a bit more about the characters themselves. Limited supports, but not SoV limited. The fact that some characters only got 1 or even 0 if you didn’t choose the right characters was entirely ridiculous. Looking at Genny and Silque as the most screwed over there. So there needs to be a balance. A decent mix of ones that make sense and then some supports between characters that might not normally interact would be nice too. Sticking a character into a hole by having them support only people that they know or are like isn’t a good thing. I would like S Supports to return myself. I think they are fine, most JRPGs have similar mechanics to some extent, so it’s not a bad idea to keep around. Despite what a few reviewers or outsiders of the series might say about the entire shipping scene. They can also extend the A+ Support idea from Fates to give a few platonic endings as well, whether it be between friends or siblings, something not always having to do with getting married and being in a romantic relationship.
  13. I loved last years Christmas Banner, but I may as well have skipped it because after 400 or so orbs I didnt get a single one. Part of the reason I went into a saving frenzy. Of course when they were rerun on a leg banner, I still didnt get them. I think the banner is cursed. I mean, I see people wear all kinds of non "scary" costumes all the time. Go to your typical Halloween party, I would say at least half the people there wouldnt be wearing a "Halloween" costume if you describe it as monsters and scary stuff only. I get part of the issue was that Fates had Maids and Butlers as a class, but keep in mind Kagero is Hoshidan, not Nohrian. Dressing as a maid would count as a costume for them because Maids/Butlers arent their thing, its something foreign to them.
  14. That’s my opinion overall with FeH. If it’s a unit I don’t care much about, I can just save the orbs for when one I do like comes up. I’m up to 810 orbs by just....not worrying about most banners and only going for what I like or want. And yeah, it’s definitely a vocal minority, it’s just a very vocal minority when it comes to the fandom lol.
  15. I find it funny last year people were complaining about the lack of armors. And this year, we get armors including seasonal armors. And we start bitching. Congratulations FE fandom, you did it again. I’m glad we have been getting some seasonal armors. We’ve been getting a decent mix of units with seasonals in general. Cavalry, fliers, infantry, armors. All with unique combinations we will never really see with normal units. Makes it fun for team builds and all that. As for Kagero not being “Halloween” themed. What says she isn’t? Halloween costumes aren’t just the a typical vampire, zombie, witch, mummy, etc. People wear a lot of different costumes to parties. And considering she is hammered, that’s probably where she is at. Also kind of explains why she is an armor. She’s drunk af.
  16. That’s a good choice at least. Michael is great. I find Felicia and Oboro interesting, but it’s really difficult to tell based on what little we have.
  17. Everyone’s thinking that’s horns on the left one, but part of that is just the hat from the one on the right. And the rest seems to just be hair, considering it’s damaged art. As to who it is, who knows. Could be Camilla, I doubt it personally. Could also be Lucius or Libra. Maybe Azura. Who knows. I don’t think it’s camilla though, I don’t see the horns. The right one is really weird. They look rather “small” so it could be one of the “Lolis”, or it could just be the artists way of designing the character and it’s someone else. Keep in mind we also have 2 more not in this image, so don’t go calling the world is ending when we don’t even know half the banner, let alone what these two are. Often times all of the guesses are completely wrong anyway.
  18. Nah I fully agree, an air of charisma around the villain, a reason for them to be intimidating, etc is better than the bland Saturday Morning Cartoon villains. Hell, in a way thats an insult to some of the Saturday Morning Cartoon villains that did achieve that. Take Handsome Jack for example from Borderlands 2. He was a complete PoS evil villain, yet he was entertaining and charismatic because of the way he dealt with the "heroes" of the game. Or The Lich King from Warcraft who was intimidating and scary to deal with, any encounter outside of the last raid with him was an unwinnable scenario that forced you to run.
  19. Close Counter. Its not as problematic as Distant Counter as much less ranged units can truly put it to good use, but would be nice to have available for builds for ranged units. Desperation seal. This way I can run 2 Desperation Brash Assault builds.
  20. People at least just want to see a motivation I think. I personally dont mind a purely evil villain, it works in the fantasy setting often times, and can be more interesting than constantly going with the "relateable" villain type. Especially if we are talking the more supernatural side of villains, where it just wouldnt make sense for them to be relateable. But at the same time I can understand where people took issue with Garon for example, where we were told so many mixed things about him and he himself was cartoonishly evil. Surtr is a bit different, I honestly wasnt expecting anything great from the FEH story villain wise, as it has much less time to really tell a story compared to the other FE games, and doesnt have as much of an ending either. So I dont mind that hes just the kicking puppies, eating children levels of evil. Not every villain needs all kinds of layers of depth to them.
  21. When was this confirmed? Sounds a bit odd to be confirmed so early.
  22. It goes in and out. Ive been disinterested in FE for several months outside of FEH, and now getting that itch to play Tellius again. It happens with any series really. Play something else for a while, do something else for a while, take a break. You will eventually get back into it. You dont have to play 24/7 in order to be a fan and only be dedicated to FE.
  23. By your own statement, yes, they keep them rare. Which is my entire point, colored bows and daggers wont be common, they will happen from time to time but wont be every new dagger and bow we get. It takes some heat off of the colorless pool by not every single "colorless" weapon type being thrown in now, which was a lot. Colorless Hell's issue was being overbloated with units, especially ones that sucked, but overall by just having too many at 5*s added in. Now we get less overall in the pool, but what we have been getting is good, which has made colorless much more desirable to go into. So it has helped colorless, by giving us more decent colorless, and less colorless being shoved in all the time causing the pool to be flooded. Now bows and daggers can be added elsewhere as well. This is really a big jump to conclusions you are making here.
  24. All the colored options have been Leg heroes so far, characters not even in the General pool and obviously meant to be unique. Hinoka was the last colorless bow, sure, but we also havent received a non seasonal/legendary archer since then so there is no way to tell. This is actually the first time we are even getting a colored dagger in the general pool, since the first time we saw them were seasonals, which dont go by normal unit standards. We have been getting flying tomes and dagger cavalry and flying daggers, doesnt mean thats the new norm does it? We still get infantry tomes, infantry dancers, daggers, etc. Just because its something new they are putting out doesnt mean we are not getting any of the old. We have been getting the older types of units despite there obviously being new character types introduced. This is a stupid jump to conclusions/assumption being made on one single general pool banner. That we havent even got revealed yet, we dont even know she is a dagger, despite it being very likely. Colorless isnt going anywhere, and its made great steps in the right direction this year. The introduction of colored daggers and bows has done nothing to hurt it or the game, other than add more variation to the character list. Which is apparently a bad thing now.
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