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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Also, don't use the default Paint colors; they look horrible next to FE colors. Start with either FE6/7 or FE8 colors, and then work on custom colors. If you need to adjust colors do very minor adjustments.
  2. http://gyazo.com/fda55ea277e59de1df6fef81bbc49cee Here's a [poorly made] eye reference... if you go along the lines of this they won't be so wonky. Why you used cloak colors in the eye is beyond me.
  3. You realize that this theme is hardly a personal theme considering it's just a MIDI-fied version of a song from a Sonic the Hedgehog game?
  4. The cloak shading is still bugging me and I don't know why; help someone? Hair's looking better. The top left (OPV) of his hair is kind of odd, though. A little gravity-defying/afro-like.
  5. Best: Power-Hungry Fool / Oliver's Fall (since they're the same theme except Oliver's Fall has some extra instruments) Honorable Mentions: Julius, Sorrowful Prince Pelleas, Empress Sanaki, Black Fang Worst: One Heart (Eliwood's Theme)
  6. Dat collar. He's looking a little thin--it may be the angle he's at, but the body could be widened a few.
  7. Shading's a bit chunky especially in the cloak. the lines are almost too straight--no flow to the fabric. The eyes are odd to me as well, not really sure how to best describe it. The bottom of the ear could be moved up a pixel or two, and the hair needs more definition. It's a good start, for sure.
  8. I was thinking more along the lines of this:
  9. New Raven is sexier than before. And Prissy looks slightly older, yay.
  10. Ivy's tits are bad enough in the games.
  11. I suggest you reference Sain since the angles are similar enough.
  12. Nose is very large, and his pupils take up the hole eye. Either he's possessed or baked out of his mind.
  13. I love the feather detail. Otherwise... the male halfbodies are pretty good. The females... I hope you give them free physical therapy because their poor backs ._.
  14. Smooth out the eyebrows on Jamie, and the colors on his shirt are really clashy. The face and neck shading can be improved in a few parts, but the proportions are good now.
  15. The book has existed for over a century and the musical has been running in London for 30 years. No spoilers necessary.
  16. oh god the way his legs bend when he does the jumpback. Poor Leaf will need many years of surgery and physical therapy.
  17. I'm pretty sure Lachesis dies in between Gen 1 and Thracia 776. I recall hearing that she was originally going to be a stone in 24x like Evayle briggid.
  18. I'm too lazy to type up a decent critique so I'll work on that later. For now, be sure to watch colors (FE6/7 and FE8 style colors need to be separate), and watch some angles on the splices, especially with hair. At the least you do decent proportions.
  19. I got mine out in the summer of 2009. I was drugged up on valium and didn't feel a thing. They had me on steroids after the surgery so I didn't swell up too much. I wasn't in too much pain, although I did take a few pain meds the first day. Just be sure to follow the post-surgery instructions religiously.
  20. Les Miserables hasn't been released but I'll wait on that. The Avengers and The Perks of Being a Wallflower were good 2012 films.
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