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Everything posted by Anomalocaris

  1. I'm fine with the three we got. But Gregor would make them prepare to meet maker.
  2. Well, if you've already got a full roster, the answer is obvious; pass on Tank-umi this time. Though I thought Birthright has a final deployment total of 16, not 13?
  3. I'm still just wishing for an easier way to farm Fell Blood Contracts, Dragon's Blood, Dread Scrolls, Ebon Wings, and Point Blank. Maps that make you use other units are a neat challenge but they are not conducive to farming materials.
  4. I think it's safe to assume we'll be getting them. It's just taking them a long time to translate. I appreciate that they went out of order and released Heirs of Fate here first, since that took less time, instead of making us wait until they finished the festivals. These maps are also the only way to get more Hero's Brands and Awakening Seals, so they'll definitely make their way here at some point.
  5. Break the mold and go with Fuga. He's only available on Revelations after all.
  6. Tank-umi? Or is Fujin Yumi too stronk with Ballistician?
  7. Any combination of Yukimura, Shura, and Azura - as stated, Yukimura and Shura were involved in the plot to kidnap Azura, so it's gotta be kinda awkward having them in the same army. All C-A. How about some supports using the amiibo units or bosses? If I'm not mistaken, the simulator includes those folk. - Marth and Lucina discussing their relation. C-A - Robin and Lucina discussing their previous journeys, and this new land. C-S - Anna trying to make a profit off of Marth's fame. C-A (C-S?) - Ike and Effie discussing the importance of mooskles. C-S - Haitaka and Kumagera discussing their decisions to defect to Nohr. C-A - Midori and Candace talkin' 'bout their... less than fortuitous meeting. C-A - Maybe some C-S and C-A supports for Corrin and the amiibos/bosses? I wish I knew how to actually use the simulator, but the Japanese characters makes it very difficult for me. Are they ever gonna update it with English letters and localized names?
  8. Grandmaster Yukimura. He IS the Hoshidan tactician, after all. Why not make him one in class as well?
  9. Candace forcefully reclassed to be a Faceless.
  10. I put Midori with Kiragi. That has the plus side of seeing her call him a "stupid idiot" during one of the supports, the best insult imaginable. As for her age, if we dismiss the "totally an adult" thing the localization pushes, she'd still have to be at least 13 or so since she can potentially mother Kana. Still icky, obviously, but she'd at least have to be post-puberty.
  11. I made a class chart a while back, might as well detail some of the classes I made for it. Harrier - A - B A skilled soldier who shields the front line while attacking with bows and lances. Joint promotion of Knight and Archer. Skills: Lv. 5: Sturdy Armor: -3 damage taken when attacking an enemy at range. Lv. 15: Stone Wall: Select as command to rally Defense and Resistance of allies within two spaces as well as self, but lose ability to counterattack during the Enemy Phase for that turn. Max Stats: HP: 65 Str: 36 Mag: 27 Skl: 34 Spd: 25 Lck: 34 Def: 38 Res: 32 Mov: 5 Chimera Rider - B - A - B A rider of a very unusual mount. Many weaknesses, but makes up for it with very high Str and varied attack options. Joint promotion of Wyvern Knight and the Griffon Rider I have in my chart. The chimera in question resembles a lion-like beast with dragon wings, a ram's head growing out of the right side of its neck, and a wyvern's head growing out of the left side. The wyvern's skin also continues down across the left side of its body to its tail and left hind leg, which are similarly reptilian. Somewhat larger than the other winged mounts. Skills: Lv. 5: Trainee Crusher: If the enemy's equipped weapon's rank is lower than this unit's equipped weapon's rank, -3 damage taken. Lv. 15: Aerial Predator: As a Chimera Rider, reduces incoming effective damage from other aerial units by half. (So if your Kinshi Knight comes at me with a bow, or another Chimera Rider attacks me with a Wyrmsbane, I'll only suffer double weapon might instead of triple.) Max Stats: HP: 60 Str: 37 Mag: 25 Skl: 30 Spd: 27 Def: 37 Res: 32 Mov: 8 Illusionist - B - A A ninja gifted in deception and illusionary magic. Joint promotion of Ninja and the Drifter class I created. Skills: Lv. 5: Vanish step: Avo +10 against enemies that are not at full health. Lv. 15: Illusion: Select as command once a battle to create two illusory copies of oneself, and shuffle the positions of the three randomly; the player is privy to which of them is real, but the opponent cannot distinguish between them until they attack one. Copies can move like a normal unit, but cannot attack the enemy, and are dissolved if attacked. Max Stats: HP: 55 Str: 27 Mag: 29 Skl: 32 Spd: 34 Lck: 27 Def: 29 Res: 31 Mov: 6 Those three and Bodyguard are my favorite ideas, though I think someone here already came up with a good Bodyguard class with the same weapons, no less, so I'll refrain from detailing one of those. If you see any other classes on my chart you like the sound of you can feel free to springboard off them and come up with stats and skills, I don't really have those for most of them.
  12. Obviously, what happened is that Corrin stood in one place for so long their legs atrophied, so now you need to "move more" and go through many years of intense physical therapy to get back to your normal walking distance.
  13. I got it now. Thanks very much!
  14. Thank you very much, though now that I try to connect it seems the wi-fi where I am this weekend doesn't like my 3DS. I don't suppose I could ask again in a couple of days?
  15. Lookin' for a Corrin with any combination of: Axefaire (Forgot to pick this up, don't feel like going through Berserker again) Demoiselle (For hilarity since I'm using a male Corrin on this file) Seal Resistance Shove Salvage Blow Death Blow Counter Potent Potion Quick Salve Profiteer Spendthrift Priorities are bolded, but I'd like to get all of them eventually.
  16. Honestly? I liked Robin's implementation in Awakening. They became important by the endgame, but for most of the story they just played Ishmael to Chrom's Ahab, and I feel that's a better suit for a player avatar. Every time Corrin does something stupid in Fates I'm thinking "ugh, if this person is supposed to be ME, why are they being a tool?" So if Avatars stick around next game, my ideal improvements are: Go back to being the main character's tactician rather than the de facto main character. This is a MUCH more suitable role for numerous reasons I've gone into before but don't feel like explaining again. Make them less super-speshul; perhaps keep an exclusive Tactician class, but don't give them transformative abilities and a unique weapon like Corrin has. And perhaps allow that Tactician class (or whatever it's called here) be passable via Partner Seal, to make your marriage choice more significant. This also has the side-effect of making it so that EVERY character doesn't have access to EVERY class like in Fates via Corrin marriage, which was kinda silly. No relatives or past history with the characters; another point of failure Corrin has as an avatar is that they have past ties to all the siblings (obviously), servants, king, ect. It makes me feel less like I'm playing as a representation of myself and more like I've hijacked some poor sap's body and am expected to pretend to have known all these people my whole life. They don't need to be an amnesiac hobo like Robin, either; my ideal scenario is that the player avatar is a talented but otherwise unremarkable commoner who is being trained to take over the royal tactician's job once they retire; no need for amnesia, and no past ties with anyone except the current tactician, who gets killed early on leaving the player to take the reins and prove themself. Less character-shilling. Everyone sucks/licks Corrin's variable-genitalia throughout Fates and it just feels silly and kinda uncomfortable. More customization options. Skintone would be nice. Corrin has the excuse of being explicitly Hoshidan, so it'd be weird for them to be anything other than I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Japanese, but if my previous point of no pre-existing relatives goes through then there'd be no obstacle in that regard. Also, since female Corrins get exclusive hair-dec options, maybe male avatars could complement that with exclusive facial hair options? I'm admittedly a sucker for cool facial hair, though. The "choose your avatar's secondary class" feature could totally stay, though. That was cool.
  17. Can it count across games? I didn't really hate her, but I found Severa to be an abrasive, bratty asshole in Awakening (and not in a funny way like Gangrel) and was my second-least-favorite character behind Nah. As Selena she seems considerably more mature and entertainingly dry-witted. It also helps that her new portrait looks more dynamic instead of making her look like she's permanently mid-temper-tantrum. Though I read her S-support with Corrin and it seems regressively petulant and selfish.
  18. Yeah, the video's description lists its mistakes, including that one.
  19. It seems they did record some lines that sound like they were part of the skinship mechanic. There's a few mistakes in the video, which are addressed, but most of them are definitely unused in the game. It's pretty interesting, so I thought I'd share. "Stop it."
  20. I do love when a video game has a character you're not supposed to be able to defeat retreat by whining that you're a waste of their time while they're laying flat on their back.
  21. There's not much else to say that hasn't been said. He states in his supports with a male Corrin that he is 100% comfortable with his male identity and body, he simply happens to favor interests and fashions that are traditionally considered feminine. It's the same in both the Japanese and English text. Unless I've crossed my terms, technically you are still dressing up as the other sex, since "sex" specifically refers to physical anatomy, not gender identity, but that's just getting technical with terminology.
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